The countdown HAS ENDED, what will or has happened?

So basically this was all just some elaborate marketing gimic designed to get people excited about a halo 2 demo that didnt come out on the day it was supposed to?

On the other hand it could be something they;re shipping to stores today but because it's tuesday and most stores don't get their deliveries until late or in some cases wendsday there's nothing for anyone to really see untill tomarrow.

Just a guess.
[quote name='Alpha2']So basically this was all just some elaborate marketing gimic designed to get people excited about a halo 2 demo that didnt come out on the day it was supposed to?

On the other hand it could be something they;re shipping to stores today but because it's tuesday and most stores don't get their deliveries until late or in some cases wendsday there's nothing for anyone to really see untill tomarrow.[/quote]

They're not shipping anything, there is no demo. There was never a demo that was "supposed" to come out in the first place, that was just a fan-fueled rumor.

But you're right on about the marketing gimmick. This thing has people going nuts.

Update - "pillow" failed with only one axon. Only 3 left for the day. Still got a LONG way to go before 777, only have 64 at this point...I'm wondering if they have something completely different cooked up for filling in more of the "progress bar" at the top of the ILB fun stuff page.

[quote name='Goodtone']Did I get everybody riled up about John Titor or did you already know about it?
(at least it makes for an interesting read)

....for those of you who don't know...go here:

To get back on the real subject, go here and let us know when you understand what is going on:[/quote]

Do you have a bet with someone to see how many times you can link to John Titor's site in the same thread or something?
things have pretty much slowed down now due to the fact that there isn't much left to do until the next set of Axons or what not show up. It's too bad we missed a few of those or maybe we'd have a clearer picture of whats going on...
I didn't feel like opening a new topic, and I've already made several pointless posts on this thread today ("Hey, have you all seen the Halo 2 trailer that is two months old!"). But I digress.

I made a stop at Gamestop today (if I spend a lot of money at Home Depot, I have to balance it somehow)...the manager there was discussing making promotional posters for the Halo 2 release. The kicker? They will open at midnight on Tuesday, November 9 to sell the game (however, he claimed that they would only cater to those who have preordered and paid for the game entirely).

Is this old news? Maybe; but perhaps that's what I'll become known for. The late news.

What do you mean paid for the game fully? If you put down the $5 to reserve the game they better have a copy for you!
Oh, BTW, I can confirm that promo posters for Halo 2 have been sent out to EB.. my brother was printing them out when I was over his house the other day.

EB, AFAIK, will stay open all night that night.

I was standing at the pay phone at the location with about 10 others. Around the time, someone sent a person to check the Pizza Hut next door. Apparently, they called the Pizza Hut, and when the girl there picked up, she said "I dont who this is" and hung up on them.

I don't go into work till Thurs. but I guess I could stop at EB tomorrow to see whats you're saying we already got the posters about staying open up to midnight for Nov. 9? Thats early...
[quote name='Professor Oreo'][quote name='trq'][quote name='redrobot']The most intriguing one is the shirt that says "11+9+4=24" in halo writing. Wonder what that means.[/quote]

Well, the "11+9" is obviously the release date. Not sure about the rest, though...[/quote]

Hmmm... I'm also thinkin' that "11+9+4" is Halo2's official release date (11/9/2004), and when you finish the equation by adding it all together you get "24", which is today's date. There's probably a little more to it than that, but right now it escapes me...[/quote]Wow. That's pretty interesting. This entire thing might just be about the OXM issue that came out today. You'd think that the magazine would have something to do with a demo or something, but obviously not.

I've read through this entire thread and this is very entertaining. It could all be about nothing, but right now, it seems to link to other things.
[quote name='Indiana']What do you mean paid for the game fully? If you put down the $5 to reserve the game they better have a copy for you![/quote]
I'm simply paraphrasing the manager - I have no idea what the reality of the situation is. I assume that what he meant, however, is that priority will be given to those who have paid in full (over those who have reserved, but not paid in full).

We all know what happens when you assume though, don't we?
[quote name='zewone']They are expecting alot from us and not really giving much. [/quote]

Based on a quote from an e-mail from my list this afternoon, I disagree that they are not giving much.
"I did a little interweb sleuthing and did a domain lookup on
"" - it's registered to a Margaret something-or-other, the
"owner" of the website. There is a phone number for the DNS entry.

I called the phone number and got a voicemail box, with "Dana" on it,
saying that she was going very far away, and that she loved her mother,
and this and that.... Apparently emails to Dana and Margaret are
being answered once in a while - but not frequently."

They are *that* detailed about the website; along with the times and coordinates, they must have put significant effort into the planning behind this. Whether or not you like it, it must have taken some time to put this together.

It makes you wonder what the release date would have been if they didn't go to all this trouble? :shock:

[quote name='LeviathynX']
1K posts & all I got was this lousy rank
1K posts & all I got was this lousy rank

Joined: 30 Apr 2004
Posts: 1515
Location: Castaic, CA

Post Posted: August 24, 2004, 1:28 pm
Post subject: Reply with quote

Lay off with the John Titor crap already. That nonsense got old a long time ago. It was a reverse Turing test and the subjects in the audience FAILED.

It was a basic mass psychology experiment. Will modern highspeed communications allow you to create a Nostradamus-like figure in the space of just a few months? The answer, it sadly turns out, is yes.

Think you could tell us where you found out this information, so I can actually get some sleep tonight![/quote]

Because I remember when it was going on and seeing what kind of people were drawn to it then. It was no different than a endless series of hoaxes before it. Very engaging to a casual glance but falls completely apart under any hard scrutiny. What was even more telling was the sort of people who swallowed it hook, line, and sinker. If you look on the forums discussing this you'll find people who think Bush being re-elected will be a confirmation of the civil war claims, because, after all, "these are the same people who staged the 9/11 attacks to create an excuse to tear up the Bill of Rights."

Most of the believers are Art Bell listeners. That in itself says everything.
I know this is kinda late to post, but I had to go to work and I just got off...I and a few other guys answered the phone at the second hot Say_Something call...all I can say was that it was awesome...they put some of the conversations on the site, but they don't put the whole thing. The creepiest part was what they don't put, trust me. Also, it is amazing the amount of thought that was put into this whole thing.
No axons near me, and nothing I can do about it except wait for them all to be hot, so I'm going to bed. I'll check back tomorrow morning.

I hope something big happens, but I won't hold my breath. Still, this is very interesting, all the same.
[quote name='bluenatas09']I don't go into work till Thurs. but I guess I could stop at EB tomorrow to see whats you're saying we already got the posters about staying open up to midnight for Nov. 9? Thats early...[/quote]

Who knows. My brother got the e-mail from the DM, I think. It's nothing big, I mean, it's just printed out on a piece of paper. I don't know if it's only for this region (southeast) or not, my brother's never been one to pass on information.. I asked if he made that, he said "no", and that's about as much as I got outta him.
[quote name='Shayde']Whats the deal with this?[/quote]

If you "view source" you can read what it says better. It reminds me of a similiar conversation the Sleeping Princess had with the Pious Flea (I think it can be found at Dana's blog).

I'll check back wayyyy later when the next stage has gone into effect. Now that we're just waiting for all the conversations to go hot, this is getting to be old news.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']Wait...this was all a promotion for Halo 2? That sucks... :?

So when did people begin to realize that this was to promote Halo?[/quote]

Are you being sarcastic? The whole thing began with the Halo 2 trailer being shown in theatres a month ago.
[quote name='Gothic_Walrus']Wait...this was all a promotion for Halo 2? That sucks... :?

So when did people begin to realize that this was to promote Halo?[/quote]


What is the secret of precognition?
[quote name='JimmieMac']So is it going to give us more wavs when we unlock all these?[/quote]

Some people are theorizing that we will have to complete 777 tasks. The theory that makes the most sense to me right now is that, after all the axons are hot, we will actually start searching for 'the crew'. whomever they may be.
[quote name='Ledhed'][quote name='JimmieMac']So is it going to give us more wavs when we unlock all these?[/quote]

Some people are theorizing that we will have to complete 777 tasks. The theory that makes the most sense to me right now is that, after all the axons are hot, we will actually start searching for 'the crew'. whomever they may be.[/quote]

Part of the game's venture into real life is the implication that WE (or at least those of us who answer the phones) are the crew and just don't know it. The most effective cover identity is one the the agent actually believes. This is a variant of the ever-popular 'changeling prince' plot device.
I am new to all of this, but have read through all of the posts and listened to some of the sound bytes.

Just a crazy idea - Is this possibly another Xbox/Bungie/Microsoft game? Maybe an RPG set in the Halo universe or something... It does not seem to fit perfectly into a Halo 2 mold. More of an RPG - Heavy story type game.

Just an idea.

There are further Halo games already in the preproduction stages that this could be the ground work for, and it's possible they'll explore other game genres. Also, unlike most of their ilk the Halo novels appear to actually contribute a good deal to understanding what is going on. Those who have read the books are catching a lot more references than the rest. I'd ignored them previously but I'm starting to develop the interest in putting aside a couple evenings to check them out.
[quote name='zewone']Maybe. Didn't they promot Halo back in '99 when Marathon was coming out. Isn't that when the Cortana letters came out?[/quote]

They sure did - There were the Cortana Letters, as well as a promotion for Marathon Gold (never released, or even announced other than the e-mail) around the time Marathon Trilogy was popular.

I recall being an avid Mac user (still am), *furious* that MS bought Bungie - today, I'm only glad that Halo exists. What an absolute shame if this game had remained Mac exclusive.

I don't agree with the suggestion of another game. Although it's an FPS, Marathon's storyline was incredibly deep (and featured dueling AI as a major part of the storyline - Durandal and ????). I don't expect Halo 2 to be any less deep.

Ok, I have listened to all of the clips. My best guess, and at this point I feel very confident - This is not about Halo 2.

It is about some girl who has a couple of problems.
1. She is not "all human." Something is wierd with her.
2. Her boyfriend Aiden is cheating on her.
3. Boy #2 is trying to hit on her.

A boy who finds a computer program. The computer program has the ability to take care of itself.

Really, this is more like a story or book. (RPG) What would be an action shooter about it? The plot would REALLY have to develop to engage in a shooter.

Also, only 3 - 5 more sites need to be active before all of the sites are.

Another conclusion - This is not Mom and Pop. This is a decent amount of money. To find all the payphones, and call them is significant.

Take Care,
Hmmm... 2 more are up. That leaves us with 3.

There was no "girl" killed. It was the computer program. (tried to sting her)

The girl that kept getting away is Mrs. James.

The only intriguing thing is what can "dad" do to make everything ok? She is only 17, so she should not have to do something...

There is 2 planets. Earth and Coral.

What I've inferred so far:

Jersey Morelli finds an AI has taken over his PDA. After the initial shock, he gives it a name and discovers it can spy on almost any subject he gives it. After finding out some surprising information, he decides to follow a certain...

Janissary James. After a supposed drunken dare with friends, she was apprehended by MPs. They give her an intensive PQI similar to a lie detector test.

Her father, a suspicious James James, picks her up. On the drive(?) home he scolds her, telling her she knew what would happen, that people would get hurt. He then apologizes, saying that its not her job to set things right. An unspecified amount of time passes when a radio call comes through of a fire at a police station.

Meanwhile, a man named Kamal is preparing for a blind date with a girl from Coral. His friend Hiroyuki teases him, but then offers to give him tips from a dating book. Somewhat overconfident, he goes on the date but is rejected.

Kamal frantically calls Hiro asking for advice. Turns out he didn't need it after all. The girl, Sophia, comes back and explains that she already is seeing someone, but is reluctant to tell her parents about the relationship. Her boyfriend, Aiden, is an immigrant smuggler.

Talking about the relationship opens the girl up, and she reveals her fear that he is cheating on her. Kamal mentions that he had the same problem and used a device to track and spy on his ex. Sophia begs him to spy on Aiden.

Fast forward another amount of time, and to Kamal's answering machine. Sophia has found the painful evidence she was looking for. The other woman is named Selene.

Kamal and Soph meet again, and discuss a way to humiliate Aiden. Using the device, she is able to prank the couple while they are eating at a restaurant in Atlanta.

Amazing amount of plot for a few random sound bites. A couple of things I've noticed tied together some of the plots.
The planet (?) Coral is mentioned as well as a distance of 42 (7 * 6, Bungie likes using multiples of 7) light years away. Tuna is mentioned twice, and by Jersey's reaction seems to be a delicacy in the future. Janissary is also important in two of the plots.

I'm interested in what connections this has with the Halo novels. I'm tempted to pick one up as soon as I tear myself away from the computer.
So, what site has the information? I only has these words with a 1/2 or 2/2 on them. Where are the wav files stored?
hmm... That is an amazing amount of info. I got all of it, but I need to go back and seperate out Mrs. James from Sophia. I thought they were one and the same.

I am also not sure of what the police station has to do with. Unless the fire is not fire... (Sensors don't detect it...)

Also, I thought the "message saved" was to her mother. Not back to the boy.

Just trying to piece it together.

It'll be interested to see if anything happens when all 30 entries hit 2/2, or if all the axons need to be connected to get to the next phase.

Right now, if you count all the "AXON HOT" you get 89 which is what is on the status bar 89/777. But no entry has all 7 axons hot. Maybe once all 7 connections are "hot" on every entry additional points are added to get the total closer to 777.

30 (entries) * 7 (connections) = 210
777 - 210 = 567 (additional points unaccounted for)
It's established that Jim James is a very scary kind of guy. It wouldn't be surprising that he has taken steps to give his daughter certain advantages in life.

If she is really his daughter.

I suspect Janissary has some important things in common with the Master Chief. Remember, not just anyone can wear the armor.
[quote name='simpsonps121']hmm... That is an amazing amount of info. I got all of it, but I need to go back and seperate out Mrs. James from Sophia. I thought they were one and the same.

I am also not sure of what the police station has to do with. Unless the fire is not fire... (Sensors don't detect it...)

Also, I thought the "message saved" was to her mother. Not back to the boy.

Just trying to piece it together.


Oh, I think it's a normal enough fire. It's the source that is the question. Mr. James has certain expertise and creating a pattern distribution of destructive force is one of the things you learn in the school he attended. Note that this was designed to allow full evacuation but destruction of all the records, especially very recent interrogations and instrument readings froma young woman that hadn't been backed up off-site yet.
Question - Why do you see Mr. James as having any special skills?

Ah, so the police station that is destroyed is the one Mrs. James was interviewed in...
[quote name='simpsonps121']Question - Why do you see Mr. James as having any special skills?

Ah, so the police station that is destroyed is the one Mrs. James was interviewed in...[/quote]

One of the WAvs has a conversation in which two men are talking about Jim James. He's referred to as 'special Special Forces' suggesting an elite brand of soldier reserved for duties that aren't openly discussed until long after everyone involved is dead.
bread's done