Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

MIB3 wasn't half as bad as I was expecting TBH. It's a decent rental if you ever enjoyed them in the past and the main villain is surprisingly a well-done character. Everything else is pretty much business as usual, but I wasn't expecting Tommy Lee to have such short screen time. Guy is getting old though ha.
Iron Man 2 - Finally, got around to watching this one. I enjoyed it though it could have been shorter. RDJ still plays Tony Stark perfectly. I liked the transition his character went through during the film. Cocky and self confident in the beginning as a mask to the realization he was dying. His rock bottom after his birthday party. Creating a new element to save himself and upgrade his suit. Stark comes full circle and back to his old self.

The smooth Sam Jackson as Nick Fury. The sexy Scarlett Johanson as Natasha Romanoff/Black Widow. Rouke played a good villain and an interesting combination of Whiplash and Crimson Dynamo.

I really loved all the Avengers references. Stark uses Captain America's shield to prop up the laser. The monitors in the background of the SHIELD safe house showing the campus destruction (Hulk) and the New Mexico landing (Thor). The map with the locations highlighted Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Hulk, Namor (possibly?), Red Skull, and Black Panther.

Overall, it was not as good as the first one but enjoyable.
Finally saw Borat, my teenage self probably couldn't have handled the nudity and sex jokes without flipping out. Though I enjoyed it, I actually enjoyed the menus, and the actual disc better.
I thought MIB3 was the best of the series. It had more heart, definitely, and Josh Brolin was fantastic as the 1969 Agent K.

Goofy aliens, cool locations, and a super-hot Pussycat Doll to start the movie off right.
Feast of Love - 7/10

Generally good.
Selma Blair and Stana Katic messin around? Win. Alexa Davalos? Nice!

Freakanomics - 8/10

Good, but don't agree with the school part.

Osmosis Jones - 9/10

I know it's not really an adult movie, but it was still really creative and imaginative.

[quote name='crushtopher']Drive - Excellent movie.[/QUOTE]

I really don't get this... I thought it sucked and didn't live up to the hype at all... WTF was up with Gosling... in some scenes he looked like a broken retard in other scenes he looked like he was finally having some kind of emotions, but then still a retard. They wasted Cranson's abilities. The story line just jumped. About the only thing that was true was the music being better than the movie which, isn't saying all that much.
[quote name='gbpackers94']
Today I'll probably watch the Thin Red Line and maybe Apocalypse Now.[/QUOTE]

I loved TTRL. First viewing I wasn't sure what to think after it was over, because it came out around the same time as Saving Private Ryan and was a very different take on the war genre. But I watched it a second time and it's easily in my top 5 favorite movies ever made.
Harlem Nights-still funny as hell. Hadn't seen it in years.


Barton Fink-one of my favorite Coen bros. movies.

Your Highness-just awful. At least Natalie Portman is smoking hot in it.
wow I thought Your Highness was more amusing than not. Sure the story didn't hold over the course of the movie but it was perfectly fun ride until the end
I just watched the Trailer... The idea of how much I'd have to shut off my brain and then try to think retard makes me think I can't watch that movie at all... I really really would like to see the Natalie Portman scenes though and I think they did that because they knew people wouldn't bother if it didn't have her... I may have to pass... In fact I know I'm going to regret it if I do watch it...
[quote name='Wolfkin']wow I thought Your Highness was more amusing than not. Sure the story didn't hold over the course of the movie but it was perfectly fun ride until the end[/QUOTE]

I don't like juvenile humor (dick jokes etc.) so it just wasn't my cup of tea.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I don't like juvenile humor (dick jokes etc.) so it just wasn't my cup of tea.[/QUOTE]

I don't mind juvenile humor and I was still bored to death with Your Highness.
Captain America - I felt the movie was good. It wasn't the best out of the Marvel comic films but it was entertaining.

However, I want to see the Avengers and I felt it was required viewing before The Avengers.
The Darkest Hour - It was ok, entertaining enough. It tried to take itself seriously though too often, but that just didn't work.

We Need to Talk About Kevin - I enjoyed it, wish I didn't read anything about it before seeing it though.

Harry Potter Visits A Haunted House - It was alright, not particularly scary IMO.
Finally watched Iron Sky and have to say I loved it. Actually liked it better than Avengers, which I thought was just ok.

Iron Sky...moon nazi's with UFO's, earth space battleships, and who doesn't love seeing the statue of liberty blown apart by spaceship guns?
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I don't mind juvenile humor and I was still bored to death with Your Highness.[/QUOTE]

Omg I looooooved it. The way they talked and James Franco's character had me rolling. But then again I'm a sucker for Danny McBride's writing. Except for eastbound and Down. Third season blew...
Maybe I need to rewatch Your Highness because I really remember a solid movie behind the dick jokes until the last quarter.

I just finished watching Project X.. it's 2AM. I wanted to show my sister the opening 30 seconds because I loved the opening and hadn't seen past it yet. We ended up watching the full thing. The end game romantic angle was weak but it always is in these types of movies. That said.. the rest of the movie was the most off the wall awesome thing I've ever seen. I literally do not think I've yelled that much during a movie. These little dudes made the TipDrill party look tame. I eagerly anticipate the next time I have people over. This is gonna be a better group movie than The Darkest Hours.
Snow White and the Huntsman? Meh. Very contrived coincidences to pull the story forward. Stopped counting after the fourth time in the first hour. Accents would disappear or change slightly, some characters I should have cared about (or the relationships with each other) were practically nonexistant, and don't fool yourself into thinking Stewart might be ok. She wasn't. At all. Her character seems unsure and highly emotional in times she should be strong and confident. And she looks like a beaver the entire time since its impossible for her to shut her mouth and hide her front two teeth.

Theron was great though and had a load of screen time. Just wish she had more as she carried the film by herself pretty much. Hemsworth wasnt bad, but he was...well...Hemsworth. He didnt make the character any better or different than anyone else in that role would have done.

But the scenery was pretty good. Not del Toro good...but pretty good.
Went to the drive-in tonight and saw Dark Shadows and Battleship. The only reason I went is because I wouldn't pay to see either of these individually, but two for the price of one isn't too bad.

Anyways, Dark Shadows really surprised me. Johnny Depp put on an amazing performance and was absolutely hilarious. I didn't expect to like the movie as much as I did.

Battleship had some great CGI, but the plot was mundane and so drawn out that I actually found myself dozing off quite a few times.

I thought it was good, been looking forward to this for a long time and it didn't disappoint me.. left me with alot of questions which is always good.
Sanctum - It started off pretty bad, but it eventually got better. At the beginning they try to so hard to make you feel that sense of wonder that it comes off as being really cheesy. None of the characters were likeable until towards the end.

Red State & Kevin Smith Burn in Hell. the movie was ok didnt go as dark or suspenseful as i thought it wuld in the beginning and the middle dragged on a bit but the ending was awesome lol.

the kevin smith thing is one of those live chats he does at places and is a must see if you saw red state and its a great show from start to finish.

both are on netflix.
[quote name='DestroVega']Wow. Just watched the Fright Night remake. I want my 105 minutes back. That movie suucccckkkked.[/QUOTE]
For a REALLY fun time do what I did. I'd never seen Fright Night before so what I did was watch Fright Night, then Never Cry Werewolf, then Fright Night Remakes.

NCW was a movie that according to IMDB was exactly like FN but with werewolves instead of vampires.. and they're not wrong. It was a SciFi channel original. Plus it had Melanie Leishman in it so i figured I had to see it.. prompting the three night extravaganza. FNRemake still managed to be the worst of the three but it was more fun this way.
I've been meaning to watch the new Fright Night, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Critically it was received pretty well, so I'm not expecting it to be bad.
Snow White and The Huntsman - Good, Charlize Theron was terrific and Chris Hemsworth was good. Kristen Stewart on the other hand is pretty terrible, I don't know why she gets parts in movie. The special effects were really well done too and the action was fun. I liked pretty much everything about it except for Stewart.
[quote name='whoknows']I've been meaning to watch the new Fright Night, but haven't gotten around to it yet. Critically it was received pretty well, so I'm not expecting it to be bad.[/QUOTE]

You're going to be severely let down.
On the flipside, after seeing it today, I can't begin to fully comprehend just how bad Transformers 2 is. I liked the first one for the most part so I figured it was just high-brow bitching but yeesh, Michael Bay shits on anything that's even the slightest bit interesting. I'm actually scared to ever watch Part 3.
[quote name='DestroVega']You're going to be severely let down.[/QUOTE]

I'm not one of those people who can't stand the thought of a remake being good, so it should be alright unless it's a legitimately bad movie.

[quote name='davo1224']On the flipside, after seeing it today, I can't begin to fully comprehend just how bad Transformers 2 is. I liked the first one for the most part so I figured it was just high-brow bitching but yeesh, Michael Bay shits on anything that's even the slightest bit interesting. I'm actually scared to ever watch Part 3.[/QUOTE]

Transformers 3 is the best of the three IMO. It drops the Dawson's Creek teen drama bs and cuts down a lot on the humor.
Saw Super 8 tonight. It was painfully boring, with annoying characters and all that buildup for such an awful monster.

Based on the critics reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, I take it this was supposed to give me a nostalgia nerd-gasm and make me remember shit like E.T.

I wish the movie was entertaining and that was the case, but it really just made me want to go to sleep.
[quote name='blindinglights']Saw Super 8 tonight. It was painfully boring, with annoying characters and all that buildup for such an awful monster.

Based on the critics reviews on Rotten Tomatoes, I take it this was supposed to give me a nostalgia nerd-gasm and make me remember shit like E.T.

I wish the movie was entertaining and that was the case, but it really just made me want to go to sleep.

that one was a big letdown. how the fuck can you feel sorry for an
alien thats eating up innocent people
?attack the block is the superior alien/kids product.
[quote name='whoknows']I'm not one of those people who can't stand the thought of a remake being good, so it should be alright unless it's a legitimately bad movie.[/QUOTE]

The Fright Night remake is a legitimately bad movie. I'm pretty soft on my feelings of movies, this movie sucked. Bad. Maybe if I hadn't seen the original it might be different but I don't think so because it was flawed on its own script-wise. Majorly.
wah you guys talk way too much about the books here, lol.

i was really unimpressed by the Dany scene, the guy catching fire was just a really awkward scene
if you put yourself in the right mindset Fright Night (while not at all what you could call "good") is perfectly watchable. Especially if you're one of those people who was content during a Transformers movie. The special fx weren't bad and for the most part were somewhat compelling to watch. Not as compelling as Transformers yeah but the plot wasn't nearly as directly insulting

I didn't think Super8 was bad. I rather enjoyed it when I was watching it. Of course it was nowhere near as good as Attack the Block for sure but I was fine with it. I didn't hate it at all.

Attack the Block > The Hunger Games > Fright Night > Super 8 > The Darkest Hour > Fright Night Remake > Transformers > Transformers 2

[quote name='panzerfaust']wah you guys talk way too much about the books here, lol.

i was really unimpressed by the Dany scene, the guy catching fire was just a really awkward scene[/QUOTE]i thought that was Hunger games but now I'm wondering if it's a Game of Thrones reference? Only someone who watched the show would spell her name that way
[quote name='lokizz']that one was a big letdown. how the fuck can you feel sorry for an
alien thats eating up innocent people
?attack the block is the superior alien/kids product.[/QUOTE]

Best things were production design and the soundtrack really.
[quote name='saunderscowie']Best things were production design and the soundtrack really.[/QUOTE]

yeah the soundtrack was sick after i saw the movie i had to have it. but the movie overall did a better job with the whole kids vs aliens theme. super 8 started damn strong and then fell apart over time but attack the block surprised the shit out of me with everything. in the end i cared more about those kids surviving than the super 8 kids.

its been years since ive watched a movie over and over that much id be down for a sequel but then i wouldnt want the original films greatness cheapened. still cant wait to see juan of the dead.
[quote name='lokizz']still cant wait to see juan of the dead.[/QUOTE]
i just found out about that. From a banner ad i think. It looked like a cheap rip off based on the font and then I actually watched the trailer. I would very much like to see this film.
bread's done