Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

I saw this FANTASTIC film called The Room and it is truly the best movie I have ever seen. The characters performances were so moving that it brought me to "tears".
The Reader
Actually better than I thought it would be since a few friends said it dragged a bit in the 3rd act.
[quote name='blindinglights']Surprisingly the last movie you saw did suck?

Is it really that bad?[/QUOTE]


CG on par with Van Helsing.

Horrible acting.

The only plus is Blake Lively. :drool:
Cowboys & Aliens. It's great for being so inane - and fairly accurate, as Westerns go (not the aliens, of course). At any rate, it replaced Scorpion King as top dog for me in the escapism stupid entertainment category.

I'm not a carey fan and I didn't have any real expectations. being buzzed helped too. I guess it was good. I made it through the whole thing. I suspect my best friend was trying to tell me something more than just recommend this movie... :\
Harry Potter 1 & 2 (I'll be damned if I type out the full names)

I'm not a fan of HP to say the least, never have been never will.
But I was presented a challenge last night, and challenge in which I must watch all the HP movies and Lord of the Rings (Extended cuts only) movies by Monday.

My body is ready.
Good luck at Harry Potter if you are not a fan. I was able to down some of the movies by seeing them far apart (I only saw 4 of them) but I would go crazy if I had to go through the entire series in a week.
LOTR was so baller. I respect HP but I have to say the characters are ass. The kid literally has no personality to him other than whining and asking questions, and Hermoine, Ron, and Malfoy are archetypes that any child would put together if they were to think of their own novel. I read most of the books as a kid, but no surprise that I eventually stopped when they started to take themselves too seriously.

If anything, in the later movies, the new director really shows he has a knack for fantasy art direction. A lot of stuff in those movies is just badass to watch.
[quote name='panzerfaust']
If anything, in the later movies, the new director really shows he has a knack for fantasy art direction. A lot of stuff in those movies is just badass to watch.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it seems like Pan's Labyrinth kinda changed the art style for fantasy movies to something that naturally fits Harry Potter well.

I liked all the Harry Potter movies. Kids movies tend to suck so bad these days, but the HP movies reminded me of the "darker" shit I watched when I was a kid, like The Secret of NIMH (fucking LOVED that movie).
Star Wars Episode II-Attack of the Clones.

Got stalled for while in working my way through the series on Bluray.

Like Episode 1, I liked this one more after having not seen it for several years. It's better than the first for sure. Hampered by Christensen's stiff acting and some terrible dialogue in the love story plot line, but otherwise it's pretty solid. I like the political stuff with playing both sides in the war, Palpatine coming to power etc. Love scene at the end with all the clone troops marching, star destroyers taking off and the Imperial March playing.

I'm still of the opinion that Lucas should have condensed the plots of Episodes 1 and 2 into one movie and had two movies to focus on the clone wars, Anankin's fall and the rise of Vader/the Empire.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Star Wars Episode II-Attack of the Clones.

Got stalled for while in working my way through the series on Bluray.

Like Episode 1, I liked this one more after having not seen it for several years. It's better than the first for sure. Hampered by Christensen's stiff acting and some terrible dialogue in the love story plot line, but otherwise it's pretty solid. I like the political stuff with playing both sides in the war, Palpatine coming to power etc. Love scene at the end with all the clone troops marching, star destroyers taking off and the Imperial March playing.

I'm still of the opinion that Lucas should have condensed the plots of Episodes 1 and 2 into one movie and had two movies to focus on the clone wars, Anankin's fall and the rise of Vader/the Empire.[/QUOTE]

on top of that jango and darth maul both died too soon and too easily.
Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

Only got one movie under my belt today, but considering that I was juggling back and forth between FFXIII and moderating a 30,000+ member FB group that was marked for bombardment by trolls all day today, I'd say that's good enough.
I guess I liked it, but I still don't see why everybody loves Harry Potter so much...
[quote name='Oaxan']Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban

Only got one movie under my belt today, but considering that I was juggling back and forth between FFXIII and moderating a 30,000+ member FB group that was marked for bombardment by trolls all day today, I'd say that's good enough.
I guess I liked it, but I still don't see why everybody loves Harry Potter so much...[/QUOTE]

its the books man if you read the books youd get it. the first 2 movie did a great job representing the books after that each movie after kinda drifted further from the books and alot of interesting and key stuff was either left out or changed.

i felt the way you did until i took the time to ead the books then i was hooked. i hear the books on tape are pretty good too but bloody expensive.
[quote name='lokizz']its the books man if you read the books youd get it. the first 2 movie did a great job representing the books after that each movie after kinda drifted further from the books and alot of interesting and key stuff was either left out or changed.

Well, the books just kept getting longer and longer, but the movies didn't, so they became more like basic plot synopses. And if the director wanted to focus on a few scenes, he had to leave even MORE out. So the books got better as they went (mostly) IMO, but the movies got worse (generally). Although I haven't seen the last two movies yet.
I've never been a fan of Harry Potter and I have read all the books and saw all the movies except the last two. Also, the character of Harry Potter is awful imo.
[quote name='moon_knight']Also, the character of Harry Potter is awful imo.[/QUOTE]

Agree on that for sure. If you didn't like them then why did you read more than 1 or 2 books? Same for movies?
I grew up with the books/movies, but after the 5th book I kind of stopped caring and finished the series just to see how it would end. The movies, after the 4th, I watched because I either had nothing better to do or friends wanted to watch them.
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

First one I was able to sit all the way through without interruption nor the sudden urge to do something a bit more stimulating; like watch paint dry.
I guess I'm liking the series better as I watch more, damn thing is growing on me.
Also sorta looking forward to tomorrow when I marathon the shit out of the last 3 movies. (Not bothering with DH pt.2 until it comes out on DVD/Blu-Ray Nov 11th)
Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith.

This one I actually really like. There's some crummy dialogue here and there, but overall it's pretty damn good IMO. Only semi-major flaw is Anakin's fall feels a bit abrupt, but that's more a fault of them wasting so much time on pointless crap in the first two prequels.

Again, the prequel trilogy could have been much better if they'd combined the first two movie's plots into one, and spent two movies on the clone wars and Anakin's fall.

But overall, they got it mostly right in this last one IMO and it's the one of the prequels worthy of the Star Wars name.
[quote name='Oaxan']Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

First one I was able to sit all the way through without interruption nor the sudden urge to do something a bit more stimulating; like watch paint dry.
I guess I'm liking the series better as I watch more, damn thing is growing on me.
Also sorta looking forward to tomorrow when I marathon the shit out of the last 3 movies. (Not bothering with DH pt.2 until it comes out on DVD/Blu-Ray Nov 11th)[/QUOTE]

That's the only one I wasn't bored during. Every movie after that is incredibly boring. I don't know why I watched them, but I regret it. Terrible movies, I don't understand why they're so popular.
I like all the Harry Potter movies personally. The books are better, but all the movies were good IMO. Certainly didn't find any of them boring. But to each their own and all that.
[quote name='Vulcan2422']The Big Lewboski! Finally got around to watching it on Netflix. I guess Swingers is next![/QUOTE]

i need to watch lebowski as well ive always been curiious what the hype was all about. swingers is an awesome film.
[quote name='lokizz']i need to watch lebowski as well ive always been curiious what the hype was all about. swingers is an awesome film.[/QUOTE]

Swingers x10. The Big Lebowski is hilarious and incredibly re watchable.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Star Wars Episode 3: Revenge of the Sith.

This one I actually really like. There's some crummy dialogue here and there, but overall it's pretty damn good IMO. Only semi-major flaw is Anakin's fall feels a bit abrupt, but that's more a fault of them wasting so much time on pointless crap in the first two prequels.

Again, the prequel trilogy could have been much better if they'd combined the first two movie's plots into one, and spent two movies on the clone wars and Anakin's fall.

But overall, they got it mostly right in this last one IMO and it's the one of the prequels worthy of the Star Wars name.[/QUOTE]

The novelization does an absolutely fantastic job at portraying Anakin's fall. I don't know how they could've put the stuff from the book in movie form but it's worth a read. I don't want to give away the stuff that goes into it but it's chilling and supremely tragic as it unfolds.
Forgot to mention that Episode 3 looked amazing on Bluray. The first to looked good, but the 3rd is among the best looking blurays I've seen.

Star Wars Episode 4: A New Hope.

Great movie and looked very good on Blu for an older movie. Seemed like they tweaked the Greedo scene again and now they shoot at the same time. Definitely better than in the original SE version where Greedo learly shot first.
Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix and The Half Blood Prince

Didn't manage to start Deathly Hallows Part 1 last night, I pissed around all day and wound up passing out right after The Half Blood Prince was over.
Surprised you didn't pass out during Half Blood Prince.

Also saw Drive yesterday. I was highly impressed. I've been hesitant to watch not very popular movies that get high praise ever since the highly overrated No Country For Old Men, but I was highly impressed with Drive. Easily the best movie I've seen so far this year.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I like all the Harry Potter movies personally. The books are better, but all the movies were good IMO. Certainly didn't find any of them boring. But to each their own and all that.[/QUOTE]

I never read the books, to which everyone always tells me that's why I don't enjoy the movies.

But to that I say if I have to read the book to enjoy the movie, then it's not a very good movie. A good movie can stand on it's own.
I thought those 3 were okay. I really started finding them un-enjoyable after Goblet of Fire. Seemed like too much nothing was happening.
The Thing(1982)
Stake Land
Dylan Dog- I was expecting this to be a fun B movie, but it was just bad. It took itself too seriously at times,had awful special effects and the sidekick was extremely annoying. Not worth the redbox rental.
Texas Chainsaw Massacre(1974)
[quote name='whoknows']Paranormal Activity 2

Can't decide if it or the first one was a bigger waste of time.[/QUOTE]

If the first was a waste of time, why bother with the second? I didn't like the first so I won't watch the second or third.
[quote name='tcrash247']If the first was a waste of time, why bother with the second? I didn't like the first so I won't watch the second or third.[/QUOTE]

It's on Netflix, and I'm willing to give really anything a chance. I don't like to make opinions on movies without watching them. I like to be informed when hating on a movie :lol:

Plus there was always that off chance it could be better than the first :p
went to a free screening for a "secret" movie, turned out to be
Young Adult. Was quite good, funny and or awkward at times, would not be surprised at all if there was an oscar nomination or two related to it. Another Jason Reitman and Diablo Cody film no it's not more teenagers. Don't see too many main characters so unlikable particularly female, she pulled it off damn well, and Patton Oswalt was great.
watched a bit ago

green lantern - bit better than expected damn low expectations though. Felt a bit rushed. Sigh at the ending and his mask looked ridiculous.
Watching Cronos on Blu-Ray that I got from Blockbuster Total Access as part of my horror movie madness for Oct. Will try and update once I'm done.

To anyone who owns the blur-ray/seen the film, are there English Subtitles on the Criterion disc for the English only parts - such as when Ron Perlman speaks?
bread's done