The Lance Cade Memorial Wrestling thread

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[quote name='Matt Young']Lopez chose to step aside for Conan, by the way.[/QUOTE]
Hopefully Conan will actually bring some real humor back with this new show of his. After the first couple of years of him being on the air his show got really stale.:cry:

Mind you I never really liked the old show all that much in the first place, though having on programming that late sure as hell beats the old days when the national anthem played and stations went off the air at 2am.
Wrestling? What's that? Ninety percent of the time when I've tuned into the 'wrestling' shows from WWE and TNA it's more interview segments and other various yap yap yap and about 10% actual wrestling.:roll:

If that's changed since the last time I actually watched more than 10 minutes of Raw or Impact, then I apologize.

And sorry bout the off topic Conan stuff.
apparently HHH did an autograph signing and was asked about being the 7th member for team WWE again Nexus, when asked he apparently just winked and said "who knows?" i doubt itll be him since interjecting him in this story line makes 0 sense at all. but this is wwe logic.

im going to go with bourne, miz, or danielson as the 7th guy on team WWE.

i said this a few pages back but this show seems really lacking for the second biggest show of the year. as soon as miz and bourne werent part of team WWE i assumed they were moving towards a match with the two at summerslam, but it just hasnt happened. and if they want me to believe miz could cash in the MITB case at anytime, he needs to drop the US title.

im expecting to see at least one "open challenge" type match tonight or something to throw at least one more match on the card.


sheamus over orton

kane over rey

big show over ses

ziggler over kofi

foxx over melina

WWE over Nexus if cena doesnt turn heel, if he does, i doubt the match will finish
[quote name='cdubb1605']apparently HHH did an autograph signing and was asked about being the 7th member for team WWE again Nexus, when asked he apparently just winked and said "who knows?" i doubt itll be him since interjecting him in this story line makes 0 sense at all. but this is wwe logic.[/QUOTE]

Also I can't see them having Triple H return at a PPV with no mention or build-up to it, wasting a big opportunity to capitalize on buyrates.

I would love for it to be Danielson but unfortunately I can't see it happening. Would be awesome though.
I'm not sure what to expect from the results since I kind of expect heels to win most of the matches, but I can't see that happening without either Orton winning the title or Team WWE winning. I'll go with Orton. I like him a lot, though I think Sheamus needs a longer title reign. Melina, I can see winning, especially being in LA, though I could see them stretching that feud out. Unfortunately, I can also see Big Show winning. :whistle2:\ I'm just going to go with what I did for the UFC PPV and pick who I want to win.

Quick Picks:

The Nexus over Team WWE
Orton over Sheamus
Kane over Rey; Undertaker returns
Melina over Alicia Fox
Straight Edge Society over The Big Show
Dolph Ziggler over Kofi Kingston

I wish they'd add some combo of Cody Rhodes/Matt Hardy/Drew McIntyre/Christian. Maybe in a dark match. Last year, it was a divas battle royal with Chavo as the referee.

But anyway, I'll be in section 101 in my CM Punk shirt, and in section 102 for Raw(in a different shirt!)
so look for me if you want! ;)
i say HHH is behind the entire The Nexus thing just like DX

Kane vs Undertaker at the Hell in the cell PPV

2 40 buck PPVS in oct from the wwe im shocked people are even buying ppvs anymore

i love to get WWE on demand but refuse to pay 8 bucks per month for it and 10 bucks to turn it on

to people who have WWE on demand is it worth the cash
[quote name='crr_1119']Also I can't see them having Triple H return at a PPV with no mention or build-up to it, wasting a big opportunity to capitalize on buyrates.[/QUOTE]
They've done that at the Royal Rumble with Cena and Edge in the past few years.
WWE Classics on Demand is a far better use of your money than the PPVs are - $8 a month nets you tons of older stuff, plus WWE PPVs are shown on it a few months after they happen.
The big logic issue with HHH having anything to do with the Nexus match is that he really should be going after Sheamus. That's really the big problem with him coming back... no matter what happens, Sheamus has to get fed to him, killing all momentum.
Danielson is going to be at a Dragon Gate show here in September, so I don't think he's coming back yet.

Europe doesn't get Cena, Show, or Miz on their cover art.
*Debating whether to go to a bar to watch SS, stream it online, or just download it tomorrow morning and watch it at work...
[quote name='JaytheGamefan']WWE Classics on Demand is a far better use of your money than the PPVs are - $8 a month nets you tons of older stuff, plus WWE PPVs are shown on it a few months after they happen.[/QUOTE]

tempted to order it..

i havent ordered The PPVS since 1994

if i knew for a fact that they would keep putting at least 4 major ppvs on i wold buy it tomorrow

but it seems there are only like 2 major ppvs a month if that
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[quote name='BlueSwim']As someone who just lost his Grandpa at the end of July, I know what you've gone through and I send you and your family my best, harry. [/QUOTE]

[quote name='Blackout']Sorry about your grandma Harry. I'm really close to my two grandmothers too and I don't know what I'd do if something happened to them.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the thoughts from you guys also. I send you the same, Blue.

[quote name='mykevermin']

Europe doesn't get Cena, Show, or Miz on their cover art.[/QUOTE]

I like that artwork better than the one we're getting.
[quote name='lmz00']They've done that at the Royal Rumble with Cena and Edge in the past few years.[/QUOTE]

But at the Rumble, you expect that much, especially when they only name 29 entrants.
And also when the huge 7-on-7 match only has 13 men and HHH appeared at Axxess last night for no apparent reason whatsoever. I'd put money on it if I had any money. This is obviously just my opinion but I think at this point, nobody is really going to order the PPV specifically to see someone return for the 49th time, not enough people to justify promoting him. The last time he returned at Summerslam they over-hyped him and nobody really cared when he finally came out. I think a really good surprise, overall, is better for everyone. HHH comes in hot and the fans go home happy, and I think that's better for business than giving them exactly what they expected. Also, Undertaker is in the casket.

Then again, just a guess.
[quote name='diddy310']The guy in the STRONGMAN tights keeps using Colossus' mutant power from X-Men the arcade game.[/QUOTE]


[quote name='mykevermin']:rofl: who the hell is "STRONGMAN"?[/QUOTE]

From what I know, he's some guy from Mexico, or something, that New Japan is using due to some arrangement. Strongman has been, rightly, jobbed out during G1 and only holds one win over some other guy who's been jobbing out to better talent. :)


SummerSlam is tonight. Apparently, the finish to the Team WWE-Nexus match is being kept in secret. I enjoy surprises. We shall see! Anyone care to share any predictions?

(Are there just three matches on this card?)

I think Bryan Danielson may return. That would be an incredible moment--and WWE does like to hype moments. Perhaps the Miz will be Team WWE's seventh member--but Danielson will return and cost Miz/Team WWE the match? If not, then it'll be a less-exciting finish. If there is a surprise, it'll be, as I had thought would happen, the Miz turning on the Team WWE to gain major heat and a new troop, the Nexus.

The Undertaker return and attack Kane. Rey Jr. will win. I think that's an easy guess. But then again, a "huge swerve" isn't warranted for this story, nor do I want to see something out of the ordinary as a finish for this arc. Sometimes, predictable is good.

I could not care less about Sheamus-Orton. I am not a fan with how WWE is trying to make Randy Orton into a "Stone Cold"-esque/face character. Orton could be a tweener but this is definitely not the way to initiate the change. Generally speaking, I find Randy Orton to be a very boring character. He's just...there. He absolutely does not have the "silent charisma" that the WWE seems to think he has.

Edit: I found the announced card.

Dolph retains against Kofi. It makes no sense to give him the title is he's not going to keep it for some time. WWE still needs to build this Dolph-Kofi feud. Having Kofi just win it back means nothing.

CM Punk and his faction will beat the Big Show. Big Show will have CM Punk up in a chokeslam, but Serena will distract Big Show, and lead to Punk somehow pinning Big Show. WWE can tease tension amongst CM Punk and the rest of his faction, but if/when they break up the group, that will be the end of the WWE careers for Gallows, Serena, and Mercury. However, in the long run, it's probably better for CM Punk if he disassociates himself from the group. He has stagnated. This version of the group has run its course. I'd want put to associate himself with two other strong talents. Heck, even though it would be detrimental for the WWE career of Tyler Black, I think good things could occur if they pair-up Black with Punk and have them tear through the WWE.

Alicia Fox versus Melina. Who cares? If they wanted to make the most out of Melina's return, I'd have Alicia constantly win by cheating ways, and then, after a back-and-forth match, have Melina catch Alicia in a moment of weakness and decisively beat Alicia. But it's WWE's women's division--and it's not even the more interesting part of the division. They'll probably simply have Melina win the title. I could not care less.
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[quote name='Survivalism']But at the Rumble, you expect that much, especially when they only name 29 entrants.
And also when the huge 7-on-7 match only has 13 men and HHH appeared at Axxess last night for no apparent reason whatsoever. I'd put money on it if I had any money. This is obviously just my opinion but I think at this point, nobody is really going to order the PPV specifically to see someone return for the 49th time, not enough people to justify promoting him. The last time he returned at Summerslam they over-hyped him and nobody really cared when he finally came out. I think a really good surprise, overall, is better for everyone. HHH comes in hot and the fans go home happy, and I think that's better for business than giving them exactly what they expected. Also, Undertaker is in the casket.

Then again, just a guess.[/QUOTE]

Oh god damn it. I definitely didn't read how
Triple H was at Axxess. Well fuck, there's the "huge, super surprising secret" finish. :( I hope I'm wrong. But, eh, it's not the time for WWE to be spontaneous and interesting.
thinking miz is going to lose his belt and lose when he cashes in. seeing how miz is in nothing for this ppv.

hopefully this is gonna be a good ppv.
Saying he's at Axxess so he'll be wrestling at Summerslam makes as much sense as saying that Arn Anderson will get TV time on Raw because he's backstage. Of course Triple H was at Axxess.. why wouldn't he be? He's one of the company's top stars. It takes a lot more effort to wrestle than to walk around and sign some autographs.

I don't think he'll be the mystery person. Miz hinted at being the guy on Raw, and it's not like he's doing anything else on tonight's card (besides cashing in MitB and winning the strap).
[quote name='Scorch']Saying he's at Axxess so he'll be wrestling at Summerslam makes as much sense as saying that Arn Anderson will get TV time on Raw because he's backstage. Of course Triple H was at Axxess.. why wouldn't he be? He's one of the company's top stars. It takes a lot more effort to wrestle than to walk around and sign some autographs.

I don't think he'll be the mystery person. Miz hinted at being the guy on Raw, and it's not like he's doing anything else on tonight's card (besides cashing in MitB and winning the strap).[/QUOTE]

Solid point. I'm just having a long day, so it's messing with my thought-process.

Triple H winking when asked if he'll be a part of Team WWE is a great way to handle the question. The ambiguity of his answer keeps some people excited.

Miz being a part of tonight's show does make more sense than keeping their next-in-line-to-be-WWE-champion off one of their major shows.
Question: How would you guys feel is Miz cashed in MITB after the Orton/Sheamus match and won the title? Then proceeded to join Team WWE and absolutely crush Nexus? Like, he just suddenly hulks out.
NXT interrupts Dolph/Kingston?! Beating down Kofi. Gotta love how WWE buries some of its talent in order to try to further an angle.
Now this explains why there are rumors of a battle royal tomorrow with 7-Nexus, 7-Raw, and 7-Smackdown people.

Edge is snapping into a Slim Jim, nice.
so.. we're just going to toss that match out? oooookay.. they kinda pissed on the IC title tonight, didn't they? Made it the opening match and had a run-in on one of the "major four" ppv's (Rumble, Mania, Summerslam, Survivor Series)
Miz hulking out and crushing the Nexus would definitely increase his credibility as a future World champion, stamp "Future Endeavors" onto the foreheads of most of the Nexus, continue WWE's streak of placing more focus on individuals instead of teams, and lessen my interest in Raw. Keeping the illusion that Nexus is strong is important. Nexus isn't just a faction, but, as Jim Ross mentioned, Nexus is the first, big step by WWE in legitimately building young talent into "superstars." (God damn it, I hate that terms--but it fits in this context.) Just crushing the Nexus without regard or care would definitely be a step back for WWE. Yes, they helped make the Miz, Drew McIntyre (I originally typed out "Galloway"; whoops), Sheamus, and, uh, future perennial talent enhancement, Kofi Kingston. That's a solid start. But WWE's future needs more than just a handful of new names. Wade Barrett has the presence and mic skill to become something big. He just needs time to develop. Justin Gabriel is good in the ring but lacks mic skill. He too needs time to develop. Michael Tarver has a good, intimidating presence, and good mic skill, but is god-awful in the ring. WWE definitely could do something long-term with the Nexus instead of just jobbing them out.

Edit: Interesting start to SummerSlam.
[quote name='JP']To have the Women's Championship belt cut in half like that is a real disgrace.[/QUOTE]

Not that it mattered when it was one whole title.
[quote name='Demolition Man']Not that it mattered when it was one whole title.[/QUOTE]
Maybe but I still say that is ridiculous.
"Eat it and beat it."


Sounds like they're playing a watered-down version of John Williams' Duel of Fates during this Kane-Sheamus segment.
They'll drag out stuff until it hits right at the hour mark. However with a 7 on 7 elimination match, that could take a while.
He'll stay by ringside to watch the title match or come out at the end, get ready to cash in, boom here comes Nexus. That's my thought.
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