The "Big Lazy" Kevin Nash Wrestling Thread

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Speaking of anonymous GMs and NETWORKS, how far back do we have to go to get to an era that didn't have some kind of authority figure that wasn't present on a weekly basis? And, you know, huge parts of storylines?

We've got to be talking at least 15-20 years, right?
Gotta go back to Jack Tunney-era WWF.

He was an "authority figure," but he only showed up (drunk) from time to time.

It's not that authority figures (or whatever shape/form/name they take) are played out as a concept. It's that *EVIL* ones are fucking preposterous, yet omnipresent. Wrestling promoters are batting 1.000 when it comes to hiring people who seek to destroy the company from within - and do so openly.

Imagine if real sports ownership tried to destroy their teams from within; what would that look like?

[quote name='mykevermin']
Imagine if real sports ownership tried to destroy their teams from within; what would that look like?


WHO fuck'N DEY! And it is a damn shame I knew who would be under the spoiler tag before clicking it.

Mickie James announced Thursday plans to record a second country music album; providing she raises enough money from fans to fund the project.

Through, the TNA Women’s Knockout Champion is seeking $5,000 in contributions by September 2, 2011 to begin work on the project. She wrote, “I’m getting ready to go into the studio to record a new project, and I wanted to find a way to offer you a chance to not just pre-order the CD, but to have an exclusive chance to get some other goodies that have never been available (and won’t be available again!).”

Those who pledge $10 receive a copy of the album and MP3.

Those who pledge $25 receive an autographed album and their name in the album’s “thank you’s.”

Those who pledge $50 receive access to an exclusive web concert.

Those who pledge $75 receive a personalized video message from James.

Those who pledge $100 receive a one-of-kind T-shirt painted by James.

Those who pledge $200 have their name listed as an Executive Producer in the new album.

Those who pledge $2,500 receive a 30-minute acoustic concert at their home. However, they will also have to provide James with two plane tickets, a rental car and two hotel rooms.

Those who pledge $10,000 receive all of the above, plus a co-starring role in James’ music video.

Her campaign can be accessed here, which also features a video of James discussing the project. The TNA Knockout has so far raised $1,610.

$2,500 and you gotta provide the travel arrangements for her? fuck that shit. Surprised she didnt offer a $500 offer where she'll go out to lunch with you at Arby's.
[quote name='TheRock88']That might up there as one of the worst entrance themes ever. Hopefully they decide to not use it.[/QUOTE]

I thought I would go through life without hearing what it would sound like for "Deftones" to do a cover of a Pogues' song.

Someone decided to play "Sick Bed of Cuchulainn" for Jim Johnston, and he just decided to overlay one of his shitty dime-a-dozen paint-by-numbers bullshit metal riffs on top.

People critique a lot of musicians for getting by with very little variation in their songwriting. Jim Johnston fuckin' *OWNS* that shit.
[quote name='Chronis']^^I though the same thing... Now, a real Sheamus theme by Dropkick Murphys could be pretty cool[/QUOTE]

I thought the same thing while listening to *that* thing up there.

I didn't even know that Mickie James went through with making her first country album. I've made the Arby's jokes myself but, yeah, I would.
You need a chorus in a wrestling's one of the few things Sheamus' old theme does right. I also liked the intro but they stopped using it after a month or two.
Cleveland promoter and wrestler JT Lightning passed away today after a long battle with cancer. He's responsible for much of the Cleveland wrestling scene and starting the careers of a lot of Cleveland talent including Dolph Ziggler and Matt Cross. Sad to see him go.
[quote name='JJSP']Cleveland promoter and wrestler JT Lightning passed away today after a long battle with cancer. He's responsible for much of the Cleveland wrestling scene and starting the careers of a lot of Cleveland talent including Dolph Ziggler and Matt Cross. Sad to see him go.[/QUOTE]

That's sad news. Not as sad as the idea that people associate Dropkick Murphy's with "Irish Music," but still quite unfortunate.
[quote name='mykevermin']That's sad news. Not as sad as the idea that people associate Dropkick Murphy's with "Irish Music," but still quite unfortunate.[/QUOTE]

I like to blame the punks that need to sub-classify their music. Celtic punk is not a real thing.
[quote name='TheRock88']So Sheamus may have gotten a really shitty theme, but Daniel Bryan just got an awesome one. Nowhere near as good as Final Countdown but still pretty epic imo.

*edit* Apparently it's the theme from one of the Night of Champions ppv.[/QUOTE]

I like that, it sounds like the score to a good game or action movie. It's certainly better than generic metal song #47.
Yeah the New Daniel Bryan music sounds like something you expect to hear while the X-Men are flying around in their jet. Good stuff.
Melina, Gail Kim, and Koslov are all gone from WWE.

Melina & Koslov have been "future endeavored", and Gail Kim tweeted that she'd quit effective as of Monday.
Boy, those are all very shockin.............. yeah, I can't even finish that.

Melina has been expected for months, and I got the sense that they tolerated her this long because of Morrison. Gail obviously hasn't been happy with her comeback, but she has no one to blame but herself for thinking it'd be different this time. Still, I'm guessing she made some money, which is enough. Monday sealed the deal, too, since she could pretty it up all she wants, but eliminating herself was a statement.

Kozlov is another guy that I'm surprised stuck around as long as he did. His mega-push wasn't working for anyone, and he only barely survived because of the Santino connection. Not a guy I'll miss. Melina and Gail were talented, but in a division where it didn't matter, so it was ultimately always going to be a wash. Either way you slice, I won't miss these three.

EDIT - Just saw Masters, too. Again, not a shock. Hopefully he'll *stay* future endeavored this time.
David Hart Smith is gone, too.

WWE's twitter page was plugging Masters' twitter just 3 hours before they announced he was gone. Also, Melina was the subject of today's Divas Focus.
Curious to see if Melina ends up in TNA. I'm not sure if her and Mickie would be willing to work with eachother.
The son of a former star was released?

C'mon, DiBiase. Show me DiBiase. No whammy, no whammy, no whammy, STOP.
We may get a few people in 20 minutes during the "Friday afternoon news dump." It's not only used by Washington, you know.

Anyway, big yawn on the releases. Nobody I'd want to see in TNA, ROH, or anywhere else.
Gail Kim is the only one I'm sad about leaving. Her story is hilarious though. Purposefully getting eliminated in the Bowel Royal, hoping someone would notice. Nobody does, so she quits.

I wonder if Morrison will be on suicide-watch now that Melina is gone? Someone should check with Ryder's dad, too. :lol:
Tatsu is safe because he is in that NXT only feud with Tyson Kidd. As long as NXT doesn't end and everyone on the show even admits there is no planned end for this season yet he is safe. 4 weeks ago we were down to the last 2 rookies then they bring in Derrick Bateman out of nowhere and there are 3 guys again. I love how horribly NXT is booked.
Yoshi is safe because WWE needs an asian guy for diversity.
The fact that he can go in the ring also helps him.

Looking at the roster, these are the ones that are more likely to be released.

Curt Hawkins
Heath Slater
Jinder Mahal
Rosa Mendes
Tyler Reks

NXT is a trainwreck, but I still watch it because Regal is on commentary.
I had no idea who Heath Slater, Jinder Mahal, and Tyler Reks even were without googling them. Same for Rosa Mendes. I'm pretty sure they should all be worried, but my bet would be on guys who have been fairly useless their entire stint - like JTG, Primo, and Ted Dibiase Jr.
Masters commented on his release, saying he's surprised and would put his in ring work up against anyone as proof he's a quality talent.

I laughed.
As long as that somebody is Snitsky, he'll be set.

I was legitimately pissed when they had Shawn Michaels lose to the fucking masterlock challenge.

EDIT - I halfway misremembered. Michaels kinda got out of it by kicking Masters in the dick but wound up getting put in it again. Don't go watch the video, that's 4 minutes I'm never getting back.
booo on chris masters release.. man i was big fan during his teaming with carlito days and his big raw main event with shawn michaels

... he went downhill ever since his theme song change
[quote name='guyver2077']booo on chris masters release.. man i was big fan during his teaming with carlito days and his big raw main event with shawn michaels

... he went downhill ever since his theme song change[/QUOTE]

You're like the LinkinPrime of the wrestling threads.
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