Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

jaykrue just stop period....PLEASE.

Unless you or anyone else has first hand experience in time travel, it's all theoretical. However if you and the other clown wants to make a mess of the show's discussion with all this talk, then you might as well bring in Back to the Future.
[quote name='ITDEFX']jaykrue just stop period....PLEASE.

Unless you or anyone else has first hand experience in time travel, it's all theoretical. However if you and the other clown wants to make a mess of the show's discussion with all this talk, then you might as well bring in Back to the Future.[/quote]

I did. Read my last post. I've already got him on ignore so I don't know what he wrote. I'm done arguing w/ a wall. And while I don't have first hand experience, the stuff I was mentioning are all things discussed by physicists so it's valid discussion. But if the person you're trying to explain these ideas to waves them away with a dismissive 'crap', it's difficult not to get frustrated. And I've got no problem w/ talking about BttF. What, in particular, did you want to talk about?
Jeez. If this minor stuff from the first two episodes is starting arguments, I can't wait to see what the rest of the season has in store for us.

Wait until that hobo from Terminator 1 who got his pants stolen by Kyle travels into the future (which is the present to us) and assassinates John, just because Kyle "took my pants."

. . .I'm calling it now, ladies and gentleman. Place your bets. My money's on the hobo: he's tough, he fights (and looks) dirty, and he's got nothing left to lose.
I caught the Premiere (but haven't watched the next one) and it was decent. I thought there were a few inconsistencies or things that didn't make sense - The time machine in a bank vault? You can't bring anything with you through time yet flesh and machine seem to travel just fine? I also thought that part of the Terminator universe was that you could only travel back in time and not forwards which is why the machines can't pinpoint John Connor's exact location but can get in the general vicinity. Also, my wife's first comment was "If these machines are so smart why don't they just send 1,000 Terminators back in time to kill him?" I'll keep watching it... it's not like there's anything else on.
[quote name='javeryh']Also, my wife's first comment was "If these machines are so smart why don't they just send 1,000 Terminators back in time to kill him?" I'll keep watching it... it's not like there's anything else on.[/quote]

It takes a ton of energy to travel through time, also I imagine you don't want to distort the timeline too badly lest history become significantly alterted and you are wiped out of existence (hey, at least they made an effort to explain it).

I think the real problem with the show's version of time travel is that the earth is both rotating and spinning, which means that if you want to travel back in time you have to also transport thousands of miles in space to a position that's mere feet above the earth's surface. I bet there's quite a few robots that landed out in the middle of earth's orbit :lol:

I'm hoping that in one of the episodes they kidnap a physicist and make him explain all of this.
I have always asked the question, why send only one? Why not send an army of robots back in time to build Skynet?

We will never know because it's time travel and no one has a clue.
Okay, here's a non-time travel related quirk: you ever wonder why Skynet doesn't think to itself, "Hey, maybe I should disguise my robotic assassins so that they don't look like bodybuilders or hot women."

Because if I was Skynet, all of my terminators would look like fat, old, ugly slobs. No one would see them coming.
[quote name='Killer Rabbit']Okay, here's a non-time travel related quirk: you ever wonder why Skynet doesn't think to itself, "Hey, maybe I should disguise my robotic assassins so that they don't look like bodybuilders or hot women."

Because if I was Skynet, all of my terminators would look like fat, old, ugly slobs. No one would see them coming.[/QUOTE]

But then no one would watch your movies either...
[quote name='javeryh']I caught the Premiere (but haven't watched the next one) and it was decent. I thought there were a few inconsistencies or things that didn't make sense - The time machine in a bank vault? You can't bring anything with you through time yet flesh and machine seem to travel just fine? [/QUOTE]

The Time Machine was built by an engineer they sent back to the 1960's, who probably helped build the bank (as to the flash of the "established 196x" sign when they were entering the bank).

Only flesh can travel through time (as per the physics of the movies), which is why the terminators are sent back have a meat coating. I think/guess the head of the terminator that got shot in the vault came through time was still somewhat fleshy, but got stripped of the meaty parts on the way there.
[quote name='greydt']The Time Machine was built by an engineer they sent back to the 1960's, who probably helped build the bank (as to the flash of the "established 196x" sign when they were entering the bank).

Only flesh can travel through time (as per the physics of the movies), which is why the terminators are sent back have a meat coating. I think/guess the head of the terminator that got shot in the vault came through time was still somewhat fleshy, but got stripped of the meaty parts on the way there.[/quote]
It's not probably. Cameron mentions that the guy did indeed help build the bank.

I don't know if that 'only flesh' rule is strictly true anymore... at least since T2 came out. The T-1000 was pretty much all liquid metal. So they must've found some alloy that shapeshifts & mimics the properties that allow flesh to time travel. And the T-X had that same alloy so she could store complex weapons (like a plasma cannon) inside her body instead of just morphing pointy objects.

[quote name='camoor']It takes a ton of energy to travel through time, also I imagine you don't want to distort the timeline too badly lest history become significantly alterted and you are wiped out of existence (hey, at least they made an effort to explain it).

I think the real problem with the show's version of time travel is that the earth is both rotating and spinning, which means that if you want to travel back in time you have to also transport thousands of miles in space to a position that's mere feet above the earth's surface. I bet there's quite a few robots that landed out in the middle of earth's orbit

I'm hoping that in one of the episodes they kidnap a physicist and make him explain all of this.[/quote]

Maybe their method of time travel isn't stationary. Remember, they were in a bank in 1999 and then a highway in 2007. I would think, if it was stationary, they'd end up in an abandoned building or another business where the bank used to be. It's highly unlikely that the city would just demolish after the events there & reroute a whole highway throught that building.

My only problem w/ that is what about the time machine left in 1999. Was it obliterated due to the high energy output required... maybe along w/ the building (thus paving the way towards the possibility of a highway)?
Jaykrue, I sent you a PM about the whole time travel thing. I'm not attacking you at all, just didn't want to post here because people seem to be a bit on edge about it. :)

Feel free to post it in here if you want.
[quote name='jaykrue']My only problem w/ that is what about the time machine left in 1999. Was it obliterated due to the high energy output required... maybe along w/ the building (thus paving the way towards the possibility of a highway)?[/quote]
That would raise an interesting question about what happens to the time machines in the future. If the engineer couldn't protect the back in the past, do the time machines in the future destroy themselves as well?

That might add some ammunition to why they don't send 1000's of terminators back to the past. In addition to taking up so much energy, it destroys everything in a certain blast radius. It's an interesting thought.
[quote name='GuyWithGun']That would raise an interesting question about what happens to the time machines in the future. If the engineer couldn't protect the back in the past, do the time machines in the future destroy themselves as well?

That might add some ammunition to why they don't send 1000's of terminators back to the past. In addition to taking up so much energy, it destroys everything in a certain blast radius. It's an interesting thought.[/quote]

I think it also depends. I've played a few of the Terminator games and the one where you send Kyle back, the time machine was ok afterwards. But then again, the time machine was a huge cavernous room and probably heavily reinforced to withstand the time forces at work. I think that's partly why they put the machine in the bank. The vault would probably be strong enough to contain the blast to everything inside.
I have to re-read my Novel from T2, but I believe it was called the time displacement field. Somewhere in the beginning of the book it says one of the techs pointed out that when you send something back, something goes forward as the guy said something like "That's stuff from 1984.." So it doesn't destroy things, just swap things out. As for energy, yes it requires a massive amount of energy.. I think the t2 book says it, but I have to check.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I have to re-read my Novel from T2, but I believe it was called the time displacement field. Somewhere in the beginning of the book it says one of the techs pointed out that when you send something back, something goes forward as the guy said something like "That's stuff from 1984.." So it doesn't destroy things, just swap things out. As for energy, yes it requires a massive amount of energy.. I think the t2 book says it, but I have to check.[/quote]

How can there be stuff from 1984 if only flesh (or a special metal alloy only available to Skynet) can travel through time?
[quote name='jaykrue']How can there be stuff from 1984 if only flesh (or a special metal alloy only available to Skynet) can travel through time?[/QUOTE]

Again, I have to re-read the t2 novel which was released in 1991. I do have it, but it would seem to have been put together poorly as the binding for the pages were not good enough and the pages would easily come out. I will find it this weekend and get back to you.
[quote name='ITDEFX']Again, I have to re-read the t2 novel which was released in 1991. I do have it, but it would seem to have been put together poorly as the binding for the pages were not good enough and the pages would easily come out. I will find it this weekend and get back to you.[/QUOTE]

While it would be interesting to hear, I wouldn't take the novel as gospel for the canon of all-things Terminator. I've always found those books are usually an afterthought written by some 3rd-rate hack writer, and is as likely to be contradictory to the movies as the TV show is.
[quote name='keithp']While it would be interesting to hear, I wouldn't take the novel as gospel for the canon of all-things Terminator. I've always found those books are usually an afterthought written by some 3rd-rate hack writer, and is as likely to be contradictory to the movies as the TV show is.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't call Randall Frakes a 3rd rate hack of a writer. If I remember correctly, it was a pretty good novel. I do agree that a lot of what's in the book is based on the original script and things eventually get cut for pacing.

I just found this site


check it out.
[quote name='Killer Rabbit']Okay, here's a non-time travel related quirk: you ever wonder why Skynet doesn't think to itself, "Hey, maybe I should disguise my robotic assassins so that they don't look like bodybuilders or hot women."

Because if I was Skynet, all of my terminators would look like fat, old, ugly slobs. No one would see them coming.[/quote]

T-1000 looked pretty normal. Didn't work out too good.

Eps. 3 was a bit weird. Weird in that Cameron seems to have lost the emotions she simulated in the first eps. In the first one, she smiled and talked to John like a real person would. Then in the 3rd one, she's all 'fish out of water'. It's like she forgot how to display them.
[quote name='jaykrue']Eps. 3 was a bit weird. Weird in that Cameron seems to have lost the emotions she simulated in the first eps. In the first one, she smiled and talked to John like a real person would. Then in the 3rd one, she's all 'fish out of water'. It's like she forgot how to display them.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, that was bizarre.
[quote name='jaykrue']Eps. 3 was a bit weird. Weird in that Cameron seems to have lost the emotions she simulated in the first eps. In the first one, she smiled and talked to John like a real person would. Then in the 3rd one, she's all 'fish out of water'. It's like she forgot how to display them.[/QUOTE]

Agreed. Did the writers get amnesia or a mental block? How could they change the character so much? And why?

Although "Fooled you again" was pretty good.

I also liked the macabre, creepy bits with the scientist. They should play up the horror-kind of chilling theme--it works IMO.
[quote name='keithp']I also liked the macabre, creepy bits with the scientist. They should play up the horror-kind of chilling theme--it works IMO.[/quote]

The final scene was probably the creepiest.
Even though I knew/expected his robotic eyes were going to show up when the scientist cut the Termy's lids open, it still creeped me the fuck out.
[quote name='jaykrue']Eps. 3 was a bit weird. Weird in that Cameron seems to have lost the emotions she simulated in the first eps. In the first one, she smiled and talked to John like a real person would. Then in the 3rd one, she's all 'fish out of water'. It's like she forgot how to display them.[/quote]
I also thought that was a bit strange. I was kinda hoping that they would make a comment as to why she was able to blend so well in the first episode, but it doesn't bug me that much; the actress does the "fish out of water" thing quite well.

The reason why they had Cameron fake emotions so well in the first episode is because, if she didn't, John would look like an idiot. It was probably also done to make it less obvious to the audience who she was, but anyone who had even seen the famous poster would know Cameron was a terminator. However, if she acted like she does now, John would look like a fool. People would wonder why John doesn't recognize who Cameron is, when she's behaving just like the terminator from T2. It kind of rubs me the wrong way that they just skip past how she acts differently now, but making John look like an idiot would have been worse.

[quote name='keithp']
Although "Fooled you again" was pretty good.

I also liked the macabre, creepy bits with the scientist. They should play up the horror-kind of chilling theme--it works IMO.[/quote]
I agree, both of those moments were quite good. I don't think they should turn the series into a horror show, the chilling moments with the scientist did work.

I also like how the series is slowly revealing how the various scientists and researchers made these discoveries, and brought them all together to build the terminators and Skynet. I definitely appreciate how they're not revealing the story elements at a glacial, Lost-style pace. Each of the three episodes so far has been pretty plot-dense, without feeling rushed. If they can keep that up, I'll stay a fan of the show for sure.
I am going to re watch these episodes again over the weekend. I could have sworn there was an editing mistake. In episode two John says that they (he and Cameron) weren't killed, nor Cameron killed anyone at school today)....yet in episode 3 he says the exact same thing as if they cut that scene from the second episode.

I will have to re watch this but this threw up a flag last night.
[quote name='ITDEFX']I am going to re watch these episodes again over the weekend. I could have sworn there was an editing mistake. In episode two John says that they (he and Cameron) weren't killed, nor Cameron killed anyone at school today)....yet in episode 3 he says the exact same thing as if they cut that scene from the second episode.

I will have to re watch this but this threw up a flag last night.[/quote]

Are you sure that you aren't remembering what was shown in the previews after episode two? Because I remembered that they showed that line in the "next episode" preview last week.
Question. Why did she stop John from saving that girl? I'm pretty sure it was because she didn't want him to become a hero, and get on the news. That's why, isn't it?
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I'm pretty sure it was because she didn't want him to become a hero, and get on the news.[/quote]
That's the first thought that entered my mind. Did anybody notice
how Cameron keeps alluding to the fact that she might be the terminator who killed John in the future?

Edit: N/m, I kept thinking about the part where she says something like, "you didn't recognize me the first time", but she was probably talking about the first time he met her at school, and not about her and the future John like I originally assumed.

Edit: updated :lol:
This show is starting to get good but one thing I hate is the effects. The cg to me could be a lot better. Hell the first movie had better CG then this and that was back in the 80s. I would think that CG has goten better since then and cheaper. This show would be so much better if the CG was better. I'm not saying the show sucks or that it is not good. I like the show but I just think it could be a lot better if it wasnt for the CG being crap.
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']That's the first thought that entered my mind. Did anybody notice
how Cameron keeps eluding to the fact that she might be the terminator who killed John in the future?

How is she eluding to that? I guess I just have not picked up on it. Also seeing how I can only see this if I download it is their anyone else that downloads them? The first one downloaded great but the second one the audio is about 5 seconds or so off from the video in all that I have downloaded or they crash. I was off sick from work this week so I saw the third one on TV. So I'm wondering where some of you download them if you do and the quality.
[quote name='doraemonkerpal']That's the first thought that entered my mind. Did anybody notice
how Cameron keeps eluding to the fact that she might be the terminator who killed John in the future?
The terminator from T3 was the one who killed John. Unless I'm mistaken, in the movie, Arnold's character specifically states that he killed John, and was reprogrammed by Kate. So no, I haven't noticed anything like that. ;)
[quote name='sendme']How is she eluding to that? I guess I just have not picked up on it. Also seeing how I can only see this if I download it is their anyone else that downloads them? The first one downloaded great but the second one the audio is about 5 seconds or so off from the video in all that I have downloaded or they crash. I was off sick from work this week so I saw the third one on TV. So I'm wondering where some of you download them if you do and the quality.[/quote]

Pardon my pedantry:

allude - to hint at

elude - to evade; to escape; avoid detection

Anyway, if you need tv show torrents, go here. The 2nd eps was off by a few seconds but it was rereleased w/ the synced audio. The quality's usually digital cable (~350mb per eps) but you'll find 720p HD versions (~1Gb per eps) sometimes as well.
[quote name='jaykrue']Pardon my pedantry:

allude - to hint at

elude - to evade; to escape; avoid detection

oh snap, he just got MC Grammered
[quote name='Killer Rabbit']
The terminator from T3 was the one who killed John. Unless I'm mistaken, in the movie, Arnold's character specifically states that he killed John, and was reprogrammed by Kate. So no, I haven't noticed anything like that. ;)

Issue with T3 is that most do not count it. When making this tv show from what I heard they did not count T3.
[quote name='jaykrue']Pardon my pedantry:

allude - to hint at

elude - to evade; to escape; avoid detection

Anyway, if you need tv show torrents, go here. The 2nd eps was off by a few seconds but it was rereleased w/ the synced audio. The quality's usually digital cable (~350mb per eps) but you'll find 720p HD versions (~1Gb per eps) sometimes as well.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the site. also as for the allude and elude I just copied what doraemonkerpal said in the spoiler. didn't take the time to look up if they used the correct word or not. Guess from now on if I use a word that someone else has used I should take the time to make sure they are useing the correct word.
N/m about my last post. I was thinking too hard about the situation hehe. Oh and I also corrected my grammar ;)

Edit: I edited my post to reflect the differences in thought. Maybe I'll d/l Mondays episode to make sure hehe.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']Question. Why did she stop John from saving that girl? I'm pretty sure it was because she didn't want him to become a hero, and get on the news. That's why, isn't it?[/quote]
Yeah, that's it exactly. Remember, they want to stay on the DL for as long as possible (though it probably didn't help that they time traveled and landed in the middle of a highway nekkid not to even mention they were filmed on someone's digital camera or phone ;)). Sure he could do the short-term good deed but then that puts everything they've done from T1-T2 at great risk. And in John's case, the long-term good completely outweighs any short-term good.

[quote name='sendme']Thanks for the site. also as for the allude and elude I just copied what doraemonkerpal said in the spoiler. didn't take the time to look up if they used the correct word or not. Guess from now on if I use a word that someone else has used I should take the time to make sure they are useing the correct word.[/quote]
That's cool. That's why I said 'pardon me' because I wasn't trying to pick a fight. :lol: It's just a lil pet peeve of mine when people use the wrong word when they're trying to communicate something else kinda like that thread a while back about misused words like they're, their, and there or except and accept. Bad spelling doesn't bug me but man, does misused words grind my gears (even though I've been guilty of this myself from time to time :lol:;)#-o).

And speaking of Skynet, it seems we're yet another step closer to our robot overlords.
[quote name='jaykrue']Yeah, that's it exactly. Remember, they want to stay on the DL for as long as possible (though it probably didn't help that they time traveled and landed in the middle of a highway nekkid not to even mention they were filmed on someone's digital camera or phone ;)). Sure he could do the short-term good deed but then that puts everything they've done from T1-T2 at great risk. And in John's case, the long-term good completely outweighs any short-term good.

That's cool. That's why I said 'pardon me' because I wasn't trying to pick a fight. :lol: It's just a lil pet peeve of mine when people use the wrong word when they're trying to communicate something else kinda like that thread a while back about misused words like they're, their, and there or except and accept. Bad spelling doesn't bug me but man, does misused words grind my gears (even though I've been guilty of this myself from time to time :lol:;)#-o).

And speaking of Skynet, it seems we're yet another step closer to our robot overlords.[/QUOTE]

Its cool. I just wanted to make sure it was known that I only used the word because it was in the spoiler that I was replying to. I usually look up the words if I'm really trying to make a point and make sure I am spelling the word correctly and using the correct word. Its good that bad spelling does not bug you because I cant spell worth shit and when I post on forums 9 times out of 10 I do not make sure I am spelling correctly. I could not spell to save my life and it should show in my posts.

As for skynet Terminator and wanting to make video games is why I went to school for programming. Sucks all they tried to teach me was SQL and database programming.

Also you might want to check out http://science.nasa.gov/Realtime/jtrack/3d/JTrack3D.html and look up skynet. Just go to satellite then select and scroll down to find them and double click to see where they are now.

Edit: found some info on the satellites http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Skynet_5
This series is turning out to be much better than I expected.

I loved Sarah's dream in the last epi where she is imagining being in a room with the fathers of the bomb and thinking about executing them all to save the world from the bomb. Exactly the sort of thing she might mull over.
[quote name='wubb']This series is turning out to be much better than I expected.

I loved Sarah's dream in the last epi where she is imagining being in a room with the fathers of the bomb and thinking about executing them all to save the world from the bomb. Exactly the sort of thing she might mull over.[/quote]

That was awesomeness.

What I really want is some scenes from the future and we get to see the Terminators just blowing each other up. That would be fun.
[quote name='darthbudge']That was awesomeness.

What I really want is some scenes from the future and we get to see the Terminators just blowing each other up. That would be fun.[/quote]

It would be cool if there was another faction of robots independent from Skynet and John Connor's army. Or at the least some dissention in the upper ranks of Skynet.

That would be intense.
bread's done