Surprisingly The Last Movie You Saw Didn't Suck Pt. 2

Has anybody seen the new Total Recall? Is it a fun movie to go see? Most agree it isn't better than the first. But some are making out the first to be this cinematic masterpiece which I don't think it is. Any thoughts CAG's?
30 Minutes or Less - Some laughs found with Mark Zukerberg and Kenny Powers.

The Sitter - Not bad and had some laughs. However, I liked this better with Elizabeth Shue in the 80's, when it was called "Adventures in Babysitting".
[quote name='evildeadjedi']I liked this better with Elizabeth Shue in the 80's, when it was called "Adventures in Babysitting".[/QUOTE]

One of the best fucking movies EVER!
[quote name='Commander0Zero']Has anybody seen the new Total Recall? Is it a fun movie to go see? Most agree it isn't better than the first. But some are making out the first to be this cinematic masterpiece which I don't think it is. Any thoughts CAG's?[/QUOTE]

If you can go for cheap it is a decent time killer. I saw it and while it wasn't terrible I couldn't help but think I should have gone to Dark Knight Rises again.

Bourne Legacy-- Was okay but too much Jason Bourne stuff. I wanted it to be the start of new franchise but it felt like an end on to the Jason Bourne saga. I thought the movie needed a little more action and less talking. The worst of the four Bourne movies. I hope the next one drops the Bourne from the title and is an Aaron Cross movie.

The Campaign-- Only went to this because my wife wanted to see it. Must say it was much more funny than I would have imagined. If you like Will Ferrell you will like this movie.

The Watch-- Was funny enough to not be terrible but The Campaign was better I thought.
[quote name='noone13']The Campaign-- Only went to this because my wife wanted to see it. Must say it was much more funny than I would have imagined. If you like Will Ferrell you will like this movie.[/QUOTE]
Hmmm, funny Will Ferrell or Will Ferrell trying to be funny? Actually, I probably answered my own question because I'm not sure I've liked any of his (comedy) movies but love his SNL stuff.
[quote name='Jodou']Hmmm, funny Will Ferrell or Will Ferrell trying to be funny? Actually, I probably answered my own question because I'm not sure I've liked any of his (comedy) movies but love his SNL stuff.[/QUOTE]

I thought he was being funny. Probably helped he is only in half of the movie.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']X-Men Origins Wolverine - Not as good as First Class, but not mad that I spent $10 on the blu-ray.[/QUOTE]

Play the awesome game, and you get the movie and then much, much more.
[quote name='TheBigAndy']X-Men Origins Wolverine - Not as good as First Class, but not mad that I spent $10 on the blu-ray.[/QUOTE]

Saying Wolverine isn't as good as First Class might be the biggest understatement in this thread.
[quote name='DestroVega']Saying Wolverine isn't as good as First Class might be the biggest understatement in this thread.[/QUOTE]

Yeah don't get me wrong, First Class was WAY better, but I still enjoyed the Wolverine one.
[quote name='noone13']I thought he was being funny. Probably helped he is only in half of the movie.[/QUOTE]
Ha, true enough. Maybe the pacing is just right because there's only so much you can take in one sitting.
[quote name='Jodou']Hmmm, funny Will Ferrell or Will Ferrell trying to be funny? Actually, I probably answered my own question because I'm not sure I've liked any of his (comedy) movies but love his SNL stuff.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. It was the same way with Jim Carey. Even when they're in movies it seems like they're playing sketch TV characters, and it just comes off as awkward because you're watching a movie, not sketches.

Paul Rudd is the almighty exception. That guy works great in everything. Because he's so damn dry and subtle. No theatrics.
[quote name='Jodou']Ha, true enough. Maybe the pacing is just right because there's only so much you can take in one sitting.[/QUOTE]

I think it helped a lot that the movie was under 90 minutes too. Normally I complain about short movies but for this movie it was perfect.

Watched Soldiers of Fortune today with Sean Bean and holy crap was it a terrible. Good thing I saw it for free but it was awful.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Agreed. It was the same way with Jim Carey. Even when they're in movies it seems like they're playing sketch TV characters, and it just comes off as awkward because you're watching a movie, not sketches.

Paul Rudd is the almighty exception. That guy works great in everything. Because he's so damn dry and subtle. No theatrics.[/QUOTE]

Paul Rudd? Really? Are you serious?
[quote name='whoknows']Was it him running away for 2 hours?[/QUOTE]

Yes. And you had to watch everything twice. You would see him get on a plane and then watch the CIA sitting around monitors watching a video feed of him getting on the plan and saying "omg, he just got on a plane!"
[quote name='Mr Unoriginal']Yes. And you had to watch everything twice. You would see him get on a plane and then watch the CIA sitting around monitors watching a video feed of him getting on the plan and saying "omg, he just got on a plane!"[/QUOTE]

Sounds like I'll pass on it. Running away gets old.

It's even worse when a movie poorly attempts to copy it, like the Hulks.
Saw Wall Street for the first time. So good that I didn't want it to end. It's the first Oliver Stone movie I liked (Scarface confused me, probably because I was too young at the time to understand it and The Doors went on and on to the point of boredom).

Is "Money Never Sleeps" any good? Letting the viewer decide what happen to Bud Fox and Gordon Gecko at the end of the first movie seemed good enough not to have a sequel.
[quote name='Cage017']Saw Wall Street for the first time. So good that I didn't want it to end. It's the first Oliver Stone movie I liked (Scarface confused me, probably because I was too young at the time to understand it and The Doors went on and on to the point of boredom).

Is "Money Never Sleeps" any good? Letting the viewer decide what happen to Bud Fox and Gordon Gecko at the end of the first movie seemed good enough not to have a sequel.[/QUOTE]

Money Never Sleeps isn't too bad; I'd say you can't go wrong at least giving it a viewing.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']One of the best fucking movies EVER![/QUOTE]

I love that flick! :cool:

"You slip me the $2, I'll slip you the weiner! I don't have the cash! Well then I don't have a wiener!"

"Nobody leaves this place without singing the blues."

Brenda: Chris, it really scary in here. I just saw two people shoot out a bald chineese lady with no pants on and there's a guy outside who wants his suspenders and slippers!
Brenda: You just moved!

"Would a playboy Centerfold have nothing better to do on a Saturday night than to show up at a frat party with a bunch of kids?"

"That's the sweetest thing anybody's ever said to me! Wanna go to bed?"

"Nobody fucks with the babysitter!"


[quote name='dohdough']Tucker and Dale vs Evil. Awesome movie.[/QUOTE]

Can't wait to check that one out!
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[quote name='RedvsBlue']Money Never Sleeps isn't too bad; I'd say you can't go wrong at least giving it a viewing.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it was better than I expected. Other than the sappy ending anyway.
J. Edgar was so bad, I don't know why I sat through the whole thing. I guess I was hoping for some redeeming quality but no, the whole thing just sucked. I couldn't tell at all exactly what the message of the movie was supposed to be because it was just all over the place. When you want to show a man in a certain light, don't keep changing the position of the lamp.

Man, I want my time back.
I just saw the amazing spider-man. I know almost everyone will disagree,but I thought it was the best superhero movie I've ever seen.
Continuing on my action movie weekend, saw The Raid: Redemption. It wasn't as crazy as I expected but really good. Definitely one to check out.
Tucker & Dale VS Evil - Definitely, as good as people have said it was. Tyler Labine was hilarious (I was a fan of Reaper :( so I know he is).

It was an interesting twist on the slasher genre. An entertaining horror comedy. "These guys are dying around my property!"
Expendables 2 - Great, mindless action with just the right amount of comedy mixed in. Enjoyed it a lot more than The Expendables.
[quote name='crunchb3rry']Agreed. It was the same way with Jim Carey. Even when they're in movies it seems like they're playing sketch TV characters, and it just comes off as awkward because you're watching a movie, not sketches.

Paul Rudd is the almighty exception. That guy works great in everything. Because he's so damn dry and subtle. No theatrics.[/QUOTE]

Paul Rudd is my absolute favorite comedic actor. His delivery of lines is incredible and has me laughing out loud 99% of the time. It's like he doesn't even try.
Goya's Ghosts. Enjoyed it. A tad slow at times but some strong performances.

Sherlock Holmes: Game of Shadows. Even more forgetable than the first.
[quote name='Commander0Zero']Has anybody seen the new Total Recall? Is it a fun movie to go see? Most agree it isn't better than the first. But some are making out the first to be this cinematic masterpiece which I don't think it is. Any thoughts CAG's?[/QUOTE]

I have not watched it nor want to, but I follow 1 simple rule with 80's - early 90's remake and ripoffs.

All classics from that era are served with a bit of cheese, the remake/ripoff better have actors be able to or willing to pull that off, if not, than I know its going to be a bad movie that I don't want to see.

Most classics from that era pretty much has 1 outlandish concept and everything logically flows after that 1 concept, no matter how rediculous it may be. It is up to the actor/actors that makes that 1 concept believable.

Highlander/Adventures in Babysitting/Coming to America/The Terminator/Die Hard/The Princess Bride/Willow/Back to the Future/Ghostbusters/Ferris Bueller's Day Off/Big Trouble in Little China/Gremlins

Current trend is try to make the 1st outlandish concept as believable as possible with logic and explainations and it fucksup the whole movie because they all try to go back to it with explainations and crap and add cheese in between, the actor has to do it motherfuckers.

Only way I can see any recent action remakes of an 80's movie be good now is if the Rock is the star. Check out the "The Rundown", if that was made in the 80's he would be one of the biggest stars now.
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[quote name='Tsel']Paul Rudd is my absolute favorite comedic actor. His delivery of lines is incredible and has me laughing out loud 99% of the time. It's like he doesn't even try.[/QUOTE]

Paul Rudd? Really?

The guy is an empty suit.
Expendables 2 - Awesome. Some movies think they're too good for lines such as "rest in pieces" but thankfully, not this one. Definitely better than the first IMO.
Ip Man 1&2

Expendables 2
Better than the first, but that was not a great movie.. This one was okay, mindless action all the way through. I feel like with Chuck Norris being a part of the line up being quite a big deal in my opinion that his involvement should have been kept a secret. That would of been awesome.

Also everyone quoting lines from each others films got kind of old after a while, but ah well.
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X: The Man with X-Ray Eyes, as recommended in Stephen King's Danse Macabre. A doctor develops a way to enhance human eyesight, experiments on himself, experiment gets a little out of control.
It ends with him stumbling in to a religious revival tent, utterly unable to comprehend the world around him. He tells the preacher that he can see the darkness around them, and the light beyond, and the eye at the center of the universe that sees them all. "If thine eye offends," the preacher says, "pluck it out!"

And so he does, the film ending with a shot of his empty sockets. There was, however, one alternate ending shot purely on the director's whim but never used. Only a few seconds longer, it had one final line: "I can still see!"
The Apparition - Curse me and my need to watch horror movies.

It wasn't unwatchable like it's score on Metacritic would lead one to believe, it was just boring and nothing new. It started off well though, and the movie should have been about either of the two opening "scares" that happened instead of what they did.
Saw the Avengers finally. pretty generic movie. entertaining but not as amazing as I kept hearing. Mainly laughed every single time Thor spoke(I haven't seen Thor) and mainly the entire thing just reminded me of a "modern" power rangers. Sigh, im getting old.
[quote name='AshesofWake']Saw the Avengers finally. pretty generic movie. entertaining but not as amazing as I kept hearing. Mainly laughed every single time Thor spoke(I haven't seen Thor) and mainly the entire thing just reminded me of a "modern" power rangers. Sigh, im getting old.[/QUOTE]
I didn't think the avengers was as great as people said and I'm 17
[quote name='whoknows']The Apparition - Curse me and my need to watch horror movies.

It wasn't unwatchable like it's score on Metacritic would lead one to believe, it was just boring and nothing new. It started off well though, and the movie should have been about either of the two opening "scares" that happened instead of what they did.[/QUOTE]
Should've gone with Paranorman
The Raid: Redemption

Great martial arts flick, moves look like they fucking hurt. It's realistic in that way, but it's also really ridiculous looking at how long the "boss" fights take. If you slammed my head into concrete I'd probably be done, just saying.
bread's done