The I have my Wii thread

i got my wii with zelda this morning after a 4 hour wait at my bestbuy, there was about 80 consoles and they all sold out during the wait.
Get this: We got our Wii last night at TRU, but my fiancee wants to finish watching her taped episode of "Little People, Big World," before we hook it up this morning.

well, at 12:00 last night I decided to try my luck at my local Wal-mart. I got there, and there was a line of people already buying Wiis. I got in the line and turned out to be customer #21 for the 20 systems they had:cry:

I got up early this morning and decided to try my luck again at the Target about 30 minutes away from me. I got there about 45 minutes before they opened and as I walked up the girl started handing out the tickets. I ended up getting ticket #16 w/ 39 in stock systems (The wii finder was spot on!). My system was guaranteed so I left and got some breakfast and came back for the opening. I grabbed my Wii, an extra controller, an extra nunchuck, and Zelda. There were people that were there all night, but they didn't have any advantage over what I got other than getting it a few minutes earlier:D

Now to fire this baby up!!!
I'm a bit concerned about the video on Kotaku where it looks like the system only holds 20 or so NES games (Donkey Kong takes up 93/2000ish blocs)
Just got back from my LAST LAUNCH CONSOLE EVER purchase. No, really, I'm done after this. It was a good run, dating back to the Dreamcast. I'm just too old for this s***, and the stakes are just too fuckin' high anymore.

Anyway, everything at Gamestop went exceptionally smoothly, except the fact that they didn't have the Classic/Virtual Console controller for anyone (preorders included), and there were the obligatory clueless parents who thought that they'd have extra consoles (they didn't) popping in and out while those of us with our 'golden tickets', if you will, were rung up.

I now look forward to reading all the sob stories of people who thought this launch would just be sooo fuckin' casual, you know, brah?*

*--Because only 20% as intense as the PS3 demand is still pretty intense. Brah.
Holy crap that launch ruled. I got to target at 4am and we were 21st-25th in line...turns out that from midnight until 4am no one showed up until us. Pretty sweet timing I think. We purchased 4 wii's and 4 games total (2 of them belong to me). I am currently in the process of doing all the damn updates....I can say that so far I am impressed with everything.

wii boxing right now. totally fucking sweet.
I have a few questions about this wondrous machine...

1) how does it interact with the DS?
2) someone said you can copy the VC games onto the memory card... does this mean I can move the game to the card, take it over to my friends, and move it over to his console? Thanks

Got mine at midnight at a local Walmart. My girlfriend and I were #18 and 19 out of 20 respectively...We showed up just in time at 2 pm...had a nice cold 10 hour wait but it was WELL worth it...played Wii Sports till about 3:30 am. I love it!

Pics and story off to BK
I headed out at about 6am this morning and hit a Target. Had to be at least 60 or 70 in line. I was heading back in town and saw a K-mart with just a few people so we stopped there.

They only had 6 available and were doing a lottery. They opened at 7 and a few more people showed up. Didn't get picked so headed to another Target just a few minutes away.

Got in line and signed in at #32. The manager came out and said they had 42 and everybody in line will get one. Got the Wii, couple of games and accessories, and will be heading to EB later to pick some other stuff up.
Camped out in the freezing cold starting at 3:30am... and I GOT MY WII! Hell yeah!

I too was at target... 18 out of 39. Got CoD3, Monkey Ball and Excite Truck (which got me the
Camped out in the freezing cold starting at 3:30am... and I GOT MY WII! Hell yeah!

I too was at target... 18 out of 39. Got CoD3, Monkey Ball and Excite Truck (which got me the $20
Camped out in the freezing cold starting at 3:30am... and I GOT MY WII! Hell yeah!

I too was at target... 18 out of 39. Got CoD3, Monkey Ball and Excite Truck (which got me the $20 gc), extra remote and nunchuck, and classic controller... used the $20 gc to get
Camped out in the freezing cold starting at 3:30am... and I GOT MY WII! Hell yeah!

I too was at Target... 18 out of 39. Got CoD3, Monkey Ball and Excite Truck (which got me the $20 gc), extra remote and nunchuck, and classic controller... used the $20 gc to get a point card.

This was a first for me... never got a system at launch or camped out before. I froze my butt off, but I actually enjoyed it... it was almost a spiritual experience!!

I'm thinking about exchanging Excite Truck for something else, though... Trauma Center or Rayman... I can't decide.

I am so psyched about this thing... I think I've had about 2 hours of sleep in the last 48 hours... just running on pure adrenaline right now...

EDIT: geeze, WTF happened with the multiple posts... think i got them all deleted, sorry...
Thankfully my friend's mom got Target to hold two copies of Zelda for her, so I'll have that later today. It's going to be a long and arduous wait until my Wii gets here tomorrow. Hopefully Sneak King will pass some time :bouncy:
Its interesting I didn't camp out..and the Walmart near me was supposed to get 50 and got 15...I got lucky and waited outside Target for 2 hours and ended up with one..#19 out of #33. The wii rocks!
[quote name='Chacrana']Trauma Center is godly. That is all.[/quote]

Hmmm, perhaps I will be heading back to Target to make an exchange then... thanks ;)
Hit my Target at about 4:30AM and was #33 out of 60 Wii's they had. The last number was given out at 7:30AM. Cool people around me so the time went by as quickly as it could. Bought the console, Zelda, Excite Truck, COD3 and a points card.
1 PM yesterday afternoon.

Got it at about 8:50AM today (Best buy took pity and opened at 8:40).

I was the 2nd one in line, 2nd one in the door, and first one out the was the recipient of the obligatory "line cheer". Also mananged to make the 11 PM news last night.

Now I don't know what to play!

My fiancee loves Wii Sports (primarily bowling - took her a little bit to get used to tennis, but I LOVE tennis - so intuitive to a tennis player like me). Baseball was okay, but it's hard to hit in that game. Golf was also fun. Once she realized she was moving the controllers wrong (she was holding them like you would playing a game, not vertical), she got the hang of boxing as well.

She's interested inplaying Rayman, but has some homework to do, so now I don't know what to play. I may just go with Trauma Center since that's definitely good. Too many games have gotten such mixed reviews that I, and probably everyone else, am terrified to open them before I hear more impressions (Red Steel, Madden, Marvel). Hell, Excite Truck was a preorder I'm not planning on keeping, but since I know I enjoyed the demo, I'm suddenly thinking about opening that up and keeping it for full price.
Rayman is fun, Monkey Ball controls like a dream. I'm fighting myself not to run out and buy Trauma Center right now. Zelda comes in the mail in a couple of days. What a fantastic system thus far.
I said it once last night, but after having spent some time with Wii, I have a feeling this could end up being my favorite console of all time as long as the software holds up (which it certainly has so far, and which it looks like it WILL be doing for quite a while).

The way it plays is just...awesome. The graphics are HOT (BTW, the component cables are awesome - I instantly noticed a change), the control is fantastic, and the interface rocks. This is probably all I'll need this generation of gaming as far as home consoles go.
I got the wii at 10:30 this morning after waiting in a line for 2 hours

I just got home at 12 cause I needed to stop off for somethings and then I immediatly hooked it up. Simple hook up and its really fun to play!
Spent 4 hours camping at mineola Walmart in east texas last night. At midnight the line didn't even encompass their whole Wii stock. There was still 3 left. But they did only have 8 Zeldas, and 6 or so Wiimote/chuck combos.

Got my Wii, and Extra Wiimote/chuck, and Zelda. It's wonderful.

I'm really glad I never played at a demo kiosk or anything. It just felt so great trying it for the first time on launch morning in my own home.
wow, people are whoring the Wii on eBay. 12,375 listings so far. i wasn't expecting that many.

i'm in no rush to get the Wii so i was planning to order it off amazon so i'd save some cash on tax, but they already sold out.

i'm gonna call my local Circuit City to see if they have any left and try to use the $40 off coupon.
Has anyone tried sending messages yet? As soon as I get my code posted, I'm going to want to try that. Just so I can see the blue light blink.
Got mine! Pre-ordered at TRU....waited in line anyway. Managed to get a ticket so I sold that to some guy for $100. So my Wii only costed me $150!

Updating now...cya in a few days.
I waited for 12 or 11 hours to get mine. It was a target they had 60 or so, a ton of people showed up the day of right when it opened, they thought it would be like the ds... ignorence is not alwayse bliss. I am glad they sold out so i diden wait in line for nothing.
I preorder at TRU just in case I couldn't get one, instead I walked into BB today at around 10am abd picked up a Wii so I could get more RZ points. Also picked up Zelda with a GGC. Then I went to TRU and got a refund for $55 (Wii & Zelda preorder).

It was easy to do, but as I was leaving BB I noticed they only had about 2-3 Wii's left before they would be completely sold out...
I was going to go see Casino Royale when my friend who works at Kmart called wondering how it went this morning, Kmart told me they didn't have any and he nearly burst out laughing, so apparently they've had the system all day in the back and nobody could figure this out. So here I am at 3 pm getting a Wii when no other store in at least 60 miles has it.
I got mine going to CC at 1 am last night (which was retarded since I had one on order from Amazon). To show that I am not a hypocrite (see the PS3 thread), I am selling my Wii at cost + shipping to my old roommate up in DC.
[quote name='Bazz']Does the News and Weather channel work for anyone?[/QUOTE]

Nope. They won't work until January and December respectively.
Played and enjoyed all of Wii Sports (bowling=awesome, boxing=tough). About 2 hours into Zelda and enjoying it so far. Also played through about 20 of the Rayman minigames, and they're a lot of fun.

Felt like a kid at Christmas last night and today. It was almost like getting my NES all over again. All I could think about was playing, even just futzing around with the Mii's and menu screens. Sadly it's back to work tomorrow, but Thanksgiving weekend couldn't come at a better time. Plenty of opportunity to log some serious Zelda time...
[quote name='pop311']Who here is playing their Wii WITHOUT a component cables on an HDTV? How bad is it really?[/QUOTE]

I have the Wii hooked up to my 32" samsung lcd hdtv and the games look good, not Gears of War good, but good. I have the Nintendo component cables on order, but I'm not waiting on them before playing through Zelda.
GameRush did not get their Wii's on Saturday ( 18th ) like i had hoped, so i had to resort to plan B... then plan C....then plan D. I drove over to the Burbank, CA Target at around 3am just to check things out. I heard those guys were getting 120 consoles... Holy crap, 'so many nerds in LA!! XD 'At 3am, all 120 spots were filled and then some. 'Same deal over at the Best Buy next-door: more people in line than available system tickets.

We ended up driving over to the TRU on Victory and camping out there for the night. #16 in line; got the Wii + Zelda. 'Must say: it was a very mild-mannered and orderly crowd we spent the night with. None of :twoguns: or :boxing: , so yay.

Everyone in our line got one; no one left unhappy ^_^

I got my Wii i'm currently playing.... Ikaruga heh I"m glad my x-arcade works on the wii atleast. Getting Zelda tomorrow and Red Steel and Tramua Center in the next week.
[quote name='pop311']Who here is playing their Wii WITHOUT a component cables on an HDTV? How bad is it really?[/QUOTE]

Yeah, mine is hooked to a Sony 51" RPTV. It looks decent enough, though I can tell it is a bit fuzzy compared to my GC and PS2 (which are hooked via component). It is certainly something I can deal with until I can get the component cables in store with store credit - it isn't worth the extra expense to me to get them from Nintendo. But on something like Wii Sports it is absolutely fine with composite. The Photo channel slide shows don't look too bad either.

However, I was planning on holding off on Zelda until I get the component cables. The problem is that, while Wii Sports and Rayman are alot of fun, I have a feeling we'll be wanting something else within a week :D. I probably ought to buy the one copy of Super Monkey Ball that my Gamerush store got it before it disappears. I have Elebit preordered too, but that's mid-Dec...
bread's done