The "Big Lazy" Kevin Nash Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='xilly']I can't help but think Punk doesn't have enough name recognition to be "the guy" who sends off Taker. I'm willing to bet they bring back HBK or Foley for it.[/QUOTE]

I think Foley would be a fantastic choice if only for the history between the two.
The New Art of Wrestling is up with Beth Phoenix. Really good. Also Beth tells a story about Molly Holly that shows she was just way too nice to ever be in wrestling.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']The New Art of Wrestling is up with Beth Phoenix. Really good. Also Beth tells a story about Molly Holly that shows she was just way too nice to ever be in wrestling.[/QUOTE]

Will have to check it out. Molly Holly was an excellent worker who never got her due because (1) she was too Christian to be a diva during her time (i.e., she wasn't willing to be a fourth-rate sports illustrated swimsuit model), and (2) her ass was slightly too large to meet WWE's "don't eat food if you want to work here" standard for their women.

She was also a *wrestler*, which is a third strike against her.

See also:

The website's articles teem with anti-WWE bias and hyperbole, but there's a lot of good analysis if you're willing to wade through the muck. The article above gets at something I've thought for a long time: Trish Stratus is crazy overrated. I like her, I like her work, but there are far better women's wrestlers by a long shot. She's exalted because she's the first in-house made WWE titty show that wasn't a catastrophic failure in the ring.

Oh, Foley as UT's 20th WM opponent is a fantastic idea, xilly. He represents the same kinds of risks that I think Kane does, but Foley is an excellent option if he can get fit.
Foley and Sting are great ideas for dream matches but I think the only viable options would be either Punk or Jericho. I don't see this Punk/Cena thing lasting 8 months and into a triple threat with Dwayne (and who would want to?). Both Punk and Jericho have the mic and ring skills to sell the crap out of this angle and then help UT through the match.
I can't even begin to imagine how awful a Foley - Undertaker match would be in 2012. Quoth that annoying Ric Flair retirement song - "leave the memories alone." I'd really like 'Taker's possible last match to not be a total stinker.

Assuming Undertaker is going to show up for the 20-0 match, he's going to need either a) a squash win that's fun enough to make the crowd happy or b) someone who can pretty much bottle-feed him through another HHH-length match.
Screw Punk vs. UT or Jericho vs. UT, give me Jericho vs. Punk at UT after Jericho does a surprise return and screws Punk out of the title (or out of the Rumble match itself) at the Rumble. The build-up to that match would be incredible and I would buy the PPV based on it alone. I know they've had matches in the past, but never at Wrestlemania!

Best Buy has removed the Blu-Ray listing for Money in the Bank 2011 on its site, so it looks like it won't be coming out on Blu-Ray after all. :bomb:
Story wise, who else could it possibly be besides Kane?

I mean, I guess you could do Legend Killer Orton.

Maybe they could do a ppv with some kind of huge match to see who faces UT at mania.
Foley would have to hit the gym now and hit it hard from now til Mania to pull off a decent match.

I highly doubt HBK comes back either, he seems to be enjoying retirement (and good for him). I also think it would completely tarnish their match at WMXXVI if he came back again to lose.

Another name no one brought up and someone who I think we would all be mentioning if he hadn't been forced to retire earlier this year: Edge. He has done it once before, had the backing from the front office, and definitely the fan support. I think that could have been a great match, sadly it won't happen.
Here's the Molly story

Earlier we linked to the latest episode of Colt Cabana’s Art of Wrestling podcast featuring Beth Phoenix. In that interview, Beth detailed how she got into wrestling, revealing the role that former WWE Diva Molly Holly played in getting her to the WWE, saying, “[Molly] is probably one of the biggest reasons that I’m working with the WWE right now.”

Beth explained that, while with the indy promotion APW, she took part in a signing at that year’s WrestleMania Fan Axxess event in Toronto. There, she gave Molly a match tape (coincidentally, with soon-to-be fellow Diva Gail Kim), which Molly passed on to trainer Dr. Tom Prichard. Seven months later Beth, Gail and current TNA Knockout Traci Brooks got the call to attend a SmackDown taping and take part in tryout matches. Gail was the only one to get a contract at the time, but eventually Molly encouraged Beth to head to OVW and train. Just out of college, Beth couldn’t really afford to make the full OVW tuition payments, and found that when she went to make her first payment that someone had already made it for her. Beth eventually discovered that Molly covered almost half of her OVW tuition, which Molly said was her way of paying forward the opportunities that others had given her when she had started out. Since Molly wouldn’t accept repayment, Beth would eventually put together a photo album chronicling her journey to the WWE and sent it to her, letting Molly know that it was because of her that her dream came true.

We’ve always heard great things about Molly, but something like this is almost unheard of in the world of pro wrestling. This is really a touching example of her generosity and it makes total sense that ring veterans like Dean Malenko say that she might be “too good for the business”. If there were more people like her in pro wrestling, I wonder how many more Beth Phoenixes we would be seeing in the WWE today?

Thats pretty awesome of her going out for someone based on watching just one tape. +1 respect to her in my book.
[quote name='cdubb1605']Foley would have to hit the gym now and hit it hard from now til Mania to pull off a decent match.

I highly doubt HBK comes back either, he seems to be enjoying retirement (and good for him). I also think it would completely tarnish their match at WMXXVI if he came back again to lose.

Another name no one brought up and someone who I think we would all be mentioning if he hadn't been forced to retire earlier this year: Edge. He has done it once before, had the backing from the front office, and definitely the fan support. I think that could have been a great match, sadly it won't happen.[/QUOTE]

Foley's been in the biz so long, I think he's still got it in him to pull off one match without too much excessive training. Besides a match with him and Undertaker would just be them punishing each other back and forth (which is the perfect pace considering how easily Taker gets winded these days.)

Edge would have obviously been our top choice, but the difference is HBK could still come back and go - Edge can't.

Sure, I agree that HBK returning would tarnish how he left, but the only other possible thing I could see happening is them choosing a guy who isn't over (but has potential) simply for Taker to give the rub to by allowing them to compete in his last ever match.

Orton doesn't need the benefit from working with Taker as he's already as over as he'll ever be. Christian is certainly capable of making just about anyone look good in the ring, but I'm pretty sure he's on the same page as Orton - over as he's gonna get.

In another "Oh God please no" moment, I thought about possibly seeing the return of Brock Lesnar (cause his MMA days are probably done), Bore-tista, or Kurt Angle. Then I cried a lil' and tried to sleep that nightmare off.

One final note: Still think Z! TLIS isn't being done with WWE's approval? Check out the latest episode. Full gallery of Zack Ryder Internet Championship belt here:
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[quote name='TheRock88']Here's the Molly story[/QUOTE]

That's an *awesome* story. Too good for the business indeed.

EDIT: Watching thestr0's justin channel. Man, ECW was incredible in the late 1990's. Shane Douglas was a phenomenal heel, and the Triple Threat a fantastic stable.
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I agree on Foley and Taker at WM next year. The promos for that alone would be incredible. I wouldn't expect too much technically out of the two of them, but I think they'd both have it in them to draw the crowd in and put on a great match.
Undertaker VS Kane would be a hell of a last match, especially if it was hell in the cell or buried alive or some type of special match.

Actually what they could do is a final match, UT vs Foley vs Kane in a elimination hell in the cell match.
PWG has announced their lineup for the 2011 Battle Of Los Angeles tournament. Included are Willie Mack, Chris Hero, El Generico, Claudio Castagnoli, Roderick Strong, Eddie Edwards, Kevin Steen, and Fit Finlay.

Finlay faces Steen in the first round.
[quote name='mykevermin']
EDIT: Watching thestr0's justin channel. Man, ECW was incredible in the late 1990's. Shane Douglas was a phenomenal heel, and the Triple Threat a fantastic stable.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I'm usually in that channel, and I chat with the people. I find it kinda funny that pretty much everyone in that chat HATES Franchise. I seem to be the only active participant in chat that likes Franchise and his heel work in ECW.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']Yeah, I'm usually in that channel, and I chat with the people. I find it kinda funny that pretty much everyone in that chat HATES Franchise. I seem to be the only active participant in chat that likes Franchise and his heel work in ECW.[/QUOTE]

I'm not an active participant in that chat, but I fucking love The Franchise and his work in ECW. Past that, they neutered him, and that's probably why he's practically missing from the face of the earth these days. If only WWE had let him be that guy instead of the doofus school teacher, he'd would have been a mega heel star.
I'd say Foley is an excellent choice. I'll also go so far as to say that it has the potential to be the most violent match that WWE has put on in years.

Taker is in bad shape. Foley's better days are behind him. If he gets in shape (Equal to or better than his Rock N' Sock Connection match at WM) this could work. BUT they'd need weapons. Lots of them. And it will likely be a gimmick match: my money would be on a Hell in a Cell to repeat or tease a rerun of Foley's fall from King of the Ring.

Look for a LOT of "nostalgia" here. You'll see run-ins, "suprises" etc. They could go completely goofball and try to tie Foley to the Undertaker's dead parents sotryline (please god no). They'll drag Bearer and Kane out for some reason or another. We will see fire, barbed wire, tacks etc..anything that can draw the match out and/or make it full of spots and shocks. I wouldn't be suprised if the entire match is NOTHING but huge spots and rests, with VERY little actual wrestling or matwork.

If I had to book this I would have Taker turn heel and come back as Deadman Inc.

Have him make a speech about this being his final Wrestlemania and that he has been "the toughest dog on the block" for 20 WMs in a row and now in his final "walk" down the aisle he wants to see who is worthy of being the "new dog". He then chooses his opponent unlike previous years where people have called him out. This scenario only works if he's placed against a younger guy of course.

This way when he wins, he can handshake/pat on the back/make the new guy look good after what should be a CLOSE match, send him off and revel in the spotlight that will be his last WM crowd pop. Then he gets on his bike and rides off forever. (Until he's needed for a random appearance or whatever)

This is in my mind the only way his last match will make any sense. Of course I don't know two shits about booking so it's probably garbage when laid out in a real-life scenario.
[quote name='xilly']
In another "Oh God please no" moment, I thought about possibly seeing the return of Brock Lesnar (cause his MMA days are probably done), Bore-tista, or Kurt Angle. Then I cried a lil' and tried to sleep that nightmare off.

Kurt Angle has done some great stuff with Undertaker in the past. I don't know if Kurt is anywhere near being done with his current TNA contract. I also don't know if the WWE would bring him back given his pattern of nutty behavior. I mean, they brought back Hardy after his issues.

Foley is... I dunno. I'd be worried about them trying to top their Hell in a Cell moments. I really don't want to see Foley literally die in a wrestling match.
[quote name='Survivalism']It's going to be HHH and you're all going to like it.[/QUOTE]

In a suit, squash match with 500 run-ins on HHH's behalf and 5 really fake looking sledgehammer shots.

Then as the lights come on HHH pulls off Taker's mask and it was actually Vince McMahon in disguise. The match didn't count. HHH backs up into the real Undertaker and takes 5 tombstones in a row. The bell rings, Taker covers, HHH kicks out, Taker gives him 2 more and that's that. The announce table does it's best to make the match sound like the second coming of Christ.
[quote name='xilly']I'm not an active participant in that chat, but I fucking love The Franchise and his work in ECW. Past that, they neutered him, and that's probably why he's practically missing from the face of the earth these days. If only WWE had let him be that guy instead of the doofus school teacher, he'd would have been a mega heel star.[/QUOTE]

In watching that era of ECW today, particularly focusing on the Triple Threat - can you differentiate the Triple H who nearly ruined pro wrestling for a large swath of people from The Franchise who ran ECW in the late 1990's? They seemed to look the same (physically), have the same matches (win and win and win), have the same cocky demeanor, and have the same heels run in for them (though I'd put Bam Bam and Candido up against "Mister Ass" any day of the week).

Seriously, though: what difference was there b/w Triple H in his prime and The Franchise in his?
[quote name='mykevermin']In watching that era of ECW today, particularly focusing on the Triple Threat - can you differentiate the Triple H who nearly ruined pro wrestling for a large swath of people from The Franchise who ran ECW in the late 1990's? They seemed to look the same (physically), have the same matches (win and win and win), have the same cocky demeanor, and have the same heels run in for them (though I'd put Bam Bam and Candido up against "Mister Ass" any day of the week).

Seriously, though: what difference was there b/w Triple H in his prime and The Franchise in his?[/QUOTE]

HHH had to have a stable or a corporation behind him to really get people to believe how strong he was or could be. I'd take The Pedigree over a belly-to-belly suplex as a finisher any day though...that was the ONLY thing I disliked about Douglas. I wish HHH faced a more varied group/style of wrestlers in his heyday without them being total squashes. Douglas made you believe he could have a decent match with anyone on the ECW roster.

And not to sound like an ass (Not Mr. Ass) but to this day I firmly believe that "The Game" was partially based off of "The Franchise" anyway. ECW was indeed ahead of the times.
[quote name='mykevermin']Seriously, though: what difference was there b/w Triple H in his prime and The Franchise in his?[/QUOTE]

The biggest difference? I don't think Douglas had near the pull that H does. If he did, he didn't use his influence to bury talent that may be a threat to his supremacy. If Douglas had worked the way Triple H has, Rob Van Dam would have never been more than a mid carder.

Granted, he's the reason why Chris Candido was higher on the pecking order than he should have been, but if he were as vengeful and oppressive as Triple H is rumored to be, he would have never allowed "The New Triple Threat" to have been formed - and if he had, he would have ensured they were always slaughtered by the real Triple Threat when they had those stable vs stable matches.

I absolutely agree with Dr. Venkman's remark about Triple H's "game" character feeling loosely based - or at least inspired by The Franchise's gimmick. ECW was light years ahead of the game in their booking and story telling, despite having a group of guys who were mostly terrible "wrestlers". Another thing about Douglas' character, was the pure lack of a fuck he gave at all times. Triple H would get mad, put on his "game" face and concentrate on a promo to look like the guy who was going to rip you to shreds. Douglas would cut promos that were so damn good and make it look like he wasn't even trying. He's a pretty good example of how effortlessly Douglas could cut a promo (and testament to just how lame Candido's gimmick really was too.)

Seriously, you could also argue that what CM Punk is doing right now is akin to what Taz was doing during his prime run. The angry anti-hero face who gave the crowd no love or appreciation, yet the people still cheered the shit out of him for being that guy who challenged the rules. Taz never threatened to leave with the belt, but he did create his own heavyweight championship which was actually contested as a sanctioned title for a while. All we need is Punk to lose the title and show up with a SXE World Heavyweight Championship, complete with a fist bearing the X on the front.
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There's something very wrong with that girl's eyes.

Is there a new link to the 90's wrestling channel on JustinTV? I can't seem to find it anymore in the menus
Good promo that held a theme - it went about 30-45 seconds too long, but Franchise also maintained the key idea of a promo: build up your opponent. He tore down Taz as a mark, but subtly slid in the "you can suplex me out of my boots, you may have made me tap (out)." So he sold the match and still came off like someone who hated Taz.

Wow, Candido was a fucking goof on the mic. I don't remember that part of him.

I don't know if I'd say there are too many parallels b/w Punk and Taz, as Taz was always incredibly stoic (as a wrestler), Punk anything but. I get the anti-hero thing; but I see him taking more from Steve Austin than anyone else.

Maybe slightly off topic here, but in a way completely not.

Has political debate turned into wrestling promos? This was part of a discussion I got into last night with some pals. Basically you have the "heads of the party" stepping up to a mic (and since we live in the soundbyte era they have to stick a complex issue into 2 minutes or less) and devoting their time to trashing the other person and then lifting their position.
Take that ECW promo up there. You've got Rush Limbaugh in the back. He speaks loudly when he does, but he doesn't say much either. You've got Boenher on the left talking about how we need tax cuts to stimulate the economy (a better mental picture is to think of Macho Man saying "stiiiimulate the econoooomeee, ooooh yeeeeah" and you see exactly what I mean) and then Michelle Bachmann comes in on the right and just screams gabbledee$$$$ until you're not sure what just happened. The girl in the middle is just there.
It makes everything seem just that much more fake.

Gee, you'd think I'd figure out that link but my bookmark didn't go there...
[quote name='nasum']Has political debate turned into wrestling promos?[/QUOTE]

Somewhere between big time wrestling and "the dozens," yeah.

A few months back, of all people, David Letterman compared Glenn Beck to Bobby "The Brain" Heenan on his talk show when interviewing Jon Stewart.

But it's been that way for years, if not decades. I said political discourse was more about "getting over" than making solid points since 2003 or so. Michael Savage is more Ric Flair than William F Buckley.

But since it's summer, I get to the gym a lot, and so that means I'm subject to all those awful, awful morning tv shows like The View, Maury Povich, Rachel Ray, The Real Housewives of
[quote name='mykevermin']Wow, Candido was a fucking goof on the mic. I don't remember that part of him.[/QUOTE]

Yep, he was. Eric Young's lame gimmick is pretty reminiscent of Candido's gimmick.

But, Candido did at least have a great finisher. Plus lol @ the Taz impression here.

The Blonde Bombshell lands around the 4:30 mark.

They're showing Nitro on the channel you linked, which always reminds me.. I went to Nitro, once, on September 14th, 1998. Probably the best thing that ever happened on Nitro (The Four Horsemen reunion.) Watching videos from that event, they purposely kept the camera off to the right side when showing the entrances. I'd like to think it's because I was sitting on the rail and had signs that bashed WCW and advertised other promotions. They confiscated my Goldberg Sucks sign before we even got inside the arena. Throughout that night, they took my RVD 4:20 sign, my FMW sign, my NWO fears DX sign, and my Wheel Chair Wrestling sign. Good times. I was sitting right next to the guy with the Flair IV Life sign, but I think by the time he showed up, the only sign that they hadn't taken was one that simply said WOO.
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I'm glad finishers like the blonde bombshell aren't the norm these days. too risky.

also, the Taz promo was sound conceptually, but the execution was ruined by the doofus student who totally no sold the ankle lock and walked right back to the corner.

Speaking of Taz, he doesn't even look like the same person these days. He's a sicilian Jim Ross now.
So what's the story behind Franchise? He could cut great promos, had a good look, was real good in the ring, and was really intense. Why did he never make it "big"? He seemed to have everything going for him. He's one of the guys I always look back on and think he should have been a major star.
He burned a lot of bridges, so the more "sensational" side would be that he ruffled the wrong feathers backstage, spoke his mind too much, and ended up not pushed or blackballed. I can see that happening to a degree in WCW, where he was long outspoken against Ric Flair (who we know is responsible for the non-pushes of a lot of talent).

I think he requested to get out of his WWF deal and return to ECW because "Dean Douglas" was such utter, contemptible bullshit as a gimmick. So there's that, too.

So on one hand you have someone who is outspoken, but lacks the political chops to know when to speak out. Someone in CM Punk's position can do what he's doing right now in WWE, and use pull to get people hired, suggest pushes, shoot down ideas, etc. Someone in Chris Master's spot should shut their fucking mouth and do their job and be glad about it, or else you'll find yourself "future endeavor'd" before you can believe it. Shane Douglas never seemed like the person who was able to make that distinction - or if he was able to, he simply didn't care.


Well, The Clique (and poor pay) are why he left WWF. Seems plausible enough.
Good point about CM Punk having enough patience to bide his time and wait for the right moment to speak out. It seems like "knowing when to speak up" is a trait that some of the bigger names had, like Steve Austin and The Rock.

I don't know if I'd have enough patience to put up with dishonest, clique mentality garbage, and wait for the right moment to strike.

I look forward to this year's event.
Imagine if Punk showed up there and wrestled in the tournament, touting himself as the best in the world. I wouldn't expect him to win but New Japan and the WWE could work a scenario where neither company lost any face. Have him wrestle to a 30 minute draw against someone and then both guys get eliminated by virtue of the draw.

EDIT - Oops, just saw that it's a round robin tourney. I always wondered why you could do those kind of tournaments in Firepro, now I know.

But the real reason I swung by was to say that Kmart seems to have some WWE DVDs on clearance. I got the Edge Decade of Decadence one for $5. They also had a 3 hour Brock Lesnar one (Here Comes the Pain?) for $5. The newish Jeff Hardy one was $10 along with Cena's second-newest one and one other whose name escapes me.

TL;DR - Go check your local Kmart and possibly buy cheap wrestling DVDs.
[quote name='Halo05']Imagine if Punk showed up there and wrestled in the tournament, touting himself as the best in the world. I wouldn't expect him to win but New Japan and the WWE could work a scenario where neither company lost any face. Have him wrestle to a 30 minute draw against someone and then both guys get eliminated by virtue of the draw.


Please, don't put those thoughts in my head. Seeing Punk against Kojima would make me the happiest wrestling fan of all times.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']I can't believe it's been a year already since the last G-1 Climax. The last one was awesome, and pried me out of my wrestling coma.[/QUOTE]

I hope Nakamura wins, this year. I love watching him work. It's hard to predict. I think it's Goto's year, but it's difficult to count out Kojima.

In any event, we're due for some giant Everest Germans by Takayama. I'm hyped.
Woke up with this Twitter exchange in my news feed. Had to construct a timeline because I wasn't following a few of them.

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']Dang just saw @EveMarieTorres and @RealKellyKelly grubbin' at Arby' wonder that stink face gets me everytime! -Brie[/quote]

[quote name='RealKellyKelly']@thebellatwins I heard u in the arbys bathroom and no wonder your always in a bad mood it sounded like someone really has #2 issues[/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']YOU WISH!!! Sicko!! That was actually @mikethemiz [/quote]

[quote name='MikeTheMiz']Bri has diarrhea cha cha cha[/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']@mikethemiz Don't be jelly because you look like your constipated!!! [/quote]

[quote name='mikethemiz']Yep n all u need is a treadmill, stairmaster, genetics, and to stop eating at Arbys to be ripped. To mean?[/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']Not to mean, my abs are better then yours!! In yo face!! [/quote]

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']I'm pretty sure it's your face that gives me stomach problems, not Arby's @thebellatwins[/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']Don't Hate BooBoo!![/quote]

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']I'll stop "hating" when u stop stalking us at fast food joints. Creepo![/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']I wasn't stalking, just saw two girls smashing Arby's sandwiches. I was like dang BREATHE![/quote]

[quote name='Maryse0uellet']Convo of the night, ...........arbys, stairsmaster, cha cha cha, genetics and diarhea.....alright @thebellatwins[/quote]

[quote name='TheTommyDreamer']So glad social media was invented so I can hear my friends r all pooping Arbys[/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']Ha, like keeping you updated! :)[/quote]

and then, an unaware Zack Ryder accidentally jumps in from an innocent tweet.

[quote name='ZackRyder']@RealKellyKelly @thebellatwins @EveMarieTorres all want me...FACT[/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']Dry-Heaving!!![/quote]

[quote name='RealKellyKelly']Not so much...but we want to know what's up with BIG O?[/quote]

[quote name='CMPunk']I'm upset at all this Arbys talk and the lack of roast beef jokes[/quote]

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']I can't believe you just went there!![/quote]

[quote name='CMPunk']@evemarietorres I'm upset you didn't![/quote]

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']I'm a lady, I would never discuss roast beef. Only poop.[/quote]

[quote name='CMPunk']You're playing right into the Bellas hands.[/quote]

[quote name='ZackRyder']I used to work at a deli...I've eaten a lot of roast beef sandwiches[/quote]

[quote name='CMPunk']@zackryder Extra mayo I'm sure...[/quote]

[quote name='Maryse0uelet']@cmpunk i love beef jerky[/quote]

[quote name='CMPunk']I bet you do Maurice, I bet you do...[/quote]

[quote name='Maryse0uelet']haha to be call maurice i would have to be at least 300 pounds drink beer and eat beef jerky while watching sex in the city[/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']@CMPunk Maurice might not be the only one, you should of seen how much @EveMarieTorres @RealKellyKelly were enjoying roast beef![/quote]

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']Couldn't resist. @realkellykelly @thebellatwins @cmpunk @zackryder

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']Couldn't resist that sandwich! Dang![/quote]

[quote name='CMPunk']

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']Couldn't resist...when you gotta go

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']Dang girl. Hope u can work that out before battle royal tom![/quote]

[quote name='CMPunk']I personally hope she doesn't work it out. Also hope she wears white gear.[/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']@cmpunk there's something funny and disgusting about that comment.[/quote]

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']Yuck. A Bowel Royal![/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins'] @evemarietorres Eeww, whatev poster child for Arby's roast beef!![/quote]

[quote name='CMPunk']Think of the ratings.[/quote]

[quote name='maryse0uellet']ha u guys are nuts i just pee my pants[/quote]

[quote name='CMPunk']@thebellatwins save it for the bowel royal, Maurice.[/quote]

[quote name='maryse0uellet']ok promise[/quote]

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']Go drink your tea @maryse0uellet[/quote]

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']Just ran into @thebellatwins boyfriends. Nice guys. I always knew you two were over achievers!

[quote name='ZackRyder'] @evemarietorres @thebellatwins we are right here

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']ugh!! You BOTH wish!![/quote]

[quote name='EveMarieTorres']Bowel Royal jokes aside, tomorrow is a big day. Last woman in the ring is the new #1 Contender. I need that woman to be me. 'Night BeliEVErs[/quote]

[quote name='TheBellaTwins']Good Night! See u all in the ring 2morrow @evemarietorres @realkellykelly @thebethphoenix @natbynature @maryse0uellet and u wish @zackryder[/quote]
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Must have took you a while to do that, thanks Scorch.

And once again Punk wins the twitter battle. Too bad Mickie James didnt tweet something about Arby's roast beef.
Goddamn Twitter is so stupid and so fascinating at the same time.

But I guess it worked, I sort of want one of those Arby's Mocha shakes now.
[quote name='TheRock88']Must have took you a while to do that, thanks Scorch.[/QUOTE]

Most of it was in my feed chronologically since I follow most of them, but I had to add in Maryse and BellaTwin's quotes. Between the Maurice line, the "I can't believe you went there!" (which I'm guessing was a dig at Mickie James) and the beef house on the iPhone maps, I couldn't pass up posting that.. also, the "no, we're right here" line made me laugh.
[quote name='neocisco']Well, that was asinine.[/QUOTE]

If by asinine you mean hilarious, then I agree.

I smell a sponsorship opportunity. No pun intended.
There's going to be a local show next Saturday with Kevin Nash, Carlito, The New Age Outlaws, Al Snow, Eric Young, and some local dudes:

I think I might take my daughter who has fallen in love with the local shows we've been going to with 40-50 people in the crowd. I just noticed that it is such a high profile event that tickets are only available at 2 gas stations in town!
I really need to get on the local indy fed viewing train. I moved to Pensacola like 2 months ago, I know there's a little fed down here.
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