The "Mass Transit" Wrestling Topic

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[quote name='Mr. Beef']


This is awesome....
Myke should steal the pic of Big Bully Busick for his avater.

When your sole claim to fame is being the First person the Undertaker put in a bodybag and you are trying to slum it on the autograph circuit.... yeah you know life is hard. To think here I thought I had it bad being out fo work for almost 1.5 yrs and all.... guess it could be alot worse lol.
[quote name='JJSP']Kimona is alive?[/QUOTE]

I'm just as surprised as you are.

Also just a heads-up: Mick Foley is gonna be back on The Daily Show tonight, so be sure to tune in.
[quote name='Scorch']So, in some weird twist of fate (no pun intended), I've found myself with an available Friday night this week, the same week that TNA is doing their last show at the Asylum. Here's the card.

TNA World Heavyweight Champion "The Charismatic Enigma" Jeff Hardy will defend his title!

TNA Asylum Flashback Match
TNA TV Champion "The Phenomenal" AJ Styles vs. Raven

TNA World Tag Team Championship Match
Motorcity Machine Guns vs. Beer Money, Inc. vs. Ink, Inc.

"The Pope" D'Angelo Dinero vs. "The Monster" Abyss

"King of the Mountain" Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe

TNA Knockouts Championship Match
Madison Rayne vs. The Beautiful People's Velvet Sky

Plus the return of Mr. Anderson!
* Card subject to change *

It might be my last chance to see
for a while since he was just
at the tapings last night. Tickets for the first four rows are $55 each and include a meet & greet, though it doesn't say with who. Rows 5-11 are $39 each, and general admission/bleachers are $23. I've never been to a TNA live event (and I rarely watch it), but this seems like a pretty good card.

I dunno. What do you guys think? I do kind of want to go, and my friend's never been to a live event and he's always said that he's wanted to go to one. This doesn't seem like it'd be a bad first event.[/QUOTE]

I went to 5-6 shows at the Asylum during the Wednesday PPV days and always sat in the bleachers. Assuming the setup is essentially still the same just go with the bleachers. When I was there it was only 3, maybe 4 rows at ringside and then bleachers. Raised seating and it's actually a better view of the ring IMO. The seating arrangements might be changed since I doubt it's still set up for TV tapings but I doubt it's changed very much.
They're supposedly filming the final Asylum show with hopes of releasing it as a DVD or a Spike special, so I assume camera areas will be set up. Either way, I've always hated floor seats for wrestling unless there's no other options. I recommend bleachers if possible just for the better vantage point.
Kevin Nash has reportedly signed a new deal with TNA Wrestling, thus ending his contract dispute with the organization.

The former World Champion last appeared for TNA on the Oct. 14 episode of iMPACT! where he and Sting announced they were walking away from the company rather than joinHogan and Eric Bischoff’s regime.
Well that lasted long.
[quote name='007']Even if Nash hasn't re-signed, I stand by my statement.[/QUOTE]

It's an all purpose memo that can be used for any number of things in TNA. No need not to stand behind it. :)
Honky Tonk Man pulled out of Old School Raw. Said they couldn't come to terms with him. I think a part of it might be because King won't be there.

Also, from Joey Styles

What's the big deal about being able to see "Old School WWE"? It's on TV every week. It's called TNA.
[quote name='guyver2077']So what is known so far about this Raw retro?>[/QUOTE]
old school set and legends throughout is about it right now
On Thursday 11th November 2010, @RealKingRegal said:
I'm having a great tour and wrestling Daniel Bryan has made me realize that unless I can keep up to that standard it's possibly time for me to start winding down.I said it might be my last tour the other day not that it was.I would like to continue with quality and not quantity.Take care.

Hopefully the feud with him is happening now.
Retiring due to not being able to keep up with Daniel Bryan's level means that 75% of WWE's roster would have to leave the biz. ;)
[quote name='diddy310']On Thursday 11th November 2010, @RealKingRegal said:
I'm having a great tour and wrestling Daniel Bryan has made me realize that unless I can keep up to that standard it's possibly time for me to start winding down.I said it might be my last tour the other day not that it was.I would like to continue with quality and not quantity.Take care.

Hopefully the feud with him is happening now.[/QUOTE]

I hope so too. I wish WWE was actually in to wrestling. Bryan and Ziggler have been having great matches on TV and the crowd was into them. Imagine. People going to a wrestling show and watching one on TV want to see wrestling. And now we may be seeing some great stuff in Bryan vs Regal. Fans will cheer during the match and then we'll move on to a segment featuring some semi celebrity, who has as little knowledge of the product as they can get away with, pimping some movie that no one gives a damn about.
I've only partially been following WWE since a few weeks back when Bryan and Ziggler had a series of standout matches on a PPV, Raw, and SD. What have those two done since then?
I was actually at the Mass Transit incident in Revere, MA at an ECW show. Definitely the most blood ever. It was sickening.
[quote name='Scorch']Honky Tonk Man pulled out of Old School Raw. Said they couldn't come to terms with him. I think a part of it might be because King won't be there.[/QUOTE]

...I think part of it might be that HTM is such a petty bitch and he wasn't invited in the first place (he wasn't promoted beforehand like the others were) so he's making up a bullshit story about not being able to "come to terms" and "no longer had a desire to participate." Yeah, sure. What the fuck are the terms? We fly you here and pay you for your time (which isn't worth nearly as much as HTM probably thinks), you come out in your stupid jumpsuit for 90 seconds.
[quote name='mykevermin']I've only partially been following WWE since a few weeks back when Bryan and Ziggler had a series of standout matches on a PPV, Raw, and SD. What have those two done since then?[/QUOTE]

Bryan hasn't gotten into a new storyline since they found out Punk was injured...had a match with Dibiase and was in the 10 man tag against Nexus in the past few weeks.

There's really no heels for him to feud with in the midcard - Dibiase is stuck in the Goldust thing and really shouldn't be near the US title at this point.

Let's just be happy they aren't having him go against Otunga.

Ziggler's been stuck in the whole Kaitlyn/Vickie storyline.
I would love to see a long-term feud between those two where they finally had their blowoff/unification match at WM or another PPV. Since Punk is on the shelf for a bit I wonder if it's not too later to reignit this feud before it goes completely cold.

If Cena and Ortonn can wrestle each other 5000 times a year, then there's no reason on Earth these two can't have a long-standing feud that people are genuinely interest in.
I finally got around to reading about this Mass Transit idiot. i also watched the video of the match. All I can say is what a dumbass.....
[quote name='mogamer']Retiring due to not being able to keep up with Daniel Bryan's level means that 75% of WWE's roster would have to leave the biz. ;)[/QUOTE]

Can't believe I tallied this, but I needed a break from work. Here'a we go!

CM Punk, Billiam Regal (William Steve Bob), probably Santino Marella, Goldust (Se7en), TJ Wilson (Tyson Kidd), Matt Sydal (Evan Bourne), Eddie Colon (Primo), Alberto Del Rio, Dolph Ziggler, Low Ki (Kaval), The Undertaker, MVP, and perhaps Fit Finlay (Finlay).

That's 12--out of WWE's 60 male wrestlers.

So, if my poor match skill is correct, 80-percent of WWE's male wrestler roster would need to pull a grenade pin and swallow an exploding pineapple. ;)

Assessing other wrestlers, I see Joe Hennig (Michael Lotsoluckycharms), Windham Rotunda (Husky Harris), and Wade Barrett improving significantly in the next few years. Gotta say: I'm not a Harry Smith fan. I've seen his work over the years, and he just doesn't 'Wow' me.

Constructively, I would keep Hennig and Rotunda as a tag team, give them the "Fortunate Sons" name, and allow them to work on their mic work (Hennig, to hopefully improve significantly; Rotunda, just to polish).

I'd pair Colon with Yoshitatsu, as I like both talents, and give them the name "Immigration Act" and have them enter to "Immigration Song" by Led Zeppelin. Admit it, that would be pretty bad ass. The song would hype the crowd, then their solid ring work would put them over the edge.

Justin Gabriel-Heath Slater is a decent tag team. I think Skip Sheffield-Justin Gabriel is a better formula. I'm a huge fan of junior heavyweight-big man tag team pairings (a la Shawn Michaels-Kevin Nash). That is a great formula you don't see much of anymore. And this "golden ratio" is why I heavily disagree with WWE breaking up Curt Hawkins-Lance Hoyt. Hawkins-Hoyt would have been the team I would have pushed to the top if WWE had anything resembling a real tag team division. A year or two later, you break up the team, have them feud, see who's the bigger draw, and push that guy to the main event.

What WWE needs is a Junior Heavyweight title. And here's why.

Heath Slater should be working in a Junior Heavyweight division alongside TJ Wilson (I'd make his "Crown Prince" moniker his big heel gimmick), Low Ki, Matt Sydal; Chavo Guerrero, Jr. (to put over the younger talent), and bring up Richie Steamboat.

I'd future-endeavor Darren Young. He has no place on WWE's roster. He, Shad, Chris Masters, Joey Mercury, Luke Gallows, Tyler Reks, and the Dudebusters (Caylen Croft and Trent Baretta) should be released to free up monies. Kofi Kingston and Zack Ryder could easily feud with, and be used to put over, rising talent in the Intercontinental and United States divisions. Tyler Black: Bring him up as a foil or ally for CM Punk, or better yet, have him work a program with Christian. Christian himself should be a name in the main event. He could put over talent and be used to briefly hold titles.

WWE may want to make an effort to sign back Kurt Angle. Have Kurt Angle help Jack Swagger find the inner "All-American Rapist" shit-eating grin he lost. Have them team, the shortly have Swagger beat-up Angle. Chirpy, smug heel Swagger would be a lot better than "Why so serious?", poor man's Chris Jericho heel Swagger. A Swagger-Angle feud would be a great way to introduce Angle as a face, and help legitimize Swagger as a heel.

I would turn Sheamus to face and have him feud with, a heel, Wade Barrett. Add in a, face, Vladimir Kozlov if Barrett needs to beat-up someone. Add in, a heel, Ezekiel Jackson if Sheamus needs to beat-up someone. This would be a great way to build Sheamus and Barrett as characters.

If WWE turns John Cena to heel, I'd have John Morrison complete the loop and feud with the Miz. Here's what should transpire. A heel, Miz (who lost his Money In The Bank title shot) should feud with, a face, Morrison until both guys are assaulted by, Nexus members, (World title-holding) John Cena and David Otunga. Cena gives a generic reason, like "It's time to rid WWE of piss-soaked diaper-wearing babies", and Otunga just nods and laughs. In this feud, Miz turns face and Otunga jobs a lot. At the end of the feud, Miz-Cena (for a World title) is set up, and John Morrison pads out his resume, dominating Otunga in a short feud prior to a feud with/that would build up, new Nexus member, Mason Ryan. Otunga would be released soon after.

Later years mega-heel Chris Jericho, delightfully-smug heel Batista, water-spitting face Triple H, utterly-boring face Randy Orton, perpetual underdog face Rey Jr., The Undertaker, lovable Big Show, and Kane. In the interest of keeping the interest of fans drawn to popular names, feud Triple H with Batista. That should draw. Toss in a "tweener" Randy Orton to feud with both of them. This should happen on Raw. For SmackDown: Have Rey Jr. play underdog to Kane, and toss in the Big Show and Chris Jericho. The Undertaker? Use him less in his semi-active state. Have Undertaker draw Kane away from the Jericho-Rey Jr.-Big Show chaos, and let those two retire together in one, final match. Use a megalomaniac heel Edge in Kane's place.

Using the listed veteran talent, build Alberto Del Rio, Drew McIntyre, CM Punk, Bryan Danielson, Sheamus, Wade Barrett, Cody Rhodes, The Miz, Dolph Ziggler, and every other younger worker that needs it. I think that's what veterans should do, right?

In a world where I had full-control of WWE, this is what I'd do over the next 3-5 years.
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[quote name='Spyder187']Umm.... Yeah. What he said.[/QUOTE]

I took a break from work, and that's what transpired.

Let me do what's right...


...and gong myself.
I hope Ted Dibiase hires The Repo Man to get the Million Dollar Championship back on Old-School Raw next week. I'm calling it now.
[quote name='davo1224']Wait what? Goldust and Santino Marella? Is that a worst wrestlers list?[/QUOTE]
Santino is great in the ring, but the E will never let him show it. And Goldust is still good. I seriously hope you don't think Ted DiBiazzzzzzz is any better than those two. He's like a black hole of charisma.
Is it just me or is anyone else actually shocked the whole 'Nexus' thing is still going? I watched about 20-25 minutes of Raw this past Monday for shits and giggles and after the extremely long Nexus segment with Cena in the ring with them I turned it off again.

I'm shocked WWE has stuck with an angle for longer than their usual two weeks at most.
[quote name='Chase']I'd future-endeavor Darren Young. He has no place on WWE's roster.[/QUOTE]

Good god yes.

The thing is, given the scenario you've created, you're either pushing or releasing guys. Unless you plan on giving everyone a title, you're a bit fucked. You need that middle ground: i.e., the guys who exist as 'name' talent, but who are little more than 'enhancement' talent.

I look back to Hercules, Dino Bravo, Ken Patera, and Rick "The Model" Martel (among others). When you see them come out to the ring, you know the other guy's going over. But that's not the point: the other guy has to establish himself as a threat, and squashing Duane Gill week after week on WWF Superstars isn't gonna get the job done alone.

So you need, effectively, a crew of mid-card jobbers. William Regal's done this for a long time now. I'd throw Christian in there, too; I really like Christian and wish he had a decent main event run, but I also think that the ship sailed on him, and the crowd wouldn't buy it if it happened tomorrow. WWE considered him top card talent for ECW, so why not move him up the roster by making him a job boy on Raw and SD?

Who else should hang onto the roster, but serve to make talent? Kane was great in that role. Hell, I'd even go take a look at Scott Steiner and see how he's holding up physically. Dude is so good on the mic, and was solid upper card enhancement talent in TNA (not to mention WWE matches last 2-4 minutes, who the fuck can't do that?). I'd argue Goldust should head there, too, after his feud w/ DiBiaZZZZZ (I'm so stealing that) ends - yeah, he's hella fit, but he's also in the twilight of his career. Add Zack Ryder, Kozlov, Chavo Guerrero (he's already there anyway), and Joey Mercury. I'd add Finlay, too, but he's an example of someone who is past the twilight of their career.
I heard Finlay showed up at a house show recently, and he was looking pretty out-of-shape. It sucks, because I always liked how Finlay worked in the ring.
The more I see that promo, the more I want Santino to show that side.

I still say that WWE Creative should just have Santino hit his head and then think he's Boris, like an episode of The Flintstones or something. Then have him and Kozlov just wreck shop.
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