The Falafelicious OTT

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[quote name='SpottedNigel']I liked that i just need to get a dvr so i can watch it more than just this once...

EDIT:eek:h, its 2 hours tonight? wow...[/QUOTE]

Well hell, I didn't know that. That interfers with Numbers.
...I really dont like commercials...although the 3 min Kong commercial makes me want to go see it again.

Too used to tv on dvd

EDIT: "Are you calling me a man whore?"
[quote name='SpottedNigel']enjoying the Book of Daniel so far...and special guest Jesus hasnt even showed up yet[/QUOTE]

Jesus Jesus Jesus

Seriously whats so special about this dude. I dont get it.
[quote name='camoor']Jesus Jesus Jesus

Seriously whats so special about this dude. I dont get it.[/QUOTE]

Chuck Norris gave him the gift of beard.
Jesus was a great magician...he also gave out free wine. If thats not a map to popularity, i dont know what is.

I have to say, the music for this show sounds a lot like Dead Like Me
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Jesus was a great magician...he also gave out free wine. If thats not a map to popularity, i dont know what is.[/QUOTE]


Genius. i can see the light - it burns it burns!
His dad, God, has some sexual issues though... His staff is like a limp snake, and frankly there's a good chance you could end up with an itchy, burning bush.
I gotta say, despite not really having any clue what was going on in it, Battlestar Galactica was better than I expected. Maybe I should buy the 1 and a half seasons that's out on DVD sometime soon and try to figure this show out.
[quote name='karsh']I gotta say, despite not really having any clue what was going on in it, Battlestar Galactica was better than I expected. Maybe I should buy the 1 and a half seasons that's out on DVD sometime soon and try to figure this show out.[/QUOTE]

I wanna see that.

I watched the original as a kid. Beedi Beedi!111!!!
[quote name='beerguy961']Thai food is mighty spicy. My ass is a danger zone tonight.[/QUOTE]

There's so much spicy food out there. I've found Asian food (oriental, at least) isn't that spicy. Sure you can mix in rooster sauce with it for some kick, but maybe I'm just crazy because I eat insanely spicy food. Such is Indian and some Mexican food.
I wish i lived in a major city so i could see a taping of one of those truth commercials so i can kick every participant in the nuts. annoying bastards
[quote name='SpottedNigel']I wish i lived in a major city so i could see a taping of one of those truth commercials so i can kick every participant in the nuts. annoying bastards[/QUOTE]

Why? Isn't it the truth? :lol:
Oh, i have no doubt their telling the truth...but they're alos being insolent pricks about it...and that little behind the scenes info the the Cig companys dont mind paying for ads against thier product because it gets people to remember that "HEY! I havent had one in a while!".

Oh, and holding signs above peoples heads, leaving "dead bodies" in front of buildings and otherwise going around with an annoying amount of orange unseen outside of an xbox live gathering.
Note to self. It's gonna take forever to go from level 30 to 40 in WoW. I just spent a good hour plus grinding in an area that is good for grinding for me and only got halfway to 31. And that's being rested...There goes getting a mount before going back to college on the 18th.
[quote name='WhipSmartBanky']After reading Kevin Smith's account of a recent bout with an anal fissure, I am now removing my original brick GameBoy with Tetris from the bathroom...


My New Year's resolution...stop, drop, and go.[/QUOTE] "I’m not sure what the first cream does, but the second is essentially a topical numbing agent. I rub it in, and my asshole goes to sleep. If I ever found myself up on Brokeback Mountain, this is the cream I’d want to have in my rucksack… and in my asshole."

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']That's why I don't dilly dally in the shitter. I'm in, I'm out, I'm on with my life.[/QUOTE]

Are you kidding? Thats the best time to get your reading done :D
[quote name='SpottedNigel']Wario Ware....anal fissures....
Dr. Mario....anal fissures....
Final Fantasy....anal fissures....

bring on the creme i guess[/QUOTE]
GBA in the bathroom is the greatest.
A fact I'm rapidly learning here is: if you're trying to get more healthy this new year a good mustard is absolutely indispensible. I thought I'd have trouble cutting mayo out of my life, what with being white and liking sammiches, but habanero-garlic mustard easily fills the void.
[quote name='jmcc']A fact I'm rapidly learning here is: if you're trying to get more healthy this new year a good mustard is absolutely indispensible. I thought I'd have trouble cutting mayo out of my life, what with being white and liking sammiches, but habanero-garlic mustard easily fills the void.[/QUOTE]

As an afficionado of habanero-garlic mustard, I must whole-heartedly agree.;):cool:
you guys are really bringing on the rectal health scare. I'm gonna have to look up how to keep the god damn thing in tip top shape now, you bastards.
[quote name='MadChedar0']Man good thing you have a warranty. I guess they must drop kick the luggage when you're not looking.[/QUOTE]
The exchange with the warranty at BB didn't go that smoothly, as the whole ordeal took over an hour to come to a conclusion. Apparently, the warranty I had gotten from my previous warranty exchange wasn't the correct warranty for how much the PS2 cost. The warranty was $19.99 for the $100-$149.99 price range, while the PS2 cost $179.99. This was the problem, as BB Corp. wouldn't approve the exchange because of this, so this was where the things hit a standstill. I knew the girl that did the previous exchange, and I knew she was a noob at BB, so I'm guessing she didn't realize the mistake she had made.

So the current girl I was talking with about getting this thing to go through was extremely helpful, but this wasn't such an easy fix for her. She discussed it with her manager for at least 20 minutes or so, first in front of me, then further back away from my ears. When all options had been discussed, she said there were two options, a "no receipt return" I think it was called, which meant that I get the PStwo in exchange for the PS2, but I had to pay for the new warranty ($19.99), or I left with my PS2 and called the number on the warranty to get a voucher from BB Corp. and then buy my PS2 + warranty as I please.

Not wanting to put things in the hands of the USPS and being a little impatient in this whole ordeal, I took the no receipt thing. The cool thing was that she wrote a phone number on the new warranty for BB Corp. and told me that I should call and explain the whole ordeal and that they'd probably get me a gift card for the $30 warranty that caused this whole mess, which I probably wouldn't have thought of if she hadn't mentioned. She let me have the old warranty/receipt as that would be crucial to getting this done. I'll probably call them later today.

EDIT: fucking bitch wouldn't give me my money back. I'm calling again later to get this money back.

New Pstwo

Old PS2 packed up (RIP)

Size comparison of what I'm getting over what I lose in this process.

Now sits atop the gargantuan Xbox
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']*Sniff* I can't read. :([/QUOTE]
If you want, I can come over and read to you while you're on the toilet. ;)
[quote name='Admiral Ackbar']You know, I might even be a little intrigued with that proposal. But no.[/QUOTE]
Well, its the thought that counts. And aren't you glad to know that I'm thinking of you :lol:

[quote name='crazytalkx']That Gundam RPG looks promising but does it take place in the UC, AC or wha???[/QUOTE]

It takes place in it's own continuity, though you can create Gundams from both the UC and AC.
[quote name='Dr Mario Kart']SUPER KAWAII HAPPY TIME BAT BABY!


Its going to eat me in my sleep, I KNOW IT!!!
[quote name='Danro']Its going to eat me in my sleep, I KNOW IT!!![/QUOTE]
Nonsense. Bat is friend to children.
I bought Everquest II today at Target on clearance and the game comes on ten CD's. There are so many CD's that they have them all hooked together swatch style.

I figure I will check it out when I get bored with Guild Wars.

also ordered warhammer thanks to ackbar. I am not really big in RTS games, but I have never really given them much of a chance.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']I bought Everquest II today at Target on clearance and the game comes on ten CD's. There are so many CD's that they have them all hooked together swatch style.

I figure I will check it out when I get bored with Guild Wars.

also ordered warhammer thanks to ackbar. I am not really big in RTS games, but I have never really given them much of a chance.[/QUOTE]

Holy shit. 10? How big is the goddamn game?
[quote name='Moxio']Holy shit. 10? How big is the goddamn game?[/QUOTE]

it says it takes up 7GB on the box, but I never thought that it would come on 10 CD's. I wonder how long it takes to install.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']it says it takes up 7GB on the box, but I never thought that it would come on 10 CD's. I wonder how long it takes to install.[/QUOTE]

Well I guess if its 7 GB those must be some compressed CD's, considering each CD probably holds about 700 MB.
FARK Saturday joke thread:


A successful businessman flew to Vegas to gamble for the weekend. He lost the shirt off his back, and had nothing left but a quarter and the second half of his round trip ticket. If he could just get to the airport he could get himself home. So he went out to the front of the casino where there was a cab waiting.

He got in and explained his situation to the cabbie. He promised to send the driver money from home, he offered him his credit card numbers, his driver's license number, his address, etc. but to no avail. The cabbie said, "If you don't have $15, get the hell out of my cab!"

So the businessman was forced to hitchhike to the airport and barely made it in time to catch his flight.

One year later, the businessman, having worked long and hard to regain his financial success, returned to Vegas and this time he won big. Feeling pretty good about himself, he went out to the front of the casino to get a cab ride back to the airport. Well who should he see out there, at the end of a long line of cabs, but his old buddy who had refused to give him a ride when he was down on his luck.

The businessman thought for a moment about how he could make the guy pay for his lack of charity, and he hit on a plan. The businessman got in the first cab in the line.

"How much for a ride to the airport?" he asked.

"Fifteen dollars," came the reply.

"And how much for you to give me oral sex on the way?"

"What? Get the hell out of my cab."

The businessman got into the back of each cab in the long line and asked the same questions, with the same result. When he got to his old friend at the back of the line, he got in and asked, "How much for a ride to the airport?"

The cabbie replied, "Fifteen bucks."

The businessman said, "Okay," and off they went.

Then, as they drove slowly past the long line of cabs, the businessman gave a big smile and thumbs up to all the other drivers.
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