The "I Smell A Coward! Is That You, Hogan?" "Macho Man" Randy Savage Wrestling Thread

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I am, sadly, now tempted to dig out that Macho Man rap cd, horrible piece of shit that it is. Thanx, BlueSwim.
apparently at the next ppv it will be Taker Vs. Kane in a Buried Alive match...
next main event at the next ppv.
[quote name='JJSP']That sweet luchador mask that comes with preorders for the AAA game? Cancelled due to safety concerns. :([/QUOTE]

Well there's goes any incentive I had for preordering it. It'll probably drop like a rock in price anyways.
[quote name='Purple Flames']Well there's goes any incentive I had for preordering it. It'll probably drop like a rock in price anyways.[/QUOTE]Ditto. No real mask, no real interest(until it hits the bargain a month).

[quote name='Mafia']I am, sadly, now tempted to dig out that Macho Man rap cd, horrible piece of shit that it is. Thanx, BlueSwim.[/QUOTE]:lol::lol::lol: Sometimes the worst albums are the most fun to listen to. Speaking from personal experience on that one. A friend of SwiMom's gave her his country music demo CD that was--bar-none--absolutely the worst music I've ever heard in my life. As a serious effort, it was abysmal. As a "HOLY-SHIT!-I-can't-believe-he's-serious-about-releasing-these-songs-for-people-to-hear!-LOL!" album, the entertainment value is huge. It's become the Rick-Roll of Swim Manor.:lol::lol::lol:
[quote name='neocisco']Steve Austin, scumbag.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='BlueSwim']Some people throw puppies off cliffs. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin opens up a can of whoop-ass on them.[/QUOTE]
Exactly. Stone Cold Steve Austin is such...a...


...such a great human being. :whistle2:#
[quote name='Mr. Beef']Exactly. Stone Cold Steve Austin is such...a...


...such a great human being. :whistle2:#[/QUOTE]:rofl::rofl::rofl:




:rofl: Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband--'cause Stone Cold's rapin' errbuddy out derr.
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It would have been if they had better, more streamlined angles of it. The initial angle, where you just see the top of his and it's from a distance is good, just would have been perfect if it was a little closer in. That second one kinda killed it in my mind. Just my opinion though.
I liked it mainly because of the initial "Ring Miz iz watchin u masterbate" jokes.

I miss that time, because Miz was white-hot but he ended up getting completely buried when Cena finally fought him.
Rumors! Get your rumors!


- The plan is for David Hart Smith to turn heel on Tyson Kidd and Natalya, breaking up The Hart Dynasty.

- MVP has been worried about his position with WWE, noting that he sees younger guys being pushed ahead of him while they’re not doing much with him.

- Michael Tarver was removed from The Nexus because of a groin injury that will keep him out of action.

- At one point, WWE was planning on inducting Mil Mascaras into the Hall of Fame this year and have his nephew, Alberto Del Rio, give the induction speech. No word yet if this is still the plan.

- According to Dave Meltzer, Alberto Del Rio was actually very close to quitting not long ago. He was saying he wasn’t making much money and wanted to return to Mexico. This is around the time they started bringing him on the road and planning the promos that aired on Smackdown.

- The feeling within WWE creative is that things need to change and be shaken up. It’s expected that something big will be happening soon and it may have been decided on already, but is being kept a secret and most of the creative team doesn’t even know what it will be. It’s being said that things will be different in January of next year. Since nobody knows what that means, nobody can tell if it’s going to be a good or bad thing.

- According to Dave Meltzer, Todd Grisham has been taking the brunt of Vince McMahon’s unhappiness with announcing lately. Michael Cole was put on the live SmackDown debut because Vince has been unhappy with Grisham. At one point, Vince cut a promo on Grisham backstage, saying how the show was important and Grisham wasn’t getting the job done.

- Goldust was given the feud with Ted DiBiase because they wanted him to have a program since his autobiography is coming out in December. The idea for the feud came up when someone in creative realized their fathers did a program with each other in WWF about 20 years ago.

- WWE has sent word to people in Mexico that they are looking to bring in more stars from that country. WWE wants the talents to have a good size and be able to speak English.

- While Paul Bearer turning on Undertaker at Hell in a Cell seemed like something of a no-brainer,’s Wrestling Observer Newsletter said that it was not part of the original plan.

Although Bearer’s turn was always a possibility, the original conception of the angle did not have the swerve taking place so rapidly, if at all. Nonetheless, when the idea was suggested in creative, WWE decided it would make for a fitting conclusion to the HIAC main-event.

Despite Bearer’s turn, there is still long-term interest in having Paul Bearer manage Undertaker for a final run. Of course, as speculation about Undertaker retiring has proven incorrect for over ten years, it is far from clear when that final run will be.
The feeling within WWE creative is that things need to change and be shaken up. It’s expected that something big will be happening soon and it may have been decided on already, but is being kept a secret and most of the creative team doesn’t even know what it will be. It’s being said that things will be different in January of next year. Since nobody knows what that means, nobody can tell if it’s going to be a good or bad thing.

I can only hope it's the end of the brand extension.
I appreciate Goldust--but only his Goldust persona. He's a solid wrestler. I'm glad he's using his suplex swinging neckbreaker instead of, one of my least favorite finishers, the scoop slam inverted DDT.

All I hope for with this 'big change' is that it leave the McMahons, and Triple H, off-screen. That's all I ask.

I still think dividing the roster, and making each part exclusive to one show, is important. It allows WWE the ability to push more people in the roster, and guarantees each show will be different.
Austin Aries' new haircut looks like he got in a fight with a weed wacker. And lost. Severely.

Vince has a problem with Grisham? How about Cole repeating "vintage _____" ad naseum? If Vince thinks adding Cole to SD last week was a fix for a perceived problem, he's really out of touch.
[quote name='neocisco']Austin Aries' new haircut looks like he got in a fight with a weed wacker. And lost. Severely.

Vince has a problem with Grisham? How about Cole repeating "vintage _____" ad naseum? If Vince thinks adding Cole to SD last week was a fix for a perceived problem, he's really out of touch.[/QUOTE]

Ultimate ______! I'm guessing you missed him calling Cena the "ultimate non-conformist!" on Monday.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Ultimate ______! I'm guessing you missed him calling Cena the "ultimate non-conformist!" on Monday.[/QUOTE]

I did miss that (and I'm glad for it). Cole is the primary reason I haven't watched Raw since he switched over.
Grisham does a good job. He certainly doesn't add a memorable voice to TV or events, like Styles or JR, but he's not bad.

I love Matt Striker. He adds a lot to the commentary, and helps make WWE tolerable.

And it's time for Jerry Lawler to move to another department within WWE. Outside of a familiar voice, he adds nothing to WWE TV. I'd love to see WWE hire, former ROH commentator, Lenny Leonard. I enjoyed him more than Prazak.

If they hired Leonard, he'd be good on SmackDown to coach Grisham. Striker and Cole on Raw would actually be a solid pairing.

It's a shame JBL's enjoying life post-pro wrestling, and that Styles is relegated to WWE's website. JBL and Styles on SmackDown would be interesting. You would have JBL, the innovator of fake references, and Joey Styles, an encyclopedia of pro wrestling knowledge. I'd watch for their interaction alone.
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^ Nothing would make Vince McMahon more pissed off than someone calling a wrestling match on television.

In other news, full frontal nudity here we come! Latest polls have Linda McMahon down 11 or so points, polling around 40% of voters compared to 51-52% for Richard Blumenthal. Blumenthal's lead over McMahon grew stronger after their televised debate on Monday night. These data come from Rasmussen, a polling agency whose data tend to skew notoriously towards Republican favored outcomes (i.e., this is the best polling chance McMahon would have, based on Rasmussen's methodology).

McMahon recently updated her campaign to add this theme song:
[quote name='Chase']
It's a shame JBL's enjoying lift post-pro wrestling, and that Styles is relegated to WWE's website. JBL and Styles on SmackDown would be interesting. You would have JBL, the innovator of fake references, and Joey Styles, an encyclopedia of pro wrestling knowledge. I'd watch for their interaction alone.[/QUOTE]
JBL would be too busy looking for a right hook to say anything noteworthy.
"Nothing would make Vince McMahon more pissed off than someone calling a wrestling match on television."


He wants all of his commentators to be Tony Schiavones. Somehow, Matt Striker gets away with using a mixed sports entertainment-pro wrestling call style. He calls moves but tells stories in a WWE manner. I think it was JR who posted on Twitter that calling moves actually helps tell a story, or something of the sort. I realize it was a worked shoot, but Joey Styles' speech when he left the WWE commentator table was spot-on: Ignoring the holds and moves is somewhat disrespectful to the athletes. And, calling moves can help tell a story. I suppose this is why there was a period in WWE when the product was really awful, and people were just doing crap in the ring. Perhaps, subconsciously/consciously some talent realized that, in WWE, it doesn't particularly matter what moves they use the ring.

This is why I love Matt Striker. I'm unaware if Vince tells him to do so, but Striker calling moves, referencing WWE/pro wrestling history, and using his pro wrestling knowledge to help educate fans always puts a smile on my face.


[quote name='Ugamer_X']JBL would be too busy looking for a right hook to say anything noteworthy.[/QUOTE]

Hehehe...true, true.
[quote name='Chase']Perhaps, subconsciously/consciously some talent realized that, in WWE, it doesn't particularly matter what moves they use the ring.[/QUOTE]

Which is probably why holds don't exist anymore. Why use a side headlock when you can get club a guy 5 times?
I guess I'm the only one who can't stand it when Matt Striker does commentary then....he doesn't come off as knowledgeable, but as one of those at home wrestling fans who gorged himself in watching footage and obtaining info since the early days and want to force it upon you whether you wanna hear it or not.

And the worst part is his comebacks....which are few and when present...GARBAGE. King will say something to him and he'll be like "......blah blah :("
Striker is good for his experience level.

I look at King as the 'sidekick' announcer, like Paul Schafer on David Letterman or Ed McMahon (to date myself) on Johnny Carson. They contribute nothing, but they're such a legacy performer on the show that they kinda should be there.

The only thing Lawler has going for him is that he's had enough plastic surgery to keep his old ass looking like he's in his mid-50's to keep Vince McMahon's hard-on for him flush enough with blood to keep him on the payroll. Mind you, the lesson learned from Jim Ross's demotion is that it's not what you call or how you call, it's how old you look.

On that note, I wish Michael Cole had progeria.
"I will not be doing MMA/Strikeforce any time soon. So you can see me in the future of the WWE." - Batista
Translation: Strikeforce doesn't want to pay me shit-tons of money, so back to the E I go.


- TNA held drug testing a few weeks back and the wrestlers who failed tests were simply told they failed and there was no action taken or suspensions given over at least some, if not all of the failures.

- It's also expected that either Rob Van Dam or Jeff Hardy will turn heel. It's said that Hogan wants a top heel group that's considered cool like the NWO was.

Why am I always surprised by TNA? Why!?
i've actually grown to like Michael Cole... he's funny and the crap he says is just to piss people off/make guys like me laugh.
I agree about Lawler. He'll stay hired so long as his face doesn't fall apart. And, for the record, I loved Jerry Lawler as a commentator. He had the best heel commentator run I have seen. He just...doesn't do anything, these days. He is exactly like Paul Schafer.

Gotta wonder what TNA is thinking. And what is Fourtune if not a top heel group? Do they want ANOTHER top heel group? If so, how does that make any sense? If anything, they would want a top FACE group, consisting of Van Dam and Flippy Jeff, to be as "cool" as, say, Degeneration X to combat Fourtune.

[quote name='Mr. Beef']- It's also expected that either Rob Van Dam or Jeff Hardy will turn heel. It's said that Hogan wants a top heel group that's considered cool like the NWO was.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='neocisco']The Vince McMahon one was the best. I just need to find it.

Random picture time.[/QUOTE]

Yes indeed.

I can't wait for Big Dave w/ spotlight to come back. I would imagine that Strikeforce's deal falling through, Batista was also talking with New Japan for their 1/4 show and Inoki's IGF group - WWE could have just wanted to make sure that if anyone makes money off his comeback, it's him.
[quote name='neocisco']Ugh. I wish Batista would never show his face in wrestling again.[/QUOTE]

What if he comes back as Brotista? Everyone loved Brotista!

Batista's last few months were really entertaining before he left. Hopefully he sticks with that and they dont turn him face again.
Hahaha...! I had never seen that Jericho clip prior to your posting. Thanks! :rofl: The best part? Big Show cracking up. :D

WWE has way too many heels, and not enough strong faces. I wouldn't be surprised if they turned Batista face upon his return--especially if Cena goes heel. I much prefer Batista to Randy Orton. You know what? I'll probably regret this later, because I'm far from a fan, but I wouldn't mind Triple H returning FOR ONE LAST RUN if it means he'll go against the, probable, heel Cena instead of Randy Orton.

There is something about Orton's persona I don't like (when he's a face). Something just doesn't click together.

(I can't believe I asked for a Triple H return. Good god. Just for the record, I'd prefer the spot be given to Danielson, Morrison, Big Show, or even a face Miz. I just don't see any of them feuding with Cena during his initial heel turn. If that even happens.)


Those two had amazing matches. I always wished Regal held a World title; loved him in WCW, and he has just so much talent.

And what Chris Benoit did is a damn shame. (I know it's 2010. My apologies.) He effectively blacklisted himself from any future recognition as one of the best wrestlers in pro wrestling history.
TNA launched, which features matches, DVD's, and even live streaming of PPV's (the PPV's are $9.99, don't know about the rest of the content). Sounds good, until..

Due to existing contractual obligations with our worldwide Television and PPV partners, only a limited number of countries will have access to watch it online. Countries that will have access include: Spain, Italy, Japan, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Russia, South Korea, Greece and several others.

“Bound For Glory 2010” will NOT be available to watch online in the United States, Canada, United Kingdom, France and Germany. Australia and Mexico will have online access 30 days after PPV airdate. TNA will be working with our TV and PPV partners in the coming months to allow additional countries online access.

It's smart of them to try to go for a worldwide audience (I don't think they were available worldwide before), but blocking out anyone kinda sucks.
I liked Batista as a face. He was never really amazing at it, but it wasn't something I ever really got tired of. He always acted the same anyways, face or heel, but smiled more as a face.

I hope Brotista comes back. And if they try and make him face off against what possibly could be a heel Cena, I could see them sticking with Brotista and still cutting face promos on him.

"Look at how much you've changed, John. You're even more pathetic then when I left. Now, instead of kissing babies and hugging fat girls, you're kissing and hugging Nexus' ass."

Something like that, I guess.
[quote name='Demolition Man']TNA has been available globally for a good amount of time now. In fact TNA has beaten the WWE ratings wise in the UK.[/QUOTE]

I thought WWE was on a pay channel over there?
I was kinda hoping he'd do an mma match first.It feels like a little bit of a letdown.As an mma fan and a pro wrestling fan fighting Bobby Lashley in a real fight would have been way more exciting for me then a return,but its a smart move on Batista's part.Getting wrecked in a fight which he certainly would against Lashley for all to see might have damaged his creditability and how valueable he'd be even if moving back to the E after the fight.So a smart business move,reportedly his asking price was way too high too around 500k for just a single fight.
[quote name='mykevermin']This is fucking awful.[/QUOTE]

Abyss is fucking awful. I have no idea why he's continued to be in the main angles all year. He's so boring.
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