[quote name='urzishra14']I don't like digital press because they put a lot of emphasis on "test, one ofs, and non official" games as the "rarest".... it doesn't lend much to "quality vs rarity"..
like for me.. I can't find Earthbound on the SNES.. i can find pretty much any other game worth playing on it but that one..
heres a question.. since the xbox 360 has now been out a few years, are there any "rare" games for it?.. i only ask because I was just curious and I hadn't heard about too many "hard to find" games for it.[/QUOTE]
I can understand that frustration , but from a collector's perspective , what's going to be the most valuable? Prototypes , demos and short print titles. For perspective on earthbound , it's listed as going for about $25 and is a rarity 2. Considering that so many people can't find the game anywhere , I'd simply chalk that up to anyone that has the game doesn't want to give it up.
Honestly , I don't use the Digital Press guides as a be all resource , but it's a helpful resource for stuff that may or may not be valuable. For example , out of my entire 100+ PS1 collection , only a handfull of titles I have are listed as being a Rarity 4 or higher.
[quote name='SkeletonBrute']I have a game that I want to know if it is RARE, hard to find etc...
Wanderers from YS III on the SNES, I have it, took it to GS a few years back with a boatload of other games, they would not take it, said it was not in their system.
I enjoyed the game quite a bit, and decided to keep it after all. I think I still have the box for it as well. Anyone know how rare that title is?
Y's III : The Wanderes from Y's - $10 , Rarity 3 (less common)
Edit : to be more specific with the rarity listing , rarity 3 is said to be "findable through the proper channels , hard to find on the street , but fairly common online.