The CAG Backlog Support Group.

I just recently got Resident Evil 7. So do you have to play the previous games first, to understand this one? I know that for 1-6 there was a cohesive story, but since RE7 changed everything and is now 1st person, I'm not sure if the story has changed too. I know generally who the main characters are, and watched the movies, is that enough?

Also, how's the scare factor? Is it too scary for scaredy-cats like me?
It isn't that scary to me but that is just me I say it is scary. No you don't have to play the previous games to understand this one the DLC may change that a bit. If you get scared playing Outlast or the demo I say avoid it.

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I just recently got Resident Evil 7. So do you have to play the previous games first, to understand this one? I know that for 1-6 there was a cohesive story, but since RE7 changed everything and is now 1st person, I'm not sure if the story has changed too. I know generally who the main characters are, and watched the movies, is that enough?

Also, how's the scare factor? Is it too scary for scaredy-cats like me?
I've never played another resident evil game and the story was perfectly follow able. I also am typically a bitch when it comes to scary games, but although I was generally creeped out throughout the game, there wasn't really anything that made me nope out and quit the game... Except for vr sickness... Ugh...
Beat Episode 3 of Guardians my backlog is once again empty. Really want to retry the last major decision just to see what happens but I am unsure if it will change much. It also has a ad for Guardians of The Galaxy 2 Movie but so did Batman and a lot of other TellTale Games as of late.

Beaten 31
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Purchases Metroid 3DS Ys PS4

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Just started on Xcom 2, I feel like not losing a solider every mission is gonna be tough. Recovery also seems to take a bit longer. Will be interesting balancing all this. For a large chunk of Xcom I played with the same core squad and I think that will be a lot harder this game.

Loved XCOM 2. From the early reviews of the new expansion, it seems like its going to be pretty beefy. I always ran with a large squad with a handful of core leaders, so these new change-ups seem right up my alley.

Getting near to that time of the year when a lot of AAA releases start dropping fast, so I'm guessing alot of people's backlogs will be growing soon.

Well got all the Summer Games Overwatch items. The new 3 weekly boxes and putting around 40 hours got me everything plus the xp glitch did help a bit. I unfortunately am getting a lot of duplicates and may retire until the next event. It seems like every box I get I get at least 1 dupe before it was 0 and before that it was 4 so I guess it improved. Not finding deathmatch to be fun. Waiting on Ys now.

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Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Purchases Ys PS4 or Win Metroid 3DS Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite PS4 or Win

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I finally got around to playing Dishonored. I really enjoyed the mechanics and despite being very linear you had a lot of freedom on how to complete a mission. Unfortunately I almost always made a mistake and would lose stealth 90% through a mission. 

Fans of the series should I spend time on the dlc or jump to the 2nd one?

I finally got around to playing Dishonored. I really enjoyed the mechanics and despite being very linear you had a lot of freedom on how to complete a mission. Unfortunately I almost always made a mistake and would lose stealth 90% through a mission.

Fans of the series should I spend time on the dlc or jump to the 2nd one?
I enjoyed the dlc about as much as I enjoyed the main games. It all depends on how fast you want to get through the series.
I finally got around to playing Dishonored. I really enjoyed the mechanics and despite being very linear you had a lot of freedom on how to complete a mission. Unfortunately I almost always made a mistake and would lose stealth 90% through a mission.

Fans of the series should I spend time on the dlc or jump to the 2nd one?
I felt the first one was an excellent game and overall, I enjoyed it a lot. Spend your time with it if that's what you feel like doing. D2 in its own right is an excellent game, too.

Meanwhile ... update from me. Finally opened my Horizon Dawn and started a file. I wasn't feeling it at first, but after about six hours, the game became really fun. I'm enjoying it and pleasantly surprised by how fun it is, given that I felt games like Far Cry have gone stale.

Meanwhile ... update from me. Finally opened my Horizon Dawn and started a file. I wasn't feeling it at first, but after about six hours, the game became really fun. I'm enjoying it and pleasantly surprised by how fun it is, given that I felt games like Far Cry have gone stale.
Nice! It's one of those games that only gets better the further you progress and the more things you unlock.

Meanwhile ... update from me. Finally opened my Horizon Dawn and started a file. I wasn't feeling it at first, but after about six hours, the game became really fun. I'm enjoying it and pleasantly surprised by how fun it is, given that I felt games like Far Cry have gone stale.
With the exception of Zelda it's easily my favorite game this year. It does have a slow build though, everytime I played it I liked it more and more.

Been going back and forth over these two so Injustice or Tekken?
I've played a lot of both, and my thoughts are:

If you are really into the competitive side of fighting games, and are pretty familiar with the genre, you would probably prefer Tekken. It's a lot more technical, and there's a ton to learn and explore. The downside is that the single player modes are pretty barren, and the story isn't very good.

If you want to play a fighting game mainly by yourself, and are into the story/lore of the DC comics, then Injustice is for you. It's got a fantastic plethora of single player modes, and an amazing story mode. There's a lot more things in the game to sink your time into than Tekken. There isn't really much of a downside to INJ 2, but it's gameplay is quite a bit more simple compared to Tekken, and some of the characters seem pretty basic.

My verdict is that Injustice 2 is the better video game, and one that you'll probably enjoy more. I'm still playing it now. I'll give it to Tekken that it's gameplay is more refined and balanced, but Injustice 2 is definitely way more fun.

Finally got the platinum trophy for rainbow six siege. I was almost done with the kill 2500 terrorists trophy before an update randomly wiped my situation and kill progress. I didn't care about the situations as I already had unlocked the trophies for that, but I was at around 2200 terrorist kills when that happened. The Terro hunter trophy which was the last one I needed just popped for me at around 4750 terrorist kills. Needless to say I am never touching terrorist hunt ever again.
I've got all these games in my backlog but here I am beating Parasite Eve 2 for like the 10th time. Amazing game
I have never played Parasite Eve 2. I've played the first one several times, tho.

But I do know what you mean about re-playing games you've beaten versus working on the backlog. I've started another replay of Breath of the Wild, and a new game in XCOM 2 (waiting for the new expansion to hit PS4).

However, I have put in a lot of time recently into Digital Devil Saga. Lots of grinding time, actually.

2250 at Overwatch now and bought and sold Warriors All Stars and Agents of Mayhem the frame rate issues are still present on the PS4 version and Warriors is just Dynasty Warriors. Going to wait on Ys again. Should stop buying games so many ones I get are not games I like.

Beaten 31
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Purchases

Sept Ys PS4 or Win Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite PS4 or Win

Oct Layton's Mystery Journey The Evil Within 2 South Park: The Fractured but Whole

Nov Sonic Forces
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I started Resident Evil 7 and I think I'm too chicken-shit to continue it. It's pretty exciting so far, but the tension makes me reel back every time I step into a dark room. I wish there was a "you're a huge pussy" mode where they take away the horror and replace the jump scares with little teddy bears.

I started Resident Evil 7 and I think I'm too chicken-shit to continue it. It's pretty exciting so far, but the tension makes me reel back every time I step into a dark room. I wish there was a "you're a huge pussy" mode where they take away the horror and replace the jump scares with little teddy bears.
Lol. How far exactly did you make it?
Lol. How far exactly did you make it?
3rd save point, right after you get captured. Mostly the atmosphere and the tension gets to me. The jump scares aren't too bad. The game is silent during the exploration sequences, so I always feel something is gonna jump out at me. It reminds me of the Slender man game, but the music in that one made it way more horrifying.

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Maybe play it with the lights on? During daytime? With some other living being in the same room as you? Idk
Yeah I was playing during the day with the lights on and the windows open.

I try not to play when others are in the room since they are noisy. And I don't want to use headphones for this game.

I'm actually gonna stream it the next time I play, maybe that'll help and give me motivation.

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Alright, so I played a bit more of Resident Evil 7 and I got to the part where I picked up the Scorpion key from the basement. 

I really think I'm playing the game wrong. I can't kill anything in the game, and I keep wasting all my bullets shooting at things and doing no damage, and wasting all my potions and herbs whenever they attack me. It seems every time I run into an encounter, I just waste all my ammo, then get attacked and waste all my healing items, then run away. And at this point, I don't think I can progress any further because I'm out of supplies, and those damn tree men a.k.a Evil Groots keep swarming me and I can't find the items I need.

I'm out of health, yet I need to find the 3rd dog head from the basement, but the Evil Groots just kill me immediately. If I try to go up stairs to get the shotgun, Daddy just kills me in a second too. So am I shit out of luck since I used up all my supplies, and have to restart now?

I think I just suck at the game, but I really don't get the point if I just have to run away from every encounter.

Alright, so I played a bit more of Resident Evil 7 and I got to the part where I picked up the Scorpion key from the basement.

I really think I'm playing the game wrong. I can't kill anything in the game, and I keep wasting all my bullets shooting at things and doing no damage, and wasting all my potions and herbs whenever they attack me. It seems every time I run into an encounter, I just waste all my ammo, then get attacked and waste all my healing items, then run away. And at this point, I don't think I can progress any further because I'm out of supplies, and those damn tree men a.k.a Evil Groots keep swarming me and I can't find the items I need.

I'm out of health, yet I need to find the 3rd dog head from the basement, but the Evil Groots just kill me immediately. If I try to go up stairs to get the shotgun, Daddy just kills me in a second too. So am I shit out of luck since I used up all my supplies, and have to restart now?

I think I just suck at the game, but I really don't get the point if I just have to run away from every encounter.
I try to conserve my ammo and healing items have three or more saves so you can go back if you consume so much. There are items everywhere and just like Resident Evil 1 you can avoid some enemies if you move correctly.

Played a friends copy of Metroid from Europe. The controls seemed a bit clunky hold R trigger for missle L trigger for free aim my hands were hurting after a hour in so I am not getting this. The controls are awful or perhaps I am so use to playing other games like Shadow Complex where moving and shooting are easier. I am getting Ys but am hoping for the PC version since it seems like a keeper. I generally sell all my games when transiting to the next generation and buy PC games of the games I might replay.
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I really think I'm playing the game wrong. I can't kill anything in the game, and I keep wasting all my bullets shooting at things and doing no damage, and wasting all my potions and herbs whenever they attack me.
Be sure to block a lot if you believe you are going to get hit. It reduces a lot of damage.

A lot of the Molded you encounter, you can usually run away from, but sometimes not. Headshots will always do the most damage (obviously), shooting them in the arms will stun them temporarily enough run by, and destroying one of their knees will reduce them to crawling speed.

Also, don' bother trying to kill Jack at that point in the game and just run away from him. Crouching and staying out of sight is something you will have to practice. Stealth won't work for the Molded though and be sure to always close the door behind you to prevent Molded from following you.

Lastly, since you are past this point in the game: Best Moment. :D
[customspoiler='Initial D in RE7'][/customspoiler]
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Alright, so I played a bit more of Resident Evil 7 and I got to the part where I picked up the Scorpion key from the basement.

I really think I'm playing the game wrong. I can't kill anything in the game, and I keep wasting all my bullets shooting at things and doing no damage, and wasting all my potions and herbs whenever they attack me. It seems every time I run into an encounter, I just waste all my ammo, then get attacked and waste all my healing items, then run away. And at this point, I don't think I can progress any further because I'm out of supplies, and those damn tree men a.k.a Evil Groots keep swarming me and I can't find the items I need.

I'm out of health, yet I need to find the 3rd dog head from the basement, but the Evil Groots just kill me immediately. If I try to go up stairs to get the shotgun, Daddy just kills me in a second too. So am I shit out of luck since I used up all my supplies, and have to restart now?

I think I just suck at the game, but I really don't get the point if I just have to run away from every encounter.
You need the shotgun. Upstairs in the main lobby where the phone is you might see a shotgun in a display case. Every time you pick it up though the door locks behind you. You need to go all the way upstairs and find a broken shotgun to swap out with the fixed shotgun Indiana jones style.That thing kills groots in 1-2 hits as opposed to like 5-8 pistol bullets.
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Have yet to play RE7. 

Still playing Horizon, though that might get left behind when XCOM2 expansion comes out TOMORROW. And then, METROID for the 3DS. 

Can't wait. 

Finally broke down and bought a switch so all else has been put on hold indefinitely for Zelda. Can't believe this game manages to live up to the hype that was built around it. 

Thanks guys for all the advice! I finally got past the house! YES!

Everyone's advice was super helpful, the shotgun was so useful, the closing door trick for the Groots was great, having multiple saves is also really good, and blocking things helped so much. I had no idea how insanely useful blocking is.

I also streamed everything, so that helped with the fear factor, and someone actually came in the stream to give me advice, so that was super cool!

But now I'm on the bug level, and wow... I hate those critters. I can't imagine Thatguy even wanted to try VR mode, especially with all the creepy crawly things all over. To me, the bugs are actually more terrifying than the monsters and Daddy.

I feel like this game is trying to encompass all the popular phobias. Next I guess I'm gonna see creepy clowns, heights, and gnomes. I mean we've already got spiders, bugs, closed spaces, dirty germ-y areas, and monsters.

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Okay, I got past the bug stage. Wow, that was gross. Now my fear level went from gold fish to kitten status. Seriously, when I first started, I saw my shadow in the game and got scared.

So I got a question, when you kill the Groots, do they respawn? They seem like respawning enemies, and I never got the chance to check. Since ammo is so scarce, idk if I should avoid them, or kill them all so I can explore as I please.

So I got a question, when you kill the Groots, do they respawn? They seem like respawning enemies, and I never got the chance to check. Since ammo is so scarce, idk if I should avoid them, or kill them all so I can explore as I please.
They have limited respawns.

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Finally broke down and bought a switch so all else has been put on hold indefinitely for Zelda. Can't believe this game manages to live up to the hype that was built around it.
I have it on the Wii U ... man, that game really gets a hold of you. Really awesome game. Enjoy!

I started playing resistance on normal and I feel like a chump. There must be health pickups at some point, right? Or maybe it regens over time once you get past the first level? Or am I just terrible at FPS? lol

I started playing resistance on normal and I feel like a chump. There must be health pickups at some point, right? Or maybe it regens over time once you get past the first level? Or am I just terrible at FPS? lol
I've never played any of the mainline Resistance games (1,2, and 3) but I did play the side game on the PSP. It was said to be the first of the series to have regenerating health, so I guess only health packs are in the first 2.

It's also known to be notoriously difficult I think. If I remember it right, there's a trophy to beat it on the hardest difficulty, that's actually one of the hardest trophies of all time. There's also invisible guys in 2 that was ranked some of the most annoying enemies in a video game ever made, or something like that. The difficulty has been compared to Call of Duty World at War veteran mode too.

So it's definitely not just you, it's very hard to get through. A lot of those games around that time are like that too I think, around the start of the PS3's era, where they haven't solved all the kinks yet. To me, Uncharted 1 was hard in that it was clunky to play.

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I started playing resistance on normal and I feel like a chump. There must be health pickups at some point, right? Or maybe it regens over time once you get past the first level? Or am I just terrible at FPS? lol
After the first level, you acquire the healing ability. The health regen is based on segments though; so any lost segments need to be replenished via health kits.

I've never played any of the mainline Resistance games (1,2, and 3) but I did play the side game on the PSP. It was said to be the first of the series to have regenerating health, so I guess only health packs are in the first 2.
Resistance 1 and 3 have health kits, but 2 has full regeneration. I thought it was pretty neat that the story explains the reasons for the changes.

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After the first level, you acquire the healing ability. The health regen is based on segments though; so any lost segments need to be replenished via health kits.

Resistance 1 and 3 have health kits, but 2 has full regeneration. I thought it was pretty neat that the story explains the reasons for the changes.
Oh yeah, you're right. I got it completely wrong. I guess then 1 and the PSP game have the same health system then.

I started playing resistance on normal and I feel like a chump. There must be health pickups at some point, right? Or maybe it regens over time once you get past the first level? Or am I just terrible at FPS? lol
That game kicked my ass for a while as well, just played through all three finally a few months ago. Once you get the feel for it gets better. All very good games. 1 did seem to be the toughest for me, I blamed it's age for that fairly or not.

Got the platinum for Danganronpa!

Also made it further into RE7, to put it into non-spoiler terms, I got past the 3rd VHS tape.

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I gotta work more on my Wii backlog someday. I did manage to finish off the Resident Evil rail shooters this summer. I'm really thinking about starting up Xenoblade Chronicles at last, but from what I've heard, that game's a huge time-sink.

Metroid Samus Returns is awesome, tho. It really does remind me of the summer I spent playing the original gameboy game when I was in high school, lounging out on my grandparent's front porch all day. I played the 3ds out on my own backporch today, and the weather was perfect.

I finally beat Resident Evil 7. I had to use a guide for the majority of it since it scared the pants off me, and I wanted to know where the screamers were beforehand. But it was pretty fun, and the story was dark and terrifying, yet drew me in.

I understand the complaints about how short it is, took me 10 hours, yet probably would've been around 7-8 if I didn't keep dying and aimlessly looking for supplies. But I'm happy with the length since it was too scary and I wanted to get it over with sooner.

Great game though all in all, and I'm really looking forward to some of the DLC they have planned. It's my first Resident Evil game, but I thought the mix of horror and sci-fi was done really well. And scares were pretty genuine too, and it's definitely the scariest game I've ever played. 

Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite PS4 story mode was short 3-4 hours. No arcade endings for characters. Going to wait for the next 20 40 60% bonus at GS and trade it in. Oct 6 is when Layton releases but I heard it was crap on mobile. Decisions decisions.

Beaten 32
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Purchases

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Steamworld Dig 2 Super Mario Odyssey

Oct Layton's Mystery Journey The Evil Within 2 South Park: The Fractured but Whole

Nov Sonic Forces
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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite PS4 story mode was short 3-4 hours. No arcade endings for characters. Going to wait for the next 20 40 60% bonus at GS and trade it in.
Lol, I actually watched someone play through the entire story mode today on Twitch, a good 3 hours I think. Some of it was better than I expected, like the stages, and some lore/character interactions but overall it seemed horrible. Nothing like the Injustice, Mortal Kombat, or Tekken stories. A lot of the animations and graphics were so bad and cringey. Like I think the worse was Dante's face, which made him look like a crack addict. Frank West was annoying af too, and Ryu and Capt. America just seemed so awkward. A lot of the animations and faces just look so clunky. The voice acting was some of the worst I ever heard.

I really was looking forward to the game too, and was thinking about picking it up at launch. But a week ago I saw that a good 80% of the Level 3 Supers in the game were recycled from the old game. And 24/30 of the characters were returning from UMvC3. That just completely turned me off and is totally not acceptable for a $60 AAA game.

Lol, I actually watched someone play through the entire story mode today on Twitch, a good 3 hours I think. Some of it was better than I expected, like the stages, and some lore/character interactions but overall it seemed horrible. Nothing like the Injustice, Mortal Kombat, or Tekken stories. A lot of the animations and graphics were so bad and cringey. Like I think the worse was Dante's face, which made him look like a crack addict. Frank West was annoying af too, and Ryu and Capt. America just seemed so awkward. A lot of the animations and faces just look so clunky. The voice acting was some of the worst I ever heard.

I really was looking forward to the game too, and was thinking about picking it up at launch. But a week ago I saw that a good 80% of the Level 3 Supers in the game were recycled from the old game. And 24/30 of the characters were returning from UMvC3. That just completely turned me off and is totally not acceptable for a $60 AAA game.
I found the muscles on Spider Man to be a poor design aspect as well as some of the actions the characters did. Ya, it seems like they didn't put much effort into the story. I should rent fighters at Gamestop. None of them seem worth it to me or just avoid them all together. Tekken 7, UMC I, Street Fighter V, Blazblue etc. Well apparently Episode 3 of Minecraft came out didn't learn about it until now. Downloading it to my PS4 but cannot play it today. I did love Soul Calibur but after V I don't think I'll get VI if they make it. Seems Steamworld Dig 2 is coming out.

Anyone else think about becoming a PC gamer. I find that while I do play exclusives on my PS4 and 3DS I spend more time on my PC and since I purge my collection for the next console wave I am constantly rebuying games on PC I want to keep. Then again I usually pay $.25-9 for the PC games.

Beaten 32
Backlog Guardians of the Galaxy Minecraft Story Mode Season 2 Batman Season 2 Overwatch
Future Purchases

Ys VIII: Lacrimosa of DANA Steamworld Dig 2 Super Mario Odyssey

Oct Layton's Mystery Journey The Evil Within 2 South Park: The Fractured but Whole

Nov Sonic Forces
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bread's done