The Fandango Wrestling Thread

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Oh, look. John Cena overcame the odds again.

So, he FU's Ryback on the roof of the amberlamps, and the ref immediately calls for the bell because he automatically knew the roof caved in without being able to see it. Makes sense, WWE.

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Oh, look. John Cena overcame the odds again.

So, he FU's Ryback on the roof of the amberlamps, and the ref immediately calls for the bell because he automatically knew the roof caved in without being able to see it. Makes sense, WWE.
Of course he knew the roof caved in, because John Cena buries everyone he has a match against.

Pretty cool, especially on Father's Day

No way this doesn't get blurred out on DVD.


We taking bets on how long it takes RVD to violate the wellness policy?
I think he already did when he was celebrating his new contract.

I'm quite surprised WWE has signed a 42 year old wrestler for what, I assume, is a regular working contract (and not a Legends). Sure, he still looked quite good in TNA but it's still surprising.

Pretty cool, especially on Father's Day

No way this doesn't get blurred out on DVD.

Is that a Mr. Perfect cutout in the crowd or was it photoshopped in? As for the other photo, can't believe there's actually shirt like that out there.

As for RVD & the wellness policy. Wasn't there a rumor that WWE is just fining their top guys for weed now? I'd doubt they'd sign him and then a week or two later suspend him.

I've been watching Royal Rumble 1999 and I'm left wondering, "this is the promotion that won?" Then I take a look at Souled Out 1999 and think, "fair enough".

It would be tempting. What a fucking piece of shit.

No way this doesn't get blurred out on DVD.

Because even though you're at a professional wrestling show, using violence against someone who rocks a Chris Benoit shirt would make you no better than Chris Benoit himself. You defeat the point you're trying to make.

Also watching Payback now. For all the complaining about how they're building him up, HHH MADE Curtis Axel. Man was he over last night. To think that nobody gave a shit about him five weeks ago.
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Is that a Mr. Perfect cutout in the crowd or was it photoshopped in? As for the other photo, can't believe there's actually shirt like that out there.
One of the wrestling shirt sites, I think it's turnbuckle tees does a lot of custom shirts. Their latest was the I'm A ____ Guy shirt. In other words, that was all on him for making and then wearing it.

I'd rock that Benoit shirt. He is easily one of my all-time favorite wrestlers. Nothing he did outside of wrestling factors into what he contributed to the 'art' of wrestling... and when it comes to technical wrestling, definitely one of the G.O.A.T.

I'd rock that Benoit shirt. He is easily one of my all-time favorite wrestlers. Nothing he did outside of wrestling factors into what he contributed to the 'art' of wrestling... and when it comes to technical wrestling, definitely one of the G.O.A.T.
You're not serious....... are you?

Oh and Ziggler's reign was bullshit but then again we all know that. And the moment when Axel won was awesome and the best moment of the night.

Based on some tweets last night it seems like Mark Henry might be retiring on Raw tonight. Hopefully there will be some asses kicked and/or wigs split on the way out.

Whether you loved or hated me in my career.I was all ways there for you.i appreciate u all. Good or bad I will live forever with u the fans.

I found a place.

#raw #wwe I have spoke to my family and hope to talk to all of you fans tomorrow live from Grand Rapids. Guys Father Time is undefeated.


Because even though you're at a professional wrestling show, using violence against someone who rocks a Chris Benoit shirt would make you no better than Chris Benoit himself. You defeat the point you're trying to make.

Beating someone up for being a dick is no where near the same thing as strangling your wife to death and smothering your retarded son to death. Not even close. As for wearing that shirt though, I dont think its really that much worse than people who wear Charles Manson shirts. I dont think thats "cool" or whatever the kids say these days but I never hear anyone complain about people who wear those.

So wait, Jagr is wrestling AND playing in the stanley cup finals? That man can do it all! I loved Joe Hennig ( I refuse to call him Curtis Axel or Micheal Mcgillicutty) when he was down here in nXt. I'm glad he is getting a better push with Heyman however. So, is Otunga next? :p 

I wouldn't be surprised to see Mark Henry's retirement speech tonight worked to be an angle where he gets one last face run before calling it quits. Have him go out and give his speech before being interrupted by The Wyatt Family (play off the "vultures" where they come to pick at the scraps of a beaten and broken Mark Henry). 

Pretty sure Punk's going to get a face turn here shortly as well with him playing to the crowd last night in Chicago and telling Heyman that he's not a "client".

On another note, RVD's supposed to debut at Money In The Bank next month. Absolutely brilliant to guarantee he gets a hero's welcome considering the show is in Philly.

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Well, look who's back.  And probably right back into the IC title picture,

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Thrilled for Christian's return. Not thrilled for what they seem to be doing to Daniel Bryan. What kind of ending was that?

Also not thrilled with the beta test. I was suppose to watch Payback, but Sony aired Elimination Chamber instead. Big Show vs. Del Rio aired and it went to a color bar scheme afterwards. Weird. I guess that's why it was a test.

PPV sounded good though. Some comments said the diva match was on the same level as the TNA Knockouts division. Would you guys agree with that?

That was glorious...though I think the match at MITB will probably really be the last one.

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Bryan-Orton was cut short with wonkiness, but Henry-Cena was set up gloriously with the fake retirement. I could've done without Steph burying EVERY FACE DIVA ON THE ROSTER, and AJ, but at least that segment led to Kaitlyn's tit popping out. First hour as a whole ruled with Alberto being great as a prick and Punk being an honorable tweener.

Full thoughts -

Screens -

Wait ....there was boobage?

Ziggler flying off the ramp to attack Del Rio was expected, but very welcome. I marked out for the first time in a while, and all is right with the world.

The finish to Daniel Bryan vs. Randy Orton was legitimate last night in that the company stopped the match after Bryan suffered a stinger diving to the outside.
The original planned finish was for Bryan to defeat Orton cleanly to help set up a planned main event run this summer. They are building to Bryan vs. John Cena for the WWE title on a PPV.
When Bryan returned to the back, he was "irate" according to a source and complained to Triple H that the match should not have been stopped. The two got into a loud argument over it. The argument went down in the gorilla position with a lot of eyeballs on it and people were shocked because Bryan is generally soft spoken and good natured and he was standing up to one of the most powerful men in the company.
Bryan complained that he's worked all over the world and has worked hurt and knows when he can still go and when he cannot. Triple H's argument was that they were protecting Bryan and they don't want anyone working hurt. Obviously, the company sees something major in Bryan and wants him ready for his push.
The two eventually apologized to each other.
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Um.... I think all of the backstage stuff between Bryan and HHH was a work, the only "shoot" involved was the actual end of the match and his injury, and all the reactions were real of course.  The heat between the two is storyline only I believe.

That all being said, Raw was really entertaining last night for the first time in forever.  It felt, dare I say, a bit like an AE Raw.  There was a lot of unpredictability, I was legit fooled by Henry after he started crying.  His swerve was just great and the end of Raw setting up Punk vs. Lesnar was a really nice surprise too. 

I think if you go back and watch the match - if Bryan really did get a stinger - that's some scary stuff. He's clearly off his game and his arms  just aren't working right. Especially when he goes after Orton with the "Yes" kicks. His arms are just disgustingly flapping around. 

More than that you can hear Orton call out to the referee yelling, "Bleep. What the fuck is going on?!" Now if this wasn't a shoot, and you were supposed to hear Orton, I doubt Orton would have gotten the clear use vulgarity on live TV. 

No way it was a work.

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Hmm I see there are indeed some reports saying that the exchange between HHH and Bryan was legit....if true I would've loved to have been a fly on that wall lol.

Based on some tweets last night it seems like Mark Henry might be retiring on Raw tonight. Hopefully there will be some asses kicked and/or wigs split on the way out.

Whether you loved or hated me in my career.I was all ways there for you.i appreciate u all. Good or bad I will live forever with u the fans.

I found a place.

#raw #wwe I have spoke to my family and hope to talk to all of you fans tomorrow live from Grand Rapids. Guys Father Time is undefeated.

He'll probably pass the gauntlet to his offspring.

Mark Henry is like a black Kevin Steen tailored for WWE's kid-friendly audience.

WWE better give him the damn title. He is one of the best heels they've had in the last 10 years. (The other being JBL.)

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I was at the Main Event/Smackdown TV tapings last night and I must say The Shield had a great 6 man tag on ME and Bryan was in great form for Smackdown. The Smackdown main event was PPV quality besides the ending, and as usual Dolph Ziggler took another bump that makes you wonder how in the world WWE would okay it following his concussion.
Mark Henry is like a black Kevin Steen tailored for WWE's kid-friendly audience.

WWE better give him the damn title. He is one of the best heels they've had in the last 10 years. (The other being JBL.)
Wish his skin color wasn't in the way- Vince

Mark Henry isn't taking the belt. He's just a filler challenger.

Sad but true. They didn't have cena not have the belt for a year only to give it back to him for a few months.

I hope they put him back in the mix for the World championship, or even allow him to get a Tag belt/mid card belt so he could have held all the belt clases.

But he is just filler until Bryan is set to take on Cena.

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