The Christmas Creature Wrestling Thread

Sorry about that. It was posted in another forum by a pretty well trusted individual. Figured it was legit without even watching it.

Never doing that again.

Anyway, yeah...really sorry about that.
[quote name='OnyxPrimal']That was perhaps the dumbest thing I've ever seen. "I award you no points, and may god have mercy on your soul."[/QUOTE]

It was dumb, yes, but I couldn't help laughing at some of it.
Couple of quick replies:

1) Barrett is a natural heel, yes. Trying to turn him is a bad idea right now, since it takes time. Look at Orton, the man is a natural heel, but the turn happened organically. Can't rush it.

2) If they go with Punk/Barrett, I guarantee they'll just write it as Cena got hurt on Monday.

3) HHH coming back doesn't worry me, especially since I guarantee plans are already in place to bring him back real soon anyway. I'd be fucking shocked if he wasn't already in the Mania plans, the most this would change is the how.

Regardless, I'd absolutely love to see a Mania without Taker, Cena, or HHH. It'd force them to be, you know, creative.
If you don't think it'll be King Sheamus vs. "King of Kings" Triple H at Mania, then you're out of your Cenaloving minds. ;)
[quote name='KaneRobot']...why would you want Barrett to be a face? Dude is a born heel. Turn Sheamus or something if you're worried about lack of strong good guys.

Or better yet, work on elevating Daniel Br...AHAHAHA. Sorry, I couldn't even finish that sentence. Would be nice, though.[/QUOTE]
The "dirt sheets" got Wade turning face before might as well follow through!

Because at this pace, we got Miz, Nexus, Punk, Shaemus, and any other main eventer outside of Orton as a heel.

And the only faces are people like R Truth and Danielson....and Morrison, who is just deplorable on the mic.

Doesn't look too good for Raw right now! I wonder if they're begging Jericho as of right now to come back early because lord knows he can easily turn face
Bringing Jericho back would be agreat idea. Have Jericho come back as the surprise entrant in the Rumble. Don't give him 30 though. Low 20s, high 10s. Let him battle a bit. Then have the last two people be him and Dolph (maybe Swagger can be a third) and just let them have a really good "match" until Jericho wins. Let them feud for the next month, trying to elevate Dolph to main event status as quick as possible, while having Jericho still come out overall victorious. Then for Wrestlemania, have Jericho face Miz, and Dolph and Edge.
[quote name='Mr. Beef']
There are pics in the link. Seems like a nice gathering.[/QUOTE]

Shelton Benjamin and Rikishi are pissed that the photos were leaked.

“You know it’s a real damn shame when you allow someone into your home as a friend and they turn out to be a snake in the grass,” Benjamin wrote on his Twitter page.
“Ekkie’s memorial was both personal and private and not for public display, so it really pisses me off to see a trust betrayed. But I will root out this piece of shit who did this.”

To update on the Umaga memorial photos, Rikishi had the following to say on his Twitter:
“ekis (Umaga) memorial was both personal private and not for public display so its really pisses me off to see a trust betrayed
Let my brother R I P @TMZ and who ever sent them those pics .. No class Muthaf***kers”
One of my favorite angles EVER that I had sort of forgotten about until I came across it randomly earlier.

Everything is solid here - Sid is a super over good guy, 'Taker's a super over bad guy, the chokehold exchange is commonplace now but back then was a real "holy shit!" moment, the swerve is perfectly done, Jake is the scariest motherfucker ever, Macho Man's involved in the angle by not being able to GET involved (Tunney put him "on probation" at the time after he lost his career match at WM7 but still got in the middle of stuff)...

The final shot of 'Taker's glove and the snake is an awesome touch.
Makes me wonder if everyone at that party KNEW it was suppose to be a private thing....

Because unless stated, I would have never guessed! In fact, I thought it's great its posted on TMZ that a group of wrestlers are celebrating his death....and that TMZ even posted the pics.

*Are they bad pics? I didn't even look honestly...*
Awesome Kong's Twitter said:
"My dreams just came true today. I got my dream job. Yes, THAT one."
Speculation be damned, I'd hate to see her in WWE. Her style just doesn't translate to the roles that the Divas currently play for the WWE. I really can't see them using Kong in the same "power Diva" role that Beth Phoenix currently occupies.
[quote name='strongpimphand']Makes me wonder if everyone at that party KNEW it was suppose to be a private thing....

Because unless stated, I would have never guessed! In fact, I thought it's great its posted on TMZ that a group of wrestlers are celebrating his death....and that TMZ even posted the pics.

*Are they bad pics? I didn't even look honestly...*[/QUOTE]

Everybody there is dressed down in somebody's house. I really don't know how that can possibly be misconstrued as a public event.

I can only imagine somebody went behind everybody's backs and got paid for sharing the leaked photos with TMZ. If that's the case, the venom from Shelton and Rikishi is completely understandable.
[quote name='ced']Everybody there is dressed down in somebody's house. I really don't know how that can possibly be misconstrued as a public event.

I can only imagine somebody went behind everybody's backs and got paid for sharing the leaked photos with TMZ. If that's the case, the venom from Shelton and Rikishi is completely understandable.[/QUOTE]
In today's facebook era though, that seems completely normal

In fact, i'm surprised it wasn't on THEIR facebook pages (if they have one)

From reading the reports....I thought it was some to psecret "we're doing things we wouldn't want anybody to see' type shit
Well if your brother/friend had died and you held a little private get-together to remember him, wouldn't you be pissed off if someone you had invited decided to sell pictures of the event off to TMZ? :p They're basically making money off a dead relative/friend.

And about Awesome Kong, I hope she is indeed going to WWE. She's an awesome talent and one of the best female wrestlers around right now. If she's used properly it can be great. When they had Taylor Wild, they were letting her wrestle male wrestlers under a mask. If they did the same with Kong, without the mask of course, it could be pretty good.
MVP is pretty ticked about the Pics as well:

The TMZ photos were a disgusting invasion of privacy. That was supposed to be a PRIVATE FAMILY affair. That person is a LOW LIFE PARASITE !

How some one can claim to be a "friend" & then violate that "friendship" is inexcusable ! A private moment made public. I'm disgusted !

For the record, there were no camera men in bushes ! It was some one AT the memorial with NO CLASS or RESPECT ! We know who it was !"
[quote name='strongpimphand']In today's facebook era though, that seems completely normal

In fact, i'm surprised it wasn't on THEIR facebook pages (if they have one)

From reading the reports....I thought it was some to psecret "we're doing things we wouldn't want anybody to see' type shit[/QUOTE]

People can still put limitations on who can see their posts on Facebook, so it's not like the concept of personal space and privacy have completely fallen by the wayside.

That point aside, as I said before and crr also touched upon, the major sticking point for Rikishi et al. is that somebody these guys considered a close friend chose to personally benefit financially off a dead friend/relative with complete disregard for any of the bereaved's feelings. Apparently they know who it is, so that's going to be a shitstorm coming their way.
[quote name='strongpimphand']In today's facebook era though, that seems completely normal

In fact, i'm surprised it wasn't on THEIR facebook pages (if they have one)

From reading the reports....I thought it was some to psecret "we're doing things we wouldn't want anybody to see' type shit[/QUOTE]

These sound like the words of someone who recently learned how to use Internet Explorer and now puts up 3 photo albums on facebook every day... the type of person who thinks facebook is actually "open book".
It comes as no surprise that Wade Barrett injured someone with his atrocious finisher. I like Wade Barrett but seriously, you're better off with an Overdrive.
I'm kinda surprised Heath Slater hasn't hurt someone with his since nobody knows which fucking way he's going to go when he pulls on their neck. It's randomly switched between the ZigZag, something resembling Jericho's Flashback, and this past week it turned into a jumping Flatliner.
[quote name='mykevermin'](to be fair, part of me views a Barrett Nexus vs. Punk Nexus feud as both (1) too quick, as Punk just joined Nexus, but also (2) a bit too much like that nWo faction crap from WCW. Wolfpac and all that.[/QUOTE]
Nexus vs. Againstus
Kaval requested his release from WWE after being frustrated over his position with the company. WWE creative was told to job him out after winning NXT but were then told to build him up for a few weeks for the pay-per-view title match against Dolph Ziggler, which he lost.

Creative was then told to start jobbing Kaval back out again. The story is that after he lost to Drew McIntyre on the December 21st SmackDown, he asked officials if he had any heat and was told no. Kaval then asked if they had any future plans for him and was told they had no plans or ideas for him. He then asked for his release and was granted.

Pretty much as we all thought. Creative ain't got shit.
[quote name='mykevermin']Pretty much as we all thought. Creative ain't got shit.[/QUOTE]

While I agree that the creative team should be the ones to come up with storylines and ideas for their wrestlers, it being their job and all, Kaval may be a bit at fault here as well.

Some guys who aren't being used too much will go to Vince McMahon themselves and give him their ideas for a new character or storyline. Brian Kendrick for example was the one who thought up his heel persona The Brian Kendrick, and Vince loved it so pushed it forward.
I don't know why every now and then they don't just fire everyone in creative and start with a fresh crop of writers. I know job stability in this day in age is few and far between, but if you really want to improve this product, get new writers. The same crew can only come up with the same crop of ideas for so long....

Hell, even the comics alternate writers/artists at times just to keep things fresh. Otherwise they'd be as stale as the crap we're fed on Mondays + Fridays.
[quote name='Demolition Man']R.I.H. WWE Universe.[/QUOTE]

oh i see what you did there

/edit: You're right, Myke. Ninja Duck was totally relevent to this thread. His feud with the Gobbledy G0oker (because "$$$$er" is censored...?) was amazing. I didn't know he did any guest appearances in commercials, that's crazy.

PS. Who are the two whackjobs at 0:13? There's no telling where the kids met those two guys. The parents should start paying more attention to what their kids are doing after school.
I'd love it if they only tweak her name and call her Amazing Kong (Awesome Kong would be great but I'm not holding my breath). Here's hoping it won't be Jemima Hightower.

There's great potential for matches with Nattie, Beth Phoenix, and an excellent opportunity to put Gail Kim back in the spotlight.
[quote name='neocisco']Jemima Hightower.[/QUOTE]

I got $50 sez that name is written down in the notebook of at least one member of WWE Creative™, snuggled between "Beyonce Jenkins" and "Roscoe Johnson."

Seriously, though, I suspect they'll ditch the Kong moniker altogether. Remember, people don't exist in wrestling until they enter the WWE Universe™!

[quote name='Sporadic']In really, really strange news, it looks like the WWE signed Awesome Kong and plan to add her straight to the roster instead of sending her to FCW first[/QUOTE]

Snark: Desperate times call for desperate measures, and they need to build up their roster, even if it means they can't train her to work 15-second WWE matches.

Serious: She's mega talented, and WWE would have a much deeper roster right now if they stopped sending established veteran guys to developmental and/or NXT instead of straight to the main show. A couple weeks of dark matches? Without question. But look at the number of guys who WWE has sent through developmental over the years, and it's ridiculous how much valuable career time guys wasted languishing in shitshow leagues. I'll give you Lance Hoyt - but Kaval, Colt Cabana, and a litany of other wrestlers shouldn't have had to do time there.
I'd love to see Nattie and Beth demolish LayCool for a while, leading to them bringing in Kong as a "hired gun". Perhaps Gail Kim might actually get to wrestle a match or two.
[quote name='JJSP']I'd love to see Nattie and Beth demolish LayCool for a while, leading to them bringing in Kong as a "hired gun". Perhaps Gail Kim might actually get to wrestle a match or two.[/QUOTE]

Stop bitin' my posts.;)
Gail Kim needs all the help she can get. We both know Vince reads this thread from time to time.

That said, one of Gail's finishers is apparently called the "Happy Ending". Wow.
[quote name='JJSP']Gail Kim needs all the help she can get. We both know Vince reads this thread from time to time.

That said, one of Gail's finishers is apparently called the "Happy Ending". Wow.[/QUOTE]

Seriously? Ugh.
I bet she's Tyson Kidd's new bodyguard and that's why they had him get squashed by Henry. It'd be more entertaining than Home Depot Diesel at least.
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Maybe they should do an Incredible Hulk gimmick. YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ALICIA FOX WHEN SHE'S ANGRY.

I'm guessing that's better than what my money is really on... being billed as Mark Henry's sister.
[quote name='007']I'm guessing that's better than what my money is really on... being billed as Mark Henry's sister.[/QUOTE]
I'm going with this as well.
[quote name='007']Mark Henry's sister.[/QUOTE]


Oh, good grief. You're so totally right about that.
[quote name='007']Maybe they should do an Incredible Hulk gimmick. YOU WOULDN'T LIKE ALICIA FOX WHEN SHE'S ANGRY. [/QUOTE]

That would be simultaneously awful and funny.
Kong will be someone's girlfriend. I bet big money on it.

They will NOT let her just come in with a normal storyline. She's going to be someone's side piece
Part of me thinks they already used that story too recently (Home Depot Guy) to revisit it 2-3 weeks later (or even 2-3 months, as she'll probably debut around Feb - just a guess on my part).

I think it's important, most of all, for her to remain silent like when they put Cheerleader Said with her in TNA. She should be the kind who does all their talking "in the ring," to use that metaphor.
WWE history says she gets one of three roles:

1) Silent enforcer
2) Subject for weight mockery (If Molly Holly was deemed a fat cow by WWE standards...)
3) Black person.
I remember reading that years ago, but I still have the same issue with it... what would they do with Kong afterwards? She'd be built and built, it makes it obvious that she's too good for the women's division, but you also can't have her in the men's division.

My only quibble with it, which is sort of a big one.
bread's done