The Gamestop Thread

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Current Trade in Promos:

How many copies of a game can I trade in?
​You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of the same game (same system) within a rolling 30 day period.
What do I need to trade in an older console?
The console, power cable, av cable, and controller. Sometimes they don't care about USB charge cable but ymmv. 3DS XL trade would be console, charger, and stylus. Some have reported being charged a refurb fee for missing the stylus, but again ymmv (answer stolen from anarchyburger)
FAQ will be entered when those questions get asked frequently.
Does the Pro Membership B2G1 coupon apply to only games, or accessories as well?
The coupon applies to both games and accessories, per the wording on the coupon.
I have a $XX.xx pre-owned reward certificate, and I want to use it on a B2G1 transaction. Should I?
It depends. If the three games are equal value, do not use your certificate. The value of the certificate would be applied to the free game, which would not benefit you. If one game is more expensive, you can use the certificate to make it the same value as the other two games ($5 reward certificate applied to transaction with two $10 games and one $15 game would make all three games $10).
ASL/SL: Assistant Store Leader, Store Leader; manager positions at GS.
B2G1: Buy two, get one free. Typically refers to the coupon you receive when becoming Pro.
GCU/BB: Gamer’s Club Unlocked, Best Buy
GS: GameStop
JD: Junior detective, an employee who is out to get someone
LP: Loss Prevention; this is the department that actually bans accounts after being flagged.
TC/TiC: Trade credit.
TIV/TV: Trade in value, or what a game currently trades for. When posting a TV for a game, always use the base value.

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How many copies of a game can I trade in?
​You are allowed to trade in 4 copies of the same game (same system) within a rolling 30 day period.
Are you allowed to trade them in at the same time? Has anyone here noticed things at GS don't exactly follow a written set of rules? The neck bearding sure is strong here this morning..

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And you had the nerve to criticize someone for doing this? Lazy fuck.
God, did ya'll wake up and eat a bag of hostile this morning? I stated that it might be a dumb question and to please forgive me. Ya, I missed / forgot the part in ( ) but it's not like I blatantly came with no information, stated I was unwilling to look and asked for a handout. People make mistakes.. You are just being a .....

wow man lack of deals and trade in loop holes for you guys to exploit sure has you all hostile...  Plain and simple its unnecessary..

addicts in withdrawl

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I believe that as of February 1st you can no longer get Amazon gift cards with the PUR certificates. You can still get PSN/Xbox/eShop cards.
Thanks for posting this. I tried to redeem for Amazon today before seeing this, but I can confirm it no longer works (and/or employee was BSing me, but I doubt it).

Thanks for posting this. I tried to redeem for Amazon today before seeing this, but I can confirm it no longer works (and/or employee was BSing me, but I doubt it).
Wasn't BSing you. Tried using them Friday on the $25 and the variable and neither worked.

Gamestop Points
100,000 = $100 new / Amazon Trade Credit (if you can find the right associate?)
100,000 = $125 pre-owned credit
$1 Trade Credit converts to ~$1.2 Amazon Credit or more (requires time + stock + tape + printer)

Therefore, if you want to spend the time / effort, you can increase your converstion rate of 100,000 points to Amazon GC by ~50% ($100 to $150)

Right now even without CAG16, there are opportunities with B2G2 > 20% margin.
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God, did ya'll wake up and eat a bag of hostile this morning? I stated that it might be a dumb question and to please forgive me. Ya, I missed / forgot the part in ( ) but it's not like I blatantly came with no information, stated I was unwilling to look and asked for a handout. People make mistakes.. You are just being a .....
You have 50 something posts in this thread in the two weeks since you've created this account. Instead of asking dumb questions, use the FAQ, use the search function and go bother GS employees who will answer your questions more definitively than "some guy on the internet"

Trade credit hasn't worked on Amazon for over a year now. And based on comments from others, PUR stopped working since last month. So, no, you can't increase your conversion rate on something that isn't possible in the first place..

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Gamestop Points
100,000 = $100 new / Amazon Trade Credit (if you can find the right associate?)
100,000 = $125 pre-owned credit
$1 Trade Credit converts to ~$1.2 Amazon Credit or more (requires time + stock + tape + printer)

Therefore, if you want to spend the time / effort, you can increase your converstion rate of 100,000 points to Amazon GC by ~50% ($100 to $150)

Right now even without CAG16, there are opportunities with B2G2 > 20% margin.
What was the point of this? You cannot get Amazon cards anymore.

What was the point of this? You cannot get Amazon cards anymore.
I was to point out even before now if you wanted to maximize your points to amazon gift card conversion amount it was better to convert to preowned certs than directly to Amazon gift cards. ;)
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asked around gamestops here in NJ if/which are closing. so far Hamilton mall gamestop and possibly Booton? both are out of my way 1hr+ so I wont bother. My local stores say that for their district they've been told they are safe for the next 2 quarters.

This may have already been answered before, does anyone know how much credit can be applied for the 20% bonus towards pre-order? For example if I trade in $100 worth of games towards a $60 preorder will only the first $60 receive the 20% bonus (since the pre-order would be paid in full). 

The entire 100$ gets the 20% bump. My local store lets me put $5 down and put the rest on a trade card, but the manager is super chill and knows me well. YMMV.
This may have already been answered before, does anyone know how much credit can be applied for the 20% bonus towards pre-order? For example if I trade in $100 worth of games towards a $60 preorder will only the first $60 receive the 20% bonus (since the pre-order would be paid in full).
No, everything in that transaction gets the bonus no matter how much is put towards the game. I have been paying off preorders 5$ at a time and getting the 20% bonus for every game in that transaction.

I'm glad I held on to my disc copy of The Division 2 until after the sale was over. I thought it would go up in trade value, just not to $12 (was thinking $7 or $8). Traded it in toward my pre-order of MLB The Show 20 MVP and got $15.60 with the trade bonus. Paid it off and have a smidgen of trade credit left over.

Went into a store today that is closing this month... nothing to see. Deals were better when I had Elite Pro
I went into a store the last day it was closing. They didn't have much but they had a few boxes laying around. As soon as I walked in, the guy said to me, pick any box for $5. No switching things in and out of the box.

I ended up buying a box full of X360 games. All games over $2 I traded in. Everything below $2 I gave away to goodwill. There was the +$5 on any trade over $2 toward a preorder promotion. Made about $150 with $5.

A week or so before that I bought KH3 for $2 and a few other PS4 games that were left for under $5. My suggestion is to keep an eye on it and stop every once in a while if it's near you. You'll find some good deals eventually.

I'm glad I held on to my disc copy of The Division 2 until after the sale was over. I thought it would go up in trade value, just not to $12 (was thinking $7 or $8). Traded it in toward my pre-order of MLB The Show 20 MVP and got $15.60 with the trade bonus. Paid it off and have a smidgen of trade credit left over.
That's hilarious

I've saved around 15k points and when buying a game the other day, I was told I could save $5 off my total if I extended my membership another year for free. After pressing how I could get a year free since GS never gives anything like that, I find the guy was about to clear my points balance without telling me.
The GameStops in my area are definitely restocking, so that makes me wonder if the ones that are low on stock will close during the next wave.
I've saved around 15k points and when buying a game the other day, I was told I could save $5 off my total if I extended my membership another year for free. After pressing how I could get a year free since GS never gives anything like that, I find the guy was about to clear my points balance without telling me.
That's so super skeevy! So basically the guy was going to use your points to renew your PUR so he would get credit for it.. That's gotta be edging close to some kind of sales fraud, right?

I've saved around 15k points and when buying a game the other day, I was told I could save $5 off my total if I extended my membership another year for free. After pressing how I could get a year free since GS never gives anything like that, I find the guy was about to clear my points balance without telling me.
Same thing happened to me last week...even though my membership is good until September 2020, guy was trying to get me to use my points so that I could get the $5 monthly PUR reward. I told him I'm already getting it (I'm one of those who didn't get the coupon in January but got it in February) and he said I had just received a "one time promo." I was like "nah I'm good" and of course I got my March $5 on the 1st.

Traded in my copy of division 2 today towards a pre order. I new when they were selling it for $5 I'd be able to profit off it eventually. Made money on Anthem too after they sold it for $5.
That's hilarious
Part or all of it? LOL. I also failed to mention that I had traded some games during a stealth bump and the $5 toward pre-orders bonus was going on and used it toward MLB The Show 20. I got close to $66 after trading in two Switch games and and PS4 or XB1 game.

Today's trade of The Division 2 with the 30% bonus got it to paid in full and I got a whopping $1.21 in leftover trade cred.
Got some Division 2s from BB and traded to GameStop. Paid $40, got $120 in credit. Slowly building up my credit for my PS5.

Sucks, nothing special I want from GS without Elite Pro but at least I can get no tax on high priced items if paid with credit so it works.
Lol... me? I'm sure most CAGs that saw even back then Division 2 had TIV of 3.3, so once the promo was over it was probably going to rebound or at least stay > $2 for the next +5 promo... just didn't think it would be this high. Probably because they decided to make the base pre-owned cost like $35... typical GS!
The game was on sale as part of an Ubisoft promotion. Now that the expansion has released the base game & expansion is now like $60, so it makes sense for the used price to go to $35 & for the TIV to rise.
The game was on sale as part of an Ubisoft promotion. Now that the expansion has released the base game & expansion is now like $60, so it makes sense for the used price to go to $35 & for the TIV to rise.
Sure they can say whatever the MSRP is, but the expansion just launched yesterday and it's $30. And the base game is still $3 digitally. You're better off buying a $5 PSN/XBOX card than buying it used right now.

So if a person wants to play the NY expansion right now it wouldn't make sense to buy a used copy of the base game from Gamestop for $35 then pay $30 digitally for the expansion ($65)..... or just pay for both for $33. I mean at some point, math is hard.

So the strategy is launch at half price, hope it goes #1 on steaming, then go full price 2 weeks later?


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To be fair, Division 2 was still $39.99 at Best Buy during the $2.99 sale, only dropping yesterday. Base game is back up to $29.99 on PSN, so I guess math went from hard to impossible? I feel bad for the poor schmucks that paid full price at BB, or decided to buy it Sunday at GS for full price.

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FYI, in case it's not already well known: the $5 monthly reward worked on a digital Xbox GC (name your amount). I only wanted a $10 GC but my store had none so they tried it on the digital codes and it worked. Next month I'm going to see if they can go as low as $5 for a code and not have to spend anything lmao.

Same thing happened to me last week...even though my membership is good until September 2020, guy was trying to get me to use my points so that I could get the $5 monthly PUR reward. I told him I'm already getting it (I'm one of those who didn't get the coupon in January but got it in February) and he said I had just received a "one time promo." I was like "nah I'm good" and of course I got my March $5 on the 1st.
Same thing for me! Three times at 2 different GameStops in the past month!

FYI, in case it's not already well known: the $5 monthly reward worked on a digital Xbox GC (name your amount). I only wanted a $10 GC but my store had none so they tried it on the digital codes and it worked. Next month I'm going to see if they can go as low as $5 for a code and not have to spend anything lmao.
It does work on a $5 code.
Any of you watch FantaVision?  He has some pretty interesting GS videos and does not talk like a weirdo either.

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I've seen a few of his vids. He has some good insight, bit irritating at times with his views (he goes from rational to extreme rather quick at times) but worth watching for his non click bait videos.

Not sure if talked about before but the app (not that it ever works) is not showing my pre-order for the Animal Crossing Switch but is for the game. The site does show the Switch, but not the game. I assume things are still fucked and I shouldn't rely on either.

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I've seen a few of his vids. He has some good insight, bit irritating at times with his views (he goes from rational to extreme rather quick at times) but worth watching for his non click bait videos.

Not sure if talked about before but the app (not that it ever works) is not showing my pre-order for the Animal Crossing Switch but is for the game. The site does show the Switch, but not the game. I assume things are still fucked and I shouldn't rely on either.
I would agree, sometime he goes quite overboard on certain topics. Seems to be the trend with YouTube these days..

How long does it normally take for points from in-store purchases to show up on your account?  I don't generally pay much attention to it but I just happened to notice that points from my purchases on the 28th and 29th of Feb havent been added yet.  It's like 6000 points so it was noticeable. 

How long does it normally take for points from in-store purchases to show up on your account? I don't generally pay much attention to it but I just happened to notice that points from my purchases on the 28th and 29th of Feb havent been added yet. It's like 6000 points so it was noticeable.
Usually next day for in store. Usually a day or 2 after shipping for online.

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