[quote name='fwbweux']TL;DR WARNING. ADHD POSTERS BEWARE!
Okay, so this isn’t going to be the most interesting game in the world to discuss, but I halfway believe that I might have unearthed a previously-unknown and very rare GBA game.
Submitted for your consideration is Pocket Professor KwikNotes: Volume 1:
Yeah, it’s educational software, and not the kind of thing that anyone would want for any reason other than potential rarity. However, if my research on this game leads me to believe what I think it does, this is a very low-print game and nearly impossible to come across.
I think that I initially heard about it when just skimming through a master list of GBA games to check ebay prices on. The first sign that something was up was
this listing. Insane ebay gougers are a dime a dozen, but I just had to wonder why someone would be asking SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS for a sealed GBA game. Even sealed copies of Ninja Five-O don’t go above $250. I decided to search for other copies on ebay and elsewhere, and to my surprise there were no other copies on ebay (either active or completed), and the cheapest copy on Amazon Marketplace was ~$120. Currently, there’s a second copy on ebay
priced at $129 sealed from a generic game liquidator who doesn’t provide a picture, and the
cheapest on Amazon Marketplace is $110 sealed.
I figured that this would have to be some kind of glitch, right? Competing sellers with automatic pricing algorithms cause this sort of thing to happen all the time. Though I decided to take a few minutes to do some research on the game itself and dug up some interesting details.
This is a very informative IGN article on the game. Pocket Professor was not available at retail. It was only ever available through the developer’s (now defunct) website and at a MSRP of $125, knocked down to $60 as an “introductory offer” according to IGN. The Amazon page for the game also makes note of it being sold via Home Shopping Network, no doubt for a vastly inflated price. I believe that the price would make it the most expensive GBA game produced, and unless the developers were shameless money-grubbers, a cost 2-4x the MSRP of the average GBA game would seem to indicate that very limited quantities would have been produced. The seeming impossibility to find it online below $100 and the very small quantity even available would attest to this as well.
I also can’t find any real evidence that any remaining stock was ever liquidated to retail channels, though the developer (Pocket Direct) is located in Sandy, UT
according to their Facebook page and an oddly high concentration of copies available are located in UT as well, including the $700 gouger’s copy on ebay and the copy in the picture at the beginning of the post, which I managed to acquire on half.com for $12 from someone who likely didn’t know anything about the game. There was also a cart-only copy for $14 on half if anyone’s interested, though it may be gone now. So, at least, it may have been that Pocket Direct managed to unload their unsold copies locally and maybe a few nationwide, but I’m not going to speculate.
I don’t know if the game is actually
worth nearly what people are asking, but if people can pay huge money for otherwise-worthless games like Flintstones: Surprise at Dinosaur Peak because of low print run, Pocket Professor is probably worth at least something and rarity-wise is at least very uncommon. If any of you made it to the end of this post, congrats, hope this was at least halfway interesting

Never heard of this game. Is it rare? Yes, but the price depends on supply and demand. Pretty sure many people dont know about this game and not highly searched. Nice find to add into your collection.