The Black Cena Wrestling Thread


16 (100%)
Even Yahoo knows about black Cena!

Sadly,this the only video I can find out just the clip...

Smackdown thoughts:

The thing with Drew and Teddy was well played, but if Long really wanted to fuck Drew over, he wouldn't have given him a shot to even get in MITB. Long said the only way Drew would get the belt by WrestleMania would be to win the briefcase, implying he wouldn't even be given a chance to earn a title shot otherwise (or, presumably, enter the Royal Rumble) so why give him this opportunity? Not that I had any doubt that McIntyre would end up in the match, but still.

The triple threat match played out as I expected. I don't know why it was stopped so suddenly, though. MVP didn't tap, and seemed to still be fighting the hold. Maybe Vickie ordered the ref to stop the match and I missed it. It was a good match overall, though.

Who is Alberto del Rio supposed to appeal to- the female soap opera watching crowd? He may be talented. I have no idea. But these vignettes have been terrible.

Kofi vs. Drew was a good 10 minute match. It was obvious that Drew would win, and he needed to after 3 consecutive losses to Kofi. It was stupid of Kofi to roll Drew into the ring at the 8 count, but being a face, he certainly couldn't have settled for a measly countout victory!

This Rosa Mendes workout storyline is terrible. Just terrible.

I really hope they're not splitting up the S.E.S. Whatever happened to Masked Joey Mercury, anyway? I'm not really sure where they're going with all this, unless it's all a swerve and the S.E.S. really did take out The Undertaker. But I'm still pretty sure it was Kane.

Cody Rhodes' new music sucks, but his entrance with the virtual mirror was pretty awesome. Too bad they've already used and reused the "Reflection of Perfection" name, since it sounds much better than "Dashing" Cody Rhodes. And I think this was only JTG's second loss since the Cryme Tyme split, the other being to Shad on Superstars right after the PPV on which they first wrestled.

Whatever happened to Shad, anyway? He hasn't been seen since. JTG has been getting wins over lower midcarders, which is good. I feared that he would be future endeavored. He needs a gimmick change, but he's actually very talented.

Jack Swagger was made to look like a badass tonight, until Kane made him cry. Why couldn't they have built Swagger like this when he was champion? He was pinned in nearly 50%of his matches while he held the belt. He's only been booked strongly since he lost the title, just like Sheamus was earlier this year. But at least Sheamus wasn't repeatedly pinned while holding the belt. In fact, Sheamus never was pinned during his title reign till he lost the belt in the Chamber.

So we got a few good matches; Swagger looking strong till the last segment; and Rey grabbing and throwing random shit, which was funny. It was an above average show and nothing was actively bad. The PPV still looks kind of bland, though.
[quote name='Matt Young']
The triple threat match played out as I expected. I don't know why it was stopped so suddenly, though. MVP didn't tap, and seemed to still be fighting the hold. Maybe Vickie ordered the ref to stop the match and I missed it. It was a good match overall, though.
I'm just going to assume they were trying to be like MMA, and when MVP's body went limp from the sleeper they called the match.

[quote name='Matt Young']
Whatever happened to Shad, anyway? He hasn't been seen since. JTG has been getting wins over lower midcarders, which is good. I feared that he would be future endeavored. He needs a gimmick change, but he's actually very talented.
Living in Florida, does have its perks as they show FCW here on one of the Florida Sports channels and I have seen Shad on there a couple of times.
Alberto Del Rio is gold.

I was kinda shocked to see Drew win. I don't even remember the last time he actually hit his finishing move without it being countered. It's like they're giving him the MVP treatment, except MVP was a much bigger deal before they started jobbing him out, turned him face, made it seem like he was going to get a push, and continued to have him job.
It wasn't a joke, I do like the outdoor setting.

Now go make some dumb alicia foxx joke, or laugh at Lebron being in the nWo...
[quote name='masked lemon']It wasn't a joke, I do like the outdoor setting.

Now go make some dumb alicia foxx joke, or laugh at Lebron being in the nWo...[/QUOTE]
... What?
[quote name='masked lemon']Anyways...

TNA PPV tonight, right? The card looks decent, I'll probably end up watching it.[/QUOTE]
Should be a great show. Especially looking forward to Kurt Angle vs. The Pope, should be an excellent match.

Also TNA claims to have that big surprise tonight.
JBL wouldn't add anything to TNA, unless he did commentary. Tazz and JBL would make a good pair, I think.

They'd have to get rid of Tenay though.
[quote name='Halo05']Where's he wrestling now? Those aren't TNA pictures (are they?)[/QUOTE]

I'm pretty sure it is from the house show TNA ran in a baseball field, a week ago.
[quote name='Halo05']Where's he wrestling now? Those aren't TNA pictures (are they?)[/QUOTE]

I heard the first pic that was posted in the last topic was from an outdoors TNA event so I'd imagine he's still with them.
[quote name='Survivalism']Darren Young is black? I thought he was just a douchebag.[/QUOTE]

Looks like a peurto rican or mexican to me at best. Certainly sounds like one also.
Man, the stream I was watching cut off to an old smackdown. I was tripping for a second when the WWE opening thing came on. Thought Vince bought TNA or some shit.
I actually don't mind the booking of the match with that win. How he always shits on the X-division, why not have him win a specific X-division match against the standard.

However, their way of keeping d-von out of this match so far, that's stupid.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Seriously...... Williams def Kendrick via submission... IN AN ULTIMATE X MATCH. Who the fuck is booking this?[/QUOTE]

On TNA on Thursday, they kept mentioning that the match could be won by pinfall or submission.

Yeah, smells of Russo's overbooking, but the lot of you evidently weren't paying much attention.
So far we got an Ultimate X match that wasn't an Ultimate X match, and a Triple threat match with only 2 wrestlers...
Seeing R Truth on my TV on ABC is well worth this beautiful sunday night

I turned the channel and he was fake driving a racing car bed. First thing I thought of was "Imma ride till the wheels fall off!"
[quote name='mykevermin']Yeah, smells of Russo's overbooking, but the lot of you evidently weren't paying much attention.[/QUOTE]

Sorry I was watching MLS when Impact was on.

Also :rofl: @ TNA cutting right to a video package the second they show the Impact Zone Rats chanting ECW.
Angelina vs Madison in battle of the fake plastic bitches... Angelina has the better ass, so I'll go with her for the win.
I wish they would just get to the point. Them coming out in the middle of a match and just standing there is getting annoying.
I don't get the point of the ECW guys coming out and doing nothing. Pretty stupid.

I do kinda like the flesh tone outfit on Madison.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Sorry I was watching MLS when Impact was on.

Also :rofl: @ TNA cutting right to a video package the second they show the Impact Zone Rats chanting ECW.[/QUOTE]
All of the people chanting sleep with TNA wrestlers? Weird.
[quote name='masked lemon']well that was an interesting finish... Hernandez through the door for the win, literally.[/QUOTE]

That reminded me of when Big Show debuted in the WWF at St. Valentine's Day Massacre in a cage match between Stone Cold and Mr. McMahon, and won the match for Austin by throwing him through the cage.
bread's done