The "Big Lazy" Kevin Nash Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='neocisco']Didn't [Cena] do the same thing a few weeks ago about wanting to punch Vince too?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, when he came down to the ring all Bawstin'd out with his accent, taking a serious and intense promo to a screeching halt of absurdity when he spoke of a dog peeing on vince mcmahon's rug or something along those lines. Whatever it was, it was a 7 on a scale of 1-to-"JBL is poopy."

[quote name='diddy310']I take issue with Punk repeating the "I'm not a nice guy, I don't wear a white hat" line again as well.[/QUOTE]

He would have maintained so much cred if he just aped the Minor Threat song title "Sometimes Good Guys (Don't Wear White)." They're popular enough, historically, that it wouldn't go over the heads of too many fans. But we don't tell stories with nuance in WWE land. We bludgeon you over the head with the details, because how else could you have figured out that Cena and Punk would eventually clash for the title in a unification match? You mean you figured that out the minute Punk won the title at MITB? Umm...welll...I mean....
[quote name='mykevermin']So where's that douchebag from last week who got so bent about my negative attitude towards the angle?

I'm ready to do the "I told you so" dance now.[/QUOTE]
Go fuck yourself. You're possibly the biggest piece of shit I've ever met online.

Anyway, the Cena/Punk angle is just a backstory now. They kind of killed the tension with them. I'm excited to see the match, cause I think it will be good, but the angle between them is dead. That ending was beyond crap. You were right.

I think HHH/Punk will be very fun to watch though.
[quote name='cdubb1605']I'm now taking bets on how drunk Jericho was when he tweeted the Punk comment.[/QUOTE]

I hope that's his excuse, Punk's promo was praising Jericho and it really surprised me to see that in response.
I pretty much lost all interest in the Punk angle after tonight. The ending was just stupid. Wasn't Punk supposed to change the title, saying it was ugly and lame? Yet he proudly holds up the same title as the champ. It's funny they kept mentioning the Comic Con thing when probably no one in the crowd really knew what they were talking about. It's incredible they killed the hottest angle in wrestling in more than 10 years in only two weeks. How long did the Invasion take? A month?

HHH/Punk could be good if they let Punk loose on the mic. It felt like he was being neutered tonight, especially during the opening segment.
Man, HHH looked spectacular tonight! What a way to push him! Straight to the top, that guy. He made Cena look like the punk that CM Punk is. Can't wait to see him squash them both.

Seriously though, what a way to kill my excitement. Between this and enjoying the
train wreck of a
Sting persona on TNA, I would have thought I was 10 years old again.
[quote name='Halo05']Oh shit, I know where Destin is. APW huh? I'll look it up. Maybe I can finally get that Raven autograph after he blew me off after a WCW Thunder in 1998.[/QUOTE]

lol yea, I actually live in p'cola now. Just haven't updated my location on here since I moved back.
HHH, HBK, and Nash will never change when they are in charge. Nash did it in WCW, HBK did it in the 90s and HHH is doing it now.
[quote name='GodOfUncharted']Go fuck yourself.[/quote]

Don't get me wrong, I'm not proud of being right. Proclaiming that WWE will sorely underwhelm expectations is like predicting the sun will rise tomorrow. The amazing thing is finding the rube who would argue for the converse.

You're possibly the biggest piece of shit I've ever met online.

You must be new to the internet.

You were right.

Who's that jumpin' out tha sky? R. E. Y. Mysterio, here we... stagnate in the mid-card. Again.

Is that just me here? Punk leaves, Vince declares that there's a tournament to determine a new champion. Mysterio wins, then apparently decides that he should defend his brand new title only an hour and a half after winning against the most dominant force in the company. Cena wins, suddenly Cena is 'the man'.

The man. The man that beat a guy that's about 1/4 his size who ALREADY HAD A MATCH THAT NIGHT. I get it, what they're trying to do with the story. Rey has enough heart to want to be a fighting champion. Cena, uh, wants the belt. I guess. I'm still not clear on why, exactly, the man who lost the title in the first place got a totally lopsided rematch. Or, really, why Rey doesn't seem to mind that had he simply told Cena that they'd have their match *next* week, he'd be in the main event of SummerSlam instead of Cena.

The whole angle is fucking stupid, but I fail to see why WWE didn't just book Cena into, and have him win, the fucking tournament. If the Rey thing wasn't going to be relevant, what's the point? Cool, Rey became fake WWE champion for an hour. This was the best plan they could come up with.

Sorry, I just get angry about shit like this, because I despise when characters are booked to be stupid. There are heel characteristics and face characteristics, but everyone should generally follow some kind of logic. Whether Rey thinks Cena was a worthy opponent who beat him or not, shouldn't Rey or HHH at least taken a step back and went 'hey, maybe this match should happen next week'? Or, gee, let's see... maybe HHH should have, I don't know, decided that Cena can have his rematch at SummerSlam instead? There was no logical reason to have that match last week, aside from the writing conceit of needing the belt on Cena because they accelerated the Punk timetable. They didn't even bother to book Raw in a way that pretended Punk wasn't coming back. They cared *that* little. For fuck's sake, all I'm asking is that they write storylines that have some kind of reasonable progression. Apparently this is a bit too much to ask.

I'm with most of you, this was a company that was going to get just north of $100 dollars from me over the next month (shirt, PPV, DVD), and now I'm to the point where I took Raw off of DVR record. It's mind-blowing how quickly they squandered the goodwill from this angle. The Invasion took longer to ruin. Nexus took longer to ruin. This is honestly nothing short of amazing. Truly.
[quote name='007']Nexus took longer to ruin.[/QUOTE]

Daaaaaaaang. I wonder if that's true. They took two weeks to go from being awesome and destroying the Raw set to 8 people jobbing to Cena, right?

Not that the angles are suddenly okay if they're the same length, mind.

Also, Triple H called Punk a "fatass"? Hmph. Sharp knees, indeed.

Speaking of fyaaat aaaaassses:
[quote name='mykevermin']He would have maintained so much cred if he just aped the Minor Threat song title "Sometimes Good Guys (Don't Wear White)." They're popular enough, historically, that it wouldn't go over the heads of too many fans.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, it would. Minor Threat hasn't been culturally relevant even for punk rock fans since the mid 90's at best. At least - that's the last time I saw/heard anything related to them. In the early 90's though, Minor Threat shirts were huge amongst Rage Against the Machine wannabees and "anarchists".
[quote name='mykevermin']Daaaaaaaang. I wonder if that's true. They took two weeks to go from being awesome and destroying the Raw set to 8 people jobbing to Cena, right?

Not that the angles are suddenly okay if they're the same length, mind.


I don't remember specifics, but my memory is that regardless of any losses to Cena, the angle only really and truly shit the bed when the 'Cena fired' storyline started. The past tense of that is important, because I thought the build to the angle was actually pretty okay... it was the actual weeks when Cena was 'unemployed' that wrecked the angle forever. SummerSlam was terrible because of the fact that Cena took out both Gabriel and Barrett on his own, but the angle at least limped on well enough until the firing.

So, really, even if you only give them SummerSlam, Nexus really didn't go totally off the rails for about 2 months. If we count until he was actually fired, that gives them 6 months, since the firing itself happened at Survivor Series.

As you said, different angles require different lengths, but Nexus worked for much longer than this did on any level. It's a different concept, since I will freely admit that the Punk storyline burned much brighter than Nexus ever did (besides that first night), but Nexus was easily better in terms of the long-haul. Like I said, it's all about the 'shit the bed' moment, and my personal opinion is that it was Survivor Series, with a near-death blow that they reasonably recovered from after SummerSlam. Punk? Even if we count the build-up, that angle shit the bed in about 3 weeks. Whether they salvage it or not, I'd wager most of us would have to see something absolutely incredible to give this another shot. I'm not banking on that happening.
[quote name='mykevermin']
That's quite the trajectory, given that two weeks ago I was ready to spend $25 on a t-shirt, $30 on a ticket, and $20 on a Blu-Ray of MITB. Now I'm buying none of those things.

Word life.
[quote name='xilly']Yeah, it would. Minor Threat hasn't been culturally relevant even for punk rock fans since the mid 90's at best.[/QUOTE]

You bite your tongue.


Okay, maybe he could have referenced "Alkaline Trio" or whatever the kids listen to these days. Some band whose name is essentially a sentence with no spaces, like AndrewfuckedKatieUndertheBleachers, and primarily features rail thin caucasian man-women wearing crooked "DC" ball caps and nonthreatening lip piercings.


I just want nuance to my program, that's all. Minor Threat or not.
Thanks for the backup Neocisco.

yourself. You're possibly the biggest piece of shit I've ever met online.
There is so much more internet out there. Even if your standards for hate are hyperbole, a lack of reading comprehension, and more ad hominem attacks than you've ever thought humanly possible, there's still so much more internet to be discovered.

As a bit of perspective...
Johnny Ace failed at riding a skateboard, went to Japan, replaced Russo in WCW, and is now a high-level official with the WWE making millions of dollars.
Shane Douglas failed at riding a skateboard, went to ECW, was booked in WCW, and is now wrestling Raven, Balls Mahoney, Al Snow, Rhino, and New Jack at ICP's Gathering of the Juggalos for presumably a half-dozen cases of Faygo & free pizza.

To be fair, Ace more or less banged Makoto Baba and his brother is the living half of a legendary tag team. He was going to atleast be at Terry Taylor level when he retired.
I think I was. I dunno, I stepped my level of emotional involvement way down after Punk returned but I was still hoping for the best.

Nothing good ever comes out of Triple H being around anymore.
Don't get me totally wrong: Punk will give you a glint of "ooh, dangerous insider stuff" from week to week. Every now and again he'll pander to smart marks. He'll never say the words "TNA" or "ROH" anymore, but he'll bring up Jericho shoveling dog poop for Stephanie; he'll bring up Ace Steel never getting out of developmental. He'll bring up only the safest of insider stuff. Maybe you'll "ooh" or "ahh" if he brings up Triple H being the Clique's bag handler in the 1990's.

But in skimming a recap of Raw, Triple H last night said "I've been in the business for 20 years, people have talked shit about my wife for 10; get some new material." He's right, of course - and with those few words, totally disarmed Punk. Also in skimming that recap, they really bludgeoned the viewer with Punk's "pipebomb" phrase, which totally (no pun intended) disarms it of its power. I got $20 sez in 3 weeks they'll have a new CM Punk t-shirt with the same "lightning fist" design, this time holding a microphone; on the back, "THIS MIC IS A PIPEBOMB" (which is kind of a funny nod to this band). For serious, it's already gotta be in the early design stages.

So, in the one segment of Raw I did see, when Punk came out - he gawped and guffawed about the way WWE does things speculating on what Triple H's decision would be w/r/t the "title controversy," without pointing to the most logical idea (a "champ vs champ" match) at SummerSlam. The segment came down, essentially, to the most obvious possibility being beyond Punk's grasp. Which makes him the dumbest man in the room. Way to go, WWE writers.

WWE writers get paid far too much money to build so many plot holes, inaccuracies, and raging idiotic moments from week to week.

1) name the last IC champion you cared about
2) name the last tag team you really, really wanted to see win the belt
3) name the last feud, other than CM Punk or something involving Undertaker at WM, that you totally, really got into - it made you buy the PPV, a ticket to the show, or buy the DVD after the fact

The more WWE trots out Johnny Ace, the more they're aping TNA's "network" clusterfuck. Fact is, not a single fucking person in the United States *EVER* bought a ticket to see Johnny Ace when he fuckin' *wrestled*. Now that he's in a power suit, things will suddenly be different?
I agree with all of that, and can't really come up with an IC champ or a tag team. Well, I could, but I'd likely have to pull something out from like 8-10 years ago, at the very earliest.

Last storyline that honestly made me sit up and take notice? The Jericho/Michaels feud from 2008. Easily the best storyline of the latter half of the decade. Simple, yet hugely effective.

I had to go back to 2008 for that, which I realize is the point. It's one of the few well done storylines that didn't really shit the bed, either. Nexus was good for a night, and the Orton/HHH feud from WM25 had a great build with the WORST fuckING ENDING EVER. Jericho/Michaels is the only storyline that I got into within the past few years that lived up to it's promise.
How did the Orton/Triple H feud end? I have so much of this shite decade blocked from my permanent memory. I could tell you that Demolition beat Strike Force to win their first tag team title at WMIV (with the help of the diabolical Mr Fuji), but I have no idea who was in the tag team match or ic match at the past...fuck if I remember...Wrestlemanias.
The last time I cared about the IC title was when Jericho lost it to Kofi at NOC how many years ago but even then there was no feud to speak of, he lost the belt to him in an open challenge match.

Tag champs.... ummm.........

The Jeff Hardy/CM Punk stuff from 2009 would probably be that feud.
[quote name='mykevermin']How did the Orton/Triple H feud end? I have so much of this shite decade blocked from my permanent memory. I could tell you that Demolition beat Strike Force to win their first tag team title at WMIV (with the help of the diabolical Mr Fuji), but I have no idea who was in the tag team match or ic match at the past...fuck if I remember...Wrestlemanias.[/QUOTE]

That was the feud where Orton was the creepy stalker and they finally officially revealed that HHH and Stephanie were really married. The highlight was when Orton DDT'd Stephanie and then kissed her while she was unconscious as the handcuffed HHH looked on. It was a great twisted moment.

Problem was, they built this awesome feud where HHH really should have wanted to beat the living shit out of Orton, and then nerfed the WM match literally the week or even night before WM by suddenly saying that if HHH gets disqualified he loses. Or something. I blocked that match out. What was a great feud that should have culminated in a Rock/Mankind style brutal match ended with a regular 'ol match. It made absolutely no sense, since you'd think that the culmination of the getting your hands on the guy who beat and mouth-raped your wife would be the bloodiest ass-kicking on the planet. It was a personal feud that they seemed to realize wasn't about the title enough like 24 hours before WM and retconned the whole thing. HHH shouldn't have given a shit about the belt, he should've wanted to cripple Orton. It was some of the most bizarre booking I've ever seen.

That was probably way more information than you needed, but hey.
[quote name='mykevermin']How did the Orton/Triple H feud end? I have so much of this shite decade blocked from my permanent memory. I could tell you that Demolition beat Strike Force to win their first tag team title at WMIV (with the help of the diabolical Mr Fuji), but I have no idea who was in the tag team match or ic match at the past...fuck if I remember...Wrestlemanias.[/QUOTE]

Glorified squash match then a 3 on 3 match for the WWE title at Backlash, which a returning Batista cost HHH the title. If anyone on team Hunter got DQ'd he would lose the belt. Batista almost hit Rhodes or Dibiase with a chair HHH got distracted and RKO'd to lose the title to Randy

EDIT: Mine is the footnotes version of 007
Haha, shit, I blocked out so much that I totally forgot that the fucking thing went an entire additional month after Mania.

[quote name='cdubb1605']The Jeff Hardy/CM Punk stuff from 2009 would probably be that feud.[/QUOTE]

Good choice.

[quote name='007']HHH shouldn't have given a shit about the belt, he should've wanted to cripple Orton. It was some of the most bizarre booking I've ever seen.[/QUOTE]

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHhhhhhhhhhh. Now I remember that. Yeah. Thing is, there's some really stupid plausible deniability there. It's Triple H, after all. If Stephanie McMahon and his world title were in falling off a cliff, which would he try to save? I guess the booking was rooted in the idea that the title was *just as* important to him as his wife. It's quasi-sensible, but it also was a last-second direction-changer in terms of the booking of the flow of the match. It should have *absolutely* been a brutal, beaten-within-an-inch of your life brawl, and it wasn't.
Triple H at Wrestlemania has always been pretty hit or miss. An odd pattern of booking well straight up to the show and then blowing it with the actual match (Orton, Sheamus, Batista) or just the worst shit ever. (Booker, Jericho).
[quote name='Spyder187']Who would have ever thought that Terra Ryzing would eventually run the WWE???[/QUOTE]

And that the two guys here would be members of one of the most famous stables in wrestling history.
Has this seen a post in here, yet?

By the way, the match was "stopped" before Kenny Omega could hit his Croyt's Wrath. Some people don't understand 'cause of their lack of familiarity with Omega. I'm resisting urges to make a snide remark about WWE, their women's roster, and some WWE people in particular.
Last IC title holder I cared about? Kofi when he won if off of Jericho after their awesome PPV match about two or so years ago.

Last tag team? Miz/Morison

Last feud? Punk/Hardy. Best feud of '09 and really the last good feud that I can recall.

I'll go on and step in and admit I was another one of the wait and see-er's. I should have known better. WWE can't let their product get TOO entertaining and complex for people over the age of 10. Those Cena armbands ain't gonna sell themselves!
[quote name='Scorch']I'm still bitter that they canned the blu-ray release of MITB.[/QUOTE]

Same here. Now I am debating on whether or not to order the shirt.
[quote name='mykevermin']You bite your tongue.


Okay, maybe he could have referenced "Alkaline Trio" or whatever the kids listen to these days. Some band whose name is essentially a sentence with no spaces, like AndrewfuckedKatieUndertheBleachers, and primarily features rail thin caucasian man-women wearing crooked "DC" ball caps and nonthreatening lip piercings.[/QUOTE]

I see what you did there. Let's see how accurate you were:


They do all kinda look like ladyboys, except the lady, who looks like a boy. You're missing the mark on the rail thin stature and non-threatening lip piercings.

Avenged Sevenfold:


Are you certain it was canceled? Earlier this year I thought they were just going to release all their videos as BD/DVD combos for $5 more than what they currently charge.

That Kenny Omega video is hilarious. Haruka is a better wrestler than Kelly Kelly.
I was trying to think of the last WWE tag team I was a big fan of and I guess the closest I could get was Jerishow. Sadly their run was cut short by the absolute death of tag team wrestling in the WWE.

EDIT - Er, I mean, tag team wrestling was already dead, but it being already dead prevented them from really getting a run with the titles.

In general, I've never been as much a fan of tag team wrestling as individual stuff. I sort of got sick of alot of the, I guess tropes of tag team wrestling. Smaller/weaker guy on a team gets isolated by the heels, many desperate tag attempts are made, one finally pays off and the fresh guy beats on the other team for a minute or two, you know the pin is coming when the partner on the outside gets successfully distracted, etc.

That isn't to say that I can't pretty frequently guess what's coming next in a singles match, but overall I'd say it's harder to do so.

The IC Title on the other hand, I have some incredible memories of that belt and the matches that revolved around it back in the 80s/90s. From Bret Hart, to Mr. Perfect, to Rick Rude, to British Bulldog, to Shawn Michaels, to Razor Ramon, I could go on and on. There were very few bad IC Champs for many years. In fact, looking at the wikipedia page, there still haven't been many bad IC Champs, but they're just used incorrectly. No one ever forgot who the IC Champ was when Mr. Perfect or Honky Tonk Man held it.

Actually, now that I think about it, Santino's IC Title run with the honk-a-meter was pretty good. Maybe not brilliant wrestling good but I laughed at the honk-a-meter every time.
[quote name='mykevermin']Are you certain it was canceled?[/QUOTE]

Yes. Going forward, they're only putting the major PPV's on Blu-Ray.
[quote name='Scorch']Yes. Going forward, they're only putting the major PPV's on Blu-Ray.[/QUOTE]

At least it shouldn't be too hard to find it on DVD for ~$10 after a couple months. I've had very little luck finding any of the blu releases for less that 25. For $10 it might be worth it for the matches themselves even if the brilliant angle has been subsequently ruined.
[quote name='cdubb1605']Wanted to get an opinion on this before ordering is "The Wrestling Road Diaries" worth picking up?[/QUOTE]

I keep hearing that it is very much worth getting. You have Cabana's sense of humor and Danielson's very, very dry sense of humor. I don't know how much it is, but from where I sit, I may spend the money I won't spend on WWE merch on that DVD instead.
[quote name='mykevermin']I keep hearing that it is very much worth getting. You have Cabana's sense of humor and Danielson's very, very dry sense of humor. I don't know how much it is, but from where I sit, I may spend the money I won't spend on WWE merch on that DVD instead.[/QUOTE]

20 on 25 with the deleted scenes disc
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