The "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Memorial / Tribute Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='neocisco']I feel the same about any guy who is so pathetic that he resorts to hitting a woman. Just because I like wrestling doesn't mean I automatically give them a pass. That would just be stupid and highly hypocritical.[/QUOTE]

While I don't doubt that, I do doubt that the first thing that would come to your mind outside of this conversation would be that they beat women. It would be for their talents that made them famous. No one is giving them a free pass and saying that they weren't wrong for their actions, but as a society we have collectively moved on from it as most of these individuals were punished for their crimes or collectively shunned for a designated period of time. The problem I have with the Chris Brown situation is the guy is pigeonholed as a wife beater and no matter what he does he isn't going to be able to escape that label. Three years down the road he makes a record that wins a Grammy and the first thing that gets brought up is "remember that time he hit Rihanna?" If he was getting the same level of treatment for his action that other people of similar stature have, I wouldn't have an issue with it, but the way he has been singled out for his actions has been unfair.
From what I've seen, he has shown no real contrition for what he did. An explicit admission of what he did and how wrong it was would go a long way but he hasn't done that (to my knowledge). He keeps talking about how he doesn't want to live in the past but there doesn't seem to be any regret for his actions, just for getting caught. In that regard, I'm just fine with his actions consistently being brought up. People who act like that should be publicly shamed on a regular basis.
^ Eh, if you don't follow someone in pop culture, it's kind of a perilous argument to say that they haven't shown remorse. Additionally, that's a catch-22 of its own. Say you're sorry in public and nobody believes you and you're just trying to get attention; act in ways that really show how you've turned your life around, and do so very privately without seeking media attention (I'm thinking of Michael Vick, not Chris Brown), and the public will say you're not showing enough remorse. He's not going to knock on my door and apologize, and I can't begrudge him for that.


So Chris Brown's done nothing in 3 years? Let's stop vilifying the guy, then, jeez.

People do and will still pop for Stone Cold.

Punk should look at the way his own company treats women, to this day, if he's so concerned.
[quote name='neocisco']A village is missing it's idiot.[/QUOTE]

Which would be you since your reading comprehension is severely lacking. No where did i say i condone beating women, just saying rhianna is no where near this innocent child people think she is so why dont you go commit seppuku for all i care.
[quote name='mykevermin']Punk should look at the way his own company treats women, to this day, if he's so concerned.[/QUOTE]

Last night's opening of RAW is a great example of that.
[quote name='renique46']Which would be you since your reading comprehension is severely lacking. No where did i say i condone beating women, just saying rhianna is no where near this innocent child people think she is so why dont you go commit seppuku for all i care.[/QUOTE]

So you're saying she "deserved" it then? No one has painted her out to be an "innocent child", in fact, she's pushed a lot of boundaries with her music and music videos, especially the "man down" video, where she guns down a rapist.

What exactly are you trying to get at by saying "Rihanna is nowhere near this innocent child that people think she is"?

[quote name='Demolition Man']Last night's opening of RAW is a great example of that.[/quote]

Ostracizing a woman for being a whore is completely different from physical abuse. Not only that, but the whole thing is scripted. It's not real. You're equivalating fantasy with reality.
[quote name='Scorch']Ostracizing a woman for being a whore is completely different from physical abuse. Not only that, but the whole thing is scripted. It's not real. You're equivalating fantasy with reality.[/QUOTE]


So I guess its still okay for Cena to call her a "bitch." You know the guy who's supposed to be an role model. Class act there Cena.

Edit: Okay I know its not "abuse" but its still mistreatment of women being depicted on TV. Yeah Eve wasn't in the right but that doesn't make Cena's words last night right either. Oh and great job WWE giving Linda's opponents some great stuff to use in their campaigns against her now. Not that there isn't plenty of other things they could use but still.
[quote name='Demolition Man']:roll:

So I guess its still okay for Cena to call her a "bitch." You know the guy who's supposed to be an role model. Class act there Cena.[/QUOTE]

Again, slander in the fantasy world =/= abuse in the real world.

I'm not saying WWE portrays their women in a particularly positive light, I'm just saying that it's a world away from the Brown/Rihanna situation.

[quote name='renique46']I was talking off topic about just rhianna not the whole chris brown situation. [/quote]

What was the point of jumping into the conversation if you didn't want to talk about what was being talked about in the conversation?
It's not far enough away that an employee of that company (of which Monday's segment was a part, but the pattern on the whole is appalling) should be criticizing someone else.

Poor Chris Jericho, outheeled by a rapper with poor writing skills.
[quote name='renique46']Which would be you since your reading comprehension is severely lacking. No where did i say i condone beating women, just saying rhianna is no where near this innocent child people think she is so why dont you go commit seppuku for all i care.[/QUOTE]

And nowhere did I say or even imply that you condone beating women. I just said you were an idiot. You just read more into your own statement than I did.

[quote name='renique46']People dont know how crazy that rhianna bitch really is they just hear what they wanna hear[/QUOTE]

[quote name='renique46']I was talking off topic about just rhianna not the whole chris brown situation.[/QUOTE]

Talking about Rihanna in this context is talking about the Chris Brown situation. Trying to backpedal to save face. Keep tryin'.

In fact, keep posting, it will just be further confirmation of my idiot assessment.
I'm a little late in this, but right after the Grammy chris brown tried out his new pick up line, " let me get your number, I promise not to beat you!"

That is where the newer hate comes from
I was kind of amused by the Chris Brown / CM Punk thing, but now that WWE has it as their top story on the website I feel a little weird about it. And yeah, whether this is still "legit" or Punk is being egged on by management now that it has taken off, he's being a tad hypocritical with Austin's past being what it is.


[quote name='pitfallharry219']Wasn't KaneRobot the one who made a big show about quitting wrestling about 5 years ago, and it lasted for about 3 days?[/QUOTE]

If you're interested in being my personal historian you're going to have to get your facts straight. I'm flattered you remember my mention of it the time I made the WM-themed OP, though. That was five years ago, so must have been an awesomely memorable post.

I stopped watching wrestling regularly after WM23 for a while - however long it was until the Nexus thing first started, that sort of hooked me back in. I even mentioned when I SAID I was going to stop watching regularly that I'd check in on the news sites since I felt like that was enough and I wasn't missing anything. So for a few years I rarely watched. There's no hidden agenda there so I'm not sure what you are after. I wasn't aware that it was a worthwhile talking point that someone tunes in and out. I've watched it since I was like 6 years old, even if I wasn't watching the current stuff I'd still pop in for a video of Akeem dancing or a weird photo of Magnum T.A. sitting on a motorcycle or a discussion of a Moondog being the original Smash.

[quote name='mykevermin']Grossly inaccurate?[/QUOTE]
No, the term was "strangely inaccurate." Misquoting seems to be a running joke here or something. But "like it matters," right?

You were dumping on Cena, saying he'd said it all before, and then later stroked your dong over Undertaker...You brought up all the Metallica and were gushing about its use, as if it were this amazing thematic overlay...

I'm just going to assume you aren't even reading what I write at this point, so I wish you wouldn't bother responding. Or put me on ignore. Whatever. You're either not paying attention or you're just stupid, and I'm assuming it ain't the latter.

You claimed I said/suggested -

Cena can do no right

What I actually said

Count me among those not impressed with Cena's promo. Same shit, different day. "The Rock isn't here."

That's exactly what happened as far as I'm concerned. You're welcome to disagree but at least show some evidence. That has been Cena's only talking point this whole time - I'm here because I love this place and the Rock isn't because (insert "he doesn't respect you," "he doesn't love WWE," whatever). Ok, we get it. And it has already been responded to. Apparently feeling that the promo did nothing new means I think he can "do no right."

I'd love to see him actually be an antagonist again because he is capable of being entertaining, but he's awful right now. It was a good Cena promo in that he didn't compare someone to poop or pee or act like a pandering cornball - he used that in the opening segment instead. If you're "stroking your dong" over him saying the same shit over and over (minus suggesting Rock is a $$$ since he's no longer allowed to do that) and the little WWE produced inspirational videos where indy guys verbally fellate him, congrats. Based on his charity work and general lack of stories about him pulling political bullshit I'd assume Cena is a very decent guy in real life. Good for him, I'd buy him a drink if I saw him at the bar. That doesn't mean he's an entertaining performer in his current role.

I'll get to the Undertaker thing in a second, but let's get this out of the way...

You claimed I said/suggested -

using Metallica is a great idea


You brought up all the Metallica and were gushing about its use, as if it were this amazing thematic overlay

What I actually said -

I actually like that song ok considering it's post-heyday Metallica, but it definitely wouldn't be my first choice for that feud.


Of course, instead of just saying "oops" your thought is probably "Who cares! Like it matters!" More on that in a minute as well.

If you think I was being too kind to 'Taker when I said he was rusty at first and settled in after (which ain't exactly "can do no wrong" by the way), that's up to you. If you were just trying to shoehorn in the Undertaker comment since I apparently don't criticise him enough for your liking, tough shit. If he does something that stinks, I'll be glad to discuss it. He barely does anything TO discuss these days and when he does perform it's generally very good, so I'm not sure what you're after here. The wig was funny (which I've said before), and I don't want to see HHH vs Undertaker yet again (which I've said numerous times before). Happy now?

I'm no Cena fan, but I at least have the dignity of not living in a world where the people I like only do good things and the people I don't like only do terrible things. You pulled this same hypersensitive shit a few weeks back when someone was criticizing Kane's matches for being boring (that Ambulance match on Sunday night was a massive dose of wrestling melatonin). Someone criticized someone you like and you rush to their defense like a knight on horseback, as if (1) any of this is factually defensible

My defense of Kane's body of work is only as "hypersensitive" as your defensive adulation of Cena (adding a little caveat of "I'm no Cena fan" is a cute touch though - heck, I noticed I even did it when I was mentioning The Rock earlier). While being Kane's VALIANT BRAVE SHINING KNIGHT ON HORSEBACK I mentioned I didn't think he was a top worker or anything but what I was responding to was quite ridiculous ("get him off TV"). It was.

(2) like it matters.

Like any of this shit "matters." It's a pro wrestling discussion thread on a video game website. Or is only the stuff you discuss worth discussing?

Get over it.

Comprehend before responding.
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[quote name='mykevermin']^ Eh, if you don't follow someone in pop culture, it's kind of a perilous argument to say that they haven't shown remorse. Additionally, that's a catch-22 of its own. Say you're sorry in public and nobody believes you and you're just trying to get attention; act in ways that really show how you've turned your life around, and do so very privately without seeking media attention (I'm thinking of Michael Vick, not Chris Brown), and the public will say you're not showing enough remorse. He's not going to knock on my door and apologize, and I can't begrudge him for that.


So Chris Brown's done nothing in 3 years? Let's stop vilifying the guy, then, jeez.

People do and will still pop for Stone Cold.

Punk should look at the way his own company treats women, to this day, if he's so concerned.[/QUOTE]

To clarify, I don't jump on TMZ every day for the latest on Chris Brown but I have a read a fair amount of articles in regard to the abuse situation. I feel that I've seen enough to at least have a basic understanding of his reactions to it and I don't see someone who is sorry for his actions. I don't put a statute of limitations on what someone does if they show no remorse for it. I have no idea where Austin stands in regard to his abuse but, for me, his appearances are tainted by the knowledge of knowing what he did. Hitting a woman is a despicable act and I just have no tolerance for it. That's my take on it so there it is.
This is the report of the incident, according to

“Brown was driving a vehicle with Robyn F. as the front passenger on an unknown street in Los Angeles. Robyn F. picked up Brown’s cellular phone and observed a three-page text message from a woman who Brown had a previous sexual relationship with.

“A verbal argument ensued and Brown pulled the vehicle over on an unknown street, reached over Robyn F. with his right hand, opened the car door and attempted to force her out. Brown was unable to force Robyn F. out of the vehicle because she was wearing a seat belt. When he could not force her to exit, he took his right hand and shoved her head against he passenger window of the vehicle, causing an approximate one-inch raised circular contusion.

“Robyn F. turned to face Brown and he punched her in the left eye with his right hand. He then drove away in the vehicle and continued to punch her in the face with his right hand while steering the vehicle with his left hand. The assault caused Robyn F.’s mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing and the interior of the vehicle.

“Brown looked at Robyn F. and stated, ‘I’m going to beat the sh– out of you when we get home! You wait and see!’

” The detective said “Robyn F.” then used her cell phone to call her personal assistant Jennifer Rosales, who did not answer.

“Robyn F. pretended to talk to her and stated, ‘I’m on my way home. Make sure the police are there when I get there.’ After Robyn F. faked the call, Brown looked at her and stated, ‘You just did the stupidest thing ever! Now I’m really going to kill you!’

“Brown resumed punching Robyn F. and she interlocked her fingers behind her head and brought her elbows forward to protect her face. She then bent over at the waist, placing her elbows and face near her lap in [an] attempt to protect her face and head from the barrage of punches being levied upon her by Brown.

“Brown continued to punch Robyn F. on her left arm and hand, causing her to suffer a contusion on her left triceps (sic) that was approximately two inches in diameter and numerous contusions on her left hand.

“Robyn F. then attempted to send a text message to her other personal assistant, Melissa Ford. Brown snatched the cellular telephone out of her hand and threw it out of the window onto an unknown street.

“Brown continued driving and Robyn F. observed his cellular telephone sitting in his lap. She picked up the cellular telephone with her left hand and before she could make a call he placed her in a head lock with his right hand and continued to drive the vehicle with his left hand.

“Brown pulled Robyn F. close to him and bit her on her left ear. She was able to feel the vehicle swerving from right to left as Brown sped away. He stopped the vehicle in front of 333 North June Street and Robyn F. turned off the car, removed the key from the ignition and sat on it.

“Brown did not know what she did with the key and began punching her in the face and arms. He then placed her in a head lock positioning the front of her throat between his bicep and forearm. Brown began applying pressure to Robyn F.’s left and right carotid arteries, causing her to be unable to breathe and she began to lose consciousness.

“She reached up with her left hand and began attempting to gouge his eyes in an attempt to free herself. Brown bit her left ring and middle fingers and then released her. While Brown continued to punch her, she turned around and placed her back against the passenger door. She brought her knees to her chest, placed her feet against Brown’s body and began pushing him away. Brown continued to punch her on the legs and feet, causing several contusions.

“Robyn F. began screaming for help and Brown exited the vehicle and walked away. A resident in the neighborhood heard Robyn F.’s plea for help and called 911, causing a police response. An investigation was conducted and Robyn F. was issued a Domestic Violence Emergency Protective Order.”
I'm pretty sure the Grammy controversy sits with the fact that Chris Brown pummeled Rihanna on the night of the Grammys three years ago, pulled out of the show, and served a whopping 6 months of community service (which, if I recall, became shortened). The massive backlash comes from the photo of Rihanna later that night being released, putting a face to the violence that occurred in a car as he beat her unconscious.

He accepted a plea deal for anger management (jail would be bad for his image), but flipped out and smashed a window on Good Morning America when asked about the incident. Let's not forget him updating his Facebook that it was Rihanna's fault either.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Stop or My Mom Will Shoot
Jingle All the Way
Hudson Hawk

You can't pick one super shitty movie and then say that defines their career. All three of the guys you mentioned have had some super super shitty fucking movies.

Journey 2 has already made 190 million worldwide. The Rock is a steady box office performer who in the right picture can be a serious box office performer.[/QUOTE]It can take actors decades of making solid movies to live down their mediocre crap and he's just not there yet. If he keeps going like he is, he most certainly will get to that point. Not every movie Sly and Arnold made were good, as you said, but we're talking about Rocky Balboa/Rambo and The Terminator.

And I liked Jingle All The Way because it was terrible.:lol::lol::lol:


Calling a woman a "bitch" for whatever good reason (cheating, lying, etc.) can hardly be seen as bullying. Giving her a black eye and some cuts, on the other hand, is inexcusable. She needs to be trying to seriously injure you for getting physical to be okay in my book.

Could this feud between Punk and Brown be Punk's attempt at stealing some of the thunder away from Cena and Dwayne?
Holy crap, what bomb exploded in this thread?

[quote name='JJSP']I'm pretty sure the Grammy controversy sits with the fact that Chris Brown pummeled Rihanna on the night of the Grammys three years ago, pulled out of the show, and served a whopping 6 months of community service (which, if I recall, became shortened). The massive backlash comes from the photo of Rihanna later that night being released, putting a face to the violence that occurred in a car as he beat her unconscious.

He accepted a plea deal for anger management (jail would be bad for his image), but flipped out and smashed a window on Good Morning America when asked about the incident. Let's not forget him updating his Facebook that it was Rihanna's fault either.[/QUOTE]

I agree with what JJSP said. From what I've seen Chris Brown say, dude appears to not give a shit about beating up a woman. I don't know if he's made a labored effort to show support for battered women, but if he has I haven't seen any buzz in my news feeds.

Unless she's 300-pounds on a psychotic trip, there's no excuse to be physically aggressive towards a woman. And there's definitely no excuse to beat a woman. That's some beta-male, cowardly shit.

For what it's worth, I stopped liking Steve Austin around the time his domestic abuse came to light. And I can't even look at videos of Chris Benoit without feeling disgusted.
And the thing causing the most talk in the wrestling community is something that has no bearing on the product whatsoever (Dear God, I hope not) and is stealing hype away from things they are actually putting effort into. This is WWE.
What else is there to discuss? Mark Henry, injured jobber? Santino: make up your fucking mind, creative? Natalya: fart queen? Sheamus: it's a shameful thing nobody even cares to talk about your WM match? Chris Jericho: from innovative to boring in 5 weeks? WWE Tag Titles: hahahahahaha?

Or, god forbid, the latest "power struggle" storyline involving Teddy Long and Johnny Ace.

I've had my fucking *fill* of power struggle storylines in wrestling. I want to wrest power from the motherfuckers that keep writing about this tripe.
Chris Brown catches way more shit over hitting Rihanna then he should. Tommy Lee went to jail over it and didn't eat anything close to the amount of shit that Chris Brown has. Same thing goes for Charlie Sheen.

He has brought a lot on himself but some of it has to do with him being black.

I'm sure it's because he's black not because of who the other people are.

Stone Cold was a foul-mouthed, beer drinking, pro wrestler. Charlie Sheen has been linked to hookers, drugs, and is absolutely crazy for all intents and purposes. Chris Brown was a teenage R&B musician who sung about dancing and picking up that cute girl he just saw.

Not saying it's right, but people expect behavior like that out of the first two mentioned. When he continues to go on like nothing's happened and goes back to the same tired ass music, and everyone else goes along with it? It's pretty infuriating.
[quote name='davo1224']I'm sure it's because he's black not because of who the other people are.

Stone Cold was a foul-mouthed, beer drinking, pro wrestler. Charlie Sheen has been linked to hookers, drugs, and is absolutely crazy for all intents and purposes. Chris Brown was a teenage R&B musician who sung about dancing and picking up that cute girl he just saw.

Not saying it's right, but people expect behavior like that out of the first two mentioned. When he continues to go on like nothing's happened and goes back to the same tired ass music, and everyone else goes along with it? It's pretty infuriating.[/QUOTE]

I think race might be an issue in why he gets more flack but personally I think a bigger portion of it is the pictures of Rihanna after the beating were not only publicized but they looked terrible. When you humanize the victim, it makes the offender look that much worse.
[quote name='RedvsBlue']I think race might be an issue in why he gets more flack but personally I think a bigger portion of it is the pictures of Rihanna after the beating were not only publicized but they looked terrible. When you humanize the victim, it makes the offender look that much worse.[/QUOTE]
To quote Myke, "winner winner chicken dinner".

I don't think race has much to do with it, more so just that when it happened, they were the Justin & Britney of R&B. He was the face of a nationwide DoubleMint ad campaign and Got Milk ads, she was a huge pop starlet, and not many people expected someone who looked like Urkel with dance moves and no glasses to be capable of beating the crap out of her.
He's only 28 and I groaned when I read the news that he was coming back to the forefront. You don't see very many wrestlers anymore, especially not in the internet age, that are career vagabonds.

Speaking of which does anyone remember Mike Modest, Donovan Morgan, and Reckless Youth? They used to be mentioned in just about every issue of PWI but they never made it to the big time. Their careers and when their peaks were intrigue me.
Didn't Reckless Youth go to TNA? Then faded into oblivion....

Edit: Quick wiki glance says no. Could've swore I read that awhile ago. Oh well.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Chris Brown catches way more shit over hitting Rihanna then he should. Tommy Lee went to jail over it and didn't eat anything close to the amount of shit that Chris Brown has. Same thing goes for Charlie Sheen.

He has brought a lot on himself but some of it has to do with him being black.[/QUOTE]

Tommy Lee and Charlie Sheen's fans aren't all pre-pubescent little girls who now think it's acceptable behavior to beat the shit out of your girlfriend and put her in the hospital.

When you've got little girls on Twitter saying "I'd let Chris Brown hit me," how anyone can sit there and say he gets "more shit than he should" or have the nerve to say it's because he's black is absolutely beyond me and, quite frankly, disgusting.
[quote name='davo1224']He's only 28 and I groaned when I read the news that he was coming back to the forefront. You don't see very many wrestlers anymore, especially not in the internet age, that are career vagabonds.

Speaking of which does anyone remember Mike Modest, Donovan Morgan, and Reckless Youth? They used to be mentioned in just about every issue of PWI but they never made it to the big time. Their careers and when their peaks were intrigue me.[/QUOTE]

Morgan never really did anything outside of work with the old APW crowd (Spanky, Dragon, Daniels, Modest) in indies, as a job guy, and in Japan.

Modest got a deal with WCW like Daniels, but this was weeks before it was the end for them and they all ended up getting cut.

It was a sad day in 2001 when WWF cut basically anyone who was interesting from developmental (all former WCW cruisers and indy guys).

Reckless Youth was a perennial northeastern indy guy (like Quack).

What is sad as a wrestling fan (and following indy wrestling since the early 1990s) is that there are very few guys who can survive for long outside of the major company (ies in the old days and no, TNA is not a major company). The death of wrestling in Japan killed the viability of a lot of the US indy workers getting dates to try to make a living at this. There is such a small window to train, work, and get noticed that by the time many of these guys hit 30 there was not much of a chance to get signed.

Morgan, etc. are all in the 40s now. Sadly, you can look no further than old ROH DVDs to see how quickly guys go from mattering and getting booked to just out of the business entirely. It's a lot rarer in the big leagues because once there, you seldom want to run away from the money and fame you're exposed to --- even as a relative job guy.
[quote name='Survivalism']Tommy Lee and Charlie Sheen's fans aren't all pre-pubescent little girls who now think it's acceptable behavior to beat the shit out of your girlfriend and put her in the hospital.

When you've got little girls on Twitter saying "I'd let Chris Brown hit me," how anyone can sit there and say he gets "more shit than he should" or have the nerve to say it's because he's black is absolutely beyond me and, quite frankly, disgusting.[/QUOTE]

So his ignorant fans mean he should continue to get shit? That logic doesn't work. Chris Brown probably gets thousands of Tweets and I wouldn't expect him to read or reply to them all, especially ones that say its okay for him to beat the Twitter user because they find him so sexy or whatever.

He obviously still has anger issues and is immature and may not even grasp the gravity of his situation if its true he made those pick up lines, but he's not beating any other women.

CM Punk didn't think this one through all the way, especially considering wrestling has its own share of wife beaters like Austin, etc. Austin got a slap on his wrist for beating Debra up with his punishment from the court. No one is in outrage over that. I don't see WWE pointing out that their Hall of Famer has a criminal record for domestic violence. I don't see any fan boys clamoring for Austin vs. Punk on the basis of Wife Beater vs. Defender of Women.

And if CM Punk and others care so much about the fact woman-beaters are out there, maybe they should focus women's shelters and other charitable organizations that address these issues for the victims and survivors, instead of drawing even more attention to a POS like Chris Brown. All of the attention and focus of this serious issue is going to the wrong place, even if Punk claims the proceeds from the fight will go to a women's shelter.

It's not like Mick Foley had to go beat up a rapist to help RAINN's cause. Punk should follow his example with a domestic violence organization if people like Chris Brown bother him so much.
What if this is all a publicity stunt (IE: real world angles, like this past "summer of punk"), and they swerve Jericho/Punk and give us Punk/Chris Brown in a match at WM (read: another Celebrity draw, like Mayweather a few years back)?

I can picture WWE trying to encourage other wrestlers to start "Twitter wars" with celebrities in an attempt to get more mentions from TMZ, etc.

It reminds me of the ZTLIS episode where Ryder is jumping up and down, shouting "CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?! JOHN CENA KNOWS WHO I AM!!!"
WWE's Executive Vice President of Talent Relations and Interim General Manager of Raw John Laurinaitis's campaign to not only become the permanent Raw General Manager, but take over Theodore Long's job as General Manager of SmackDown is expected to culminate with a winner takes all match at WrestleMania XXVIII in Miami, Florida.

The Wrestling Observer reports that a Laurinaitis captained team of heel WWE stars will likely face a babyface team captained by Long at the pay-per-view extravaganza with the winning captain becoming General Manager of both Raw and SmackDown. There is also talk that the bout would replace the Money in the Bank Ladder Match.

*long-winded sigh*
It'll end up as the dark match.


Did anyone else get the email for the EC survey? My answers will probably screw up the curve they're expecting. :lol:
"Do special stipulations (I Quit, Hell in a Cell, etc.) increase your desire to see a match?"

"How often do you watch WWE PPV's?"

You get the gist. The fact that this survey went out makes me think the buy rates were especially low and they're desperate to find a reason so it doesn't carry over to WM. No evidence, of course, just a theory.
[quote name='mykevermin']What if it's not a "good reason," blue swim? Check out that blog post I linked to a page or so back, and let me know what you think.[/QUOTE]To me, calling someone a bitch with the sole intention of hurting, demeaning, or intimidating someone (and probably some other things I'm forgetting) is definitely a no-no. Calling someone a bitch for cheating on you is understandable, in my eyes. Calling them a bitch for not wearing the "right" clothes or something ridiculous like that is idiotic. I don't see anything wrong with joking around with friends or family by calling them a bitch. In fact, calling someone a bitch when jealous of something has been a running gag in my family for years. I wonder if any of these beliefs will change once I sit down and read that piece you linked to?

Jeez, did I use the phrase "calling them a bitch" enough in that last paragraph? :lol::lol::lol:


Here's an idea, WWE; instead of scrapping the MitB match, why don't you put the Raw & Smackdown GM contract in a briefcase and hang it above the ring? First person to climb up a ladder and claim it for their team is what decides who the GM is. That way the fans don't lose out on the MitB match antics and the GM rivalry gets settled at the same time. Simple.
[quote name='BlueSwim']I wonder if any of these beliefs will change once I sit down and read that piece you linked to?[/quote]

I hope you read it and at least consider how WWE employs the context of "slut shaming" in their programming - maybe it will change your mind, maybe it won't. Maybe it'll just make you think about what is implied in WWE programming (and, to be fair, it's endemic of our culture at large, so please don't think I'm singling WWE or even wrestling out here - they mirror our culture more than they form it).

My problem isn't that Eve is a heel, but that she is a heel because she kissed John Cena and "used" Zack Ryder. Her character's actions exemplify that women using their sexuality is always a bad thing (or can be turned into a bad thing). Men who take advantage of women are considered heroic (no good examples come to mind currently on account of not enough coffee this early, but I'm picturing the timeless wrestling scenario of female heel manager/valet who interferes in the match, only to be kissed against their will by the babyface, who does this to garner a major pop from the crowd).

Also, our culture and language has plenty of words for women who do such things (whore/bitch/slut/etc.), but that's not really a domain that exists for men in the same way.

anyway...good discussion.

Here's an idea, WWE; instead of scrapping the MitB match, why don't you put the Raw & Smackdown GM contract in a briefcase and hang it above the ring? First person to climb up a ladder and claim it for their team is what decides who the GM is. That way the fans don't lose out on the MitB match antics and the GM rivalry gets settled at the same time. Simple.

I like this idea, not because I think MITB needs to be shoehorned into WrestleMania this year, but because clusterfuck tag matches always bother me. They always end far too quickly for a variety of inexplicable reasons (other than the obvious "this is a work and we have to get a finish in soon and make sure we stay on schedule). Say, for instance, it's a 5-on-5 match with a one fall finish - theoretically, those matches should go on for AGES (as there's always someone to run in and break up a pinfall attempt). Worse yet is when wrestling books them as elimination matches, because they stuff the matches to the gills with upper-mid-card guys (Miz, for instance, comes to mind) - and suddenly, guys who typically last 7-15 minutes in a match get pinned in rapid succession that just sucks the believability out of the match.

Make it a MITB or ladder match, and you've constructed a match that could end in an instant (everyone powders out, schmozz to the outside, and two are left in the ring where you can book an easy enough finish).

Top shelf idea, dude.
Quick updates from the bizarro land known as WWE executives:

– Following Rey Mysterio’s visit backstage at last week’s Raw SuperShow in San Diego, California, any mention of his name to WWE brass reportedly resulted in a very negative speech. There has been underlying friction on management’s part due to tough contract negotiations and not returning from injuries as early as they’d like. Also, some feel because of his small stature, he’s lucky to be employed to WWE.

Mysterio's contract is up in April. Will he re-sign, or will he take a limited schedule with TNA by the summer?

– A match involving the WWE Divas is expected to take place WrestleMania XXVIII although some company officials are against utilizing the women for the sake of it since the affair would take away time from the bouts people are most interested in seeing.

It’s also been suggested as the pre-show dark match.

Let's not think about *building to* a women's match. Perish the thought! Instead, blame them for their woes.

"Hmm. How can we help elevate the women's division on the whole? Let's toss some ideas around."


"That's it!"
[quote name='mykevermin']Mysterio's contract is up in April. Will he re-sign, or will he take a limited schedule with TNA by the summer?[/QUOTE]

As injury-prone as he is, there's no way he wants to deal with TNA's worker's comp.
So I guess Johnny would get Christian, Del Rio, Henry, Ziggler and Miz?

Teddy I guess would have Kofi,Truth,Santino,Zeke, and Orton?

Orton's kinda random but unless he's getting added to Bryan/Sheamus there's no other place on the card for him without Barrett.
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