The General 360 Owners/Buyers FAQ Thread (Updated 1/15/10)

NO no no, see it takes a lot of R&D to plug a hard drive into that external enclosure ;) I swear that's what Major Nelson said one time, back when I used to listen to him.
Yeah, I know. I wish I could have sat in on the think tank that came up with that brilliant idea! Even worse is when I see people attempt to claim that the 360 drive is actually a SSD. Yeah, ok. In what reality?
I'm not sure if anyone has mentioned it, didn't see it as I skimmed through some of the pages. But a lot of people are buying used 360s now. HAVE THE SELLER TEST THEM IN STORE. If they complain about messing the shrink-wrap or some lame excuse and say you can return it later, don't budge! Have them test it in store, it'll save you time and anger.
Sorry if this has been asked a ton of times already somewhere in these 359 pages.
I also made a thread with the same question.

I gotta ask this.
I've got an elite, and I'm planning on upgrading to the COD:MW2 bundle console.
First off, will the 20 to 120gb hd data transfer kit work, to transfer all my files to the 250GB hd? I've heard it won't work with the 60gb hd.
Secondly, which downloads/transfers will require the original game disc?
In other words, I know when doing the data transfer, all licenses are transfer to the new hd, and from there I just need to download everything again.
HOWEVER, what happens in the case of things like the Rock Band 1 songs (the ones you pay 400ms points for to transfer onto the hd for use with RB2). Is that a download, or does it litterally transfer the songs from the RB1 disc to the HD.
Also with the Fallout 3 add-on discs. Will those transfer over to the new 250gb hd, or will I need to get the discs to get the content onto the new hd.
In other words, if I've traded these games into gamestop, will I need them again?
Sorry for the long drawn out question, but I don't imagine I'm the only one with this question.
And I am truly sorry if this has been asked in another thread.
I gotta ask this.
I've got an elite, and I'm planning on upgrading to the COD:MW2 bundle console.
First off, will the 20 to 120gb hd data transfer kit work, to transfer all my files to the 250GB hd? I've heard it won't work with the 60gb hd.
Secondly, which downloads/transfers will require the original game disc?
In other words, I know when doing the data transfer, all licenses are transfer to the new hd, and from there I just need to download everything again.
HOWEVER, what happens in the case of things like the Rock Band 1 songs (the ones you pay 400ms points for to transfer onto the hd for use with RB2). Is that a download, or does it litterally transfer the songs from the RB1 disc to the HD.
Also with the Fallout 3 add-on discs. Will those transfer over to the new 250gb hd, or will I need to get the discs to get the content onto the new hd.
In other words, if I've traded these games into gamestop, will I need them again?
Sorry for the long drawn out question, but I don't imagine I'm the only one with this question.
And I am truly sorry if this has been asked in another thread.
I have FINALLY gotten a 360(elite bundle/W 2 games)!! I got a great deal by using the Mejier CC deal 15%+10% coupon+10% employee discount = GREAT deal. It is a Xmas gift that did not think I would be able to swing this year.

So, I need some xbox 360 exclusives that are good.. Any one with a tradelist or cheap prices let me know!

Also, is there any alternative for a wireless setup for the 360 than to buy the official wireless adapter?
I checked the FAQ and didn't find an answer for this.

Do you need 2 games to use the system link? I'd only assume yes, but in the FAQ it says "A game that supports system link..." Everything else mentioned is plural (i.e. 2 xboxes and 2 tvs). If anyone knows that'd be awesome.
[quote name='DV8']I checked the FAQ and didn't find an answer for this.

Do you need 2 games to use the system link? I'd only assume yes, but in the FAQ it says "A game that supports system link..." Everything else mentioned is plural (i.e. 2 xboxes and 2 tvs). If anyone knows that'd be awesome.[/QUOTE] Yes.
[quote name='js1']Also, is there any alternative for a wireless setup for the 360 than to buy the official wireless adapter?[/QUOTE]

There are actually a number of good alternatives. One is the original Xbox adapter. It's bulkier and does not offer as much security, but it can be found for pretty cheap. If you have a laptop that you currently use to contact to your router, you can use it as a wireless bridge. There are also routers that you can use with custom firmware to make them into wireless bridges. There are instructions for this stuff all over the place.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']There are actually a number of good alternatives. One is the original Xbox adapter. It's bulkier and does not offer as much security, but it can be found for pretty cheap. If you have a laptop that you currently use to contact to your router, you can use it as a wireless bridge. There are also routers that you can use with custom firmware to make them into wireless bridges. There are instructions for this stuff all over the place.[/QUOTE]

I got a 360 during amazon sale and was on the xbox website and it says I can't play regular xbox games on an 360 arcade. Is there a way around this only have a few games and would rather just have one system for it.
Yeah, you want a hard drive anyway. Games usually run better off it, and even more importantly it makes the thing run a LOT quieter. Plus it lets you download demos and the like.
I'm looking into getting a new 360 some time soon. I thought about the MW2 version for the 250 HDD but don't want to give IW a dime due to how they did with the PC version. So I was thinking about getting the elite because a 120 gb HDD should be more than enough as I have just a 20 gb and am down to about 5 gigs of it. I'm wondering that deal where you get 2 games with the Elite now are they both on the same disc or would I get both in their own cases on their own discs just like I would if I bought the games.
does Microsoft pay for Saturday shipping when they ship back your fixed (or a refurbished) xbox? Because they shipped mine back on the 24th, and it's in Greensboro right now, and by my calculations it should be here by Saturday. But if they don't pay for Saturday shipping I won't get that shit till Monday.
So, my dad went out last night and bought himself the MW2 Elite bundle and refuses (for some reason that escapes me) to register it. Anyone think I should just register it under the same account as our 60 gig? He's shipping it over to Afghanistan with him and I'm preeeeeetty sure it's going to become a casualty.
I want to buy a 2nd A/V component cable. Should I buy the Microsoft brand ($39.99) or save some money and get the Monster brand? Is one better than the other?
[quote name='shieryda']I want to buy a 2nd A/V component cable. Should I buy the Microsoft brand ($39.99) or save some money and get the Monster brand? Is one better than the other?[/QUOTE]
Does Monoprice sell a cheaper one?
Ughh... going to have to eat the shipping fee to return back the 'Quick Charge Kit' to Amazon since I assumed the controller in the [sealed] console (X-Mas presie) came with a proprietary battery pack, but I could've and should've went with rechargeable batteries and a charger stand. Any of particular CAGs use themselves?
[quote name='CaptainJoel']So, my dad went out last night and bought himself the MW2 Elite bundle and refuses (for some reason that escapes me) to register it. Anyone think I should just register it under the same account as our 60 gig? He's shipping it over to Afghanistan with him and I'm preeeeeetty sure it's going to become a casualty.[/QUOTE]

there is no real point in registering it right now...if something happens to it and you talk to MS customer service they will just go my the serial number. II dont have either of my 360's registered and one of them has been replaced twice
I have a question that I could not find the answer to(when searching), when using the 48 hr live trial codes do they extend your live service, even when let's say you already have a full year of service currently?
I am wondering if Xbox 360 redeem codes can be tested for validity without actually using them. This would be a great for trading, especially for codes you may have had for a long time.

I am thinking it may be possible. After The Necromantic DLC came out for Castle Crashers, The Behemoth was posting codes first come first serve on the internet.

I entered one on the xbox, and it said "this code entitles you to Download..." so I thought I had it. I tried to change the download source to the memory card though.

When I clicked "Confirm Download", it gave me the message that "This code has already been used". Someone else must have clicked "Confirm Download" (for the same code) while I was switching the download destination.

Apparently the code is not used until you confirm the download (on Xbox 360 only, codes are used immediately upon submission on

If anyone has a code they are planing to redeem anyway, could they test this out on the xbox 360? Input the code, then press "B" to back out when it asks you to confirm download, then see if the code works when you put it in again.
Yes, you are correct. I think many people know this already, but thanks for pointing it out. And yeah, it's great for when you want to trade or sell something, but you aren't 100% sure it's still valid. This only works on the console, though, and not on the PC.
Ok, two quick questions

1) What LCD TV will give me the least lag for gaming?

2) Is it worth getting an XBox 360 cooler? If yes, which one?

Ok, sorry one more.....

3) Anything specific things I should know to prevent RRoD or other errors? (e.g. always keep the console horizontal?)

1) No that is irrelevant and with a certain LCD set may actually get some "lag".

2) No, unless you keep it in an entertainment center which doesn't have an opening in the back for proper ventilation.

3) Follow the question #2 answer.
To the first question, some models have special gaming modes that do minimal processing and supposedly help with input lag. Personally I've used three different LCDs with the 360 and have experienced no problems with any of them.

To the second, no. MS will sometimes void the warranty if they find evidence of one being used.

To the third, keep it will ventilated, maybe pray, and just assume that it will fail at some point.
If you have the harddrive space, install your game that you're currently playing to the drive. Sooooooo much quieter and I'd imagine better on the disc drive. I have to do it because mine sounds like a jet engine if I don't install.
Just prepare yourself now that it will die at some point. The repair process is pretty quick though. I had mine horizontal in a wide open space on top of my entertainment center and it finally died after almost 2 years (Falcon chip set). I didn't get upset when it died. I was actually happy that I made it almost 2 years without it dying.

Enjoy it though. I have all 3 consoles and I like my 360 the best.
1) No difference from any tv.

2) Not needed. I have one cooler cause my Xbox is a day one console and still works perfect, but the new SKU's (new 360 units) are RRoD free thanks to the new chips.

3) Same as any console, keep a good airflow around the console and you should be fine. If you play a specific game A LOT (ala every night MW2 for 4 hours), then installing the game helps a lot.
Preventing RROD:

  • Keep the 360 vertical BUT DON'T LET IT FALL (more air-vents on its sides)
  • Put the 360 over a flat, dustless floor. If you have carpet flooring put it over its own box
  • Keep its bulky power adapter over a flat object (a book would work fine)
  • Plug the power cord into a safe port, electricity saving adapters work best
  • If you are going to plug it into a standard adapter try not to share it with too many electronics (the 360 is an energy hog)
  • If you have other energy hogs on the same standard adapter, consider plugging it into the wall
  • Keep it in a well ventilated are
  • Fans and coolers DO help, as long as they have their own power supple (ie, they don't have to take it from the 360). I recommend the Intercooler TS

I've had a 360 for almost a year and no problems.
Thanks for all the 411 guys!

Interesting that nobody has an opinion on a TV. I went to an AV forum and there was 100 page discussion on reducing lag especially for FPS. I have to fire it up tonight and really see if there is a differnce.

I have a Wii and PS3 as well. this is my first 360 because I found a good deal. Its an Elite so I assume it has the Jasper board.

I do have a carpet so I will get a stand for the 360 and the power adapter to keep it ventalated. I had the 360 plugged into a power strip with other items and I saw the sucking of power to point my table lamp dimmed!

I am going to call an electrician and have them install a third wall outlet because I am maxxed out otherwise.

Ok, I guess if I make it two years I should be happy LOL!

Thanks all!
Hey guys,

I bought my Xbox 360 last year, and got the freaking RROD tonight. This pisses me off so much because I have a crapload of new releases to get through.

I am torn between ruining the holidays with no gaming or sucking it up and buying a 2nd Xbox. At least I would always have a spare this way.

The cheapest option is to get a used one from Gametop - $140. Worth the risk? I only get 30 day warranty, and I'm only saving 60 bucks from an arcade unit.

Or would I be better off with this Walmart $250 deal with MW2? I already have the game, but I could always sell it. Is it online only? I wanna game tonight, dammit!
If you already have a hard drive, then buy a $200 Arcade with a $20 or $50 gift card when some store runs that special. I traded in my old loud broken dysfunctional 360 to Gamestop for $90 store credit. I got a brand new quiet cool HDMI Jasper unit. Totally worth it, if you already have a hard drive. Do not Do not Do not get a used Arcade from Gamestop or anybody else, you'll likely get my old broken one.
I say get a new xbox. Dont get a used one from game stop. My friend has gone through 5 of those. If yo dont care about upgrading just get an arcade. If your willing to spend money get the MW 2 edition with the 250 HD.

Thats my vote.
As others have already recommended, buy a new Arcade unit for sure. You never know what you are getting into when you buy used.
[quote name='bigdaddybruce44']There are actually a number of good alternatives. One is the original Xbox adapter. It's bulkier and does not offer as much security, but it can be found for pretty cheap. If you have a laptop that you currently use to contact to your router, you can use it as a wireless bridge. There are also routers that you can use with custom firmware to make them into wireless bridges. There are instructions for this stuff all over the place.[/QUOTE]Where have you found original xbox wireless adapters? I haven't even found one in several months maybe a year now. Gamestop has none anywhere. I'd love to get my replacement original xbox online, but I need a wireless adapter to do so.
I'm tired of my Wireless controller collecting dust. I have Energizer rechargeable batteries but they don't fit well in the holder. So often during play, they'll get loose and I'll have to mess with it. I had a play and charge kit to charge the battery but the wire broke.

Is there any good solution available?

so checking the faq...:

E. Warranty:
This is, by far, the most asked question about the 360 for new owners. Everytime I get the problem solved, something new happens that changes the answer around. So without further adieu, here is the breakdown of the warranty process as of 2006:
1. There is a limited warranty (the one that comes with the Xbox 360 itself) that protects for one year of the purchase of your 360 or some "limited" amount of time.

2. There is a 1 and 2 year extended warranty that you can also get after your limited warranty expires that helps protect the system and accessories.
3. There is a warranty covering the loss of a system due to the Red Rings that expires in November of this year.

Number one goes into effect immediately after getting the system, pending that you have some sort of proof of your purchase. After this 90 days or "limited time" your warranty is up and you must pay for sending the Xbox 360 to MS. Number two can be aquired at any time through Microsoft themselves (recommended way). This way takes some time to process so it would be best to go ahead and purchase and not wait on the chance that it breaks. For a 2-year warranty, be prepared to dish out $60 for the 2 year or $30 for 1 year. Call the #1-800-469-9269 and have your serial number ready for when you call. For more information regarding the warranty, here's the link to the Official Microsoft Warranty page (a .pdf application, most helpful info is on pages 5-7). If you would rather see the warranty page from, check here. Number three is exclusively for Xbox 360s that have failed to work due to the RRoD problem and nothing else.

Note: MAKE SURE you get an extended warranty for this console. As usual, for a system still in its first stages, there will be problems that arise that require you to send off your 360 for repair, and even now there are problems here and there with people getting used/refurbished systems. I can't stress enough how much importance should be placed on getting this, it can and will save you from much stress. The offer comes with the 360 inside the box. There is no reason to not protect your $400+ investment.

whats the scoop? did the 3 year extension exprire? Should we pick up an additional warranty?
bread's done