The General eBay Rant Thread

Has anyone ever been overcharged on their final statement? Im supposed to owe only $4.00 but they're charging me $12.30. I added up all my fees and payments multiple times and it comes out to me oweing $4.00 so im not sure whats going on. Is there any email I could contact them with?

Has anyone ever been overcharged on their final statement? Im supposed to owe only $4.00 but they're charging me $12.30. I added up all my fees and payments multiple times and it comes out to me oweing $4.00 so im not sure whats going on. Is there any email I could contact them with?
Did you create a fedex shipping label? You don't get charged at the time you create the label instead it gets added to your end of month invoice charges.

Did you create a fedex shipping label? You don't get charged at the time you create the label instead it gets added to your end of month invoice charges.
I definitely did not. I just noticed that it says "There will be a delay of 24 hours or more in updating your fee and account balance." above my account summary so maybe it will update to the correct amount soon. Thanks for your input though, I appreciate it.

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I probably don't pay attention as much as I should but I did get this in my email from Paypal.

"We're increasing the time for buyers to file merchandise disputes (Item Not Received and Significantly Not as Described) from 45 days to 180 days."

Perfect - just what I want to give for everything - a 6 month return policy.
If this ends up trickling over to paypal transactions outside of ebay, then they can kiss my ass goodbye.

Thought I'd found a steal on a pre-order of Bayonetta 2 then I read the description.

Buy bayonetta 2 for only $ 40 I only ask that you donate $7 or more to my paypal after you recieve the game the donation helps with ebay fee's feel free to ask questions item ships 2 days before release date
He can ask all he wants, but in the end, he takes the $40 or nothing. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if ebay closed his auction for such a blatant and stupid violation of their policies.

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Listed a Destiny Ghost Edition, and advertised it as it is, with all the contents included. The Ghost Edition includes Collector's Edition exclusive DLC with it. Of course I included that in my listing, because THAT'S IN ITS CONTENTS. eBay always asks you to list accurately and detailed.

It was removed for intellectual copyright. Whatever. Should I not have advertised what's in the damn box? Those Fing jackasses.

That's two listings removed for "violations" in the last month. Gonna have to be careful, don't wanna be on eBay's shit list. It said in the notice to not relist the item. I'm going to, but I just won't advertise the DLC part of it or whatever. I'm sure another seller flagged it, probably because I had it cheaper or something and eBay didn't even bother to think, just yanked it. Never had a listing removed for that before.

Honestly, it doesn't surprise me they are this anal, after what is going on with youtube and their video flags. You can post a home made video that has a song playing in the background on your stereo, and someone will flag it for the use of copyrighted audio. It actually happened to that guy Angry Joe Show yesterday and he was pretty pissed about it. Corporate greed can be so pathetic. I hate copyright laws. Most are a joke.

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If this ends up trickling over to paypal transactions outside of ebay, then they can kiss my ass goodbye.

He can ask all he wants, but in the end, he takes the $40 or nothing. Hell, wouldn't be surprised if ebay closed his auction for such a blatant and stupid violation of their policies.
I also didn't buy it because he got a neg for selling a PS4 with cockroaches in it. Even though the game is allegedly going to come new not taking the chance.

I've had my first person ever try to return an item. They opened the return thing saying that there is something wrong with the item (obviously there isn't).

On the return page there is no option for me to accept return with the buyer paying. The only options are for me to accept with paying the shipping or have him keep the item for free. I'm kind of annoyed that he apparently didn't read the auction description (It is a harddrive caddy and did not include mounting screws or a backplane connector) and that is why it was for sale for only like 10 bucks w/ free shipping. I'm guessing he is having buyer's remorse now.

I think at this point I'd rather take whatever feedback he leaves but make him return the item. Also the fact he has had it for the two complete weeks and waited til the very last day to try and return it. If I have to let him open a case then so be it.

There seems to be way to deny the return. I don't care if he returns it, just make him pay the 4 bucks and put it in a box, etc.

Also the fact that how does it work when they get a free return label from me (even though I do not plan on doing this)? Do they just put whatever weight the feel like? Can they just send it however they feel?


This also makes me wonder if it is evern worth it to have a return policy. I always kept one before for the Top Rated benefits, but since now you need to offer a returns until January to get the benefits it seems like why bother at all. Does it actually make that much of a difference? eBay always touts that buyers are like 15% more likely to buy from someone who takes returns, or some other random number like that.

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Someone who knows their shit here will have to answer your question but answering that 15 percent thing as a buyer ad a seller on eBay I don't give a damn whether someone does or not. I only do when it involves clothes like hoodies, shirts or shoes as there's always a chance something might not fit right so I'll make sure returns are offered there but usually anything else I don't care or tend to look for.

I've been in a sour mood lately with eBay questions.  Whenever I get asked "can you lower the price by $XX?" 
I snipe back with something like
"Absolutely not.  I'm reselling the item.  This is not a charity. If I was soliciting a lowball offer, I'd select 'Best Offer Available' but I obviously did not.  Please stop wasting my time and any other seller's time with your ridiculous offer."
I've gotten no responses so far.  I've been copying and pasting that message everytime for weeks. 
I'm surprised I haven't been reported by anybody but when I look at the options, there's no way to report a fellow member through direct messages. lol.  dumbass eBay.
Depends on the situation.

If someone was selling a price at an insanely high markup, then that is not a ridiculous question or a ridiculous offer(if the offer is among market value).

Even though I am a seller, I am a buyer too. Extreme anything on either side annoys me. It annoys me when buyers send me ridiculous offers, but it also annoys me when sellers are stubborn and refuse to budge off a price that is so obviously ridiculous and you've been watching the item and it hasn't sold in like a year, because of that price.

Now, is it the seller's right to sell it for whatever price he wants? Sure. But it's also my right to call them a jackass for doing so.

Asking a question for a friend here. He sold a phone for a few hundred dollars and the buyer claims it was dented when it arrived, even sent a picture of the dent. The phone was in great condition when it left, so what's the best way to win a SNAD case?

The only thing I can think of is the serial number, but he isn't sure if he has a picture of it. Are there any other options?

If you think he's being duped, and it was a phone your friend used, you might be able to get the number that it was activated with from the carrier, which should be like a serial number.

This is a new one:

I bought an increasingly hard to find trade paperback off of eBay. It looks near mint in the pictures and is essentially advertised as such. Seller sends it in a bubble mailer. Being a paperback book with no rigid protection in the packaging, it gets bent, creased, and damaged as it suffers through Media Mail. I email seller and explain all the damage. I offer to use the free pre-paid label to send the book back for a full refund. I also offer to provide pictures. Seller demands pictures. I take pictures then even edit them to add highlighting in case the damage isn't clear. I send both the original and edited pictures to the seller.

Seller writes me back and blames it on USPS instead of accepting he messed up by not fully protecting the package. He says he can't sell the book anymore so he doesn't want it. He then says I can either keep the book for half price, or if I RIP THE BOOK IN HALF AND SEND HIM PICTURES, I can get a full refund.

I reply and let him know that USPS has always been less-than-gentle with packages and I specifically included a note when I purchased it to ask him to package it in a way that it won't get bent/folded/etc and he didn't. I said I'd be happy to send the book back with the free pre-paid label for a full refund as the eBay return page suggested and I initially offered, and then he can perform his own tests of strength to rip the 300 page book in half. Or he could own up to his mistake, refund me the full amount, and not be petty about the idea of me getting something for nothing because of his error. Or if he didn't want to do either of those, we could let eBay customer support decide if I should go through the ridiculous feat of strength of ripping a book in half or if I should just mail it back to him.

A minute later I got my full refund.

The nerve and idiocy of some people. If you mess up either own up to it and take the full refund hit, or take the return shipping hit and try to re-sell to recoup something down the line. Either way it's not your customer's problem.

Maybe I need to hit the gym and practice ripping phone books in half...

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Not even sure what the point of suggesting that was. It changes nothing from your end, or changes nothing from his end.

My guess is he was doing that so he could claim you damaged the package, and then keep the money saying you purposely destroyed it.

Not even sure what the point of suggesting that was. It changes nothing from your end, or changes nothing from his end.

My guess is he was doing that so he could claim you damaged the package, and then keep the money saying you purposely destroyed it.
That wouldn't work at all though. eBay would have direct access to his messages instructing me to rip the book in half if he tried to pull that. I Google'd the seller. It's a guy in his mid-60s (unless someone else is using his name and account to sell). His writing is very coherent (not that 65 is "senile old" or anything), it seems like he sells a good amount of these comic trades so it's not like this is the only one he sold or he doesn't know what he's doing in terms of selling them.

I think two things were going on:

1) He didn't want to take a complete loss on it by just refunding me the money if possible. That's why he offered the half off as if he was being generous.

2) He was being petty. He didn't want me to get something for nothing. That's why he was willing to give me a full refund if I ripped the book in half and sent him pictures. He didn't want me to catch the windfall of reading it or possibly re-selling it after getting it for free.

If someone was less savvy to eBay's actual rules, he might have got away with either option. I was willing to comply with the only return option eBay is forcing sellers to make available to buyers. He wasn't interested in that, so his only option became a full refund and I knew that and wasn't going to let him get away with his BS alternatives. Especially after he shifted the blame to USPS and everyone but himself. If he had said "Yeah I screwed up, sorry, here's a full refund" I might even have left him positive feedback. (Not that I'm going to bother negging him.)

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Well, I'm guessing he meant rip it in half by the spine. Similar to ripping the cover off a magazine.
I get what you're saying. That could be a possibility. But I'm not totally sure he meant that either, because then I could still easily put the two halves together to read the book and get something for free. While I'm more confident I could tear the book in half that way, it's still an absurd request. I think he was really all about me not getting and kind of windfall. A request to just tear the cover off would have been more "reasonable" but still ridiculous all things considered. At the end of the day there's no requirement for customers to destroy anything and provide proof of the destruction to get a full refund.

I've unfortunately been stuck moving some of the stale inventory we sell through Ebay recently. The questions I get...sweet jesus it's hard to believe people so stupid can figure out how to use a computer.

"SO IT SAY SSIZE 12, WILL IT FIT A !8?"  That's a direct copy and paste.

"high i am bulgaria, you ship here now!"  Another direct copy paste, I think maybe that was a question?

Thank god it's only about 50 items and they aren't moving quickly.

I get what you're saying. That could be a possibility. But I'm not totally sure he meant that either, because then I could still easily put the two halves together to read the book and get something for free. While I'm more confident I could tear the book in half that way, it's still an absurd request. I think he was really all about me not getting and kind of windfall. A request to just tear the cover off would have been more "reasonable" but still ridiculous all things considered. At the end of the day there's no requirement for customers to destroy anything and provide proof of the destruction to get a full refund.
I don't know, I kinda feel the guy probably thought he was getting scammed and you were buying, claiming SNAD to get full refund, then was going to resell it.

I've unfortunately been stuck moving some of the stale inventory we sell through Ebay recently. The questions I get...sweet jesus it's hard to believe people so stupid can figure out how to use a computer.

"SO IT SAY SSIZE 12, WILL IT FIT A !8?" That's a direct copy and paste.

"high i am bulgaria, you ship here now!" Another direct copy paste, I think maybe that was a question?

Thank god it's only about 50 items and they aren't moving quickly.
I get a lot of "(Insert retailer name here) is selling your item for (lower price). Will you price match them?"

Around the holidays I get a lot of sob stores like "I'm a retired veteran living on a fixed income, is their anyways you could sell that $400 gaming console for $50. It's all I have"

I then get a lot of people that are either idiots or trolling questioning me if a particular collector's edition includes the console. This happened a lot with the GTA V collector's edition and a few times with several others like COD and Destiny.

I get a lot of "(Insert retailer name here) is selling your item for (lower price). Will you price match them?"

Around the holidays I get a lot of sob stores like "I'm a retired veteran living on a fixed income, is their anyways you could sell that $400 gaming console for $50. It's all I have"

I then get a lot of people that are either idiots or trolling questioning me if a particular collector's edition includes the console. This happened a lot with the GTA V collector's edition and a few times with several others like COD and Destiny.
The company I work for has a huge geriatric buying population and it is always so pathetic to listen to them whine. "I'm on a fixed income, can't you please make an exception for me?". No and for god's sake if you are on a fixed income stop buying bullcrap you don't need.

I'm not sure if its a setting thing on my end, or just a recent update, but eBay changed two things on me:

1) When I look for recently sold items, it only gives me the sale price of the item, not the shipping costs.  Makes it hard to determine total price of something when you only have one factor.

2) When buying / selling a game, I used to do a general search, and then click on the individually category page which lists all the other listings on eBay under that category.  Made it easy to check the listings and previously sold types.

For example, if you click on this listing for Metroid Prime (no reason why I picked that), at the top of the page, it says:

"Listed in category: Video Games & Consoles > Video Games"

It used to say something along the lines of:

"Listed in category: Video Games & Consoles > Video Games > Metroid Prime (Nintendo Gamecube, 2002)"

You could click on that individual game title and search from there, but for some reason it doesn't work for me anymore...

I don't know, I kinda feel the guy probably thought he was getting scammed and you were buying, claiming SNAD to get full refund, then was going to resell it.
Again, it was damaged badly versus the near mint condition it was allegedly sent in. No one has anything to gain from scamming for this item. And I wasn't just claiming SNAD, I provided picture proof and he knows exactly how poorly he packaged the item making that kind of damage more than feasible. If I were to re-sell the damaged book, I wouldn't get shit for it, which is exactly why he didn't want it back. I don't think it was ever a question for him of "was this the book I sent you, or a second copy," and even if it was, invisible ink exists if scamming is a concern.

And even if I was scamming him, he knows how eBay works and doesn't favor sellers when the buyer has picture proof, has been consistant, hasn't been rude, has agreed to abide by all eBay policies and procedures, etc. It was a swing and a miss trying to get me to do anything outside of eBay policy. But as a seller who knows how shitty scamming is, and as someone who isn't a dickbag human being in general, I wasn't scamming him.

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I'm not sure if its a setting thing on my end, or just a recent update, but eBay changed two things on me:

1) When I look for recently sold items, it only gives me the sale price of the item, not the shipping costs. Makes it hard to determine total price of something when you only have one factor.

2) When buying / selling a game, I used to do a general search, and then click on the individually category page which lists all the other listings on eBay under that category. Made it easy to check the listings and previously sold types.

For example, if you click on this listing for Metroid Prime (no reason why I picked that), at the top of the page, it says:

"Listed in category: Video Games & Consoles > Video Games"

It used to say something along the lines of:

"Listed in category: Video Games & Consoles > Video Games > Metroid Prime (Nintendo Gamecube, 2002)"

You could click on that individual game title and search from there, but for some reason it doesn't work for me anymore...
1) I noticed this too. It's very weird because on the item page it won't let you see the shipping costs. But if you sort by "Price + Shipping Low to High" you can see the shipping costs in that list. I think it might be a glitch, maybe.

2) eBay changed something that made listings fuck-y like that. I complained about it in a previous post when it came to getting emailed new items in a saved search. Before it could be very specific but then something happened and ebay removed the specificity to just like a level or two below the main category. It's really crappy and I hope it's not a permanent change.

Again, it was damaged badly versus the near mint condition it was allegedly sent in. No one has anything to gain from scamming for this item. And I wasn't just claiming SNAD, I provided picture proof and he knows exactly how poorly he packaged the item making that kind of damage more than feasible. If I were to re-sell the damaged book, I wouldn't get shit for it, which is exactly why he didn't want it back. I don't think it was ever a question for him of "was this the book I sent you, or a second copy," and even if it was, invisible ink exists if scamming is a concern.

And even if I was scamming him, he knows how eBay works and doesn't favor sellers when the buyer has picture proof, has been consistant, hasn't been rude, has agreed to abide by all eBay policies and procedures, etc. It was a swing and a miss trying to get me to do anything outside of eBay policy. But as a seller who knows how shitty scamming is, and as someone who isn't a dickbag human being in general, I wasn't scamming him.
Except you could have damaged your copy of it, and bought one on eBay to replace your damaged copy. Then take pictures of your original, damaged copy, and claim that his got damaged in shipping. There's tons of scam possibilities than just buying something, destroying it, and asking for money back.

Honestly the guy was probably like many other sellers...bitter from getting scammed too many times by assholes and this just set him off so he wanted to ensure you weren't another scammer. That way you wouldn't get away with the money and the book to keep/sell whatever if you were trying to pull one on him. Sucks but I don't fault the guy for asking to do that since it's getting pretty outrageous how eBay is screwing over sellers left and right these days and it's mostly because of scamming pricks. I'm not saying I'd ask that of someone but I don't blame him for it and don't see it as petty.

I'm gonna do one final run sometime this year in selling some odds and ends then I don't intend to sell regularly again since it's just become too much of shitshow on that site. If it's not scammers trying to get you it's whiny anal people who see something they don't like and immediately try to burn you by doing a return and it's just too annoying to deal with now. That's expected though when the company outright says we'll support buyers anytime, anywhere, any situation and fuck over sellers every time in the process.

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I hate when people open INR cases just to tell me that "ebay said I would have the item from October 12th to October 14th and I didn't get my item yet." Check the damn tracking info. It will tell you where the item is, jeez.

I don't think these people realize it counts on your record. Sometimes the package gets there a day fucking late than the tracking says or ebay says, people. ebay's is generalization based on your shipping speed anyway. Their estimates don't even tie into the tracking information you provide.

This seems to happen to me multiple times per year, and each time when the tracking says the item is delivered, I ask them to close the case and they NEVER do. They just don't respond, and I contact them multiple times. I just have to wait like 40 days for it to expire.

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I hate those estimated delivery dates. I have a 3 day handling time even though 99% of the time I ship with 2 business days and even then the estimated delivery dates don't look realistic especially during the holiday season when items can take longer than normal to get delivered.

Have any of you sellers been having problems with the return address eBay is putting on your shipping labels?

The return address for my selling is different than where I ship my buying packages to. Randomly eBay decided to start using my shipping address in the return spot even though the other address was my selected default for probably a couple of years. Now when I try to change it back, eBay is doing all sorts of fuck-ery. First they somehow combined the two addresses together for a completely wrong address. Then when I went to re-add the return shipping address, it doesn't save it to the system. And if I change the return address before I add the package weight to the label process, it just reverses back to my regular buying-shipping address.

Just received the 19 dvd set of the first 3 seasons of Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers I won in an eBay auction, and it looks a bit suspicious. The cover art for the dvd cases looks very cheap, and is misaligned with the spines. I read some reviews on Amazon criticizing the quality of the dvd set, but I still feel uneasy. The set is vacuum sealed, and I don't want to open it, as I bought it as a gift for someone. Has anyone else purchased this set, or have similar stories?

I've unfortunately been stuck moving some of the stale inventory we sell through Ebay recently. The questions I get...sweet jesus it's hard to believe people so stupid can figure out how to use a computer.

"SO IT SAY SSIZE 12, WILL IT FIT A !8?" That's a direct copy and paste.

"high i am bulgaria, you ship here now!" Another direct copy paste, I think maybe that was a question?

Thank god it's only about 50 items and they aren't moving quickly.
I don't ship over seas. Have had nothing but problems.

I'm domestic as well. Too many issues with foreign sales...shitty fees and outrageous shipping costs plus the biggest problem regarding whether your stuff makes it to the person or not since a LOT of crap can happen between point A and B. Customs too can fuck things up. I wish I could as that's way more exposure for my stuff but it's not worth the risks. If I was an actual merchant that had a store on eBay it would be one thing since I could afford the risk but as a guy who only sells a bit here and there just not worth it.

Plus they have that screwy international shipping system now where you ship it to some magical building in the US and then ebay forwards it, and then does both the seller and buyer the injustice of not providing tracking from that point forward.  No thanks.  I will NEVER sell on ebay again after trying to startup a store about 6 months ago.  Was a complete nightmare. 

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Plus they have that screwy international shipping system now where you ship it to some magical building in the US and then ebay forwards it, and then does both the seller and buyer the injustice of not providing tracking from that point forward. No thanks. I will NEVER sell on ebay again after trying to startup a store about 6 months ago. Was a complete nightmare.
I've probably sold at least 200 things through and have yet to have a problem. The one time the package was damaged the buyer got a full refund from eBay and kept the tiem (I didn't have to refund anything and it was a 150 dollar collector's edition).

It does provide tracking after it leaves the shipping center. Here is how it looked getting shipped to Germany last month.


Sep-02-14, 03:22 AM, 1333

Out for Delivery

Sep-01-14, 23:46 PM, 1333

In Transit with Destination Carrier

Sep-01-14, 19:29 PM, 1333

In Transit with Destination Carrier

Sep-01-14, 09:03 AM, 8600

Shipped from US Shipping Center to International Destination

Aug-28-14, 13:09 PM, Erlanger

Customs Documentation and Labeling

Aug-28-14, 07:40 AM, Erlanger

Processing at US Shipping Center

Aug-28-14, 06:20 AM, Erlanger

Arrived at US shipping Center

Aug-26-14, 23:56 PM, ERLANGER, KY 41018

In Transit-Arrived at Post Office

Aug-26-14, 22:25 PM, CINCINNATI, OH 45235

In Transit-Departed USPS Facility

Aug-26-14, 04:02 AM, NASHUA, NH 03063

In Transit-Arrived at USPS Origin Facility

Aug-25-14, 22:56 PM, NASHUA, NH 03063

The only problem I've had with any international shipping is having to cancel a few people because they don't know about the regions on DVDs.

I sent so much stuff out overseas after SDCC that it was crazy. All of it went to Russia, France, Australia, China, etc. The people were willing to pay the 60 to 100 dollars for shipping, so more power to them.

I have lots of gripes with eBay, but so far the global shipping program hasn't been one of them. I hear that is overcharges the buyer quite a bit, but honestly I don't really care that much about that because if I had to fill out custom forms and deal with it myself I just wouldn't bother with overseas.

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I haven't had a single problem shipping exclusives overseas through the Ebay global program.

I stopped using any other international methods, because no one ever wanted to pay for international priority. It was a pain in the ass checking weights and prices, to have zero people ever buy.

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I don't know why, but international buyers pay way more for items than normal buyers. Every time I list an item for top end of the price range and it goes unsold for a long period of time, the one who always finally bites is an international buyer.

Does anyone know if Hawaii had any mail delays with their big storm they had recently? I have a Media Mail book that's sitting in a west coast sort facility not moving onto the boat or aircraft to get to Hawaii. I know Media Mail can take much longer than estimated, especially to places like Hawaii and Alaska, and that sometimes the bin might not move until it's full of more media mail stuff. But it's frustrating not seeing the package move on the tracking and I know soon enough I'm going to get hit with a "where's my item" message.

Does anyone know if Hawaii had any mail delays with their big storm they had recently? I have a Media Mail book that's sitting in a west coast sort facility not moving onto the boat or aircraft to get to Hawaii. I know Media Mail can take much longer than estimated, especially to places like Hawaii and Alaska, and that sometimes the bin might not move until it's full of more media mail stuff. But it's frustrating not seeing the package move on the tracking and I know soon enough I'm going to get hit with a "where's my item" message.
You can open an inquiry with USPS but I would wait at least 10 business days (two weeks). I have always had good luck entering the tracking number at USPS and signing up for e-mail alerts that tell me all previous and future movement on that package. It's probably just coincidence but anytime I mail something outside the CONUS like PR, Guam, VI, etc. and the package is stuck for a week or so when I sign up for alerts it usually starts moving again in a few days

So, that sweet, sweet automatic free 3 relistings eBay was doing for a while? First they reduced it to one, and starting next month they are no longer free. All auto-relists count towards your free listing allotment.

Also, eBay upped my monthly limit from 110 listing to 160. Yay!
I know this eBay but there isn't really an Amazon info topic here...I have looked this up myself but don't see anything saying I can't so I'm checking here to make sure. I got a gift for someone from Amazon but he opened it and doesn't like it. It's a Figuarts toy also. Can I return it to them or no? I don't see anything on the site about them not taking it and specifically for what I would categorize as a toy they don't say it has to be unopened still. I've returned things to Amazon before but they were things I was unhappy with and therefore they were still unopened so I'm not sure in this case. I'm sure I'll have to pay return shipping since I've had to do that with my personal returns and they were unopened so I already figure that but I want to make sure they'll even accept it before I waste time shipping it and (possibly being out a shipping fee assuming they get it and don't want to refund and ship it back).

I can't log in to Paypal from eBay. Whenever I try, Paypal tells me my password is wrong. I know it's not, since I can log in fine from Paypal's website. But when I log in from eBay's website to purchase something, it tells me the password is wrong.

I know this eBay but there isn't really an Amazon info topic here...I have looked this up myself but don't see anything saying I can't so I'm checking here to make sure. I got a gift for someone from Amazon but he opened it and doesn't like it. It's a Figuarts toy also. Can I return it to them or no? I don't see anything on the site about them not taking it and specifically for what I would categorize as a toy they don't say it has to be unopened still. I've returned things to Amazon before but they were things I was unhappy with and therefore they were still unopened so I'm not sure in this case. I'm sure I'll have to pay return shipping since I've had to do that with my personal returns and they were unopened so I already figure that but I want to make sure they'll even accept it before I waste time shipping it and (possibly being out a shipping fee assuming they get it and don't want to refund and ship it back).

Go on chat and ask them? They're pretty nice so in sure they'll let you know. That's what I would do anyways
I had someone leave me feedback "GameCube always was cooler than using drugs, thanks! Great seller!"
This gave me a good laugh when I saw it.
Had someone leave feedback of "pleasure" for a game I sold, not sure what to think about that. A simple thanks would of done it if they wanted to be lazy, but instead it just sounded creepy.

bread's done