Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

Cromartie is water proof?

I kinda got a chuckle when he sank down to the bottom of the ocean. It was like he was saying "I'll get you next time boyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!"

Hmmm, Charlie didn't die.

What did his wife die from?
I always thought the terminators were water proof but could not swim. They never really said it in the movies but I don't see why they couldn't go in water. It would be to easy to destroy them if that was the case. Hell this isn't Oz so water does not work.

His wife died from getting hit in the back with something when the tower fell on the house so she bleeded to death.

I'm looking forward to next week when we learn more about Cameron. I'm guessing the terminator Cameron killed the human one and the human was Johns wife. In the previews it shows 2 of them and the one cries and is human.
I still think the show's pretty good for being on TV and tying into the storyline and all. I still want to see more of Riley..
though IMDB only has her listed for three episodes..
I dont get why people are using IMDB to see how many eps the character is in. If you look up to see the number for Summmer Glau it shows only 4 for this season. Lena Headey, Thomas Dekker and Brian Austin Green all show up in only 4 as of now. We all know that atleast 2 of them will be in every episode this season. However Dean Winters is still only showing just the 3 that have been aired this season. So chances are he is done this season unless he comes back later and I don't see them just droping his character this way. Hell at the start of this season IMDB only had Shirley Manson listed in 2 episodes and she has been in all of them as of right now. Hell unless next weeks is just about Cameron she chances are will be in it.

I really thought they would have more with Chola. It seemed like they would have more for that character then what they did. She was the gang member that was out side and never said anything. I had at one time thought she would be another Terminator but she can't because the dogs never barked at her.

Anyway point is you can not go by IMDB with this show. Atleast not untill the end of the season.
I'd like to see more of Riley too. xD

Less of the ER crazy girl... who names their kid Busty?
I don't mind pregnant women, but this is an exception...
Question: How bad are the ratings for Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles? -- Dean
Armageddon-like? An SCC insider tells me that if the show's numbers don't start to climb, Fox is unlikely to order any additional episodes beyond the 13 currently in the pipeline. At Saturday's EW pre-Emmy bash, Thomas Dekker remained hopeful that they could hold off doomsday at least until the end of football season. "We¹re up against Monday Night Football," he sighed, "which is tricky because we have a lot of football fans."

That makes me sad. I don't expect this show to do to well however I would like for it to do well enought to not get canceled. I would like to see a series final and would think it would end with the start of the war like the end of the third movie. However I don't even see Fox letting them do that. I expect after this season it to not be brought back and have just ended. Then we would be lucky to just get a movie starting from where Fox stopped the series at to where they want to end it.
Meh. I didn't think much of that episode. Did nothing to improve the plot, and we already new Cameron in the future infiltrated the human camp to try and kill John. Doesn't add much to see who she impersonated.
No but it is odd that you see a tear on the terminator version of Cameron or Alison. Didn't think they could do that but also she is a different type of terminator. Atleast that is what they are building her as. Also she said she was wanting to coexist and wanted peace between the two. However did she kill Alison or not because the one girl it seems like she did the same thing to but she did not die. Also she could have killed John in the future atleast I would think she could have. So she is going to the past to kill John but wants peace and from the way it sounds John was going to send Alison and not Cameron but sent Cameron back instead? Or have I missed something? Also the T-1001 has a kid? What are they doing to the Terminator franchise and I wonder what James Cameron thinks of this.
I am starting to think John in the future is dead and the resistance has acquired the technology to make a terminator look like John and program it with his neural patterns so the terminator *thinks* it's john when it's actually a machine. It's all about keeping the image alive for the rest of the resistance to have something to believe in. Without that belief, their fight isn't worth shit.
[quote name='dmaul1114']I though the peace bit was just lying in attempt to get Alison's trust. Could be more to it I guess.[/quote]

Absolutely. If the terminator wanted peace it wouldn't cage up the rest of the humans, that would be ridiculous.

I thought this episode was great. They need to do more episodes like this one. I like the more philisophical/existential tone, the show does that pretty well (as opposed to straight-up action, which is pretty hit or miss)

Ever since the Terminator sinking episode, I've been obsessed with all the plot holes that creates. Like - when Summer gets on the top bunk of that rickety bed, physics tells me her junkie friend is about to be made into human pancake, but somehow her weight magically dissappears. :shock:

Only thing I thought was ridiculous was how Cameron "became" Allison. The machine was never programmed to simulate the girl, just to emulate the superficial appearance and appropriate human responses. No way a machine gets upset about being dissed by it's mother or some aggro loser. Just go back to T2, you never saw Arnie's role step outside of his mission parameters as John's bodyguard.
[quote name='camoor']Absolutely. If the terminator wanted peace it wouldn't cage up the rest of the humans, that would be ridiculous.

I thought this episode was great. They need to do more episodes like this one. I like the more philisophical/existential tone, the show does that pretty well (as opposed to straight-up action, which is pretty hit or miss)

Ever since the Terminator sinking episode, I've been obsessed with all the plot holes that creates. Like - when Summer gets on the top bunk of that rickety bed, physics tells me her junkie friend is about to be made into human pancake, but somehow her weight magically dissappears. :shock:

Only thing I thought was ridiculous was how Cameron "became" Allison. The machine was never programmed to simulate the girl, just to emulate the superficial appearance and appropriate human responses. No way a machine gets upset about being dissed by it's mother or some aggro loser. Just go back to T2, you never saw Arnie's role step outside of his mission parameters as John's bodyguard.[/quote]

Cameron, turning into Allison can be attributed to a different model. Maybe a prototype? Like in T2 extended Edition, the T-1000 never "forgot" his mission but it had some glitches. I am thinking this Cameron glitch has to do with whatever the machines do to the humans. Remember in season 1 when the machines take Reese into the basement and we never know what they did to him, I believe that has to do with Cameron's "glitch". Well at least that is what I think.
WAIT what?

John needs to stop saying "I know how to fix you..." because HE DOESN'T!!

I seriously doubt that Terminator endo we saw was the Cameron model. It's too bad we couldn't see the Cameron endo.

Something tells me that the lady's unborn child will play a vital role in the resistance in the future.
at first I was thinking this is Kyle's mother, but since Kyle and Derk are already born, that's out of the question
[quote name='ITDEFX']
I am starting to think John in the future is dead and the resistance has acquired the technology to make a terminator look like John and program it with his neural patterns so the terminator *thinks* it's john when it's actually a machine. It's all about keeping the image alive for the rest of the resistance to have something to believe in. Without that belief, their fight isn't worth shit.

Well that was a rumored ending for the next movie. I was also thinking the same thing back in season one when Cameron said that this John is not the John she knows. Atleast not yet.

[quote name='VipFREAK']Chuck Starting tonight. Sorry Summer.[/QUOTE]

That is why I just flipped back and forth from TSCC to Chuck during the comercials.

[quote name='camoor']Absolutely. If the terminator wanted peace it wouldn't cage up the rest of the humans, that would be ridiculous.

I thought this episode was great. They need to do more episodes like this one. I like the more philisophical/existential tone, the show does that pretty well (as opposed to straight-up action, which is pretty hit or miss)

Ever since the Terminator sinking episode, I've been obsessed with all the plot holes that creates. Like - when Summer gets on the top bunk of that rickety bed, physics tells me her junkie friend is about to be made into human pancake, but somehow her weight magically dissappears. :shock:

Only thing I thought was ridiculous was how Cameron "became" Allison. The machine was never programmed to simulate the girl, just to emulate the superficial appearance and appropriate human responses. No way a machine gets upset about being dissed by it's mother or some aggro loser. Just go back to T2, you never saw Arnie's role step outside of his mission parameters as John's bodyguard.[/QUOTE]

I was thinking about that with the bed also. Along with when is "Judgment Day" now. Kyle and Derek are how old now and how old were they when Judgment Day started. Also Cameron well Alison has yet to be born and Alison said she was how old when it happend. The ages I don't think work out and Judgment Day seems to be 4 different years now. It was to be August 29 1998 I think.

[quote name='ITDEFX']WAIT what?

John needs to stop saying "I know how to fix you..." because HE DOESN'T!!

I seriously doubt that Terminator endo we saw was the Cameron model. It's too bad we couldn't see the Cameron endo.

Something tells me that the lady's unborn child will play a vital role in the resistance in the future.
at first I was thinking this is Kyle's mother, but since Kyle and Derk are already born, that's out of the question

What one are you talking about? The woman that is renting them the place or the woman Cameron called. The woman Cameron called is Alison's mother and pregnant with Alison. So what Alison said she was around 10-13 when Judgment Day happend. So that makes it over 10 years from the current time in the show. The other woman chances are has nothing to do with them but another story to the show that will be dropped like the other girl and Johns dumbass friend from last season.
Long time watcher and first time poster on this thread.

I must say though at the end of the first season I was past the thought that if they could send many more people and weapons back in time, why did they have to go through those movies?

Ok Since T3 happened in a different universe, will the next terminator movie follow the series or the thrid terminator movie?
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[quote name='Will']I thought this show is "what happened" between T2 and T3?[/QUOTE]

Plot wise it is as it's between T2 and judgment day, but it doesn't seem like the time line of the show fits with when judgment day happened in T3.
T4 takes place after T3 as far as I know. The TV show takes place after T2 and only thing it has to do with T3 is the fact that Sarah Conner gets cancer. I read that at one point they thought about tieing the new movies into the TV show then someone chances are McG said fuck that.
i know its confusing but from what i saw from wikipedia. (i know I know) TSCC is set in an alternate universe from T3. long as we keep tv and movie seperate we should be fine. besides from what i hear this show is not going to make it much longer unless the numbers go up.
Well I think they have half or more of this season filmed already. So chances are this is the last for it. Doesnt help that it has Chuck and isn't it on during monday night footbal? At least it is on before Heros.
[quote name='sendme']Well I think they have half or more of this season filmed already. So chances are this is the last for it. Doesnt help that it has Chuck and isn't it on during monday night footbal? At least it is on before Heros.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, they put it on shitty night for sure. About any weeknight other than maybe Thursday, would be better for it.
Basically Cameron called the mother of the girl who she is based on, only the woman is just now pregnant with her.

That was kind of surreal when it first sank in after the episode. She really did believe she was that girl.
She should have not been able to remember this due to them erasing her memory. At least they say they did. Also the braclet to get into the Connor camps why is it no one else had them. I think this episode came from a writers ass along with most of what we have seen this season because they gave them 22 episodes.
I think I remember reading a writer saying that after the events of the TV show, T3 "never happened." The timeline had been erased by the show's first season events.
The writers of the show are pretending that T3 never happend. Well all but Sarah getting cancer. When I think about it I don't even see that as being part of T3. Kyle never said anything about Sarah other then John giving him a picture of her. Kyle never met Sarah in the future and only had the picture to go on when it came to what she looked like. The terminator in T2 that was sent to protect John never makes a comment about Sarah. Nothing is said about her being in the future war or having anything to do with it other then giving birth to John. So that tells me she is dead in the future.
[quote name='sendme']
What one are you talking about? The woman that is renting them the place or the woman Cameron called. The woman Cameron called is Alison's mother and pregnant with Alison. So what Alison said she was around 10-13 when Judgment Day happend. So that makes it over 10 years from the current time in the show. The other woman chances are has nothing to do with them but another story to the show that will be dropped like the other girl and Johns dumbass friend from last season.[/quote]

I was talking about the lady that Sara takes to the hospital. They are giving her too much screen time which is starting to make me think it's a clue to a future plot line.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I was talking about the lady that Sara takes to the hospital. They are giving her too much screen time which is starting to make me think it's a clue to a future plot line.[/quote]

I was thinking the LAPD officer might become one of John's soldiers in the future. Either that or his child will become one of the resistance fighters with help from his dad for weapons training.
I think it is just going to be a dead story line like we had last season. I know they have John at a shooting range in a prevue clip. So I'm going to guess that the LAPD officer takes him to the shooting range from time to time. Other then that I see nothing else from them.
I think this is a good show, been hook ever since. The Terminator girl is hot, i can't stop looking at her :drool:
The ratings have been steadily dropping so this is pretty much guaranteed to be the last season. Fox ordered 13 episodes but there's no guarantee that even all of those will be made. Prepare yourselves for a possible abrupt ending. Terminator was originally supposed to debut with 24 back in January, which would have helped it's ratings somewhat, but the strike messed that up.
I thought that the last episode is simply setting up the rest of the season by adding more characters and background information. I see some good potential.
All they did was tell us who is going to teach John how to shoot a gun and it was pointless to do that in a full episode. They may and should go more into that about Cameron and Alison.
[quote name='blueweltall']I think american idol will help if the put it on after it.[/quote]

American Idol is like 2 hrs when it starts right?

If that is true, then by 10pm it's my local FOX 5 news at 10!
I really hope they don't cancel this show. I'd really like to see the whole storyline arc that the writers came up with. Sure, some episodes are more filler than others but what series doesn't have that? I liked this week's episode. Anytime they show the future war is good IMO.
bread's done