The Christmas Creature Wrestling Thread

[quote name='neocisco']Rey?[/QUOTE]
Looks like according to wikipedia Taker has been on SD since 2002 with no drafting to RAW since. So, Taker' beats Rey. (surprisingly)
It wouldn't be the first time 'Taker beat Rey.

I was so hoping I misheard Morrison earlier when he said that the title match was going to be next week, but they kept saying it. Why couldn't they wait for the Rumble? :(

It's probably going to be Orton or Sheamus as #1 contender in two weeks, for fucks sake.
I don't know why you guys are getting so whiny about next week being a title match. It's WWE. You know what's going to happen. It's going to end in a DQ when Jerry Lawler or A-Ry interferes and they'll push the match to the Rumble. It'll likely be Miz with A-Ry in his corner vs Morrison with Lawler in his corner for the belt at the Rumble.
So I've been watching a lot of HBK stuff on youtube lately ... I gotta say, growing up in the 80s/90s of wrestling really makes me wonder how we got to the shit we're being forcefed these days.

Also, HBK is easily one of the best of all-time. Hands fucking down.

With that being said, I'm going to try and watch RAW without falling asleep. Or turning it off.
I always liked that match. Excellent spot to end it as well. Shelton was ahead of his time, per say ... with the WWE going into a "smaller guy" era these days, he kind of missed his shot. Had he debuted say within the last year, I think he'd be doing damn fine for himself in the 'E. Unfortunately, he got the D'Lo Brown treatment.
Benjamin did himself in with his lazy attitude. His match with HBK and his tenure in MITB matches are the only times he ever showcased what he could do if he would motivate himself.

And I already know the answer, but what the fuck would be the point of giving Morrison the title match next week if it's going to end in a DQ and be pushed to the RR? Why not just spend next week building the feud instead of trying to swerve people? It makes no damn sense!
007, Michael Cole did indeed let it slip that CM Punk would be joining Nexus. Cole also made an effort to hide his mistake by saying "Otunga" in every sentence as every other word.

Gotta wonder if Vince McMahon would yell, or allow others to yell, at WWE's lead commentator.

I think Cdubb's right with his idea that WWE will return Wade Barrett to Raw, and turn him face. Then, we'll probably get a Barrett-David Otunga mini-feud. Oh joy. (Otunga is awful.)

Yeah, Hydro, I think Shelton Benjamin worked in the wrong WWE era. Beef, I think Shelton had been more indifferent than lazy, in regards to his singles career in the E. That, and Shelton needed a manager to sell him to the crowd. WWE Creative should have linked him with Armando Estrada, William Regal, or someone who could have spoken on his behalf.

And Beef, if WWE has John Morrison-Miz end in a disqualification on next week's Raw, and pushes the match to the Royal Rumble, then that's just lazy booking. They probably view the DQ finish as a way to build heat/the feud, or something. :whistle2:k
I think the Miz/Morrisson match next week will be a vehicle to move them to the RR match.

A TV stipulation match to lead to a PPV stipulation match.

Why would anyone think that WWE would book guys to not face or touch each other leading up to a PPV? The last time that happened was...I think...Rock v Hogan at Summerslam 200?.
I think the only thing wrong with Shelton was he was hot ass cheeks in a crowded room on the mic.

Same with a lot of wrestlers. They have talent, they have 'the look'....but when it comes to speaking on the mic....they're GARBAGE! And as fans, we know this, but we like to act as if their wrestling can mask it.

Well, everyone can't be a Chris Benoit!

....And Morrison is ass cheeks too on the mic, just to state the obvious. He is so far over because of his athleticism and looks....but I can't recall the last promo he did that was captivating. He'd be a tough sell on the media circuit if he was champ!

Unless he went on The View and other places and just showed his abs for 10 mins

Finally, I'm still angry that in 2010 I lost not only Jericho but MVP. Damn, damn, DAMN
I think my issue is having John Morrison lose to the Miz, en un partido de individuales, on Raw, then having Morrison lose again to the Miz at a PPV makes Morrison look weak, and, subsequently, sorta kills their feud.

I would like to see Miz, or Alex Riley, consistently run interference in Morrison's matches, and cause him a few losses. Then, Morrison could confront the Miz, but only get Alex Riley. Toss Morrison and Miz in a few tag team matches, then, finally, let Morrison get a crack at the Miz at a PPV. Whether Morrison wins or loses shouldn't be an issue, at this point, two months into the feud, as the build should put over Morrison as a more legitimate threat on any champion's radar.

Of course, taking into consideration WWE's short-attention-span booking, they would rush the build. I think building up a character's credibility/likability is similar to baking: Rush the process and you wind up with shi-- 'Sheamus.'

Here's how I would book this first leg of Miz-Morrison for today's WWE audience.

Week 1:
On Raw, Morrison, as the new number-one contender for the WWE belt, cuts a promo, in the back with Todd Grisham. Alex Riley, in the henchman role, attacks Morrison on behalf of the Miz. WWE Champion, Miz, walks on-screen, and makes a comment. Later that show, Miz and Riley are in a tag team match against, say, Matt Sydal and Mark Henry. Morrison runs interference, and tries to attack the Miz. Miz grabs his belt, and runs through the crowd, away from harm. Sydal pins Riley with a Shooting star press. Morrison tries to catch up with the Miz.

Week 2:
On Raw, Morrison cuts a funny promo, mocking the Miz and Alex Riley. Later, in the back, in an interview with Todd Grisham, and without the Miz, Riley says he understands that Morrison is the cause for his loss on last week's show, and announces a match. In the upper-card, if not main event, Riley enters the ring first--as faces should always enter last unless a heel is a champion--and as Morrison walks to the ring, Miz, runs out and beats down Morrison. After a thorough thrashing, Miz tosses Morrison into the ring. The ref asks if Morrison wants to continue, and Morrison says yes. The bell rings, and Riley dicks around, and almost loses to a flash pin. Miz lingers around the ring, taunts fans, and mocks Morrison. At around 4 minutes into the match, a visibly-disoriented, Morrison attempts a springboard head kick, but, in midst move, Riley hits a big boot, and pins Morrison. Miz runs into the ring, beats down Morrison, and shoves the WWE title into his face, while jawing. Miz, and Riley, walk to the back, taunting the fans.

Week 3:
At some point on Raw, Morrison is playing off the two, brutal beatdowns, and angrily calls out the Miz. To his disappointment, he only gets Miz's goon, Alex Riley. Riley and Morrison jaw, for a bit, then, from the crowd, Tyson Kidd with Jackson Andrews, sneaks out, and batters Morrison. Miz walks out. Riley and Kidd hold Morrison for Miz, and Miz slaps around Morrison. Sydal, Henry, and Harry Smith run out for the save. Later, on Raw, Riley-Kidd-Andrews-Miz face Sydal-Henry-Harry-Morrison. Miz and Morrison never interact, as Riley always tags in when Miz is against Morrison. Harry scores a pin against Andrews.

Week 4:
Leading into a PPV, at the end of Raw, Morrison is in the ring, and cuts a promo. Miz appears on the Titantron, and he and Morrison exchange words. What appears to be the Miz, runs into the ring, and tries to assault Morrison. Morrison beats up what appears to be Miz, but, lo and behold, it's some guy Miz paid off. The real Miz runs into the ring, and hits his finisher on Morrison.

At the PPV, it's Miz versus Morrison, en un partido de singles normal por el campeonato. It's a back-and-forth war. The finish sees Morrison gain an advantage, and try to end the match with his springboard head kick. But, in midst springboard, while Miz grabs the ref, Alex Riley trips up Morrison, who crash-and-burns. Miz hits his finisher, and retains. Miz, and Riley, celebrate, and walk to the back.

Week 5:
On Raw, Miz actually walks out to some pomp and circumstance. There are balloons, and streamers. The whole nine yards. Some time into Miz celebrating his victory over Morrison, Morrison plays party crasher, and attacks Alex Riley, while trying to get to the Miz. The Miz manages to escape, but Riley isn't so lucky, and Morrison hits his finisher. Morrison cuts a promo on the Miz.

Week 6:
At the start of Raw, Morrison disables Alex Riley, and is shown looking for the Miz. The Miz is scheduled for a match, later that show, against Mark Henry. Morrison just cannot find the Miz. So, after the ref calls for the bell to start the Miz-Henry match, Morrison runs out, and tries to give Miz his comeuppance. Miz grabs his belt, and runs off. Henry wins by count out, and Morrison gives chase. In the back, we see Riley pull up, visibly beaten, in a car. Miz jumps in, and Riley drives off, just as Morrison catches up.

Week 7:
Raw opens with Morrison against, say, Zack Ryder. It's a balanced match, that shows Morrison being one step ahead of Ryder. At around the 6 minute mark, Riley runs out, and distracts Morrison. Miz runs out, from the crowd, and assaults Morrison. The ref calls for the bell, and Ryder, Riley, and Miz assault Morrison. They give Morrison a brutal beatdown. Ryder and Riley remove the pads, and Miz hits his finisher on concrete. Miz is shown paying off Ryder. After brief bit to let the audience soak in what happened, medics run out, and attend to Morrison. They stretcher him to the back, and an ambulance drives him off. A main focus of the show is selling, to the fans, what Miz did to Morrison. The commentators crucify Miz for his assault. Later, Riley and Miz tag against Sydal and Henry. Riley does most of the dirty work, and tags in Miz so Miz can score a cocky pin.

Week 8:
At the start of Raw, Miz cuts a promo, deriding Morrison. Throughout most of Raw, we don't see Morrison, and the commentators keep selling the assault from last week. As the second part of the show starts, Riley-Henry begins. A picture-in-picture screen pops up as a car storms into view, tires screech, and a bandaged-and-bruised Morrison bursts from the driver's door, and, at a hurried pace, moves to the backstage. When we return from a commercial, Riley has gained the upperhand, and Morrison runs out from the back, and just batters Riley. Morrison eventually uses a shooting star press to put Riley through the announcer's table. Morrison sells his injuries, and Riley plays dead. After a bit, so the fans can soak it up, Morrison announces that, at the PPV, it'll be a Steel Cage match for the WWE title. That way, Riley can't interfere, and Miz can't flee.

At the PPV, Morrison and Miz put on a show. I'd book the finish for Miz with a Super Skull Crushing Finale, or Morrison with a Flying Chuck followed by a Flying Chuck off the cage. The prior would be a neat, legit finish and end of the feud. The latter would make the Miz look strong, and play off how the hero should always have to do a little something extra to beat the villain. The latter would also allow for a second part to the feud some time later in their careers.
According to Dave Meltzer of Yahoo Sports, former UFC heavyweight champion Brock Lesnar is looking for an "exit strategy" to get out of his UFC contract, which most believe currently has one fight left on it. Lesnar "badly" wants to work WWE's WrestleMania 27 pay-per-view in Atlanta next year.
The MMA world has been buzzing about this story since Dave Melzer broke the news on Monday night. Meltzer said on his radio show that the fight with Velasquez has changed Brock's attitude on fighting and he is at the stage in his life where he doesn't want to get injured. He's very well off financially and the business man in him apparently knows that it may be time to move on.
Lesnar has been hunting and hasn't even thought about his next fight. Lesnar apparently wants to do WrestleMania "badly" and will earn an estimated $2 million dollars for 30 minutes of work.
Its widely known that Lesnar was miserable with WWE's brutal travel schedule and vowed to never be on the road with WWE 200 days a year again. With the mainstream success he's had in the UFC and the insane drawing power he's displayed during his time there, he could make a truckload of money working WrestleMania and a few other limited appearances.

I'm curious what they would even do with him with Taker's status unclear.
They'd squeeze a WM match out of Taker and then put Brock on a limited schedule working, I dunno, only RAW shows/PPVs. Sorta similar to what (if I'm remembering correctly from way back) Sting used to do in WCW ~1998. Or what guys like Taker do now (when they're not hurt).
[quote name='Chase']I think my issue is having John Morrison lose to the Miz, en un partido de individuales, on Raw, then having Morrison lose again to the Miz at a PPV makes Morrison look weak, and, subsequently, sorta kills their feud.

I would like to see Miz, or Alex Riley, consistently run interference in Morrison's matches, and cause him a few losses. Then, Morrison could confront the Miz, but only get Alex Riley. Toss Morrison and Miz in a few tag team matches, then, finally, let Morrison get a crack at the Miz at a PPV. Whether Morrison wins or loses shouldn't be an issue, at this point, two months into the feud, as the build should put over Morrison as a more legitimate threat on any champion's radar.

Of course, taking into consideration WWE's short-attention-span booking, they would rush the build. I think building up a character's credibility/likability is similar to baking: Rush the process and you wind up with shi-- 'Sheamus.'

Here's how I would book this first leg of Miz-Morrison for today's WWE audience.

Week 1:
On Raw, Morrison, as the new number-one contender for the WWE belt, cuts a promo, in the back with Todd Grisham. Alex Riley, in the henchman role, attacks Morrison on behalf of the Miz. WWE Champion, Miz, walks on-screen, and makes a comment. Later that show, Miz and Riley are in a tag team match against, say, Matt Sydal and Mark Henry. Morrison runs interference, and tries to attack the Miz. Miz grabs his belt, and runs through the crowd, away from harm. Sydal pins Riley with a Shooting star press. Morrison tries to catch up with the Miz.

Week 2:
On Raw, Morrison cuts a funny promo, mocking the Miz and Alex Riley. Later, in the back, in an interview with Todd Grisham, and without the Miz, Riley says he understands that Morrison is the cause for his loss on last week's show, and announces a match. In the upper-card, if not main event, Riley enters the ring first--as faces should always enter last unless a heel is a champion--and as Morrison walks to the ring, Miz, runs out and beats down Morrison. After a thorough thrashing, Miz tosses Morrison into the ring. The ref asks if Morrison wants to continue, and Morrison says yes. The bell rings, and Riley dicks around, and almost loses to a flash pin. Miz lingers around the ring, taunts fans, and mocks Morrison. At around 4 minutes into the match, a visibly-disoriented, Morrison attempts a springboard head kick, but, in midst move, Riley hits a big boot, and pins Morrison. Miz runs into the ring, beats down Morrison, and shoves the WWE title into his face, while jawing. Miz, and Riley, walk to the back, taunting the fans.

Week 3:
At some point on Raw, Morrison is playing off the two, brutal beatdowns, and angrily calls out the Miz. To his disappointment, he only gets Miz's goon, Alex Riley. Riley and Morrison jaw, for a bit, then, from the crowd, Tyson Kidd with Jackson Andrews, sneaks out, and batters Morrison. Miz walks out. Riley and Kidd hold Morrison for Miz, and Miz slaps around Morrison. Sydal, Henry, and Harry Smith run out for the save. Later, on Raw, Riley-Kidd-Andrews-Miz face Sydal-Henry-Harry-Morrison. Miz and Morrison never interact, as Riley always tags in when Miz is against Morrison. Harry scores a pin against Andrews.

Week 4:
Leading into a PPV, at the end of Raw, Morrison is in the ring, and cuts a promo. Miz appears on the Titantron, and he and Morrison exchange words. What appears to be the Miz, runs into the ring, and tries to assault Morrison. Morrison beats up what appears to be Miz, but, lo and behold, it's some guy Miz paid off. The real Miz runs into the ring, and hits his finisher on Morrison.

At the PPV, it's Miz versus Morrison, en un partido de singles normal por el campeonato. It's a back-and-forth war. The finish sees Morrison gain an advantage, and try to end the match with his springboard head kick. But, in midst springboard, while Miz grabs the ref, Alex Riley trips up Morrison, who crash-and-burns. Miz hits his finisher, and retains. Miz, and Riley, celebrate, and walk to the back.

Week 5:
On Raw, Miz actually walks out to some pomp and circumstance. There are balloons, and streamers. The whole nine yards. Some time into Miz celebrating his victory over Morrison, Morrison plays party crasher, and attacks Alex Riley, while trying to get to the Miz. The Miz manages to escape, but Riley isn't so lucky, and Morrison hits his finisher. Morrison cuts a promo on the Miz.

Week 6:
At the start of Raw, Morrison disables Alex Riley, and is shown looking for the Miz. The Miz is scheduled for a match, later that show, against Mark Henry. Morrison just cannot find the Miz. So, after the ref calls for the bell to start the Miz-Henry match, Morrison runs out, and tries to give Miz his comeuppance. Miz grabs his belt, and runs off. Henry wins by count out, and Morrison gives chase. In the back, we see Riley pull up, visibly beaten, in a car. Miz jumps in, and Riley drives off, just as Morrison catches up.

Week 7:
Raw opens with Morrison against, say, Zack Ryder. It's a balanced match, that shows Morrison being one step ahead of Ryder. At around the 6 minute mark, Riley runs out, and distracts Morrison. Miz runs out, from the crowd, and assaults Morrison. The ref calls for the bell, and Ryder, Riley, and Miz assault Morrison. They give Morrison a brutal beatdown. Ryder and Riley remove the pads, and Miz hits his finisher on concrete. Miz is shown paying off Ryder. After brief bit to let the audience soak in what happened, medics run out, and attend to Morrison. They stretcher him to the back, and an ambulance drives him off. A main focus of the show is selling, to the fans, what Miz did to Morrison. The commentators crucify Miz for his assault. Later, Riley and Miz tag against Sydal and Henry. Riley does most of the dirty work, and tags in Miz so Miz can score a cocky pin.

Week 8:
At the start of Raw, Miz cuts a promo, deriding Morrison. Throughout most of Raw, we don't see Morrison, and the commentators keep selling the assault from last week. As the second part of the show starts, Riley-Henry begins. A picture-in-picture screen pops up as a car storms into view, tires screech, and a bandaged-and-bruised Morrison bursts from the driver's door, and, at a hurried pace, moves to the backstage. When we return from a commercial, Riley has gained the upperhand, and Morrison runs out from the back, and just batters Riley. Morrison eventually uses a shooting star press to put Riley through the announcer's table. Morrison sells his injuries, and Riley plays dead. After a bit, so the fans can soak it up, Morrison announces that, at the PPV, it'll be a Steel Cage match for the WWE title. That way, Riley can't interfere, and Miz can't flee.

At the PPV, Morrison and Miz put on a show. I'd book the finish for Miz with a Super Skull Crushing Finale, or Morrison with a Flying Chuck followed by a Flying Chuck off the cage. The prior would be a neat, legit finish and end of the feud. The latter would make the Miz look strong, and play off how the hero should always have to do a little something extra to beat the villain. The latter would also allow for a second part to the feud some time later in their careers.

You have 5 weeks too many on there. WWE only plans 3 weeks in advance, to the next PPV, if that.
Brock at WM would be a very huge thing. i would think they would put Brock back on Smackdown for limited work to build up his match at Wrestlemania. ratings would shoot up every week for smackdown. Heck, i would watch it more on a regular basis if thats the case. i would be interested in to see how WWE uses him.

That said, Brock was a one trick pony in the UFC. all he did was just ground and pound guys he was 4x the size of. Cain just proved to the world how raw and untrained Brock is. If Brock put some effort in to learning Jujitsu and learn how to strike properly, he would be a super tough fighter...heck maybe the perfect heavyweight but he is just not willing to put the work in to being a skilled fighter. He had no defense whatsoever and still doesnt know how to control a fight. He had ample time to train and learn tactics in the UFC. If he beaten Cain, i would think he would toot a different horn and train for his next match. he just seems like a sore loser to me.
[quote name='strongpimphand']

TNA Reaction's last show is this Thursday.

.....makes me wonder why they couldn't shorten it to 30 mins and throw it online....NXT style?[/QUOTE]Now how will we find out who wins the main event?

[quote name='mykevermin']I think the Miz/Morrisson match next week will be a vehicle to move them to the RR match.

A TV stipulation match to lead to a PPV stipulation match.

Why would anyone think that WWE would book guys to not face or touch each other leading up to a PPV? The last time that happened was...I think...Rock v Hogan at Summerslam 200?.[/QUOTE]
It's not so much that I don't want them to not face each other, I just didn't want them to needlessly throw away Morrison's stipulation for his match at the RR (if there is to be a stipulation in the first place).
Lesnar quitting UFC to return to the WWE sound a lot like sour grapes, but it makes sense for him if he's banked all of his money from his fights. He went in relatively untrained, dominated everyone they put in front of him, won a title, and lost it in an ugly fight (for him).

He's a big yokel (to borrow a phrase from Myke) who cares about three things: money, money, and stupid tattoos. $2 million dollars to get fake beat up for a half hour? Brilliant.
I don't totally buy it. He just lost his last fight - and if there's one thing that giant doofus doesn't like, it's losing. For all his faults, he's hella competitive (though he's also narcissistic enough that he doesn't give his fame credit for walking onto the Vikings tryout team a few years back).

I think he still has something to prove in UFC before he moves on (but move on he will).
Yeah, but is he patient enough to wait until UFC gives him his next fight. I believe he can't fight in the UFC again until after April 24th because of the health suspension they gave him after he fought Velasquez. I also don't think he has any interest in fighting Frank Mir again.
Wow.. sucks about Lesnar.. Definitely my fav UFC/MMA guy .. Loved seeing him destroy everyone in his path and was hoping he would train harder for a rematch with Cain.

What was the reason for the health suspension?

Man and if he does show up at mania.. im suddenly interested.
Aren't he and Mir rumored to coach Ultimate Fighter (culminating in a fight at the end)? That's probably the best case scenario to get out of UFC for him - he gets to whomp on Mir again (I don't follow UFC, but I think that'd be their third fight), get some national TV exposure, and stroke that big dumb ego of his.
I don't follow UFC much (outside of Brock) but he'd be a terrible coach. I mean, his entire game is based around something that can't be replicated solely through training. The dude is a giant monster. What's he going to tell people? Get leg extensions so you're taller?

That said, I want Lesnar back in the WWE. He fits stunningly well and his MMA experiences will only make his character more compelling. It'd be quite the coup for pro-wrestling in general to bring the biggest draw in the UFC back into the fold.
I'd even say that I'd like to see Angle return to the WWE to end his career against the UFC poster boy monster heel Lesnar.
The one thing that has seriously irked me about Brock's career is that he has consistently been out the door the second better prospects arise. On the money side of business matters, he's been brilliant and it doesn't hurt that he has worked with equally money hungry guys like Dana and Vince. However, he pisses off alot of people on the way in and out as he has shown career-wise he's in it for himself:

1) Had a horribly phoned-in match at WMXX on his way out to tryout for the Vikings.
2) Left the Vikings when he wasn't deemed main squad caliber right out of the gate.
3) Won NJPW's IWGP belt, proceeded to no show due to conveniently timed visa issues, then physically held onto their belt for about a year before giving it back.

I want to give the man an honest benefit of the doubt, but knowing his track record, I have a feeling he's either going to fight a can or show no heart in the last fight on his UFC contract.
Not quite true. Vikings cut Lesnar, if memory serves. He may have his issues of the grass-is-always-greener variety, as you suggest, but let's not play loose with the facts.
[quote name='Scorch']I don't really understand.. I thought that was just his nickname and not indicative of being a "Cole Miner".. and honestly, he's not really worth the effort to type out his full name.

Regardless, yeah, I'm a fan of Michael Cole. So?[/QUOTE]

Oh relax, it was just a joke.
[quote name='JJSP']He's a big yokel (to borrow a phrase from Myke) who cares about three things: money, money, and stupid tattoos. $2 million dollars to get fake beat up for a half hour? Brilliant.[/QUOTE]

I wouldn't say that. The way he lives and the money he already made from the UFC, he should be set for life. I think the biggest issue with him is that he has to be doing something and he wants to dominate whatever he does.

He quit WWE because of the WM SSP onto his head which took away his confidence and made him realize that he could get seriously injured. He also was making a ton of money but wasn't happy being on the road.
Went to the NFL, didn't get a slot on the main team (aka become a breakout star) so he quit.
Went back to wrestling, this time in Japan. Still not happy, quit.
Did MMA in Japan. Knocked over a few cans, happy.
Joined UFC, got beat once in a lucky way...started dominating, happy. Had a tough fight with Carwin but Carwin ran out of gas, happy. Tried the same tactic with Velasquez, got destroyed, unhappy.
Going back to WWE, monster push, limited schedule, massive payday, back in the spotlight...happy.
[quote name='mykevermin']Not quite true. Vikings cut Lesnar, if memory serves. He may have his issues of the grass-is-always-greener variety, as you suggest, but let's not play loose with the facts.[/QUOTE]

From what I remember, he tried out for the Vikings and didn't make the team.

Edit: "Both the Indianapolis Colts and the Minnesota Vikings worked out Lesnar this month, though neither team has signed him."

Lesnar was cut by Minnesota but he did play in some preseason games prior to that. He was even in Madden that year.

[quote name='integralsmatic']That said, Brock was a one trick pony in the UFC.[/QUOTE]

Emanuel Yarbourough was a one trick pony.

Lesnar was multifaceted but stuck to what he was best at and gave him the best chance to win. Hilarious that people give him shit for that.

all he did was just ground and pound guys he was 4x the size of.
Yeah. Like Shane Carwin and Heath Herring.

I can't see Lesnar going back to the 'rasslin unless he wants out of UFC for good, and that would be really odd (even given his out the door at the drop of a hat track record). This reeks of an attempt to get some leverage with Dana, whether it's for a new contract or his next fight or whatever.

*EDIT* - Apparently Cena hurt his leg at a show tonight. But since he NEVER GIVES UP!!!! he walked from the ring.
Reports are coming in that Cena suffered some kind of leg injury at the Tuesday house show. No word on how serious yet, but I guarantee that WWE management just collectively shit themselves.
[quote name='007']Reports are coming in that Cena suffered some kind of leg injury at the Tuesday house show. No word on how serious yet, but I guarantee that WWE management just collectively shit themselves.[/QUOTE]
Even if it's a torn ACL, Cena will no-sell surgery and show up at the Rumble on a goddamn pogo stick.
[quote name='KaneRobot']This reeks of an attempt to get some leverage with Dana[/QUOTE]

Bingo. Given how he left wrestling, and just as important, what he left behind to get away from the rigorous WWE schedule, what makes anyone think he'd want to return to that?
Smackdown spoilers are already out. Main event:
Dolph/Kofi/Swagger triple threat. Winner?
Dolph wins via roll-up.
Interesting about Cena, timing sucks with the new Punk feud. Kinda wondering how things will play out if we have a Wrestlemania without Cena or Taker. That probably hasn't happened since what... 19?
[quote name='JJSP']Even if it's a torn ACL, Cena will no-sell surgery and show up at the Rumble on a goddamn pogo stick.[/QUOTE]

John Cena is a beast. His dedication to WWE and the fans is really something to behold. Good or bad, he actually seems like a good face for the company. I can recall when Cena tore his pectoralis major muscle off the bone, and his estimated return had been said to be between seven months to one year. He returned at the 2008 Royal Rumble, in January 2008, three months after his injury. That's some expedited rehabilitation.
WWE Stars Reunite to Honor Fallen Wrestler Umaga

about a minute ago by TMZ Staff

It's been one year since former WWE star Umaga shockingly passed away at the age of 36 -- and to honor his memory ... several of the wrestler's former ring-mates and family members got together to celebrate his life earlier this month.

Among the star-studded crew who gathered in Texas -- wrestlers MVP, Shad, Carlito, Shelton Benjamin and Charlie Haas.

We're told the gang shared their favorite stories about their friend -- and even honored Umaga's eating habits with a buffet of his favorite foods.
There are pics in the link. Seems like a nice gathering.
[quote name='Chase']John Cena is a beast. His dedication to WWE and the fans is really something to behold. Good or bad, he actually seems like a good face for the company. I can recall when Cena tore his pectoralis major muscle off the bone, and his estimated return had been said to be between seven months to one year. He returned at the 2008 Royal Rumble, in January 2008, three months after his injury. That's some expedited rehabilitation.[/QUOTE]
Part of me still thinks that the injury was never as severe as we were all told - there's almost no reasonable way I can conceive someone returning from an injury like that in at best half the time he was expected to miss.

Either way, I agree with everything you wrote about Cena. He's the definition of a "company man", and is one hell of a face for the company. Moves a ton of merch, can be sent out on media tours, and honestly seems like he absolutely loves what he does. We bag on him for being extremely corny and somewhat limited in the ring, but he's as over as anyone we've seen in the last 15 years and it works for him.

In short, he's exactly the same as Hogan was when we were all growing up watching wrestling except without all of the backstage politics crap we've learned about in recent years. Hogan held the title for a fucking eternity, was in the main event for eight of the first nine Wrestlemanias (and the only one he didn't headline was Wrestlemania IV - he ended up interfering in the last match instead), and seemingly didn't lose a goddamn match cleanly for what seemed like 9 years.
[quote name='Lords Of Pain']We now know more details on the match before it ended. After the Wasteland where Cena appeared to have been injured, Barrett began climbing the cage to escape but stopped as if he were waiting for Cena to come stop him. Cena used the ropes to get up as Barrett pretended to have his leg stuck in the cage wall. Barrett's motions were described as slow motion as he waited for Cena.

As Barrett was on the cage, WWE trainers came down from backstage and were yelling into the ring. Barrett came down and Cena countered a punch with a quick submission for the tapout. One fan said Barrett tapped out immediately and didn't even last two seconds in the hold.

While Cena did cut a promo and thank fans for coming and mentioning that he might need time off but would walk out on his own two feet, it's said by the fans in attendance that he could not put any weight on his leg.[/quote]

This should be interesting.
After reading that information about the Cena injury it definitely would suck for WWE if it's as bad as it sounds. However, this does open some interesting opportunities for the Nexus story. They play up that they destroyed Cena, and start to run rough shot over Raw. Punk cuts a promo on he did more damage to Cena in one night than Barret could do in the past few months. Just an idea.
Knowing WWE....they will DROP the ball on this.

This injury could open the door WIDE OPEN for a Barret face turn....and for a Punk/Barrett feud.

...And this just made me realize....there really aren't too many faces on Raw....or at least main-event style
I think we've all missed a valid point here so far. If Cena is legit injured, HHH will make a return sooner rather than later.
[quote name='strongpimphand']This injury could open the door WIDE OPEN for a Barret face turn....and for a Punk/Barrett feud.[/QUOTE]

Punk/Barrett feud, yes. Barrett can return to claim the rightful mantle of "Nexus," but how can the man who put Cena on the shelf become a babyface?

(to be fair, part of me views a Barrett Nexus vs. Punk Nexus feud as both (1) too quick, as Punk just joined Nexus, but also (2) a bit too much like that nWo faction crap from WCW. Wolfpac and all that.

[quote name='cdubb1605']I think we've all missed a valid point here so far. If Cena is legit injured, HHH will make a return sooner rather than later.[/QUOTE]

this is gospel troof.
[quote name='strongpimphand']Knowing WWE....they will DROP the ball on this.

This injury could open the door WIDE OPEN for a Barret face turn....and for a Punk/Barrett feud.[/QUOTE]

...why would you want Barrett to be a face? Dude is a born heel. Turn Sheamus or something if you're worried about lack of strong good guys.

Or better yet, work on elevating Daniel Br...AHAHAHA. Sorry, I couldn't even finish that sentence. Would be nice, though.
bread's done