The Incredibles (4-Disc 2 BDs+DVD+DC) $10 DMR Upgrade & Cars (BD+DVD) $8 DMR Upgrade


216 (100%)

[FONT=Verdana, Arial]786936244250 (widescreen)
786936279979 (pan & scan)


[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]786936734041 Blu-ray 1-Disc[/FONT]
786936271898 DVD Widescreen
786936708103 DVD Fullscreen
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[quote name='shrike4242']People need to remember that as these are manufacturer's coupons, Best Buy gets reimbursed for them, so they're not losing any money over them. If they refuse them, people should point out that not only has Best Buy accepted them in the past, they've had ads with said coupons listed in the ads.

I plan to go in there at store open, have them ring out both movies and then hand over both coupons. I'm sure hilarity will ensue after that point.[/QUOTE]

I actually saved that ad just for such a purpose. I'll have printed proof that they should accept them.

Printed out both my coupons. I really hope Target has them on sale, don't want to make the trip to Best Buy. These are old movies, so I'm really cheapass picky on the final price. (a re-release for 25-30+ is ridiculous)
[quote name='Keyboard Cowboy']Just noticed that the bottom of both coupons notes "This coupon cannot be combined with any other offer". Thus, Best Buy has plausible grounds to deny using them with their deal, as will Target if they match the offer. Could be a YMMV situation.[/QUOTE]

thats why you cut the coupon out just above that so they don't see that...just saying...
[quote name='oldboy26']thats why you cut the coupon out just above that so they don't see that...just saying...[/QUOTE]

You know you aren't going to be the only one using this coupon. It's likely the cashier will have another dozen sitting right near them and are fully aware about the rule and can still deny it if they feel like it. If you do use both, you didn't get one over on them, it's more likely that they just didn't care.
[quote name='shrike4242']People need to remember that as these are manufacturer's coupons, Best Buy gets reimbursed for them, so they're not losing any money over them. If they refuse them, people should point out that not only has Best Buy accepted them in the past, they've had ads with said coupons listed in the ads.

I plan to go in there at store open, have them ring out both movies and then hand over both coupons. I'm sure hilarity will ensue after that point.[/QUOTE]

In addition to the coupon's face value, a retailer receives a processing fee (Very lucrative to the retailer if negotiated properly).
A "smart" store takes every coupon.
For those of you in the Midwest, Meijer will have both Cars and The Incredibles for $22.99 each. $12.99 after the DMR coupon is a pretty good deal.
[quote name='dmaul1114']Yeah, I had no problems with Firefox 4.0 either. Only printed once though.[/QUOTE]

I couldn't print on the new version of Firefox on two different computers (both Macs). Safari worked fine though.
[quote name='mrwogs2']For those of you in the Midwest, Meijer will have both Cars and The Incredibles for $22.99 each. $12.99 after the DMR coupon is a pretty good deal.[/QUOTE]

Sweet. Thanks for the heads-up on the Meijer price, I was hoping they'd have it somewhere close to that. Gonna have to make a non-grocery stop there later in the week.
$22 at Best Buy for both movies. That's crazy low. I'm only slightly interested in The Incredible and am seriously considering picking this package up.
Going to try BB first, if they'll take the DMR coupons. $22 including two Cars 2 tickets is too good to pass up. If they won't take the coupons, I'll pick up a sales flyer, and try Target, too see if they'll price match Incredibles, give the $10 off combined, and take the two DMR coupons and the $5 Bunny Munny coupon. If they do all that, it'll be about $15 plus tax for the two.
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[quote name='bthamilton']I couldn't print on the new version of Firefox on two different computers (both Macs). Safari worked fine though.[/QUOTE]

Well there's your problem.

[quote name='chris100185']You know you aren't going to be the only one using this coupon. It's likely the cashier will have another dozen sitting right near them and are fully aware about the rule and can still deny it if they feel like it. If you do use both, you didn't get one over on them, it's more likely that they just didn't care.[/QUOTE]

But the comment on the disney coupons that say they can't be combined are part of the page that is trash anyway. It's outside of the coupon itself, not printed on the actual coupon, just the advertisements that print with it. If Disney were concerned about it, they would put it on the coupon. And if the stores were worried about it, they wouldn't have the specials the first week of release-- knowing that Disney gives the coupons.

I've yet to see a retail store that expected (or even wanted) to receive the entire page the original coupon was on, so cutting it out makes perfect sense to me. :( (I typically use the back of the page to print another coupon, so as not to waste paper.)

Just my opinion...
[quote name='bthamilton']I couldn't print on the new version of Firefox on two different computers (both Macs). Safari worked fine though.[/QUOTE]

Same with me I had to use Safari to print them.
hopefully BB will take the DMR coupons....although i havent had any problems yet *knock on wood*

will be getting both since ive never seen both movies. worth a blind buy.
Anyone think that the TRU deals for buying both and getting an extra $10.00 which is valid all week plus their Friday and Saturday only deal of buy one get one 40% off will stack? I think that would knock the totals down to $17.00 plus tax after the two DMR coupons.
I thought I cancelled my preorder on amazon from long ago for the incredibles and I just got an email that it shipped...

clearly I didn't cancel it.

and they charged me $30.

fml.... if I refuse the shipment that should be enough right?
[quote name='Penguin1084']I thought I cancelled my preorder on amazon from long ago for the incredibles and I just got an email that it shipped...

clearly I didn't cancel it.

and they charged me $30.

fml.... if I refuse the shipment that should be enough right?[/QUOTE]

Yes. do not open the package and do return to sender. You will get a full refund back.
[quote name='Penguin1084']I thought I cancelled my preorder on amazon from long ago for the incredibles and I just got an email that it shipped...

clearly I didn't cancel it.

and they charged me $30.

fml.... if I refuse the shipment that should be enough right?[/QUOTE]Yes, that's correct. Refusing the shipment will send it back to Amazon and they'll process it for refund.
[quote name='shrike4242']Yes, that's correct. Refusing the shipment will send it back to Amazon and they'll process it for refund.[/QUOTE]

Just a question on that, in case I ever need it. What if UPS or whoever leaves it on your porch? Can it just be taken back to ups and returned to sender? Without having to pay for shipping again that is.

[quote name='Mikerocosms']Just a question on that, in case I ever need it. What if UPS or whoever leaves it on your porch? Can it just be taken back to ups and returned to sender? Without having to pay for shipping again that is.

write a note on the front door/mail box.
Dang, was hoping Target would have it the same or cheaper than BB since I need to pick up some things at Target anyway. Oh well, no biggie as they're side by side.

Now to decide whether to just get it, or to do the deal to buy it with Cars. Probably just get it, I've never seen Cars and I'm not the world's biggest Pixar fan--really like the Incredibles and Up, the others I've liked but not as much as those two.
[quote name='Mikerocosms']Just a question on that, in case I ever need it. What if UPS or whoever leaves it on your porch? Can it just be taken back to ups and returned to sender? Without having to pay for shipping again that is.

Yup. I did exactly that one time. Took the package to the local UPS hub, and told them I wanted it returned to sender. They took it no problem and a few days later Amazon gave me a full refund.
I am going to try the Best Buy deal in combination with the two coupons on Tuesday. I'm hoping they won't raise an eyebrow at it, I know that they are supposed to take manufacturers coupons, but we all know how anal some BB reps can be. Also the risk of inept cashiers might come to play, as well.

That aside, both movies for 22 dollars and 2 movie tickets is just too good to pass up, even if I have the original Blu of Cars already.
[quote name='Keen314']Yup. I did exactly that one time. Took the package to the local UPS hub, and told them I wanted it returned to sender. They took it no problem and a few days later Amazon gave me a full refund.[/QUOTE]

Good to know. I tend to get a lot of packages from Amazon so a note wouldn't exactly be the best way about it for me. Thanks.

Cool Beans, im going to try to get some other cheap blu's i want just to throw them off. I got a 30 RZ cert so my luck if it doesnt turn bad would be,

Cars :24.99
Incredibles :24.99
Cloudy / Meatballs : 9.99
Kungfu panda : 14.99
total = 74.96
- 10 combo buy
-10 incredibles DMR
- 8 Cars DMR
- 30 RZ Cert
[quote name='dchrisd']$22 at Best Buy for both movies. That's crazy low. I'm only slightly interested in The Incredible and am seriously considering picking this package up.[/QUOTE]

Incredibles is a fantastic film and at least twice as good as Cars IMO.
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[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']Macs are better than PCs in every possible way except price.[/QUOTE]

lol, yeah right. Price is one reason why macs are not better, so you can't exclude them. The 1,000 dollar macbook would cost about $400 as a pc laptop
I am 100% sure BB will accept my manufacturer's coupons. The only problem is if they will stack them with the $10 off both titles promotion. Did a lot of people here successfully do this back in November with The Sorcerer's Apprentice/Fantasia deal?
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[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']I am 100% sure BB will accept my manufacturer's coupons. The only problem is if they will stack them with the $10 off both titles promotion. Did a lot of people here successfully do this back in November with The Sorcerer's Apprentice/Fantasia deal?


I am going to guess YMMV on this. I expect Tuesday we'll find a lot of successful posts and just as many saying that they wouldn't let them. Without the bonus ten dollars, there's no reason to purchase at Best Buy, really.

I guess if that happens, going to Target to price match could work. A promotional match and two manufacturers coupons might be a lot to swing on a cashier, though.

Regardless, I'll definitely try the promotion at Best Buy and post the results Tuesday.
[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']Yeah, but the thing is if I have problems, I am the last person to waste my time in a debate with a BB worker...[/QUOTE]

You should stand up for yourself, even in situations like this. Especially where money is concerned, really. Advocating for oneself is a major difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones.
Stand up against BB. The employees need to learn the policies instead of doing what they want. I've argued with BB with their price match policy regarding gift card with purchase and it costs them more in the end because they give me a "sorry we suck" gift card to make up for it.
[quote name='eastx']You should stand up for yourself, even in situations like this. Especially where money is concerned, really. Advocating for oneself is a major difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones.[/QUOTE]I laughed. Arguing over 18 bucks is petty and insignificant to me. It's hardly "advocating for oneself."
If it were 5 dollars, I'd agree. Nearly 20 dollars over something that is in fact a store policy is something worth fighting for. Note: "Arguing" is the subjective term, obviously he isn't saying to scream about it, but make it a big enough deal in a rational tone that they honor a store policy or else they might not keep it one.
[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']I laughed. Arguing over 18 bucks is petty and insignificant to me. It's hardly "advocating for oneself."[/QUOTE]
You can laugh all you want. Spoken like true middle class. Only celebrities spend money like that. Real hardworking people know how to stand up for one's self.

[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']I laughed. Arguing over 18 bucks is petty and insignificant to me. It's hardly "advocating for oneself."[/QUOTE]

Every little bit helps, especially when you are already there and have spent the gas. Damn well I'm going to argue, especially when it doesn't hurt them at all to see it my way.
[quote name='Mikerocosms']You can laugh all you want. Spoken like true middle class. Only celebrities spend money like that. Real hardworking people know how to stand up for one's self.

M[/QUOTE]Now I'm laughing at your presumption. You do realize that just because I won't argue for $18 doesn't mean I just go ahead and pay it, right? It means I walk out the door. But hey, I'm a "celebrity", so they'll probably have a red carpet for me to make it worthwhile.

You can also spare me the "hardworking people stand up for what's right" speech, because it went out the door when you pull out your Best Buy handbook to get a cheaper price on your Bambi dvd.
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[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']Now I'm laughing at your presumption. You do realize that just because I won't argue for $18 doesn't mean I just go ahead and pay it, right? It means I walk out the door. But hey, I'm a "celebrity", so they'll probably have a red carpet for me to make it worthwhile.

You can also spare me the "hardworking people stand up for what's right" speech, because it went out the door when you pull out your Best Buy handbook to get a cheaper price on your Bambi dvd.[/QUOTE]

I was ganged up on by staff at a Rite-Aid once because a bag of Combos were stickered about a dollar less than they rang up as and they not only refused to give me the sticker price but they told me I was trying to steal from them or something. To that I just told them to "Eat shit and die" and promptly walked out of the store with ALL of my purchases left on the counter. The mouth-breathing minimum wager then proceeded to call me "an effing cheapskate." I called Corporate on the store and they apologized and said that by law I was in the right.

Haven't been in a Rite-Aid since so these dipshits playing CEO and making up policies really do hurt the sales of stores.
[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']Now I'm laughing at your presumption. You do realize that just because I won't argue for $18 doesn't mean I just go ahead and pay it, right? It means I walk out the door. But hey, I'm a "celebrity", so they'll probably have a red carpet for me to make it worthwhile.

You can also spare me the "hardworking people stand up for what's right" speech, because it went out the door when you pull out your Best Buy handbook to get a cheaper price on your Bambi dvd.[/QUOTE]

LOL, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking, trying to help you get the better deal. My apologies.

[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']Macs are better than PCs in every possible way except price.[/QUOTE]
OT but you can the lack of a standardized VGA out port to that list as well (for Macbooks anyway).
[quote name='prim4444']Thanks, just printed my coupons.

TRU is doing a save extra $10 with purchase of Incredibles and Cars together. Maybe hopefully other retailers will be doing the same.[/QUOTE]

Best Buy is doing this too.
[quote name='VyseArcad1a']Best Buy is doing this too.[/QUOTE]With the promo and DMR coupon you should get it for $14.99.

Edit: I just remembered that the DMR coupon applies after tax is charged. The cost should be around $17.00 to $18.00.
[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']Now I'm laughing at your presumption. You do realize that just because I won't argue for $18 doesn't mean I just go ahead and pay it, right? It means I walk out the door. But hey, I'm a "celebrity", so they'll probably have a red carpet for me to make it worthwhile.

You can also spare me the "hardworking people stand up for what's right" speech, because it went out the door when you pull out your Best Buy handbook to get a cheaper price on your Bambi dvd.[/QUOTE]
I like how you're spending time defending that you wouldn't waste time arguing with a BB employee. Get owned.

When I'm challenged by these clueless workers, I'll debate them just to expose what an idiot they are, regardless of getting the deal.
I'm hoping this will work at my BB. I bought Tangled there a few weeks ago and the store had it listed at $30 but the website had it for $25. The cashier adjusted the price to match the website and then took the DMR coupon with no questions asked. It was a very smooth transaction.
[quote name='Javery']I'm hoping this will work at my BB. I bought Tangled there a few weeks ago and the store had it listed at $30 but the website had it for $25. The cashier adjusted the price to match the website and then took the DMR coupon with no questions asked. It was a very smooth transaction.[/QUOTE]

I had a similiarly smooth transaction at my BB. Ended up with two coupons and an RZ cert while buying Tangled and Black Swan. The CS rep there was super cool. Hoping to get her again.
bread's done