The Incredibles (4-Disc 2 BDs+DVD+DC) $10 DMR Upgrade & Cars (BD+DVD) $8 DMR Upgrade


216 (100%)

[FONT=Verdana, Arial]786936244250 (widescreen)
786936279979 (pan & scan)


[/FONT][FONT=Verdana, Arial]786936734041 Blu-ray 1-Disc[/FONT]
786936271898 DVD Widescreen
786936708103 DVD Fullscreen
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I'm wondering what the chances are that I'll be able to get Target to match the Best Buy deal and take the DMR coupons. Best Buy opens too late for me to get there before work, and they'll probably be sold out by the time I get out from work.

Worth a try, I guess. Anyone had luck with this kind of match at Target in the past?

[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']I am 100% sure BB will accept my manufacturer's coupons. The only problem is if they will stack them with the $10 off both titles promotion. Did a lot of people here successfully do this back in November with The Sorcerer's Apprentice/Fantasia deal?[/QUOTE]

I had no problem doing that at BB with the Sorcerer's Apprentice/Fantasia deal. I got lucky, though, because by the time I got there, I got the last copy of Fantasia they had. Don't really want to risk that again if I can help it.
It's worth a shot at Target if that is your only option.

I'm just going to get to BB at 10AM tomorrow if I can (I hope to be able to sneak out of here for an hour). I had a tough time finding Tangled at Target when I waited until after work.
If Best Buy is putting you off, Toys R Us has the same deal. ... But $30 for Incredibles.

[quote name='flameofdoom666']The only way to get the Incredibles $10 off coupon, is to register the DVD? What if I don't have the DVD? >.
[quote name='trunks982']is there any difference between the old cars bluray release and the new one coming tomorrow besides the cars 2 ticket?[/QUOTE]

This one comes with a DVD copy as well. Other than that, to my understanding, it's identical.
Amazon just dropped the price to 24.99. Nothing yet on any way to sweeten the deal though.

I found this in my gold box today so it only costs about 2 or 3 dollars more to get it from amazon after considering tax and gas (almost $4 a gallon here now :cry:). An alternative for anyone who has long way to go for their nearest target/best buy, at least :D.
Lame, I redeem the offer to get the Incrediable upgrade coupon and Cars one, but didn't print it up (couldn't print it up since the software doesn't like my version of Windows), but the Incrediables coupon has vanished from my page.
[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']FYI, Fry's has Cars Combo Pack for $22.99.


Fry's won't take coupons though
[quote name='tossup']Amazon just dropped the price to 24.99. Nothing yet on any way to sweeten the deal though.[/QUOTE]
Huh? It now says you get $10 if you get the Cars rerelease as well. It may not be as good as Best Buy's deal + DMR coupons, but it's something.
[quote name='Jodou']I like how you're spending time defending that you wouldn't waste time arguing with a BB employee. Get owned.[/QUOTE]You should have spent a few moments figuring out the difference between the two, but I guess thinking is not your strong suit. Nice touch on the "get owned" part, though.
[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']You should have spent a few moments figuring out the difference between the two, but I guess thinking is not your strong suit. Nice touch on the "get owned" part, though.[/QUOTE]
Yeah, so wasting time here complaining about it is a worthwhile venture, yet arguing with a cashier to save yourself money is folly. I was just making an observation of you getting trolled BTW. Your tears are just icing now.
[quote name='iNCREDiPiNOY']pm @ bb[/QUOTE]

Odds are if you price match Fry's on Cars, you can't do the extra $10 for buying both so don't be surprised if they won't let you do that if you are buying both.
Is there a way that someone can link a copy of the coupons or are they one time use things? I enter the UPC on the site and have no idea what the Magic Code is?

After entering the code I see it says "The Incredibles 0 points earned". Whatver that means.
[quote name='ravens52bears54']Is there a way that someone can link a copy of the coupons or are they one time use things? I enter the UPC on the site and have no idea what the Magic Code is?

After entering the code I see it says "The Incredibles 0 points earned". Whatver that means.[/QUOTE]The coupons have unique barcodes, so there's no way to scan the coupon and have it be useful.

You need to print them out with the process on the DMR site, which is putting in the UPC in the place of the Magic Code, and then it'll bring up the page with the coupon to print.
I tried to upgrade code and it said click on coupon below. NADA, ZIP, NOTHING! There was no coupon link on the page. I tried the code again and said I already got the coupon. There web site is such a pain in the @$$. Anyone else have this issue. I sent them an email about the issue.
I tried calling a local target here in Houston, i asked if they would match the BB deal and they said no. Have they ever matched something like this before?
[quote name='shrike4242']The coupons have unique barcodes, so there's no way to scan the coupon and have it be useful.

You need to print them out with the process on the DMR site, which is putting in the UPC in the place of the Magic Code, and then it'll bring up the page with the coupon to print.[/QUOTE]

Really? I sent a PDF of the coupons to my brother-in-law to use. Now it will be a race to see who can use them first!!
[quote name='Javery']Really? I sent a PDF of the coupons to my brother-in-law to use. Now it will be a race to see who can use them first!![/QUOTE]

Hmmm... I wonder what would happen if you and your brother in law coordinated and got checked out at the same time with the same coupon.
well you figure that mfg coupons that you cut out of Sunday's paper all have the same code on them... in theory there's no problem with it. BUT there's a reason why most coupon printers don't allow you to print to a pdf file.... So in my opinion it's a matter of do you want to try it...
[quote name='Rirse']Lame, I redeem the offer to get the Incrediable upgrade coupon and Cars one, but didn't print it up (couldn't print it up since the software doesn't like my version of Windows), but the Incrediables coupon has vanished from my page.[/QUOTE]

Yeah, I had the same issue. Created a new DMR account and entered the old DVD UPC and was able to print it just fine.
[quote name='Javery']Really? I sent a PDF of the coupons to my brother-in-law to use. Now it will be a race to see who can use them first!![/QUOTE]

The site will allow you to print each coupon twice, and each printout will have a unique barcode. The dot-scan barcode below the expiration date is the one that matters as far as uniqueness is concerned (which is why the coupon has text on it telling the retailer not to accept a coupon without it). I printed two of each out, and they all had different dot-scan barcodes (going to hit Target up in the morning before work, and then try BB after work to see if they have any left; if they do, I'll buy there with the second coupon and return the ones that I bought at Target -- have to run by BB anyway to pick up the new Elbow, Bell X1, and TV On The Radio CDs, so might as well).

Assuming that you only sent a single coupon for each title to your brother-in-law, you should be able to go to the site and print out a second coupon for each one that you can use.
Got both of the coupons to print out. Not the biggest fan of Cars, but since I'll (hopefully) get it at BB for that price, I'll bite on it.

Thanks OP! I freaking love DMR!
I think BB is the best deal even if they do deny you the additional $10 (not saying I wouldn't try) considering you get movie cash for Cars 2. I already have Cars on BluRay and DvD but I am considering getting both, just for the tickets.
[quote name='8bitlover']I tried to upgrade code and it said click on coupon below. NADA, ZIP, NOTHING! There was no coupon link on the page. I tried the code again and said I already got the coupon. There web site is such a pain in the @$$. Anyone else have this issue. I sent them an email about the issue.[/QUOTE]

you were supposed to click on the banner of each movie. It was not very clear. I missed it on the 1st one..

BUT if you did enter them correctly, the coupons are in your account waiting to be printed out.

click on "my DMR"
click on "unlocked offers"

then click on the earned coupons and print them out.
Just picked up both movies at BB for a total of $24 and change without any issues. Both people in front of me in line bought the same thing lol
[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']Just picked up both movies at BB for a total of $24 and change without any issues. Both people in front of me in line bought the same thing lol[/QUOTE]

Awesome, gonna go hit up my best buy in bit here so I hope I have a similar experience!
[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']Just picked up both movies at BB for a total of $24 and change without any issues. Both people in front of me in line bought the same thing lol[/QUOTE]

Awesome. Can't wait to hit mine up during lunch or after work.
Good to hear that the coupons are working at BB. Were there a lot of copies or just a few? I might go around my lunch break at 12pm. I hope they'll still have both. Thanks!
Anyone try to get the extra $10 off at Target? I'd seriously rather give them my money since they've never hassled me ever.
Ended up making it into Best Buy after all. I had no issue at all with using the coupons with their discount -- the cashier just rang them in without even blinking. After the discount and the coupons, it came out to $9.99 for The Incredibles and $11.99 for Cars (funny that Cars cost me more, when I was considerably less interested in it).

What was really odd was that they only had about six copies of each on the shelf, and I had to hunt to find them. Cars was displayed a bit more prominently, but The Incredibles was stuck away down in a corner where I nearly missed it entirely. Maybe they had more copies in the back or something, but it still seems odd that a new Pixar blu-ray release would get so little emphasis. Definitely glad I made it in this morning, because if that was all they had, I'm sure that they'll be gone by evening.
Picked up both movies at BB with little to no issue.

First thing to remember is that the register will apply a "package price" to the purchase for the $10, which the cashier will have to accept or reject before going to the payment screen. This knocks both movies down to $19.99 each, assuming they don't reject it because they have a case of mental vapor lock.

Next thing, they have to hit F7 for the manufacturer's coupon, since the coupons won't scan via UPC at BB. They will at Target and Walmart, just not BB. The cashier has to put in the amount of the coupon and then accept it, both times for both coupons.

The cashier ringing me out eyeballed the coupons for a while, then deducted them from the purchase. $25.12 out the door + $17 movie cash in-hand.

The movie cash was noted with a white sticker with the Cars 2 logo on the front of the package, on the slipcover. I haven't looked at it in closer detail, though it's likely either on the underside of the sticker or in the package itself.

I think the store I went to (Bridgeton, MO) had maybe 15 or so copies of each, with Incredibles on the shelf in the Disney Blu-ray section and Cars on a shelf off to the side with more Incredibles. Glad I went this morning, as I doubt it would make it through the day before they sold out.
[quote name='arcane93']What was really odd was that they only had about six copies of each on the shelf, and I had to hunt to find them. [/QUOTE]Same here. When I was standing in the aisle, two workers came up to those copies and said "Get Cars and The Incredibles; take all of them" and proceeded to take all the copies to the register in the front for some reason..
I just got back. It worked no problem. The cashier even told me how much she loves the DMR coupons because they make the Disney blu-rays so cheap. She also accidentally put in $10 for each movie but I corrected her (karma) - $24.XX total after taxes (they tax on the full $50, I think). I have noticed that the 3 times I've used a DMR coupon at BB they never scan it - they just do a manual override or something.

Also, go now if you are planning on going. The BB I went to is fairly new and in a not-so-busy area and they are already down to their last 3 or 4 copies of each movie. I actually had to ask the guy stocking the shelves where they were because there was no massive display like I was expecting. I also noticed 2 other people in the DVD section holding white sheets of paper which I assume were the coupons.
[quote name='shrike4242']The movie cash was noted with a white sticker with the Cars 2 logo on the front of the package, on the slipcover. I haven't looked at it in closer detail, though it's likely either on the underside of the sticker or in the package itself. [/QUOTE]

If I remember correctly from past movie cash on Disney releases (I'm thinking of Toy Story 1/2 here, with their offer for Toy Story 3 cash), it will be tied to the DMR code. When you redeem the code on your DMR account, you'll get a link to print your tickets.
[quote name='shrike4242']The movie cash was noted with a white sticker with the Cars 2 logo on the front of the package, on the slipcover. I haven't looked at it in closer detail, though it's likely either on the underside of the sticker or in the package itself.
[/QUOTE]There are no actual physical tickets. The tickets are redeemed on DMR after you submit their respective codes. They are under the "Unlocked Offers" heading once you do this.
Win. Cashier was conflicted about how to ring up both coupons, was worried about "getting in trouble for doing both at once", but in the end said fuck it, and this was the result.

[quote name='Javery']I just got back. It worked no problem. The cashier even told me how much she loves the DMR coupons because they make the Disney blu-rays so cheap. She also accidentally put in $10 for each movie but I corrected her (karma) - $24.XX total after taxes (they tax on the full $50, I think). I have noticed that the 3 times I've used a DMR coupon at BB they never scan it - they just do a manual override or something.

Also, go now if you are planning on going. The BB I went to is fairly new and in a not-so-busy area and they are already down to their last 3 or 4 copies of each movie. I actually had to ask the guy stocking the shelves where they were because there was no massive display like I was expecting. I also noticed 2 other people in the DVD section holding white sheets of paper which I assume were the coupons.
[/QUOTE]BB doesn't have the coupons scan, for some reason. Target, yes, Walmart, yes, BB, no. That's why they have to go to the F7 key and do it that way, since it doesn't scan.

For me, the coupons are applied post-tax at BB, where Target, they're applied pre-tax. Not sure if it's a MO thing or not.

To everyone else, I have to stress the bolded section, since these coupons have a very short timeframe for use, and with movie money attached, they're likely to go quickly while the coupons are live.

[quote name='arcane93']If I remember correctly from past movie cash on Disney releases (I'm thinking of Toy Story 1/2 here, with their offer for Toy Story 3 cash), it will be tied to the DMR code. When you redeem the code on your DMR account, you'll get a link to print your tickets.[/QUOTE]

[quote name='MrOlympiaSC']There are no actual physical tickets. The tickets are redeemed on DMR after you submit their respective codes. They are under the "Unlocked Offers" heading once you do this.[/QUOTE]Oh yes, I forgot DMR movie rewards are different. I'm used to the Quantum movie money with the code. Duh. :dunce:
bread's done