Terminator: TSCC... TERMINATED BY The T-FOX!

[quote name='camoor']It would be cool if there was another faction of robots independent from Skynet and John Connor's army. Or at the least some dissention in the upper ranks of Skynet.

That would be intense.[/quote]They don't need to go the independent thought route. Even the "good" terminators were only good because they'd been reprogrammed. They don't need to start giving the terminators independence.
[quote name='JolietJake']They don't need to go the independent thought route. Even the "good" terminators were only good because they'd been reprogrammed. They don't need to start giving the terminators independence.[/quote]

Well, this isn't technically true, but Cameron already has independence of a sort, at least from John and Sarah. She follows the orders of future John, not "this John," who isn't yet the same person as present John. So in a way, she is indepenent from present John and Sarah. She acts in their best interest, but doesn't necessarily follow their orders, as evidenced by how she restrained John when he wanted to save the suicidal girl.
[quote name='camoor']It would be cool if there was another faction of robots independent from Skynet and John Connor's army. Or at the least some dissention in the upper ranks of Skynet.

That would be intense.[/QUOTE]
I actually like this idea.
I thought that in T2 the reason that arnold followed john's orders was because he was john, even though he was younger.

They could psossibly reprogram some termiantors to fight along side them in the future. If they pull some kind of computer virus crap to free all the termiantors from skynet though i'll be severely dissapointed.
The way I see it is future john told her what to do and only that up untill the time that the john she was sent to protect changes. Then she can take orders from him but only then. Untill then she has her orders to do what ever future john told her to do and take orders from no one else.

As for a virus I have thought about this too but it would have to evolve. I also don't see it turning the terminators on skynet. It would make them human the way I see it. More human then they would want. At the end of T2 you see that the terminator started to learn what it is to be human. Maybe the virus could teach them or write it to their cpu. Also they could end up feeling "pain". It will not be real pain but they could be programmed to think differently if say a leg is damaged. They wont feel it but they could be told how to act if their cpu sees that their leg or arm is damaged. Also seeing how they do not need to sleep they could be programmed to have 8 hours of shut down and use little power to judge the time. When 8 hours are up then come back online.
In T2, the 'good' terminator was programmed to take orders directly from John. Remember, the terminator didn't want to go break Sarah out of the mental hospital-he knew it would be dangerous. So obviously, the terminator wasn't programmed to take orders from Sarah, otherwise he would have tracked Sarah down first instead. And since the terminator's mission was famously "to ensure the survival of John Connor," he had to take orders from the young John. There was no one else to take orders from, and that terminator needed direction in order to successfully complete his mission. The terminator from T2 didn't have emotions, and John had to flip a switch in the terminator's head so that he could learn.

Cameron, however, doesn't need to take orders to protect John (or Sarah). She has already been shown to have at least some degree of emotion, and is certainly able to learn. Whereas the T2 terminator wouldn't necessarily be able to handle the mission on his own without taking orders, Cameron can take the initiative in a situation. Also, in T2, the terminator didn't have any ulterior motives; Cameron might. In T2, future John didn't have any side goals; he just needed to protect his past self. In this series, future John may very well have alternate goals that need accomplishing--goals which Cameron can't tell present John or Sarah about. If you recall, in T2, preventing Judgment Day wasn't on the terminator's list of priorities--Sarah had to have John order him to do that. This time, however, preventing Judgment Day looks to be rather important, both to Cameron and to Sarah and John. Completing that mission might require that Cameron not disclose certain details to John and Sarah--for example, stopping Judgment Day might well be more important to Cameron than ensuring Sarah's survival.


Also, I just thought of a funny solution to why Cameron didn't act like a "freak" in the pilot: future John told her what to say. We know that future John had talked to Cameron before she went back in time--apparently, they had time to talk about the bedtime stories Sarah read to John. Future John could have given Cameron lines to say to his present self and have her stay "in character" when they met. I doubt they'll make any reference to the issue now, but it make for a funny scene: "...So...I WAS HITTING ON MYSELF?!?!?!"
[quote name='JolietJake']If they pull some kind of computer virus crap to free all the termiantors from skynet though i'll be severely dissapointed.[/QUOTE]

Maybe they'll end it like "Independence Day" and pull out a Macbook, reprogram a virus into Skynet, and call it a day! :D
ok...a few theories...

-No one is working on Skynet at this time (company nor government).

-Cromartie has a secondary objective.... Have no idea what it could be.

-Each time Judgment Day is pushed back, it gives a future version of Skynet a chance to develop more sophisticated Terminators than the T-800 model since Technology will be advanced than the original Doomsday event.

-Skynet *may* not be the one that triggers the nuclear war.

A few other thoughts..

Cromartie is sure taking it's time reacquiring his flesh coveralls. The guy who it went to make the flesh growth formula. Does anyone remember the teaser trailer for T-2? The scene where the Terminators were being built on the factory line and then gets put into a Cyborg Tissue Generator Mold press.
In case you don't remember:

Anyways kinda strange that the guy makes all that stuff without anyone noticing it and then pours it into his tub where Cromartie just gets his new flesh. Makes me wonder if Cromartie will look the same or have a new look. It would be more effective if he had a new look but oh well.
[quote name='ITDEFX']ok...a few theories...

-No one is working on Skynet at this time (company nor government).
I think that's a pretty safe assumption. From the way they've implied that Turk was the basis for Skynet's programming, I think they're trying to get across the fact that Skynet doesn't exist as a unified project yet. The core components that go on to compose Skynet and the terminators are still being developed. I think that Skynet's development will probably be a Manhattan Project-style operation that assembles that building blocks which are being shown in the series now. . . .The Manhattan Project analogy seems especially fitting after the last episode.

-Skynet *may* not be the one that triggers the nuclear war.
I'm pretty sure that in T2, Skynet is specifically pointed out as firing the nukes first, prompting Russia to retaliate.
[quote name='strdr4']Why is today's episode a repeat? And why is it on at 8 pm pacific? and Why no American Gladiators today either? wtf?[/quote]

State of the Union address most likely.
West Coast had an encore presentation 'rerun' of the first episode. very nice, cause first episode was the only one I'd missed. was going to catch it online, but better in HD.

First episode = wow! simply amazing.
Second and third = not bad, but slower.
Well I was correct about his new look.

Anyways I finally found the Terminator 2 novel and found the part about the time displacement.

Sorry about the quality of the book as compared to other books I bought around the time period, T2 was poorly put together as the pages would crack and fall out from the spine :(
That was a pretty good episode. I didn't like it quite as much as the first three, but it was still quite good. It'll be interesting to see if "Jim" goes Dirty Harry tracking down Sarah and John. If he goes rogue, that could make for an interesting plot line.

Also, I found Cameron's inability to work a DVD player odd. But it does explain why she isn't helping John with his Chemistry homework.

. . .No, wait. It doesn't. The terminators have been shown to have too detailed of a knowledge of complex and futuristic science principles for Cameron to not be able to do high school science homework.
wait til the school she's at thinks she's Gifted and Talented or cheating because she gets all the questions on the tests right.
[quote name='ITDEFX']wait til the school she's at thinks she's Gifted and Talented or cheating because she gets all the questions on the tests right.[/quote]

LOL, right! :lol:
Decent episode. The best parts IMO were the tension-moments as usual--
John having to take the key off the Terminator without waking him up and the plastic surgeon timidly asking who was there when he heard something in the hall of his office.
[quote name='keithp']Decent episode. The best parts IMO were the tension-moments as usual--
John having to take the key off the Terminator without waking him up and the plastic surgeon timidly asking who was there when he heard something in the hall of his office.

Yes very good tense moments. Very smart of Skynet to set up a reserve troop force and store them in a bunker and have that one terminator stand by until Judgment day hits and starts building the troops. I wonder what else was in that bunker? Weapons? Fuel? Power cells? It wasn't a factory so I guess that one guardian terminator would have to build all 500 or so from scratch.
[quote name='Killer Rabbit']That was a pretty good episode. I didn't like it quite as much as the first three, but it was still quite good. It'll be interesting to see if "Jim" goes Dirty Harry tracking down Sarah and John. If he goes rogue, that could make for an interesting plot line.

Also, I found Cameron's inability to work a DVD player odd. But it does explain why she isn't helping John with his Chemistry homework.

. . .No, wait. It doesn't. The terminators have been shown to have too detailed of a knowledge of complex and futuristic science principles for Cameron to not be able to do high school science homework.[/quote]

I missed the episode where Cameron can't help with chemistry - but she obviously knows what type of metal the terminators are made of.

I thought the dvd player bit was a nod to the "look for keys in the sun visor" dialogue from T2. Foreshadowing - John is slowly taking on the role of teacher to the machines. The episode was also making a point about the linear thought process of the machines (ie Cameron is hitting the play button again and again), whereas a human would think outside the box and either intuit the purpose of the video button or just start pressing buttons experimentally until something works.

Although I agree, it was stretching it a bit thin.
[quote name='Rei no Otaku']I was hoping it was for a more sinister purpose lol.[/QUOTE]
It probably is, but sometimes Occam's Razor actually does apply. ;)
[quote name='camoor']I missed the episode where Cameron can't help with chemistry - but she obviously knows what type of metal the terminators are made of.

I thought the dvd player bit was a nod to the "look for keys in the sun visor" dialogue from T2. Foreshadowing - John is slowly taking on the role of teacher to the machines. The episode was also making a point about the linear thought process of the machines (ie Cameron is hitting the play button again and again), whereas a human would think outside the box and either intuit the purpose of the video button or just start pressing buttons experimentally until something works.

Although I agree, it was stretching it a bit thin.[/quote]
That bit about chemistry wasn't actually in the episode-I was just referring to the part in today's episode where Sarah noticed that John was having trouble with "covalent and ionic bonds" problems. You would think John would take advantage of having walking supercomputer around the house. Cheaters never prosper, and John needs to be able to make good grades in school to avoid attracting attention, but still. . .they've got bigger fish to fry than chemistry problems, and homework isn't exactly quality R&R.

[quote name='ITDEFX']wait til the school she's at thinks she's Gifted and Talented or cheating because she gets all the questions on the tests right.[/quote]

On the other hand, Cameron might end up having to ask: ". . .What's a Special Ed class?"
[quote name='Mospeada_21']Episode four was very good. Can't wait to see more.[/quote]

this is the first t.v series that I have really tired to follow since smallville. I've enjoyed it so far.

I liked the part when John was able to convince the solider to turn against his commander at gunpoint. A little unrealistic but clearly the writers are trying to show that John has a gift to led.
Best part for me was the quick cut to the guy driving the truck after (presumably) getting his ass kicked by Cameron. His look of total fear and her little smile at him were spot-on.
I found myself somewhat bored with this episode. I'm still going to give it a chance, but I'm really not identifying with Sarah. John has a lot of potential, but isn't there yet. And is Cameron a highly intelligent machine, or a blithering idiot? It seems to go back and forth based on what the scene calls for.

[quote name='Killer Rabbit']That bit about chemistry wasn't actually in the episode-I was just referring to the part in today's episode where Sarah noticed that John was having trouble with "covalent and ionic bonds" problems. You would think John would take advantage of having walking supercomputer around the house. Cheaters never prosper, and John needs to be able to make good grades in school to avoid attracting attention, but still. . .they've got bigger fish to fry than chemistry problems, and homework isn't exactly quality R&R.[/quote]

Actually, if the world is coming to an end I would think fundamental chemistry would be quite useful. Heck, the very episode showed how knowledge of chemistry (IE tracking the materials used to build terminators) actually foiled the terminator production plans of Skynet.

I agree with everyone here that Cameron's knowledge base is too inconsistent.

However they have been successful in portraying John Connor as a guy who's crafty with electronics.
[quote name='camoor']I agree with everyone here that Cameron's knowledge base is too inconsistent. [/quote]

I dunno. I mean she's supposed to be a reprogrammed 'fresh off the presses' Terminator. Her brain is probably filled to the brim of useful knowledge in a Terminator-dominant world. I doubt learning how to work a dvd player or switching to video 2 comes as a high priority in terms of 'things to know' in the future apocalypse. I would find it more puzzling if she didn't know the most efficient way to terminating humans given certain environmental parameters.
[quote name='camoor']Actually, if the world is coming to an end I would think fundamental chemistry would be quite useful. Heck, the very episode showed how knowledge of chemistry (IE tracking the materials used to build terminators) actually foiled the terminator production plans of Skynet.

I agree with everyone here that Cameron's knowledge base is too inconsistent.

However they have been successful in portraying John Connor as a guy who's crafty with electronics.[/quote]

Absolutely. Let's hope John isn't failing chemistry. :shame:

I'm sure that's not what they were trying to imply, though. I just thought it was a strange choice for a throwaway comment.
Nice twist there!
Didn't see Andy getting jacked by the other guy coming-he's one of the one's that John sent back from the future, right?

Edit: Yeah, that's who it was.
[quote name='keithp']You guys were right! Cameron did his homework.[/QUOTE]

fuck why the hell would you not let her do your homework...
[quote name='keithp']LOL--

Cameron: "I'm done with grief counseling and I feel much better. Can I go now?"[/QUOTE]


Thank god she didn't reproduce her (the girl who jumped) voice when she repeated what she said.
[quote name='ITDEFX'] Thank god she didn't reproduce her (the girl who jumped) voice when she repeated what she said.[/QUOTE]

It WAS funny how she did it with the same exact emotion though! :rofl:

...man, I really wish they'd get more nerdy with this show. There's not enough nerdspeak. I want specs, diagrams, features and an update list for the T-888.
Anyone noticed how Cameron didn't set off the metal detector on the way out?!?!? She got bitch slapped by that T-888.

So now they have a Terminator chip. ....now what?
[quote name='ITDEFX']Anyone noticed how Cameron didn't set off the metal detector on the way out?!?!? She got bitch slapped by that T-888.

So now they have a Terminator chip. ....now what?[/QUOTE]

And what did they do with the Terminator? Wouldn't they keep him around and have John reprogram him or something?
Here's my theory for the show. Terminators will keep coming after the Connors, they will keep defeating the terminators and then later reprogramming them, by the time skynet is a reality, they will have their own army of terminators!:lol:
[quote name='JolietJake']Here's my theory for the show. Terminators will keep coming after the Connors, they will keep defeating the terminators and then later reprogramming them, by the time skynet is a reality, they will have their own army of terminators!:lol:[/QUOTE]

uh, try again.
[quote name='JolietJake']I'd laugh if they inadvertently have a hand in creating skynet.[/QUOTE]

They probably will.

I really hope that there will be no try to make Cameron more human. I am tired of that shit from the old star trek days. It was good enough for Data and Spock, but when they tried it on 7of9..I totally lost respect for that show(voyager).
[quote name='keithp']You guys were right! Cameron did his homework.[/quote]

I totally called it. I liked this episode. The grief counseling thing was the funniest bit they've had on the show in a while.
bread's done