Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Totally agree with whomever just said Dark Shadows was boring. It had too much going on unrealted to the main plot which sucked you out of the story and left you not wanting to care. No likable characters you could relate to at all besides Barnabas and you kind of start to feel indifferent to him down the line. That means bad writing obviously but I think even the acting was weak. Poor Johnny Depp gave it a college try but with this cast and writing it was like he was struggling against the tide...

It was kind of meh. Interesting art direction and solid performances, but kind of boring.

Kirsten Dunst looked better naked than I expected though, so that was a plus.
Seems like they've been ramping up the Battleship advertising... That's gotta mean it will be wayyyyyyyyyy worse than first thought no... ?
We Bought a Zoo.

I think it would have been better if it were actually filmed in England, where the zoo is located. I think they screwed up some dates, too, but whatever.
Saw The Secret World of Arrietty yesterday with my mom for Mother's Day. It's visually incredible, but I was kind of bored with the pacing and plot. A decent soundtrack with some kind of weird voice acting/localization choices. Overall, some of the best animation I've seen in a really long time, but it doesn't pull this film out of average territory for me. Watched it once and won't watch again unless I completely forget I've seen this before. Lately Studio Ghibli films haven't hit as high as possible. I didn't really enjoy Ponyo either, but that was a much more interesting movie than Arrietty. Ah well, maybe they'll get back to some of their better times soon.
[quote name='randomdud']Saw The Secret World of Arrietty yesterday with my mom for Mother's Day. It's visually incredible, but I was kind of bored with the pacing and plot. A decent soundtrack with some kind of weird voice acting/localization choices. Overall, some of the best animation I've seen in a really long time, but it doesn't pull this film out of average territory for me. Watched it once and won't watch again unless I completely forget I've seen this before. Lately Studio Ghibli films haven't hit as high as possible. I didn't really enjoy Ponyo either, but that was a much more interesting movie than Arrietty. Ah well, maybe they'll get back to some of their better times soon.[/QUOTE]

Would you agree that the scope of their films has narrowed lately?
[quote name='Golden Idol']Would you agree that the scope of their films has narrowed lately?[/QUOTE]

It depends upon what you mean by scope, but in principle I think I would agree. In my opinion, their newer films have focused more upon presenting relationships between fewer "important" characters and less about experiencing entire worlds, though they still hint at this visually. In terms of conflict and resulting action/reaction, Ghibli's work has definitely lessened screen time for anything beyond the main point (typically 1 or 2 points). Honestly, when Secret World finished I felt some of the minor conflicts would have been better potential films when fleshed out and resulted in clearer themes. With something like Spirited Away on the other hand, I wanted to think more about the themes presented from the main point in a lesser combination with the background; it felt utterly cohesive and necessary to see at least 90% of that movie. I was fully enthralled with the world and honestly wanted to experience more.

In any case, I will still probably watch their future work, but I'm not in any sort of hurry.
[quote name='randomdud']Saw The Secret World of Arrietty yesterday with my mom for Mother's Day. It's visually incredible, but I was kind of bored with the pacing and plot. A decent soundtrack with some kind of weird voice acting/localization choices. Overall, some of the best animation I've seen in a really long time, but it doesn't pull this film out of average territory for me. Watched it once and won't watch again unless I completely forget I've seen this before. Lately Studio Ghibli films haven't hit as high as possible. I didn't really enjoy Ponyo either, but that was a much more interesting movie than Arrietty. Ah well, maybe they'll get back to some of their better times soon.[/QUOTE]

I think I'm in the minority of liking Arrietty more than Ponyo. I don't know why, but I really liked the pacing of it. Just felt...relaxing.
[quote name='Duo_Maxwell']Totally agree with whomever just said Dark Shadows was boring. It had too much going on unrealted to the main plot which sucked you out of the story and left you not wanting to care. No likable characters you could relate to at all besides Barnabas and you kind of start to feel indifferent to him down the line. That means bad writing obviously but I think even the acting was weak. Poor Johnny Depp gave it a college try but with this cast and writing it was like he was struggling against the tide...[/QUOTE]
I'm curious anyone actually SEEN Dark Shadows (The TV Show)
I remember seeing it (in reruns i assume) but not enough that I actually remember what it is
and are able to compare it to Dark Shadows (The Movie). because based on what I'm hearing it sounds like it would be really popular among fans of the show. All that "off main story" plot sounds like the sort of thing we see in TVShow.Turned.Movie where they try to touch every story arc even seen in the show during a 90 minute feature.

P.S. Thumb up to Duo because there was a time when I went by Trowa. I'm only 60% sure I've said this before here.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Melancholia.
Kirsten Dunst looked better naked than I expected though, so that was a plus.[/QUOTE]i trimmed out the unimportant bit. Color me intrigued. I'm one of the (i assume few) people who actually likes Dunst.
[quote name='Wolfkin']
i trimmed out the unimportant bit. Color me intrigued. I'm one of the (i assume few) people who actually likes Dunst.[/QUOTE]

Google Image search is your friend...
[quote name='$hady']The Dictator = #-o

Went wanting to love it as Cohen is hilarious but yea at least the previews were good.[/QUOTE]

damn thats harsh lol. i never got into his humor much anyway i saw borat way back when because everyone was on about how funny it was but to me he was just fucking annoying and some of that shit in the film was so gay. hes like the opposite of what good British humor is.
[quote name='Necrozilla']
Hated the robot, couldn't finish it because of it.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, Kevin Spacey is kinda pretentious, even if it's just his voice in a movie. I could picture him doing the recordings for it, saying "I am sooo getting a best supporting actor Oscar for this shit. Just you watch!"

Good movie though. Really fucking sad when it's over and you think about it for a while.
American Reunion - Was kind of hesitant about watching this, despite really enjoying the original trilogy. I thought it was pretty funny, but you can definitely tell that some of the humor is forced just for nostalgia's sake. Still, it was fun to see pretty much everyone from the original movies make a return.
[quote name='lokizz']damn thats harsh lol. i never got into his humor much anyway i saw borat way back when because everyone was on about how funny it was but to me he was just fucking annoying and some of that shit in the film was so gay. hes like the opposite of what good British humor is.[/QUOTE]I concur. I liked Da Ali G show back in the day and I think some of it can be funny but it's more dickish than funny particularly the china shop scene for instance. SBC isn't really what I'd call 'gay' but I'm firmly convinced that he would literally have gay sex with another dude for a year in a glass house if it "made the joke". He would literally do anything for the joke.
[quote name='Wolfkin']I concur. I liked Da Ali G show back in the day and I think some of it can be funny but it's more dickish than funny particularly the china shop scene for instance. SBC isn't really what I'd call 'gay' but I'm firmly convinced that he would literally have gay sex with another dude for a year in a glass house if it "made the joke". He would literally do anything for the joke.[/QUOTE]

But what's wrong with that?
Bridesmaids - Pretty funny especially, when the best friend loses it at the bridal party.

Bad Teacher - Funny with good performances all around including the small role of Diaz's roommate by Cam off Modern Family.
Just got back from seeing What to Expect When You're Expecting. Wasnt terribly bad, but would have been better with a more focused cast. Hard to give a damn about anyone in the movie cause screen time was passed around too much. Instead of 4-5 couples, should have left it at 2 tops.
Seeing the Dictator tomorrow.

Watched "What's Your Number" and found it way funnier (for my tastes) than Bridesmaids, with a bonus of actual nakedness. Bridesmaids I thought was massively overrated, but still funny at parts.
[quote name='VipFREAK']Seems like they've been ramping up the Battleship advertising... That's gotta mean it will be wayyyyyyyyyy worse than first thought no... ?[/QUOTE]


It's pretty normal for there to be more advertising as a movie gets closer to release.
Contagion - Pretty realistic and very well written.

Harold and Kumar Christmas - I enjoyed it. Better than White Castle, not as much as Gunatanmo Bay.

Paul - Hilarious and a pretty decently written comedy. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost shine again in another good movie.
[quote name='bburpee']Seeing the Dictator tomorrow.

Watched "What's Your Number" and found it way funnier (for my tastes) than Bridesmaids, with a bonus of actual nakedness. Bridesmaids I thought was massively overrated, but still funny at parts.[/QUOTE]

I have to agree on that thought on Bridesmaids. Watched it the other night it was funny in parts but overrated.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']I have to agree on that thought on Bridesmaids. Watched it the other night it was funny in parts but overrated.[/QUOTE]

Agreed, so overrated.
John Carter. Casting had a big thing for HBO's Rome. And Bryan Cranston!

It's a fun movie before the majority of the action shows up.
[quote name='evildeadjedi']I have to agree on that thought on Bridesmaids. Watched it the other night it was funny in parts but overrated.[/QUOTE]

It was called the women's version of The Hangover, so of course, like with everything, the men's version will be better.
Drive - 5/5 - When I saw this on Netflix, I dropped everything and started watching it. Such a fantastic film. It has hands-down the best soundtrack I've heard since The Lord of the Rings trilogy. The tension is so high in a film that has very little dialogue. If you haven't seen this film, then you need too.
[quote name='Calipso']Contagion - Pretty realistic and very well written.

Harold and Kumar Christmas - I enjoyed it. Better than White Castle, not as much as Gunatanmo Bay.

Paul - Hilarious and a pretty decently written comedy. Simon Pegg and Nick Frost shine again in another good movie.[/QUOTE]

how annoying i the alien in that? i wanted to watch it due to the shaun of the dead guys doing it but i hate the guy who voices the alien.
[quote name='whoknows']It was called the women's version of The Hangover, so of course, like with everything, the men's version will be better.[/QUOTE]

But the Hangover was overrated and sucked. I thought that movie was so bland compared to Bridesmaids. Hangover was just forced jokes as to where Bridesmaids was hilarious situations sprinkled throughout. Sorry, I blown away that people thing Hangover was that good. It really wasn't. I feel like it was one of those movies so hyped up that people felt forced to like it. As opposed to Bridesmaids where it was a movie people kinda didn't want to see but were surprises by it. Anywhoozles, just ranting about how whatever Hangover was, and don't even get me started on Hangover Part 2.
Uh, if you don't think The Hangover was good, I need a list of movies you like.... so I can avoid them. That movie was great filmmaking - memorable characters, career-making roles, and it looked and was edited great. Bridesmaids looks like an SNL sketch compared to The Hangover. Seriously, no comparison. From the opening Danzig notes to the reveal at the end, just a fantastic movie.

The Dictator was only okay, somewhere between Borat and Bruno, but closer to Bruno for overall laughs. Nothing nearly as funny as the cockroaches and the nude chase in Borat, but a few LOL moments at the very least... and three red-band trailers before the movie.

And to the two parents who brought their 10-11 year old kids to Dictator - flock you. I hope the level of embarassment you felt during the movie (and trailers) was equal to the level of disgust the rest of us felt for your decision-making. Morons.
[quote name='lokizz']how annoying i the alien in that? i wanted to watch it due to the shaun of the dead guys doing it but i hate the guy who voices the alien.[/QUOTE]

That's Seth Rogen. It was a good movie. They focused on the backstory of Paul and there was a lot of popular culture from movies/tv based on the character.

I was shocked it got good reviews from critics, IMDB and rotten tomatoes. I didn't figure US crowds would like Nick Frost and Simon Pegg. Shaun of the Dead was over a lot of people's heads and not many found Hot Fuzz to be that good. I love their movies. Hell, I even liked Run Fatboy, Run.
[quote name='Calipso']Harold and Kumar Christmas - I enjoyed it. Better than White Castle, not as much as Gunatanmo Bay.[/QUOTE]
did you find the 3d distracting? based on the commercials I thought maybe they would be making fun of movies with unnecessary 3D. You know movies that go 3D and suddenly now they have stuff flying at the screen all the time. (looking at you Resident Evil) instead they fell into the same trap

[quote name='camoor']The Wild Hunt
Probably the best movie about LARPing ever.[/QUOTE]you're telling me it's better than Darkon?

[quote name='lokizz']how annoying i the alien in that? i wanted to watch it due to the shaun of the dead guys doing it but i hate the guy who voices the alien.[/QUOTE]
if you don't like Seth Rogan I'm not sure you'll be able to stomach Paul. it is a pretty fun movie but you know.. as the titular alien he does play a pivotal role in terms of the humor and plot. As a whole it is probably one of his better movies if that helps. The plot sounded stupid but when it's playing out it's a few shades better.
[quote name='AshesofWake']But the Hangover was overrated and sucked. I thought that movie was so bland compared to Bridesmaids. Hangover was just forced jokes as to where Bridesmaids was hilarious situations sprinkled throughout. [/QUOTE]
ehh if you don't like it i guess that's cool and all but I thought Hangover was a great one time movie. The first time you see it it's a great movie, funny over the top moments. I'm not saying it stands up to repeat viewings. that's why they made Hangover 2 (which /was/ overrated because its' literally the same movie). I actually found Bridesmaids more bland by comparison but because it had a stronger story stands up to repeat viewings.
[quote name='Wolfkin']did you find the 3d distracting? based on the commercials I thought maybe they would be making fun of movies with unnecessary 3D. You know movies that go 3D and suddenly now they have stuff flying at the screen all the time. (looking at you Resident Evil) instead they fell into the same trap

I watched it in regular 1080p. I didn't care about the 3D aspect. If anything the 3D they added was either for more shock value or shits and giggles. I still enjoyed it. I watched Resident Evil (4) in 2010 in 3D at the threaters and disliked it. The movie itself was bad, the 3D made it worse. I'm NOT a fan of 3D. I grew up with it being even worse in the 1980's.

if you don't like Seth Rogan I'm not sure you'll be able to stomach Paul. it is a pretty fun movie but you know.. as the titular alien he does play a pivotal role in terms of the humor and plot. As a whole it is probably one of his better movies if that helps. The plot sounded stupid but when it's playing out it's a few shades better.

I agree with your spoiler comment. Most people can't handle SR in large doses. I thought his voice would be terrible with Paul and I agree the plot sounded stupid but it was a very funny and good movie. I can only hope Frost and Pegg pop out some more excellent flicks.


Bolded my replies.
[quote name='Calipso']That's Seth Rogen. It was a good movie. They focused on the backstory of Paul and there was a lot of popular culture from movies/tv based on the character.

I was shocked it got good reviews from critics, IMDB and rotten tomatoes. I didn't figure US crowds would like Nick Frost and Simon Pegg. Shaun of the Dead was over a lot of people's heads and not many found Hot Fuzz to be that good. I love their movies. Hell, I even liked Run Fatboy, Run.[/QUOTE]

i cant see how anyone couldnt love hott fuzz i watch that thing almost once a week it never gets old and the jokes stay funny. again i was going to watch run fatboy run but because it seemed like an american film where they tried to cram in a popular british actor i figured id pass it up but now maybe ill watch both.

if you liked those films check out the spaced tv series and black books.
[quote name='TooMuchCoolness']Psycho (1998)


Yeah, not terrible but most unnecessary remake ever.

You're never going to top the original, and they didn't even bring anything new to the table.
[quote name='bburpee']And to the two parents who brought their 10-11 year old kids to Dictator - flock you. I hope the level of embarassment you felt during the movie (and trailers) was equal to the level of disgust the rest of us felt for your decision-making. Morons.[/QUOTE]

Did somebody say something to them? When Freddy vs Jason came out some parents brought servals kids. I swear one must've been no older than 7.
[quote name='camoor']Yeah, not terrible but most unnecessary remake ever.

You're never going to top the original, and they didn't even bring anything new to the table.[/QUOTE]

It is a shot for shot remake so they didn't want to bring anything new to it. I haven't seem either
[quote name='DestroVega']It is a shot for shot remake so they didn't want to bring anything new to it. I haven't seem either[/QUOTE]

Anyone who appreciates cinema should see the original Psycho. It's right up there with Star Wars and Casablanca as one of the all-time classics.
[quote name='camoor']Anyone who appreciates cinema should see the original Psycho. It's right up there with Star Wars and Casablanca as one of the all-time classics.[/QUOTE]

I hear ya. I am late to some classics. Never seen Gone with the Wind or Casablanca
bread's done