The "I Smell A Coward! Is That You, Hogan?" "Macho Man" Randy Savage Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='Blackout']Abyss is fucking awful. I have no idea why he's continued to be in the main angles all year. He's so boring.[/QUOTE]
wasn't it obvious that he was railing hogan?
[quote name='dkreegz515']wasn't it obvious that he was railing hogan?[/QUOTE]



And, thanks for mentioning TNA, Myke. :mad: I'm now watching TNA for the first time in a long damn time. whathaveyoudone

I dig the pseudo-cinematic backstage promo style. Is that new? Or did I just forget?

When does Kurt's TNA contract end? Honestly, I'd love it if he returned to WWE. I've always wanted to see Angle-Danielson. They could feud over the U.S. title. :drool:

And I dig the Young Bucks. TNA needs to drop their "Buck" surname. Calling them Max and Jeremy is good enough.
[quote name='dkreegz515']wasn't it obvious that he was railing hogan?[/QUOTE]

that would explain the back surgery.

it's not abyss, though. the whole segment w/ bischoff/joe/jarrett and nash/sting/pope was for shit.

24 minutes into the show and no matches yet. instead, the first match will be over the name and music for 'the beautiful people.'

3 minute shitshow match gar-en-teed, then 25 more minutes of talking.
[quote name='BlueSwim']Am I mistaken or are we actually 25 minutes in with NO MATCHES SO FAR!?[/QUOTE]

You are correct. Depending on how long these intros take, it may reach 30 minutes.
[quote name='dkreegz515']wasn't it obvious that he was railing hogan?[/QUOTE]

He's blowing somebody over there. Another guy that really sucks is Anderson. I don't think I could name a single great match he's had. Any value stops once he steps between the ropes. All he's got is that entrance.
[quote name='Chuplayer']You are correct. Depending on how long these intros take, it may reach 30 minutes.[/QUOTE]Good Lord. TNA really has some balls. It takes McMahon-sized grapefruits to burn through half an hour straight of a Pro Wrestling show by talking and still call your company "Total Nonstop Action Wrestling".
Gotta say, that's one reason why I dig WWE starting over again with a new generation of fans: No more "What" chants.

I hated that chant. Damn you, Steve Austin!

And Madison Rayne looks fantastic as a brunette.
"Every prestigious woman's championship", Mickie? Has she won something Tara/Victoria hasn't?
Besides the Arby's Woman's Wrestling Championship?
[quote name='BlueSwim']"Every prestigious woman's championship", Mickie? Has she won something Tara/Victoria hasn't?
Besides the Arby's Woman's Wrestling Championship?


Thanks, man. I needed a good laugh. :rofl:
Foley should have stayed with the 'E.' Probably better pay, less stupid stunts, and, probably, a longer life span. That table bump just knocked 2 years off his life. And, really, I would want Foley in the back, helping book things. He's a smart guy (despite a lack of formal education).
Is it just me or does Mickie seem to have bigger boobs when in TNA?I'm thinking camera lens that makes it a bit wider since the girls seem a tad thicker compared to the E.Either that or all the roast beef sandwitches Mickie eats go straight to her breast.Could be the wonders of a push up bra though.
Yes sir.

I can tolerate garbage wrestling, but would prefer to not see that crap.

And, really, who wants to see Flair or Foley, who paid their dues for decades/set standards for future generations, bleed and beat the shit out of each other with weapons?

I don't.
What a stupid ending.

- edit And a stupid stipulation. They really ripped off Vince McMahon's kiss my ass gimmick.

- edit 2 :rofl: At somebody in the crowd calling Flair "an old fuck"
This is fucking stupid.

Is TNA going to recycle ALL of pro wrestling's bad ideas? Good god.

Edit: TNA reminds me of a dive bar.
I really liked the Flair/Foley match. Thankfully, I didn't have to sit through all the buildup for it. But, dag nabbit, I have to sit through the talking afterward.

over an hour in and two wrestling matches, and now the beginning of another long talkie talk segment.

"This match needs Terry Funk on commentary with a bottle of whiskey. "

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Flair-Foley put on a good show. I was about to blow a gasket if they actually fulfilled the Kiss My Ass (Club) part of the story.

When this "10-10-10" surprise winds up being a heel turn for Hogan, Bischoff, and who-ever-the-fuck-else, I'm going to laugh myself into a coma. A coma being the best way to watch TNA's product.
I think you can get the crowd to chant "This is awesome" at just about anything, as proven with Mick telling Ric to come in the ring to kiss his butt.
After Van Dam's promo, I'm pretty sure Hogan, and crew, will run out during Van Dam-Abyss, and turn heel by siding with Abyss.

If I'm wrong, I'll fuck an elephant while yelling YOGA FLAME, and crap curry into a turban.
Maybe not. :whistle2:#
Beer Money, Machine Guns, GenMe, Magnus/Wolfe, and they put Orlando Jordan and Eric Young on a big show like this.

This goes nicely with Bischoff's comments that they don't have time for the X Division right now. Because this match is super fucking important.
[quote name='Chase']:rofl:

Thanks, man. I needed a good laugh. :rofl:[/QUOTE]

[quote name='Magiblaze']I think you can get the crowd to chant "This is awesome" at just about anything, as proven with Mick telling Ric to come in the ring to kiss his butt. [/QUOTE]I'll never forget the TNA fans chanting "this is awesome!" after only a minute into a match between Angle and Joe.
Really TNA? REALLY? You're REALLY gonna put us through a segment with Jersey Shore knockoffs?

Also, I'm pretty sure "Cookie" is Rebecca Bayless. the company yall always talk about???

I tuned in an hour ago....and I haven't seen anything that has made me stare at the screen...except that knockoff jersey shore girl. I'd fuck her.

And is that how those people on jersey shore act??? Another show I'd feel ashamed to watch....

Yall can have it
This is the stupidest battle royal I have ever seen. 2+ minute entrances, 45 seconds of "fighting", 1 person comes out, by the time they hit the ring, the theme music for the next person hits, OHTAZWEHAVETOGOTOCOMMERICAL

- edit And they come back from commerical and 6 more people are in the ring.
[quote name='diddy310']TNA's going to think that X-Pac style heat was a good thing.[/QUOTE]
I was thinking the same thing.Instead of axing it quickly they'll just think it was a good thing.Oddly enough the real jersey shore is on right now at the same time as that horrible segment.
Go fuck yourself, J-E-Double F J-A-Double R-E-Double T.

No matter how hard he tries, Jarrett just doesn't have main-event qualities. Shit, I don't even like him in the mid-card.

Kurt Angle looks to be in much better shape than he was during production of what-ever-the-heck-TV-show-or-film he filmed.
[quote name='diddy310']That wasn't even parody, that was eyefucking you with a direct copy of the original[/QUOTE]
I just found out you're right

My roommate is asleep with that crap on. If that was my TV, I'd be thrown out the window!!!
An observation: There has been a lot more profanity during the TNA Live discussion.

TNA wrestling cures apathy.
They just came off as two assholes who happen to use catchphrases and dress like the people from Jersey Shore. They aren't actually playing the character.
[quote name='Chase']That video is frightening yet very amusing. ;)[/QUOTE]People put the dumbest shit on YouTube.:lol::lol::lol:

My mind's made up, the next time I eat at Arby's I'm going through the drive-in and asking for a "Mickie James with melted cheese".

[quote name='diddy310']TNA's going to think that X-Pac style heat was a good thing.[/QUOTE]:rofl::rofl::rofl:
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