The Brand New OTT

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So yeah, everyone doesn't really care about this, but I'm still depressed about my fiancee leaving me. I had no complaints about her. She was witty, nerdy, cute, and tons of fun, and she'd constantly grab my arm and hug it with her whole body. We were going to get married and live together in 2010 (we had wedding rings) but then she told me she wanted to stay with her parents until she finished college. So we tried to make it all work, but then she met another guy while still at college and left me for him. I actually broke it off because I couldn't stand the pain. That was January 2012. We were that obnoxious, incredibly physical couple that always hugged or held hands and were never more than a foot apart. I always loved her and thought we were going to last. I feel like the majority of losing that was my fault, for being overly critical. And you don't know what you had until it's gone.

So after three months, I'm still depressed about that. It's hard as fuck to make someone your whole life like that and have them be awful to you after. Some "friend" of hers, who afaik is someone pretending to be someone else, talked to me and tried to get us back together until the end of April when she found out I dated another girl. So they left me alone for a month. We've got a lot of mutual friends on Facebook, and she just FB messaged me today. To paraphrase, "I don't miss you, so burn all our stuff and delete me from your memory banks. Say 'hi' to me if you ever see me when you've moved on."

All this shit does is hurt me and keep me depressed. When I'm not hanging out or partying, I just revert back, and drinking doesn't help worth a shit. How do you get over being haunted and teased by a bitch? Any guys have this happen with ex-girlfriends or ex-wives?

(To anyone who remembers what happened with this last month, her psycho new boyfriend who stalked me and wanted to kill me wasn't charged with anything. He pissed me off royally and stole my fiancee. I know the city he lives in, and I'll get my own justice sooner or later. Piece of shit kid.)
Paid soem guy $130 to climb up on my roof and clean out the gutters. That's pretty much the reason I make money, so I don't have to do things like that.

I'd turn into a major asshole if I was a millionare...."You expect me to do what? I pay pepople to do that for me..."

I remember playing one of the Tex Murphy games on PC way back in the early 90s. It came on what, 5 or 6 CD-Roms?
Morning all. One last day to go to the three day weekend. :whee: :beer:

[quote name='Lyricsborn']Theres a new one?[/QUOTE]

Yeah it came out May 15th. I think its called 'truck ambush'.

[quote name='Blade']So yeah, everyone doesn't really care about this, but I'm still depressed about my fiancee leaving me. I had no complaints about her. She was witty, nerdy, cute, and tons of fun, and she'd constantly grab my arm and hug it with her whole body. We were going to get married and live together in 2010 (we had wedding rings) but then she told me she wanted to stay with her parents until she finished college. So we tried to make it all work, but then she met another guy while still at college and left me for him. I actually broke it off because I couldn't stand the pain. That was January 2012. We were that obnoxious, incredibly physical couple that always hugged or held hands and were never more than a foot apart. I always loved her and thought we were going to last. I feel like the majority of losing that was my fault, for being overly critical. And you don't know what you had until it's gone.

So after three months, I'm still depressed about that. It's hard as fuck to make someone your whole life like that and have them be awful to you after. Some "friend" of hers, who afaik is someone pretending to be someone else, talked to me and tried to get us back together until the end of April when she found out I dated another girl. So they left me alone for a month. We've got a lot of mutual friends on Facebook, and she just FB messaged me today. To paraphrase, "I don't miss you, so burn all our stuff and delete me from your memory banks. Say 'hi' to me if you ever see me when you've moved on."

All this shit does is hurt me and keep me depressed. When I'm not hanging out or partying, I just revert back, and drinking doesn't help worth a shit. How do you get over being haunted and teased by a bitch? Any guys have this happen with ex-girlfriends or ex-wives?

(To anyone who remembers what happened with this last month, her psycho new boyfriend who stalked me and wanted to kill me wasn't charged with anything. He pissed me off royally and stole my fiancee. I know the city he lives in, and I'll get my own justice sooner or later. Piece of shit kid.)[/QUOTE]

Really sorry to hear that. It must be awful to love someone and lose them like that. And I know this is cliched and everyone says this and it doesn't help the pain but you're young and there are plenty of fish in the sea. Its very possible in a year or two from now you'll be wondering why you even cared about this girl. And a word of advice - disassociate yourself completely from her new boyfriend. Don't get involved. Don't pay him back. Just drop that completely no matter how wronged you feel. Nothing good is going to come of starting up with him even if he did stalk you and threaten to kill you and stole your girlfriend.

[quote name='eldergamer']Paid soem guy $130 to climb up on my roof and clean out the gutters. That's pretty much the reason I make money, so I don't have to do things like that.

I'd turn into a major asshole if I was a millionare...."You expect me to do what? I pay pepople to do that for me..."[/QUOTE]

Damn man. Unless you have really high roofs, a mansion for a house, or some kind of nutty architecture, that's crazy. I just cleared out my gutters last weekend and was done in all of 10 minutes using my bare hands.
[quote name='Maklershed']
Really sorry to hear that. It must be awful to love someone and lose them like that. And I know this is cliched and everyone says this and it doesn't help the pain but you're young and there are plenty of fish in the sea. Its very possible in a year or two from now you'll be wondering why you even cared about this girl. And a word of advice - disassociate yourself completely from her new boyfriend. Don't get involved. Don't pay him back. Just drop that completely no matter how wronged you feel. Nothing good is going to come of starting up with him even if he did stalk you and threaten to kill you and stole your girlfriend.

This is the truth...the best revenge is to live well!
[quote name='Blade']So yeah, everyone doesn't really care about this, but I'm still depressed about my fiancee leaving me. I had no complaints about her. She was witty, nerdy, cute, and tons of fun, and she'd constantly grab my arm and hug it with her whole body. We were going to get married and live together in 2010 (we had wedding rings) but then she told me she wanted to stay with her parents until she finished college. So we tried to make it all work, but then she met another guy while still at college and left me for him. I actually broke it off because I couldn't stand the pain. That was January 2012. We were that obnoxious, incredibly physical couple that always hugged or held hands and were never more than a foot apart. I always loved her and thought we were going to last. I feel like the majority of losing that was my fault, for being overly critical. And you don't know what you had until it's gone.

So after three months, I'm still depressed about that. It's hard as fuck to make someone your whole life like that and have them be awful to you after. Some "friend" of hers, who afaik is someone pretending to be someone else, talked to me and tried to get us back together until the end of April when she found out I dated another girl. So they left me alone for a month. We've got a lot of mutual friends on Facebook, and she just FB messaged me today. To paraphrase, "I don't miss you, so burn all our stuff and delete me from your memory banks. Say 'hi' to me if you ever see me when you've moved on."

All this shit does is hurt me and keep me depressed. When I'm not hanging out or partying, I just revert back, and drinking doesn't help worth a shit. How do you get over being haunted and teased by a bitch? Any guys have this happen with ex-girlfriends or ex-wives?

(To anyone who remembers what happened with this last month, her psycho new boyfriend who stalked me and wanted to kill me wasn't charged with anything. He pissed me off royally and stole my fiancee. I know the city he lives in, and I'll get my own justice sooner or later. Piece of shit kid.)[/QUOTE]

Sounds like you were infatuated with her. Never a good basis for a relationship.
[quote name='Maklershed']Morning all. One last day to go to the three day weekend. :whee: :beer:

Damn man. Unless you have really high roofs, a mansion for a house, or some kind of nutty architecture, that's crazy. I just cleared out my gutters last weekend and was done in all of 10 minutes using my bare hands.[/QUOTE]

It's high enough to bother me. It's just a two story house, and you have to go to the top of the 30 foot ladder to clean them out. I'm not a fan of heights. And even less a fan of physical labor. :roll:

No 3 day weekend here. Will take a 2 day trip to Seattle, then make it back Monday for that Holiday Pay!
Saw this on GAF and thought some here might be interested ....

"ATLUS said today it's extending the North American online servers for Demon's Souls. The game was originally going offline at the end of this month. No specific time table has been set, but ATLUS said the servers will be left on for the "foreseeable future."
[quote name='Maklershed']Saw this on GAF and thought some here might be interested ....

"ATLUS said today it's extending the North American online servers for Demon's Souls. The game was originally going offline at the end of this month. No specific time table has been set, but ATLUS said the servers will be left on for the "foreseeable future."[/QUOTE]

FUCK YES. I was afraid I couldn't beat it by Thursday so now I actually have some time. Going to play a ton this weekend aroudn the concerts I have.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']eldergamer's living the Mr. Tony lifestyle?[/QUOTE]

I'm so un-hip I have no idea who this.

On a side-note I almost feel the need to play LA Noire with an open guide (gamefaqs) beside me. seems like I'm missing out of too much of the story by only getting the interviews 1/2 to 2/3 correct. See, it's at this point the game should stop, game over, and re-start. But no, it just keeps going.
[quote name='eldergamer']I'm so un-hip I have no idea who this.

On a side-note I almost feel the need to play LA Noire with an open guide (gamefaqs) beside me. seems like I'm missing out of too much of the story by only getting the interviews 1/2 to 2/3 correct. See, it's at this point the game should stop, game over, and re-start. But no, it just keeps going.[/QUOTE]

It's a reference to his radio show where he's willing to pay money for people to do basic chores for him, like plugging in his TV.
[quote name='Maklershed']Saw this on GAF and thought some here might be interested ....

"ATLUS said today it's extending the North American online servers for Demon's Souls. The game was originally going offline at the end of this month. No specific time table has been set, but ATLUS said the servers will be left on for the "foreseeable future."[/QUOTE]

Now I'm in the market for a PS3 ASAP.
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']

It's a reference to his radio show where he's willing to pay money for people to do basic chores for him, like plugging in his TV.[/QUOTE]

Yeah. I'd live that lifestyle. I'm a lazy, lazy, man.

[quote name='DT778']Look at the faces mang.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't always seem to help. Or I can't pick correctly between doubt and lie. The fleshtones are little 'off' too.

Can't find my CD that has this (and Into the West) on it. Considering I have about 75 cds on the floor upstairs to be put away and another couple hundred on spindles sitting around somewehre, it's not that surprising.
Finally got my PC put together yesterday. And holy fucking christ is this thing blindingly fast! Still working on getting everything set up and installed right now
Pc is back and running yay! Anyone have a diablo code yet?

Also should I use this opportunity to switch to Chrome or should I stick w Firefox?
fucking bored.
[quote name='seanr1221']A 17yr old in a jeep rear ended me. Car is definitely totaled. In pain but I'm walking.[/QUOTE]

Lawyer up and get an MRI, seriously.
[quote name='seanr1221']A 17yr old in a jeep rear ended me. Car is definitely totaled. In pain but I'm walking.[/QUOTE]

Glad you're sorta okay.
Seriously. Get your ass to the hospital if you haven't been. Get your injuries documented and make sure everything is going to be fine.

Then if you need to, follow the Ugamer plan.
Went to the ER. He touched my back and said since I didn't lose consciousness there's no need for a cat scan.

At least if I die of internal bleeding my parents can sue for malpractice!

I had an 08 civic, only 3500 left to pay :(

Looking at CRVs now. I wouldn't mind an SUV.
[quote name='seanr1221']Went to the ER. He touched my back and said since I didn't lose consciousness there's no need for a cat scan.

At least if I die of internal bleeding my parents can sue for malpractice!

I had an 08 civic, only 3500 left to pay :(

Looking at CRVs now. I wouldn't mind an SUV.[/QUOTE]

Glad you're okay. Hopefully you had comprehensive insurance and can get a new(er) car out of it.
[quote name='seanr1221']

Well thank goodness you are of my best friends was in an accident on Thursday and unfortunately he didn't make be thankful.
Damn, how fast was the person going? Also, was he/she blind? At least it looks like the car did its job and took the brunt of the impact.

So the doctor didn't run any tests other than checking your back? I implore you to get an MRI done, or at least talk to your physician about it. Neck and spine problems aren't easily detectable and you don't want to be stuck with that pain without any form of recourse because no one noticed any problems early on. Also, X-rays can be useless in this department, so don't trust those either.
Thanks guys. The ER doctor didn't seem to concerned. I talked to my cousin today (who's a doctor) and she said that's pretty standard what he did, but to see what my GP says on Tuesday. Really just happy to be alive. I don't think I've ever appreciated a day like today before.
[quote name='Temporaryscars']What did the kid say after he hit you?[/QUOTE]

"Hold on, let me finish this text..." - Person who hit SeanR
[quote name='Temporaryscars']What did the kid say after he hit you?[/QUOTE]

Duuuuude are you ok!?

Then he proceeded to legit sob and call his jeep his baby
[quote name='FriskyTanuki']

It's a reference to his radio show where he's willing to pay money for people to do basic chores for him, like plugging in his TV.[/QUOTE]

You ever read the ESPN book? It is pretty boring but whenever they talk about Kornheiser it is great.

I heard that on my way home from work and can't get it out of my head.
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