Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

[quote name='dmaul1114']The Adjustment Bureau.

It was ok, better than I was expecting from the reviews.[/QUOTE]

My reaction before and after was just the opposite. The preview I saw must've been really early, because it didn't refer to the girl at all. So in watching I was overwhelmed by the "romance against the odds" thing. That's a shitty surprise when you're expecting scifi or scifi thriller.
[quote name='Darknuke']Real Steel

It had actually depth to it, which was surprising. I expected it to be a brainless robot beat'em up.[/QUOTE]

That's what I expected too. I feel like they shouldn't have advertised it that way.
[quote name='dothog']My reaction before and after was just the opposite. The preview I saw must've been really early, because it didn't refer to the girl at all. So in watching I was overwhelmed by the "romance against the odds" thing. That's a shitty surprise when you're expecting scifi or scifi thriller.[/QUOTE]

Well, I said reviews rather than previews. But yeah, you must have just saw an early teaser as the full trailer made it pretty clear it was a love story.

The Lincoln Lawyer. It was ok, I read the book recently so any suspense was lost on me. But it was well done with strong performances.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']Paranormal Activity 2. It sucks. Probably because it's almost exactly the same as the first and I'm tired of that already.[/QUOTE]

It really does suck. At the beginning when it said "Paramount Pictures would like to thank the family of the deceased" or something along those lines I couldn't help but roll my eyes. It's a shame PA3 is probably going to do very well like the first two, and then we'll get PA4. It's the new Saw, except the Saw movies were more fun to watch IMO.
I Heart Huckabees - loved it.

Real Steel
- Second half was a bit slow and overly sentimental but overall the movie did a decent job of making a watchable movie out of a predictable structure.
scream 4. It wasn't a scary movie at all really. The scream movies have always been more comedy to me than horror. It was all going pretty good until the end. Really did not enjoy the ending but the movie in general was decent.
[quote name='mr_burnzz']scream 4. It wasn't a scary movie at all really. The scream movies have always been more comedy to me than horror. It was all going pretty good until the end. Really did not enjoy the ending but the movie in general was decent.[/QUOTE]

I thought the ending was predictable but it didn't really detour me away from enjoying the rest of the movie. The only thing I didn't care for was the Culkin kid, he was annoying to me.

There are many movies that "predict" what the future will be like Demolition Man, iRobot, etc. This movie is another one of those, but sadly at this point in time seems the most realistic and terrifying. Makes me hope for the rapture or 2012 to be true.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Idiocracy

There are many movies that "predict" what the future will be like Demolition Man, iRobot, etc. This movie is another one of those, but sadly at this point in time seems the most realistic and terrifying. Makes me hope for the rapture or 2012 to be true.[/QUOTE]

Holy shit, I just watched this with a bunch of friends online.
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Lol, yeah? Heard about it off adam carolla's podcast, he has a great explanation about the movie being a cult following while talking to mike judge. So true.
Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Would it have killed Bay to insert any character development? Shia's character has not changed from the squealing child from the first movie.

Oh well, a decent movie when in the mood for turning off your brain and enjoying some pretty explosions.
[quote name='Dendaman']Transformers: Dark of the Moon. Would it have killed Bay to insert any character development? Shia's character has not changed from the squealing child from the first movie.

Oh well, a decent movie when in the mood for turning off your brain and enjoying some pretty explosions.[/QUOTE]
Character development in a movie about giant fighting robots destroying everything? Ha!
Johnny English Reborn

Sadly it's just not as funny to me anymore like when I saw the first one when I was say 15 or something. There is some recycling but not nearly as much as I feared. Some really clever new scenarios brought in that had me laughing but overall I wouldn't recommend it. For kids it should be a blast and older more conservative parents/old people.
The Man from Nowhere

Really really enjoyed it, a fine addition to my evergrowing Korean film collection! Soon to be joined by the recently ordered The Chaser DVD I have coming in the post.
[quote name='dothog']My reaction before and after was just the opposite. The preview I saw must've been really early, because it didn't refer to the girl at all. So in watching I was overwhelmed by the "romance against the odds" thing. That's a shitty surprise when you're expecting scifi or scifi thriller.[/QUOTE]

The trailer I saw mentioned the girl, but I know what you mean, I hate it when trailers hide things.

Like that annoying useless woman in Ninja Assassin. She wasn't in any of the trailers and yet half the movie was about her. They probably knew the half with her was stupid which is why they hid it. I felt so deceived.
[quote name='dmaul1114'][REC]

Pretty damn good/scary!

Have the sequel coming next.[/QUOTE]

did you watch the original or american version? the original one is the way to go especially for the sequel fucking this is very disturbing.
[quote name='lokizz']did you watch the original or american version? the original one is the way to go especially for the sequel fucking this is very disturbing.[/QUOTE]


Isn't the American one called Quarantine rather than [REC] as well?
[quote name='dmaul1114']Original.

Isn't the American one called Quarantine rather than [REC] as well?[/QUOTE]

oh well i always think quarrantine is carriers but yeah rec is sick and the sequel is better those 2 films actually scared me a bit.

im surprised at how much horror they have on netflix especially full moon and troma stuff.
I'll have to check out rec if quarantine is the american version of it. Quarantine was a nice movie. The second one, not so much but still watchable.
I didn't even know there was a Quarantine 2 :lol:

Those "found footage" movies can be fun if they're not Paranormal Activity. The Last Exorcism was a good one IMO.
[quote name='whoknows']I didn't even know there was a Quarantine 2 :lol:

Those "found footage" movies can be fun if they're not Paranormal Activity. The Last Exorcism was a good one IMO.[/QUOTE]

That movie was garbage. I hate it when movies pretend to be one thing then shit on your face in the end and tell you it was something completely different.

REC and REC2 are fantastic movies.
Caught Fright Night on TV and laughed at the framing issues, considering this movie was filmed in long widescreen. Still a fun movie, and made me once again look at Marcy D'Arcy differently again.
[quote name='TooMuchCoolness']Saw the first X-Men movie. Pretty cool, although a bit corny. Toad was stupid. Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, and Mystique were hot.


Is this the first time you've seen it?
Watched Train today on Netflix instant.

It was pretty brutal.

Although there is a hilarious scene where I guy flies out of the train on fire.
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[quote name='TooMuchCoolness']Saw the first X-Men movie. Pretty cool, although a bit corny. Toad was stupid. Jean Grey, Storm, Rogue, and Mystique were hot.


Yeah, Toad was a low spot. Coming off that whole Darth Maul shit. Only thing I liked Ray Park in was Heroes.

[quote name='TooMuchCoolness']Yes.

Tonight will be Aliens for the first time. District 9 officially made me a sci-fi fan.[/QUOTE]

Lucky dude, I'd love to watch that again for the first time. Didn't think so as a kid, but as an adult: Sigourney Weaver was hot as fuck in that.
aliens is one of the few flicks where the sequel was better than the original imo. who the fuck didnt want to be a space marine after seeing that still hoping for a great aliens themed game that recent one was ok but not all that. fuck im still waiting for the ultimate zombie game too someday........or if i could just play the mall scene from dawn of the dead (original version) that would be cool too.

It was good, but I liked the first one better. Not sure what I thought about
the demonic possession angle. I know it was implied in the first one toward the end, but it was more ambiguous and could have just been religious morons thinking it was possession when it was just a virus.

The section with the Tito, Mire and the other guy was a bit annoying as well.

Loved the ending though!
The Wrestler

The guy who plays Randy seemed really familiar... It feels like I met him before, huh.
Pretty decent movie, the ending leaves little to the imagination, imo.

When a Stranger Calls

I'm somehow disappointed with the lack of kooky masks but I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Suspense really kills me in a pseudo-masochistic way.

I haven't been watching any movies as of late due to an overload of both Vidya and Animu backlogs... I'm ashamed of myself for not paying more attention to my love of movies. :(
[quote name='lokizz']or if i could just play the mall scene from dawn of the dead (original version) that would be cool too.[/QUOTE]

Lol, you mean the whole damn movie? I'm in the same spot as you though, waiting for a perfect zombie game. Best chance would be if they ported/expanded Urban Dead to XBLA or something like that. That game screams for a real videogame conversion. Basically an MMORPG with zombies in realtime. Played that a few times and would always run out of action points and have to sleep on the street.

If they could port that game, and maybe ease up on the survival difficulty (ie: action points), it could be a killer title for XBLA/PSN.
Captain America - 1/10

I couldn't watch past the "Mulan rip-off" and I don't think you could get a more crazy super-villain Nazi evil dude and his scientist pawn if you tried (at least evil Nazi in X-Men First Class had the accent).
Well it was a little different in Capt America ;)

After all, he
doesn't actually climb the pole

I only thought the movie was okay, but I think what you're saying is really a stretch :p
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Lol, you mean the whole damn movie? I'm in the same spot as you though, waiting for a perfect zombie game. Best chance would be if they ported/expanded Urban Dead to XBLA or something like that. That game screams for a real videogame conversion. Basically an MMORPG with zombies in realtime. Played that a few times and would always run out of action points and have to sleep on the street.

If they could port that game, and maybe ease up on the survival difficulty (ie: action points), it could be a killer title for XBLA/PSN.[/QUOTE]

yeah ive been wondering if you couldnt do a simple zombie game like that but on a bigger scale kinda world wide but with basic graphics. for its simplicity urban dead was really fun and it had alot of the right ideas in it but yes that action point shit was annoying.

capt america was an good movie not great or amazing but good its a good set up film for the avengers flick coming im guessing thor is the same way havent seen it yet. but i agree with that guy when i saw the pole scene my first thought was mulan. if youve never seen it its worth seeing at least once.
bread's done