Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Only thing I liked about Firght Night was that it had David Tennet in it. Other than that I think the original was better.
I like the Fright Nights for different reasons, as long as they are seperate movies. Dandrige in the original was terrifying for sheer charisma alone. Colin Farrell wasn't as scary, but combine it with the setting of empty houses in a decaying neighborhood made the atmosphere just as creepy.
2 movies lately, aside from Alien and Aliens for about the 1,000th time (in preparation for Prometheus)

Man on a Ledge-Severely disappointing in that the plot is completely straight-forward when it comes across as trying to be one of those plot-twisty movies. I mean there were a few twists but they were very throwaway and telegraphed.

Men in Black 3-I was surprisingly impressed by this movie. I was very skeptical about bringing back a decade-old franchise that was completely dead but they managed to tell a VERY interesting story that didn't come across as just a cheap sequel cash-in at all.
[quote name='panzerfaust']wah you guys talk way too much about the books here, lol.

i was really unimpressed by the Dany scene, the guy catching fire was just a really awkward scene[/QUOTE]

This isn't the thread you are looking for. :)
The Fighter - 0/10

Pretty bad... I don't understand how this won anything... Based on a true story, so... People are this ignant eh... ?
[quote name='VipFREAK']The Fighter - 0/10

Pretty bad... I don't understand how this won anything... Based on a true story, so... People are this ignant eh... ?[/QUOTE]

After going to see Prometheus at midnight, the last movie I saw that didn't suck still remains The Avengers.

makes about as much sense as Metroid: Other M, which is to say, NONE.
[quote name='KingBroly']After going to see Prometheus at midnight, the last movie I saw that didn't suck still remains The Avengers.

makes about as much sense as Metroid: Other M, which is to say, NONE.

I have yet to see this but I do plan on seeing it this weekend if I get time. The bad thing is I have a feeling that the previews are the best parts of the film. I have read and heard so many things about it I don't even know what it is about. I have read that it takes place long before Alien and is about the Space Jockey, has nothing to do with the Alien movies, build up to a third movie that has to do with the Space Jockey, is about a race of aliens that build planets and are studying humans and think two men are needed to procreate and I was told that it sounds like it is based off of a book of the same name.

Does this have anything to do with the Space Jockey or the Alien franchise?
[quote name='sendme']I have yet to see this but I do plan on seeing it this weekend if I get time. The bad thing is I have a feeling that the previews are the best parts of the film. I have read and heard so many things about it I don't even know what it is about. I have read that it takes place long before Alien and is about the Space Jockey, has nothing to do with the Alien movies, build up to a third movie that has to do with the Space Jockey, is about a race of aliens that build planets and are studying humans and think two men are needed to procreate and I was told that it sounds like it is based off of a book of the same name.

Does this have anything to do with the Space Jockey or the Alien franchise?[/QUOTE]
Well I've seen a shot of the space jockey from the movie.
From what I read they find out that the space jockeys were somehow responsible for the creation of the human race or something. That the xenomorphs were created to be weapons or something like that. It does seem confusing.
so chances are the movie may be better with a directors cut? i remember seeing a directors cut of aliens once and it blew my mind with all the shit they cut out. saw a fan edition of phantasm once too its cool to see extra shit they cut out alot of what they did i get why it was done but some of it was cool.
Ridley Scott movies are always loads better with the director's cut. Kingdom of Heaven became one of my favorite films after seeing the complete version.
Just saw Prometheus. I don't think it needed anything added, if anything, some of the score sounded cheesy/patriotic when it should have just stuck to hard sci-fi. There were a few corny scenes. I thought it was very good, not mind-blowingly amazing though. I recommend it in IMAX 3D.

I was pretty let down by it. Lacked the horror of Alien or the action of Aliens, and the plot just wasn't interesting enough for it to succeed (IMO) as a Sci Fi drama. The pacing was weird at times as well.

[quote name='lokizz']thats what ive been wanting to know what connection does promethius have with alien?[/QUOTE]

1. The Engineers are the same species as "Space Jockey" they find on the ship in Alien.

2. A xenomorph bursts out of one of the Engineers at the end of the movie. They were developing them as a weapon to destroy humanity (which they had created).
[quote name='dmaul1114']Prometheus.

I was pretty let down by it. Lacked the horror of Alien or the action of Aliens, and the plot just wasn't interesting enough for it to succeed (IMO) as a Sci Fi drama. The pacing was weird at times as well.

1. The Engineers are the same species as "Space Jockey" they find on the ship in Alien.

2. A xenomorph bursts out of one of the Engineers at the end of the movie. They were developing them as a weapon to destroy humanity (which they had created).

Thus the problem with a "prequel" that goes half prequel. It's not meant to be held to those films standards, but it is now. I can understand people being let down though, there's a giant build-up with a movie like this. I feel five, ten years down the road people who are let down will re-watch it a bunch and like it more than now.
I'm not really let down by it not living up to those films per se.

It just had a weak plot and was pretty boring at times and the pacing was just odd at times. Also just a lot of things that weren't explained in terms of motivation etc like
like David putting the black stuff in Holloway's drink--did Weyland tell him to do it, was it his own decision etc.
It wasn't awful, but was like a 3/5 type movie for me.

With the weird pacing etc. it seems like a lot got cut, so maybe we'll get a director's cut on Bluray/DVD that's better. That happened to Scott with Kingdom of Heaven where the studio made him cut a bunch to get run time down, and the later director's cut is much better.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I'm not really let down by it not living up to those films per se.

It just had a weak plot and was pretty boring at times and the pacing was just odd at times. Also just a lot of things that weren't explained in terms of motivation etc like
like David putting the black stuff in Holloway's drink--did Weyland tell him to do it, was it his own decision etc.
It wasn't awful, but was like a 3/5 type movie for me.

With the weird pacing etc. it seems like a lot got cut, so maybe we'll get a director's cut on Bluray/DVD that's better. That happened to Scott with Kingdom of Heaven where the studio made him cut a bunch to get run time down, and the later director's cut is much better.[/QUOTE]

I think the previews were misleading. From them, it was easy to get the impression that it was going to be a sci-fi/horror/action movie, but it didn't have a lot of action and definitely wasn't scary. I think that's what a lot of people expected as most of the people in the theater last night were clearly disappointed when I was walking out.

I'm a big fan of the Alien movies, so I enjoyed looking for the references and similarities. That being said, even I thought it was pretty slow.

And I think
Weyland instructed him
I think so as well, but there should have been a scene outlining that. Also
the one guy that came back as that zombie like creature was odd too, as there wasn't any explanation that the black goop could do that.

Just seems like lots of scenes of exposition must have ended up on the cutting room floor, so hopefully we do get a director's cut.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I think so as well, but there should have been a scene outlining that. Also
the one guy that came back as that zombie like creature was odd too, as there wasn't any explanation that the black goop could do that.

that wasn't the black goup. That guy was the one with the snake thing down his throat. However, if it was the black stuff it would still make sense since we don't know what exactly it did to people seeing as they took the KILL IT WITH FIRE approach to the doctor before whatever the full process was actually finished.
[quote name='lokizz']so chances are the movie may be better with a directors cut? i remember seeing a directors cut of aliens once and it blew my mind with all the shit they cut out. saw a fan edition of phantasm once too its cool to see extra shit they cut out alot of what they did i get why it was done but some of it was cool.[/QUOTE]
Probably. Way too many, "Wait, why are you doing this?" and, "Wait, why has nobody acknowledged that?" and, "So... what ever happened to that?" bits in the movie.

EDIT: Also, to the blinding/maul conversation:
That was Holloway, the drank black goop guy. Nothing ever became of the guy who swallowed the slug.
[quote name='The Crotch']EDIT: Also, to the blinding/maul conversation:
That was Holloway, the drank black goop guy. Nothing ever became of the guy who swallowed the slug.

Oh, wow. I assumed it had to be the guy who swallowed the snake/slug thing because I didn't notice the zombie thing looking all burnt up. I guess it makes sense though because I also didn't notice anything with the zombie's arm.
All this talk about Kingdom of Heaven made me glad that I watched it on dvd first. I can't imagine how disjointed it was on the big screen.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Prometheus.

I was pretty let down by it. Lacked the horror of Alien or the action of Aliens, and the plot just wasn't interesting enough for it to succeed (IMO) as a Sci Fi drama. The pacing was weird at times as well.

1. The Engineers are the same species as "Space Jockey" they find on the ship in Alien.

2. A xenomorph bursts out of one of the Engineers at the end of the movie. They were developing them as a weapon to destroy humanity (which they had created).

thanks ive been wanting to get as much info on that as possible. now i need to see alien again as much as i love horror and sci fi i think ive only seen it once. lost count on all the times ive seen aliens though man i love that movie. sounds like its gonna suffer from blue chips syndrome ( good movie that was missleading due to the way the commercial was cut) still gonna see it at some point though i like movies like that.

that said its past time for another great sci fi flick.theres gotta be some awesome evil alien battle flick going on somewhere. and dont say mib3 or battleship. have there been any good foreign sci flicks recently?
Prometheus - Loved it, wasn't disappointed at all. I think my favorite thing about the movie are all the things to think about now. There's a lot of things that aren't 100% explained but I love that, it leaves so much to your imagination. I really hope he does a sequel that has to do more with the Engineers, I want to see their story, I don't really want any more Alien movies.
[quote name='dohdough']Surely, you jest. It's one of the greatest movies of all time for his last line alone.:lol:

"I am Yulaw! I'm nobody's bitch! You...are mine."[/QUOTE]

the end scene was the shit he should do a sequel before its too late. have them both fight someone who has pulled off becoming the one.
Prometheus - I'd give it a 3/5 if there were more decent sci-fi movies out there but for now, 4/5. It had some weird editing-pacing-continuity problems. Also, I thought the score was very poor and mismatched. If someone like Clint Mansell (Moon score) did it, I think it would have elevated my appreciation more. My favorite scene was
the cesarean scene
though it seemed to have little consequence to the plot.
[quote name='panzerfaust']Ridley Scott movies are always loads better with the director's cut. Kingdom of Heaven became one of my favorite films after seeing the complete version.[/QUOTE]

The only thing that could make Ridley Scott's Robin Hood even slightly watchable is if the Director's Cut was just the Disney version with the fox Robin. That movie was freaking awful and made me long for Tony Scott's delicate touch and unpredictability.

And if any of you haven't yet seen Ridley's Robin Hood... by all means don't. Dull, pointless, and it ends at the exact point Robin Hood actually becomes interesting.
[quote name='lokizz']
that said its past time for another great sci fi flick.theres gotta be some awesome evil alien battle flick going on somewhere. and dont say mib3 or battleship. have there been any good foreign sci flicks recently?[/QUOTE]

seen Attack the Block?
I really liked Prometheus, person I went with didn't at all, so I guess it's one of those movies.

It makes me sad that we just don't get sci-fi movies like it anymore.
[quote name='DestroVega']seen Attack the Block?[/QUOTE]

about 6 or 7 times and im planning to watch it again today lol. i love that movie.
I saw Prometheus in 2d today and liked it. I agree with people who think the score wasn't as good as it could have been. Plus, the dialog sort of hit the audience over the head when making a point. Things that could have been left to the viewer to speculate we're spoken.

Very minor issues to an overaretry entertaining movie. Friend I saw it with wasn't expecting the gore. I wasn't but I still cringed a few times!
[quote name='saunderscowie']The One

Its an okay movie, good idea but quite badly executed.. Jet Li is good as normal I guess.[/QUOTE]would it help if you knew it was written for The Rock originally. The screen writer couldn't come up with an idea of who could take down The Rock so he thought The Rock should fight himself. Scheduling conflict led to Jet Li replacement.

[quote name='lokizz']about 6 or 7 times and im planning to watch it again today lol. i love that movie.[/QUOTE]ugh.. you guys win. I'll rewatch Attack The Block myself this week again. I've only seen it in full maybe 4 times myself.

I should probably put Project X on my PS3 since it's going to be in rotation like that.
Last night, three Jackie Chan movies were on TV. Dear god, what did they do to Police Story 3. Who the hell thought that opening would appeal to Americans, much less people in general?!

Dragon Lord was more decent, though I should watch it in its original language.

Then Project A 2 was one, not as good as the first one, but fun nonetheless.
[quote name='commandercody83']I saw Prometheus in 2d today and liked it. I agree with people who think the score wasn't as good as it could have been. Plus, the dialog sort of hit the audience over the head when making a point. Things that could have been left to the viewer to speculate we're spoken.

Very minor issues to an overaretry entertaining movie. Friend I saw it with wasn't expecting the gore. I wasn't but I still cringed a few times![/QUOTE]

Yeah, the scene where
The captain basically explains everything for the audience in case they were THAT stupid
was particularly silly.

That being said, I enjoyed the movie as a whole. Fassbender stole the movie, just like he did with X-Men last year.

Saw it in IMAX 3D btw. I really wish they would have 2D IMAX showings of movies for films I really wanna see on that screen, but not with that bullshit. Thank god The Dark Knight Rises isn't in 3D, since that's the other movie I'm willing to make the drive to see in IMAX, as well as pay the obscene prices they charge out here. ($18 for a movie is goddamn bullshit.)
Rise of Planet of The Apes - A very good film. Serkis was amazing as Caesar. After he brought Gollum in LOTR to life, I've had no doubt in his ability. All of the actors portraying primates did a good job. Caesar didn't have to speak and you knew exactly what he was trying to say. By the end of film, you were supposed to feel for these creatures and YOU WERE ROOTING FOR THEM AGAINST THE HUMANS!
Prometheus - 3/5 - It was ok, but left far too many questions unanswered, and left some plot holes empty for the viewers. Noomi Rapace was pretty damn sexy in the film, but I didn't really enjoy her character. As a matter of fact, I didn't enjoy many of the characters, David included. Idris Elba was fantastic, though.
The Thing prequel. Didn't know what to expect, but ti was pretty good. i like some of the the little nods to the original, like explaining how the fire axe got stuck in the wall in the Carpenter movie. Also clarified that the Thing can't replicate inorganic things like jewelry or tooth fillings, so that clears up the ending to the Carpenter movie a bit.
^ this proves my point that the most negative reactions come from Alien fanboys.

Can't wait to read reviews after the new Blade Runner comes out.
Men in Black 3

I thought it was okay, certainly better than the second one (what I remember of it). There was moments during the film were jokes just weren't funny or things just didn't make sense / add up but it was still okay.
bread's done