The Era of Punk Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='Spyder187']It's a slow goddamn day in wrasslin news when this is what the thread discussion has evolved into.[/QUOTE]

It's a change of pace and that's good.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']At least we're not talking about TNA.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Mr. Beef']

Catering was closed by the time he showered off from his last match jobfest.


He just realized that the Biggest Loser everyone in the locker room was talking about really wasn't the reality t.v. show......
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I love that he's carrying the title in his backpack and the casualness he has in taking it out. Also, it almost looks like it isn't the replica belt judging on the thickness of the front plate.[/QUOTE]

I've noticed that the real belt had one of the C's in one of the side WWE Champion Medal plates rubbed off. So instead of Champion it says hampion. This is a pic CM Punk posted the day after MITB. It says hampion, so it's the real WWE Belt they normally use on TV. You can also see around the center plate that some of the "Diamonds" are missing. So it's the real belt.



I'm impressed you dug that out of the closet, but I'm not convinced it would work.

:applause: nevertheless.

It wouldn't work because:
1) takes too long to get to the point - 1:20 in is when the song kicks in. Reminds me of when Punk used AFI's Miseria Cantare in ROH. fucking took *forever* to come out to the ring. Building anticipation is one thing, but if you go too long, you've lost the crowd.
2) plods along. great song, harbinger of black metal in years to come, etc. etc. but it's so repetitive.
3) crummy recording. the bagpipes are way too loud and the vocals way too low.

Don't get me wrong. I like the song, but it wouldn't work.

Another song that doesn't work: Joe "Bean" Esposito's "You're the Best." Someone in NJPW uses it, and it totally escapes me who at this point.
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[quote name='007']For a less serious heel, my dream gimmick has always been an 80s dickbag character that comes out to 'Sailing' by Christopher Cross.[/QUOTE]

That potentially has WIN written all over it.
[quote name='mykevermin']
Another song that doesn't work: Joe "Bean" Esposito's "You're the Best." Someone in NJPW uses it, and it totally escapes me who at this point.[/QUOTE]

Prince Devitt uses it. I thought it was kinda cool.
[quote name='Virsago'] "Diamonds"[/QUOTE]

They're actually real. They paid J-Mar (gag) $10,000 for that title.

The easiest way to tell if it's the real title, if you can see it, is the back of the real title doesn't have giant gold rivets like the replica Miz carried.
Watching Smackdown.

Ezekiel Jackson won the IC title over a month ago and I truly had no idea. I had to look up on to find out he won it in late June.

Boy howdy, he's over. :roll:
To be fair he won it from Wade Barrett who wasn't doing a whole hell of a lot with it either.

Hopefully they are getting Wade back on track with this Sheamus feud which seems like it'll be built on that most simple of ideas - two tough guys who want to beat the shit out of eachother. Wish they had come up with that a few months ago as soon as they both arrived on Smackdown. They need to shake the stigma of Barrett needing 3 to 8 on 1 odds to beat anyone.

Zeke...I just don't know what you do with him as a singles wrestler. He's pretty much rolling through the greatest hits of 80s and 90s power wrestlers for his moves.
For anyone who is still awake, this channel has been showing wrestling shows from the 90's onward from WWF, WCW, and ECW.

Right now they're playing RAW, but after that it's going to be some PPV that nobody has ever heard of. I think it was Survivor Series 1997, but nothing really important happened during that, right?
Richards was pulled from PWG, and Claudio tapped out Hero to retain the PWG title. Kevin Steen showed up to challenge Claudio and wrestle his third match of the night, winning the PWG title in what many people on PWG's board think is the farewell match for Hero and Claudio before going to WWE.
As for that article about entrance themes, the guy's lack of self-awareness turned me off to it. In his description of what makes a good entrance theme, he almost systematically described Bret Hart's theme and then goes onto trash it. He then says that promoters shouldn't be afraid to change someone's theme and lauds Shawn Michaels? The guy who has had the same exact theme since 1994, and the same theme sung by somebody else two years prior?

Notwithstanding, he praises themes by Hollywood Hogan, Sandman, and Billy Gunn, and the entire article reads like a love letter to CM Punk. Why even pretend to be objective? Granted, "Money In The Bank was great because CM Punk won and these are my favorite and least favorite entrance themes" is too long of a headline.
I don't understand his issue with Bret's theme either but for the most part, I think he got it pretty right. Michaels had his theme for so long that I don't think anyone paid attention to the lyrics/singing after he came back in 2002. It was just, "Yay! Shawn Michaels is coming out! We're going to see a good to epic match!"
[quote name='JJSP']Richards was pulled from PWG, and Claudio tapped out Hero to retain the PWG title. Kevin Steen showed up to challenge Claudio and wrestle his third match of the night, winning the PWG title in what many people on PWG's board think is the farewell match for Hero and Claudio before going to WWE.[/QUOTE]

From the photos I've seen, it seems like the RockNES Monsters wrestled on the show. I'll have to pick up the DVD.

I hope Claudio and Hero retain their names. Sorta worried that they'll enter WWE as "Mario Fettuccine" and "Bruce Batson."
[quote name='Chase']
I hope Claudio and Hero retain their names. Sorta worried that they'll enter WWE as "Mario Fettuccine" and "Bruce Batson."[/QUOTE]

With any luck, Mario Fettuccine will be a wrestling chef and Bruce Batson will be billed as Batman's kid.
They were showing new WWE figures at SDCC. Cody Rhodes was doing a signing at the mattel booth, so they did this to some of the figures on display. :applause:

[quote name='advanced']With any luck, Mario Fettuccine will be a wrestling chef and Bruce Batson will be billed as Batman's kid.[/QUOTE]

I could get behind a wrestling chef. :whistle2:# Toss in a giant Russian guy with a mohawk and a Chinese woman with horse legs, and that could be, essentially, the start of Dungeon of Doom 2000.

Nice pick with the Shredder music, by the way. I remember when a friend of mine, at the time, told me that Diesel played Super Shredder. Another claimed it was the Undertaker. The Internet was still in its infancy, and we actually had to use a printed publication (a wrestling magazine) to get his real name, then cross-referenced it by playing the VHS tape and going through the credits.

Edit: Bahaha... That is awesome, Virsago. :lol:
Not to be a dick, but a lot of these wrestling themes would make me boo if someone came out to it. :lol:
@Chase - The RockNES Monsters are on just about every PWG show lately, and are quite over with the local crowd. They wrestled Joey Ryan & Scorpio Sky in what was a pretty awesome new-SoCal vs old-SoCal match. Goodtime is Joey's roommate which I think has helped them get a lot of bookings in SoCal.
[quote name='Brak']Not to be a dick, but a lot of these wrestling themes would make me boo if someone came out to it. :lol:[/QUOTE]

You're saying what I've been thinking for the last couple of days. Most of the choices posted have just been...ugh.
[quote name='neocisco']You're saying what I've been thinking for the last couple of days. Most of the choices posted have just been...ugh.[/QUOTE]

This. You guys are terrible showmen.

Recut version of this would make a decent theme or work towards a video package (1:50 onwards) and I think it would work wonders for the Kings of Wrestling if they were ever to debut in the WWE:

Recut version of this may work as well (maybe with alternative lyrics for face R-Truth - 30 seconds in):
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