The "Is This Game Rare?" Thread

[quote name='SativaSam']I have a couple games in my collection that I've always wondered if they are rare at all or not, guess I'll ask here.

Metal Gear Solid VR Missions
Gex: Enter the Gecko
Gex 3
Bloody Roar 1 & 2
Pocket Fighter
Mischief Makers
Blast Corps
Pokemon Stadium 1 & 2
Spiderman & Venom: Maximum Carnage
TMNT: Tournament Fighters
TMNT: Turtles in Time
Super Mario All Stars/Super Mario World
Dragon Ball Final Bout (JP Version)

I have a few more I'd like to ask about but I'll save them for another time. These were just some I have no idea the value of and was wanting CAG's opinion. Thank you so much guys.[/QUOTE]

none of them are rare
Not a game but an accessory. I have a in package Gold Gameboy Worm Light that was given to me. I can't remember if I read somewhere though that those were the rarer ones and a quick ebay search resulted in nothing for me.
[quote name='Luxuria']Just wondering, how rare is Tetris for the Virtual Boy?[/QUOTE]

It depends. V-Tetris is nigh valueless but 3D Tetris is very rare and expensive. It's a strange situation with the former as it was never even released domestically but apparently had a high enough print run in Japan that its value was permanently obliterated, making it very cheap to import. I got mine for under $10 shipped on ebay back in the day, though the general decline of all things ebay has caused there to be fewer copies available and almost all sold by the kind of ebay store gougers who would ask $20 for Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt given the chance. It's not really worth anything at all.
Alright cool. Thanks. ^^ I didn't even know there were two versions. Was just checking through boxes and started playing it and figured I'd ask for some reason. I have the 3D one. That and Wario World for the VB were such time sinkers for me.
[quote name='Luxuria']Alright cool. Thanks. ^^ I didn't even know there were two versions. Was just checking through boxes and started playing it and figured I'd ask for some reason. I have the 3D one. That and Wario World for the VB were such time sinkers for me.[/QUOTE]

Never got my hands on 3D Tetris, but VB Wario Land is so good that I still tell people it's worth buying a Virtual Boy for.

Now if I could just get a complete copy of Jack Bros reasonably :bomb:

[quote name='lude21']i actually bought V-tetris at a yard sale last year for $10 (complete) and was hoping i found a gem. Oh well :([/quote]

No, that's pretty fair. I may have been exaggerating when I said that it's valueless, as I suppose that its value has gone up by virtue of the small number listed on ebay. None of the gougers have sold their copies, but a complete one in Japan listed auction-style did sell for roughly $20 shipped, which is something.

There are import VB games to always keep an eye out for, though! Although the chances of encountering any are microscopic, Innsmouth Mansion, Space Squash, Virtual Fishing, SD Gundam Dimension Force, Athena Bowling, and probably a couple of others I'm forgetting are all extremely rare and worth a lot.
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Some of the other Japanese Virtual Boy games sell for a ton, I wish I would have jumped on them years ago but I didn't want to spend the money on them then and I doubt I will now.

For those of you who don't know it's about 5-7 games and off the top of my head Space Invaders, SD Gundam, Inmouse Mansion, Space Squash some fishing game and I know I'm missing a few others. All those games never had a US release and a few of those are extremely rare in Japan making them even scarcer here.
I kind of wish Nintendo would remake all the Virtual Boy games, especially Mario Clash and Wario Land/Wario Cruise games on the DS/3DS in full color of course. I remember playing both titles at demo kiosks back in the good old days.

I found a Virtual Boy at a Gamestop a long time ago used for $13 complete. It came with Mario Tennis and that's the only VB game I have.

My rare games:
Snow Brothers NES
Star Craft 64
Harvest Moon 64
River City Ransom GBA
Wario Woods NES
[quote name='anotherpoorgamer']
My rare games:
Snow Brothers NES
Star Craft 64
Harvest Moon 64
River City Ransom GBA
Wario Woods NES[/QUOTE]

Wait, RCR is rare? I picked up two copies recently.

Also, I have Jack Bros =P
Yeah, River City Ransom has the Atlus effect, go figure. I wanted to get that game for a while, there were a few GS that had them around me but not the condition I wanted them in. I guess I should have picked it up for the price they were selling for.

I actually like the idea of updating the Virtual Boy library, hell even put them on the virtual console. It would be an instabuy for me because I still play my Virtual Boy but not as much as I would like because it really is a hassle unless your sitting down with the VB on a table.
Also, I have Jack Bros =P

It's the last SMT game I need to complete my collection :bomb: I have all the Personas, PS2 Megatens, and handheld titles (including Demikids and Revelations: The Demon Slayer) but I've never even come close to a copy of Jack Bros. I already wanted it for a long time just for its rarity, but once I found out that the Jacks in the game were Jack Frost and Pyro Jack it took that to an even higher level.

I also still need Vertical Force, 3D Tetris, and Nester's Funky Bowling, but I have all of the others. I'd almost buy a 3DS just to be able to replay VB Wario Land without having to actually use the VB, but knowing Nintendo their VB games are buried for good. It's a shame because the only truly bad game for the system was Waterworld, though Teleroboxer gave me headaches in 30 seconds flat and I could never win at Virtual League Baseball.
[quote name='elessar123']Wait, RCR is rare? I picked up two copies recently.

Also, I have Jack Bros =P[/QUOTE]

I knew Jack Bros. was rare for the Virtual Boy. I don't know about rare for River City Ransom's remake on the GBA, but it seemed rare to me since I couldn't find a copy for the longest.

I guess my rarest would then have to be a sealed copy of the PS2 game ICO I got from Sears several years ago. It is non-greatest hits copy that I was planning to open once I finished Shadow of the Collossus.

I figured the shelf-ware/tearing on the plastic decreased its value to really nothing with the PS3 collection coming.

Honestly, I don't think ICO is all that rare, to me it is like Super Metroid/Earthbound. Everybody wants a copy of the game, the demand is what's bringing up the price in my opinion.
All this talk about the virtual boy made me update my pics on it, since then I have picked up Jack Bros. The only game I'm missing is the Baseball game by choice, not that it's a hard game to get just that it doesn't fancy me. I suppose I should pick it up, I will put it on my bucket list.

How Rare are these games and how much do you think I could get off ebay:

All are mint and complete unless noted

Lunar 2
Thousand arms
Tales of Destiny 2(eternia)
Suikoden 2(disc only)
Ogre Battle(disc only)

Tales of the Abyss
Stella Deus
Suikoden 4
Suikoden Tactics
Suikoden 5
Persona 3: fes
Steambot chronicles
Well I just came back from a hole in the wall video store thats closing at the end of next week. I did end up buying that Baldur's Gate dark alliance 2 for around $4.75. It doesn't have a booklet but it did come with the disc and case. Yay me
I have a copy of Supreme Warrior for Sega CD, a 2 disc game, where each disc is misprinted for the other (for example, disc 1 is labeled as disc 2, and vice versa). Is this sort of a misprint rare and worth anything? I figure most likely not, but still no harm in investigating. Thanks.
[quote name='DeskLaser']I have a copy of Supreme Warrior for Sega CD, a 2 disc game, where each disc is misprinted for the other (for example, disc 1 is labeled as disc 2, and vice versa). Is this sort of a misprint rare and worth anything? I figure most likely not, but still no harm in investigating. Thanks.[/QUOTE]

Strider 2 on Playstation was like that also. I have never seen a version of strider that was correct so I think they were just printed like that and left. Maybe all of them are like that for Supreme Warrior also?
[quote name='Ray5555']How Rare are these games and how much do you think I could get off ebay:

All are mint and complete unless noted

Lunar 2
Thousand arms
Tales of Destiny 2(eternia)
Suikoden 2(disc only)
Ogre Battle(disc only)

Tales of the Abyss
Stella Deus
Suikoden 4
Suikoden Tactics
Suikoden 5
Persona 3: fes
Steambot chronicles[/QUOTE]

Just about all those PS1 games will go for a hefty sum. Suikoden 2 is worth roughly $100-120 complete, probably $50 disc only. The rest will range from $20-50. Your rarest ps1 games are probably Saiyuki and Suikoden 2. Suikoden 1 used to go for $50, not sure if it still does now that the PSN version is out.

For the PS2 items, they will range from 10-25. Steambot Chronicles isn't worth much or anything if i remember correctly. Your rarest PS2 game is probably Tales of the Abyss, ringing in at $25-ish.

I am a huge collector of rare games, so I'm pretty familiar with rare game prices, but the last time I checked prices on this stuff was roughly 6-8 months ago. Been that long because I essentially have all the rare PS1/PS2 games that aren't imports heh.
So, came across a sealed copy (non-Best version) of Tobal 2 while looking around and reminding myself what I've picked up in the past year or two.

Having trouble finding any reference to value online, so I figure I should check to make sure it's not worth much before I get it into my head to open it. =)
[quote name='Saratinous']So, came across a sealed copy (non-Best version) of Tobal 2 while looking around and reminding myself what I've picked up in the past year or two.

Having trouble finding any reference to value online, so I figure I should check to make sure it's not worth much before I get it into my head to open it. =)[/QUOTE]

The game was never released in the US and was supposedly way better than Tobal 1 so it's rare here in the states. Value wise, it doesn't seem to be worth much more than Tobal 1.
I bought from a goodwill a complete very good condition Suikoden I for PS1 and I am wondering how rare is it? I picked it up for $3.75. In addition I saw a Monster Rancher 1 there complete in good condition how rare is that title?
[quote name='200STM']I bought from a goodwill a complete very good condition Suikoden I for PS1 and I am wondering how rare is it? I picked it up for $3.75. In addition I saw a Monster Rancher 1 there complete in good condition how rare is that title?[/QUOTE]

Neither are really rare, but Suikoden is worth about $30.
[quote name='200STM']I bought from a goodwill a complete very good condition Suikoden I for PS1 and I am wondering how rare is it? I picked it up for $3.75. In addition I saw a Monster Rancher 1 there complete in good condition how rare is that title?[/QUOTE]

Monster Rancher is definitely an excellent pick up at less than $5. You can easily flip it for $25 or more.
[quote name='Dark Rider']Not an "is this game rare question". More of a "in your face" moment.

While going through my old PSX games I found an old, great condition Harvest moon: back to nature. After searching for the price, I was very happy.

Old sale I found:

A lot of Harvest Moons maintain value. I have almost all of them...if not all.
Little Big Planet 2: CE

Is this "rare". Id like to get one, but $80 new seems like a bit much. Was hoping it would drop down...but if it's rare, it might never.
[quote name='GizmoGC']Little Big Planet 2: CE

Is this "rare". Id like to get one, but $80 new seems like a bit much. Was hoping it would drop down...but if it's rare, it might never.[/QUOTE]

Doesn't seem to be rare or overproduced... seems like they produced just enough copies to meet demand so it probably won't drop any further.
i'm curious if the Mass Effect limited Edition is supposed to have any parts that it make rare. I got a copy at a pawn for $10 that has the hardshell (no slipcase), game, bonus disc, and art book. No manual. Is that missing anything that would make it rare?
So my friend, who knows nothing about video games, found a Dreamcast console with two controllers, Power Stone, Capcom vs SNK, Crazy Taxi, a sealed Web Browser, and some sports games..all in a Sega Dreamcast carrying case. She paid $20. How'd she do? All games were complete and in good condition.

She also found a NeoGeo Pocket Color in great condition with some games for $6, and a literally mint condition GBA Indigo for like $7.

[quote name='Yamato']So my friend, who knows nothing about video games, found a Dreamcast console with two controllers, Power Stone, Capcom vs SNK, Crazy Taxi, a sealed Web Browser, and some sports games..all in a Sega Dreamcast carrying case. She paid $20. How'd she do? All games were complete and in good condition.

She also found a NeoGeo Pocket Color in great condition with some games for $6, and a literally mint condition GBA Indigo for like $7.


Good on the Dreamcast, very good on the Neogeo PC, and ok on the GBA.
[quote name='Otherguy676']i'm curious if the Mass Effect limited Edition is supposed to have any parts that it make rare. I got a copy at a pawn for $10 that has the hardshell (no slipcase), game, bonus disc, and art book. No manual. Is that missing anything that would make it rare?[/QUOTE]

I'm not entirely sure but I think there were 3 "books", the manual, artbook, and some guide type book. Missing the manual is no big deal since it's the same as the regular game. Not having the slipcover is probably a significant issue though...

Still, for $10, that's a steal.
Was just curious as to how much the community would value a set of the following PS3 games (all sealed).

Hyperdimension Neptunia (Special edition)
Ar tonelico Qoga (Premium)
Atelier Rorona (Premium)
Trinity Universe (standard)
Cross Edge (standard)
Last Rebellion (standard)
Disgaea 3 (standard edition)
Isn't this the "Is this game rare thread?"

Great pick up on the Mass Effect set, I think it would be cheaper trying to complete it (if possible) than it would have picking it up complete. The Mass Effect LE were actually limited to the first print right?
[quote name='shivan128']Was just curious as to how much the community would value a set of the following PS3 games (all sealed).

Hyperdimension Neptunia (Special edition)
Ar tonelico Qoga (Premium)
Atelier Rorona (Premium)
Trinity Universe (standard)
Cross Edge (standard)
Last Rebellion (standard)
Disgaea 3 (standard edition)[/QUOTE]

$80, $60, $40, $40, $20, $20, $20.

You don't used to go on irc as shivand1, do you?
[quote name='elessar123']$80, $60, $40, $40, $20, $20, $20.

You don't used to go on irc as shivand1, do you?[/QUOTE]

Sorry, I never used irc.
Is the gamecube broadband adapter worth anything? I bought one when it came out and never used it, it has just been sitting in the bottom of my system forever hoping Nintendo would have released something to use it with.
[quote name='RoadDogg']Is the gamecube broadband adapter worth anything? I bought one when it came out and never used it, it has just been sitting in the bottom of my system forever hoping Nintendo would have released something to use it with.[/QUOTE]
I'm pretty sure there is only one game that actually could use it and that game is Phantasy Star. Not sure if anybody ever played it, but that is what that adapter should have been used for.
[quote name='iiinightmar3ii']I'm pretty sure there is only one game that actually could use it and that game is Phantasy Star. Not sure if anybody ever played it, but that is what that adapter should have been used for.[/QUOTE]

Mario Kart DD could LAN up with it too.
[quote name='Nogib']Mario Kart DD could LAN up with it too.[/QUOTE]

You can also play that online with XLink Kai... I think that works with Kirby Air Ride as well.
So I walked into my local GameStop (don't shoot! :lol:) and I was just browsing around. I saw that they had a bunch of CEs on top shelves where hardly anyone can see them. I noticed SMT:DS 2 CE for $19.99. Now, I know nothing of these games and haven't played it, but even the clerk was surprised they had it in stock and said it's "rare." I figured I'd pick it up and take my chances on it.

So, to those CAGs who know about this title, it's a good find, eh? ;)

I closed the thread I started, I forgot we had this here. Thanks to the dude who answered.
I'm not sure anyone is even going to understand what game you're talking about because the icon glitched the name. If you mean Devil Summoner 2 with the stuffed toy then they sell for as little as $20 on eBay. You should be able to get $30 plus if you time it right, but it's hard to tell because there is so much sham bidding on those collectors games.
[quote name='Ed_']So I walked into my local GameStop (don't shoot! :lol:) and I was just browsing around. I saw that they had a bunch of CEs on top shelves where hardly anyone can see them. I noticed SMT:DS 2 CE for $19.99. Now, I know nothing of these games and haven't played it, but even the clerk was surprised they had it in stock and said it's "rare." I figured I'd pick it up and take my chances on it.

So, to those CAGs who know about this title, it's a good find, eh? ;)

I closed the thread I started, I forgot we had this here. Thanks to the dude who answered.[/QUOTE]

I for one never played any of the SMt series, but heard it's good. The game is not rare. Also, GS has a B2G2 free promo until 9/11. So u can get 3 more $20 games and pay only $40 for total of 4 games.
bread's done