The "Mr. Perfect" Curt Hennig Memorial / Tribute Wrestling Thread

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Wade Barrett being injured is likely a blessing in disguise. He has no program to turn to at the biggest point of the year, and he'll be coming back after most of the hype shit that's eating up airtime is off the program (Jericho, Rock/Cena, Taker/HHH). Hopefully he will inject some excitement into the product when he returns.
Cena hit the bull's eye on Dwayne. Everything he said was 100% on the money. Dwayne is playing the WWE and the fans like a fiddle.

As far as I'm concerned, The Rock has been dead these last seven years and he's never coming back. The Rock was passionate about the WWE. Dwayne Johnson wants a paycheck. Every time during the last seven years that he made a surprise appearance, it was only to pander to his "core demographic" with the hopes that by doing so, they would go out and see his latest shitty movie. And wouldn't you know it? Journey 2 hit theaters on February 10th. Coincidence? Of course not. The Rock/Cena match was booked a year out not for hype, not for some long-term storyline, but to coincide with the release of his next movie. Even the WWE's YouTube channel has a video called "The Rock puts his road to Wrestlemania on hold to promote his latest movie "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island". VINTAGE Dwayne Johnson!

The WWE and it's fans lost a lot of guys over the last decade due to injury, retirement, or death; Austin, Michaels, Flair (he's not back in the WWE, so close enough), Edge, JBL (great heel), Eddie, Benoit, Mr. Perfect. All of them were passionate about Wrestling, loved Wrestling. And in column two we have Brock Lesnar, Dave Batista, and The Rock. We didn't have to lose Brock Lesnar. We didn't have to lose Dave Batista. We didn't have to lose The Rock. They left to try to parley their success in the WWE into something else. Brock made a fool out of himself in UFC (even if he lined his pockets), Rock made a fool out of himself in Tooth Fairy (ditto), and Batista's face should be on the side of milk cartons.

Miami or not, Dwayne's hometown or not, Cena fan or not, no self-respecting fan of the WWE or Professional Wrestling should greet "The Rock" kindly at Wrestlemania. Hopefully, Dwayne jobs-out to Cena and that will be the last we see of anyone claiming to be "The Rock" in a WWE ring again.
Not sure if this came up before Raw or not, but if you missed it, they confirmed that the Wrestlefest remake will be out on XBLA/PS3/Android "this year." I'd assume the Android one will be sooner than later, who knows on the other stuff.

Saturn was backstage at Raw. Wonder who he's still in contact with there.


I'm baffled at these people who actually thought and/or expected that "never leaving again" literally meant he was going to be there from now on. That's your fault if you're that gullible, and is probably a sign you need to come out of that insular wrestling fan bubble once in a while. The above post reeks of incredibly selfish self-entitlement, as if Rock personally owes the "WWE Universe" anything more than what he and WWE agreed to at the outset.

Some of you guys seem to have the "Mummy Returns" era mentality that Rock is still a professional wrestler who is letting that damn movie career get in the way. That hasn't been the case for like 10 years now. He's an actor. Accept it and be glad he's there when he is able to show up.

WWE is lucky if the Rock dismissively farts in their direction, let alone appears at the show they want to hype the most for 3 years in a row, assuming his WM29 comment from the other day comes to fruition. Rock is about as close to A-list Hollywood as you can get (if he isn't actually that already). Nitpicking a crappy Disney movie from his resume and acting like it invalidates his career choice is fucking hysterical - I'm pissing myself laughing. If someone is bent that out of shape about The Rock, where's the hate for Jericho, who keeps leaving to do other stuff and will assuredly be out the door again in a matter of months to tour with Fozzy Osbourne or be on a reality show after taking a valuable Wrestlemania main event spot from a guy who has more "passion" for WWE?

I'm not even a big Rock fan myself, but I'll give WWE credit for making a few people actually believe that Dwayne Johnson, who dared to get the fuck out of the wrestling business while he was still healthy and persue a better career, is a horrible person for not showing up on a wrestling show week after week after he agreed to come in and help hype up their biggest show of the year. Again.

The fact that the above post mentions that Brock "made a fool of himself" in UFC is also funny, but that's for another thread. Batista taking a picture of himself wearing his little panties and having a sissy looking mohawk - yeah, I'll give you that one.


EDIT - Nothing to do with the above but I randomly came across another Tom Magee match, this is only the second one I've ever seen posted. If you're not familiar with him read this. Fascinating article on what could have been. Essentially he was going to get the Warrior-level push as Hogan's successor, but well before Warrior even showed up. They canned the idea when it turned out he was incredibly bad in the ring despite some flashy theatrics.

...oddly the below match was probably as good or better than anything Warrior could have pulled off. Once Magee wasn't in there with a capable worker like Horner or Bret Hart the wheels came off though.

This had to be incredibly late in Magee's run as Schiavone was on commentary and he wasn't in the WWF until the very late 80's.
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[quote name='KaneRobot']Yeah, almost as shocking as snipping one part of a post and then making strangely inaccurate comments on the non-quoted part.[/QUOTE]

Grossly inaccurate? You were dumping on Cena, saying he'd said it all before, and then later stroked your dong over Undertaker, who had a promo w/ triple h that, when it wasn't awful, was cookie cutter like a fucking girl scout bakery. You brought up all the Metallica and were gushing about its use, as if it were this amazing thematic overlay, and not a cheap (well, okay, it's not cheap) parlor trick used to put a new coat of paint over a tired feud.

I'm no Cena fan, but I at least have the dignity of not living in a world where the people I like only do good things and the people I don't like only do terrible things. You pulled this same hypersensitive shit a few weeks back when someone was criticizing Kane's matches for being boring (that Ambulance match on Sunday night was a massive dose of wrestling melatonin). Someone criticized someone you like and you rush to their defense like a knight on horseback, as if (1) any of this is factually defensible and (2) like it matters.

Get over it.
[quote name='KaneRobot']

I'm baffled at these people who actually thought and/or expected that "never leaving again" literally meant he was going to be there from now on. That's your fault if you're that gullible, and is probably a sign you need to come out of that insular wrestling fan bubble once in a while. The above post reeks of incredibly selfish self-entitlement, as if Rock personally owes the "WWE Universe" anything more than what he and WWE agreed to at the outset.

Some of you guys seem to have the "Mummy Returns" era mentality that Rock is still a professional wrestler who is letting that damn movie career get in the way. That hasn't been the case for like 10 years now. He's an actor. Accept it and be glad he's there when he is able to show up.

WWE is lucky if the Rock dismissively farts in their direction, let alone appears at the show they want to hype the most for 3 years in a row, assuming his WM29 comment from the other day comes to fruition. Rock is about as close to A-list Hollywood as you can get (if he isn't actually that already). Nitpicking a crappy Disney movie from his resume and acting like it invalidates his career choice is fucking hysterical - I'm pissing myself laughing. If someone is bent that out of shape about The Rock, where's the hate for Jericho, who keeps leaving to do other stuff and will assuredly be out the door again in a matter of months to tour with Fozzy Osbourne or be on a reality show after taking a valuable Wrestlemania main event spot from a guy who has more "passion" for WWE?

I'm not even a big Rock fan myself, but I'll give WWE credit for making a few people actually believe that Dwayne Johnson, who dared to get the fuck out of the wrestling business while he was still healthy and persue a better career, is a horrible person for not showing up on a wrestling show week after week after he agreed to come in and help hype up their biggest show of the year. Again.

The fact that the above post mentions that Brock "made a fool of himself" in UFC is also funny, but that's for another thread. Batista taking a picture of himself wearing his little panties and having a sissy looking mohawk - yeah, I'll give you that one.[/QUOTE]

holy shit thank you.

Im amazed people dont stink like shit from their head being so far up their ass in actually being impressed over that cena promo like a dumbass mark. Seriously stfu, shits recycled plain and simple where was anyone saying it was a great promo the last 5 times he said the same shit last year and who knows how many times at house shows?

All that needs to be said is in this video

Top comment pretty much nails it

"If you think that Rock sold out because he didn't want to end up as a parapalegic or with health problems like Edge and decided to make a living in Hollywood, then you're a fucking moron who's not worth a damn, let alone the effort to entertain."
[quote name='KaneRobot']I'm baffled at these people who actually thought "never leaving again" literally meant he was going to be there from now on. That's your fault if you're that gullible. Yeah, the Rock has been dead for seven years and is never coming back. Rocky does a pretty good job of getting far and away the biggest reaction of the evening whenever he shows know, for a dead guy.

Some of you guys seem to have the "Mummy Returns" era mentality that Rock is still a professional wrestler who is letting that damn movie career get in the way. That hasn't been the case for like 10 years now. He's an actor. Accept it and be glad the show becomes more entertaining when his schedule permits.

WWE is lucky if the Rock fucking dismissively farts in their direction, let alone appears at the show they want to hype the most for 3 years in a row (assuming his WM29 comment from the other day comes to fruition). Rock is about as close to A-list Hollywood as you can get (if he isn't actually that already), and you nitpick a crappy Disney movie from his resume and act like it invalidates his career choice. fucking hysterical - I'm pissing myself laughing. Where's all your hate for Jericho who keeps leaving to do other stuff, and will assuredly be out the door again in a matter of months after taking a valuable Wrestlemania main event spot from a guy who has more "passion" for WWE?

I'm not even a big Rock fan myself, but I'll give WWE credit for making a few people actually believe that Dwayne Johnson, who dared to get the fuck out of the wrestling business while he was still healthy and persue a better career is a horrible person for not showing up on a wrestling show week after week after he agreed to come in and help hype up their biggest show of the year. Again.

The fact that you think Brock "made a fool of himself" in UFC is also funny, but that's for another thread. Batista taking a picture of himself wearing his little panties and having a sissy looking mohawk - yeah, I'll give you that one.[/QUOTE]
On The Rock Being "Dead":
It has nothing to do with the reaction he gets. The "soul" of the Rock we fell in love with is what's "dead" about him. Whenever "The Rock" shows up now, it feels tainted by the fact that he's only here to hawk something.

On You Pissing Yourself Laughing:
It takes a brave man to admit that. I wish you the best of luck in finding a non-pee-stained chair.:lol:

On Dwayne's Acting Career:
Doom. You're giving his movie resume an awful lot of credit. He's no Sly, Willis, or Arnold. His resume just isn't A-list-good yet. The reason why he is as recognizable as he is is because of the WWE. He was a mother fucking cultural icon with them. Had he not been in the WWE, he would have been forgotten by most movie fans LONG ago. Has he even won a major acting award yet?

On Jericho:
Sure, Jericho does other projects, like Fozzy, but he always comes back. Truly back. Wrestles every Raw or close to it. Always shows up. It's obvious that he loves Wrestling. He's a career WWE guy, Fozzy is just a side-venture.

On Brock:
Considering that after his last fight, the Interwebz tore him a new one and begged for him to retire (which he did a few minutes later), I'll stand by my comment.
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Wasn't KaneRobot the one who made a big show about quitting wrestling about 5 years ago, and it lasted for about 3 days?[/QUOTE]

To be fair, haven't we all been there before?

I'm at the point where I don't watch SD at all, I haven't watched TNA in a looong time as well, and I turn off Raw by 10:45 most Mondays.

We can all criticize things about each others' tastes, but I'm pretty sure we've all frequently experienced the "god, why do I watch this shit?" feeling more often than we admit.

[quote name='renique46']Top comment pretty much nails it

"If you think that Rock sold out because he didn't want to end up as a parapalegic or with health problems like Edge and decided to make a living in Hollywood, then you're a fucking moron who's not worth a damn, let alone the effort to entertain."[/QUOTE]

Top comment is a straw man, but thanks for trying. There's plenty of wiggle room between "bump like you're Dynamite Kid every week" and "show up 5-6 times in a year, have two matches, say you're never leaving."

The funny thing about all this? The marquee match for WrestleMania, the "biggest match" on the "biggest show of the year," and it features two guys who are insincere through and through. I'm kinda not interested in the feud or who wins. I'm more interested in the crowd reaction for this match, as well as how the booking will go for it.
[quote name='renique46']LOLOLOL @ sly and arnold[/QUOTE]Rambo, Rocky, & The Terminator. Care to point out the one that isn't a household name?;)

I figured I might as well compare the Rock to the some of the best action stars ever.

Top comment pretty much nails it

"If you think that Rock sold out because he didn't want to end up as a parapalegic or with health problems like Edge and decided to make a living in Hollywood, then you're a fucking moron who's not worth a damn, let alone the effort to entertain."
Dat People's Elbow. So much harder on the spine than falling off of 10-foot ladders dozens of times.
[quote name='BlueSwim']
On Brock:
Considering that after his last fight, the Interwebz tore him a new one and begged for him to retire (which he did a few minutes later), I'll stand by my comment.[/QUOTE]

Because being the top draw by a large margin and winning the title is something to be so ashamed of.

He also had a life threatening disease that affected his training and conditioning.
[quote name='BlueSwim']Rambo, Rocky, & The Terminator. Care to point out the one that isn't a household name?;)

I figured I might as well compare the Rock to the some of the best action stars ever.

Dat People's Elbow. So much harder on the spine than falling off of 10-foot ladders dozens of times.[/QUOTE]

I dont really give a shit if sometimes being a spot monkey > peoples elbow

at the end of the day anyone when presented the opportunity to pursue a better career or do other things in their life will do it plain and simple, so go cry about it just because you some how think the rock is not a wwe career man just cause he wrestled in a diff era than the current generation and wanted to pursue something else after wwe botched his contract situation stfu.
[quote name='renique46']Sarcasm detector going haywire right now[/QUOTE]
Ii wasn't being sarcastic. :lol:
[quote name='BigPopov']Because being the top draw by a large margin and winning the title is something to be so ashamed of.

He also had a life threatening disease that affected his training and conditioning.[/QUOTE]It's the note you go out on that defines the career in everyone's memories. Benoit is proof of that one. That's why the smart ones retire at their peak.

Brock should have retired instead of stepping into the octagon that night. He didn't need to put his health at risk again. Thank God he didn't get killed.

[quote name='renique46']I dont really give a shit if sometimes being a spot monkey > peoples elbow

at the end of the day anyone when presented the opportunity to pursue a better career or do other things in their life will do it plain and simple, so go cry about it just because you some how think the rock is not a wwe career man just cause he wrestled in a diff era than the current generation and wanted to pursue something else after wwe botched his contract situation stfu.[/QUOTE]I can tell you don't really give a shit about many things, namely proper capitalization and punctuation. And, no, I won't STFU.

It's not my opinion that Dwayne isn't a career WWE guy, it's the truth. He's an actor now and will most likely retire an actor. So, how does the WWE benefit over the long-term by having this actor back for a match or two if all he does is put over Cena? John doesn't need The Rock to pass the torch to him. Punk, Bryan, Miz, Cody, or Ziggler could have benefited significantly from a win over Dwayne at 'Mania, especially Dolph. If he was coming back to help put one of them over, I wouldn't have as much of a problem with him coming back. The WWE and its fans would be benefiting over the long-term because of the Rock solidifying a superstar. Miz, the WWE Champion at the time, was an afterthought at Wrestlemania last year because of this pointless Dwayne/Cena feud.
[quote name='BlueSwim']On Dwayne's Acting Career: Doom. You're giving his movie resume an awful lot of credit. He's no Sly, Willis, or Arnold. His resume just isn't A-list-good yet. The reason why he is as recognizable as he is is because of the WWE. He was a mother fucking cultural icon with them. Had he not been in the WWE, he would have been forgotten by most movie fans LONG ago. Has he even won a major acting award yet?[/QUOTE]

By that logic, Stone Cold Steve Austin is a bigger movie star than The Rock (Because the Expendables had all 3 of those guys in it). Never mind that the Rock has had a pretty decent movie career (The Rundown, Faster, Fast Five, Scorpion King) and his LOL-worthy movies aren't that bad either. Tooth Fairy and Game Plan were great family flicks, my step kids loved them. Would he have been forgotten by movie fans? No, he's still a pretty good actor, the WWE just gave him name/face recognition. See also: The Marine starring John Cena (had it been a huge success, he'd be following that road too).

Batista tried movies, but only seemed to get that one straight to video DVD with Ja Rule in it, and now he's training to be an MMA fighter by running his own gym in Tampa. Dude doesn't have any charisma, so it's no wonder he can't make it as an actor.

Also: [quote name='BlueSwim']On Jericho: Sure, Jericho does other projects, like Fozzy, but he always comes back. Truly back. Wrestles every Raw or close to it. Always shows up. It's obvious that he loves Wrestling. He's a career WWE guy, Fozzy is just a side-venture.[/QUOTE]

You're straight on with Jericho. He comes back for a year or so, then goes off to host shitty VH1 shows or random "don't forget the lyrics" knockoffs, but he always comes back and tours for a while. Rock doesn't do that, and that's why the current (smark) audience has a problem with him.
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So what are John Cena and The Rock fighting for? If anyone could give me a reason, it would be the first I've heard it. This is a storyline that should write itself. And yet, not a single word actually leads anywhere. If The Rock wins, what happens? Nothing, as far as I can tell. He gets to brag on Twitter while shooting his next movie. If John Cena wins, what happens? Nothing, I guess. He continues to be loved and hated by those who love and hate him. Neither gets a title. No one takes control of the WWE. There is nothing gained but a victory in a sport where wins are meaningless. For the biggest moment in WrestleMania history, there is absolutely nothing at stake.

The above quote comes from the article posted at Cageside Seats, and explains in pretty good detail why Rock & Cena shouldn't happen. One of Rock's final storylines was as a heel acting like he was too good for the WWE, and not much he's done since then has made me think otherwise. I understand that he doesn't owe the fans or the WWE anything; it's a business, and he's not obligated to stay and keep beating himself up if there's money to be made elsewhere. I can't knock the guy for wanting to extend his career as long as he can. However, as we've all said and I'm sure some of you guys have said better, the problem is that Rock will very likely be gone shortly after Wrestlemania. There's absolutely nothing to gain by having this match; it's Brock vs. Goldberg all over again except one of them will be staying this time.

Rock came out and told everyone he was never leaving again, that he was finally home, that he missed wrestling and missed the people...and then left again. His first match in nearly 8 years was a tag match that had three weeks worth of build. If the plan was to use Rock to boost 'Mania buyrates by promoting his big return, why blow it six months early on a tag match that nobody watched? He started acting in 2004, still using The Rock/Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson name to help boost his name; all perfectly acceptable. In 2007, he drops "The Rock" name and does Race To Witch Mountain, Tooth Fairy, Faster, and The Other Guys but brings back "The Rock" name in 2011 for Fast & Furious just in time to come back to wrestling as well. If you're going to tell the fans how much you love and miss them, at least either be sincere about it or be a full-on Hollywood heel who honestly believes that he's too good for wrestling. Let Cena go over and put to bed all of the rumors that they're going to turn him heel by defeating the invading Rock.

He should be a heel in this match, but he won't be. He'll come out, tell a few jokes, call Cena a girly man, drop a few catchphrases, and we'll get big, bad, shit doesn't stink Rock against SuperCena, defender of all that is right in the world. Unless Cena FINALLY turns heel due to the fans supporting Rock even though they shouldn't, I can't find a single reason to care about this match. If Cena walks out on the fans in Miami, we've got potential for a Hollywood Hogan type swerve that results in absolutely nuclear heat.
Goddamn you guys are getting way to worked up over this shit. I mean seriously, are we actually supposed to care about this crap? I turn it on out of habit and to "turn off" my brain for a couple hours a week. Sometimes something entertaining happens, most time it doesn't. Sometimes something worth discussing happens, most times not. Sometimes you see someone really get hurt, most times they pretend like they are. In the end though, there is nothing worth getting worked up over as much as some of you guys are. Relax, take a breath, and remember, this is supposed to be for entertainment. Some of you are getting to wrapped up in this crap.

Do NOT become this guy, okay:
[quote name='BlueSwim']Cena hit the bull's eye on Dwayne. Everything he said was 100% on the money. Dwayne is playing the WWE and the fans like a fiddle.

As far as I'm concerned, The Rock has been dead these last seven years and he's never coming back. The Rock was passionate about the WWE. Dwayne Johnson wants a paycheck. Every time during the last seven years that he made a surprise appearance, it was only to pander to his "core demographic" with the hopes that by doing so, they would go out and see his latest shitty movie. And wouldn't you know it? Journey 2 hit theaters on February 10th. Coincidence? Of course not. The Rock/Cena match was booked a year out not for hype, not for some long-term storyline, but to coincide with the release of his next movie. Even the WWE's YouTube channel has a video called "The Rock puts his road to Wrestlemania on hold to promote his latest movie "Journey 2: The Mysterious Island". VINTAGE Dwayne Johnson!

The WWE and it's fans lost a lot of guys over the last decade due to injury, retirement, or death; Austin, Michaels, Flair (he's not back in the WWE, so close enough), Edge, JBL (great heel), Eddie, Benoit, Mr. Perfect. All of them were passionate about Wrestling, loved Wrestling. And in column two we have Brock Lesnar, Dave Batista, and The Rock. We didn't have to lose Brock Lesnar. We didn't have to lose Dave Batista. We didn't have to lose The Rock. They left to try to parley their success in the WWE into something else. Brock made a fool out of himself in UFC (even if he lined his pockets), Rock made a fool out of himself in Tooth Fairy (ditto), and Batista's face should be on the side of milk cartons.

Miami or not, Dwayne's hometown or not, Cena fan or not, no self-respecting fan of the WWE or Professional Wrestling should greet "The Rock" kindly at Wrestlemania. Hopefully, Dwayne jobs-out to Cena and that will be the last we see of anyone claiming to be "The Rock" in a WWE ring again.[/QUOTE]

You know, someone mentioned last night in chat when HHH said "We're the last of our kind" that he conveniently left out Rock. I'm not so sure about that; I think it was intentional. I think you hit the nail right on the head by putting Lesnar, Batista, and the Rock in the same category. Those guys made it clear they didn't have the passion for wrestling. They came and went like it was a part time job at Walmart. The one exception is that the Rock had a much longer career but nevertheless when something bigger came along he took it.

Now, when you look at what happens to wrestlers I can't really blame these guys too much for cutting and running. Granted, if that was their justification I'm not sure why they went to MMA which almost has to be worse on their body but that's a discussion for another day. The point of the matter though is that this group showed they didn't have the passion for wrestling. Nothing wrong with that, it's their prerogative. Now, there is a flipside of that coin.

Yeah, I was excited to see the Rock coming back but frankly it was pretty quickly evident that this wasn't a return but rather an extended promo along the lines of Raw Guest Manager/Star etc. I am not a fan of Cena at all, but I'll be damned if he hasn't shown that he has a greater passion for wrestling than the Rock. He's taken some time off to make movies but he came back and has stuck with wrestling. He might be vanilla as all hell sometimes, he might be a company man through and through but at least he has the passion for wrestling that the Rock clearly doesn't anymore.

The real way you can tell if someone has passion for wrestling is not whether the stick with it for a long time but rather when you put something else in front of them that pays more, do they stick with it? The Rock had a movie career dangled in front of him so he cut and run.

I say do it full-bore, make Rock the heel at this point and base it on this. Of course, that's not gonna happen because the Rock would never go for it. He likes the fame too much to have people boo him. Just like Cena said, as soon as Wrestlemania's over Rock's gone again.
Jesus Christ, I say I think Cena had a fine promo and made some good points and it's led to this.

Are we that desperate for something to discuss, or is this amazing booking?

[quote name='mykevermin']Jesus Christ, I say I think Cena had a fine promo and made some good points and it's led to this.

Are we that desperate for something to discuss, or is this amazing booking?


A little from Column A, a little from Column B, Myke. And it's upgraded from great to amazing because "Natalya Farts" broke the grading curve.
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When the Natty farts skits go from Friday nights to a PPV it is one thing. If there is a Natty farts moment at 'Mania, then her malfunctioning sphincter should win a Slammy. Then again, if trends hold true it will be "future endeavored" by that point.
[quote name='mykevermin']What do you mean "walks out on the fans..."? How would be do that?[/QUOTE]
Figuratively, I mean. He's been the icon of all that is good with the world, hustle loyalty respect, yadda yadda. He's gotta completely go against that to sell the turn; mid match, he's doing all he can to beat Rocky. AA, STFU, 5 Knuckle, all he's got - but it's just not good enough. He comes back for another AA, but Rock escapes, hits a Rock Bottom, and the place explodes. Cena realizes that no matter what he does, the fans will cheer Rock so it's time for something drastic; Cena grabs a chair and wallops Rock. It's Austin siding with Vince bad; the fans are never going to boo Rock in Miami, so Cena's gotta get them to boo him - unless Rock plays the smug heel too good for the WWE, in which case we flip this and Rock grabs the chair. Don't think they'd turn Rock in his hometown though, so I'd turn Cena now, let him "embrace the hate" or whatever, and have a refreshed Cena character through the summer.

Won't happen though. Cena overcomes the odds again, pins Rock with the AA, and they shake hands like Hulk and Rock did. Bor-ing.
Yeah, I'm going with the opposite of what happened with the post match at Survivor Series - Cena wins, calls Rock back in for the standing ovation/handshake and just ends up giving him another Attitude Adjustment. Leaves it open for a rematch down the road.

Also Mania related - I have no idea how they are going to order this card - I think they need to break the rule of the WWE title going on last otherwise the crowd will be wiped out by the time Jericho/Punk happens.
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If Rock grabs the chair and beats Cena, you think people will boo? Rock might get the biggest ovation of his life beating Cena near death with a chair...

Also, Otunga Bombs:

[quote name='rvdrock']If Rock grabs the chair and beats Cena, you think people will boo? Rock might get the biggest ovation of his life beating Cena near death with a chair...[/QUOTE]
If Rock is the smug asshole who acts like he truly is better than wrestling, the fans will boo him. People boo Cena because he's a goody two shoes that we've seen be SuperCena over and over again. Smarks boo him. The target demographic for Rock cheers him because he's not Cena, but I'd bet that if Rock came out and told the fans for six weeks that he was going to prove that a Hollywood actor was better than wrestling, they'd want to see him get his ass kicked.

Most wrestling fans get super defensive about wrestling whenever someone tells them it's lame. It's the same reason most people who own wrestling shirts won't wear them in public unless it's an obscure reference or it's ironic. You think wrestling fans want one of their own, the guy who is supposed to help bring them into the product the world says is tacky and white trash, telling them that they're losers?
If Kane was more of a "human character," I would have said put him in as the special guest referee in the Cena/Rock match. Do the whole "Cena can't beat the Rock with his best moves" thing. Eventually, Kane gives him a chair, and after a little internal debate, Cena just unloads on Rock. Maybe even an AA on the chair. Kane does some evil laugh as Cena finally embraces the hate and counts the pin.
[quote name='Chronis']If Kane was more of a "human character," I would have said put him in as the special guest referee in the Cena/Rock match. Do the whole "Cena can't beat the Rock with his best moves" thing. Eventually, Kane gives him a chair, and after a little internal debate, Cena just unloads on Rock. Maybe even an AA on the chair. Kane does some evil laugh as Cena finally embraces the hate and counts the pin.[/QUOTE]

So Cena is Austin, Kane is Vince, and the Rock is The Rock again?

It makes the crowd go “oooh” and get a little behind Cena, because they want to see the slut punished for being bad to the guy they like. That’s what it accomplishes. The guy in the Rise Above Hate shirt who tells you not to bully people is openly and unabashedly hating a woman for being a whore she’s never actually been. And at home, Zack Ryder — the loveable guy who spent the last several months pining over Eve and repeatedly expressing how much he loves her — types “broskis before hoeskis” on Twitter and makes it trend.
[quote name='BlueSwim']

On Dwayne's Acting Career:
Doom. You're giving his movie resume an awful lot of credit. He's no Sly, Willis, or Arnold. His resume just isn't A-list-good yet. The reason why he is as recognizable as he is is because of the WWE. He was a mother fucking cultural icon with them. Had he not been in the WWE, he would have been forgotten by most movie fans LONG ago. Has he even won a major acting award yet?

Stop or My Mom Will Shoot
Jingle All the Way
Hudson Hawk

You can't pick one super shitty movie and then say that defines their career. All three of the guys you mentioned have had some super super shitty fucking movies.

Journey 2 has already made 190 million worldwide. The Rock is a steady box office performer who in the right picture can be a serious box office performer.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']Stop or My Mom Will Shoot
Jingle All the Way
Hudson Hawk

You can't pick one super shitty movie and then say that defines their career. All three of the guys you mentioned have had some super super shitty fucking movies.

Journey 2 has already made 190 million worldwide. The Rock is a steady box office performer who in the right picture can be a serious box office performer.[/QUOTE]

fuck that. Jingle All the Way is a Christmas classic.
Did Chris Brown do something recently? I remember hearing about him committing spousal abuse against (Rhianna?) - but that was 2 or more years ago.

I guess I don't get the context in which this is all relevant in 2012.
I guess because Brown performed at the Grammy's and in fact won one this year a LOT of people feel like it is rewarding him for abusing women.
It was 3 years ago when he was caught beating up Rihanna. He performed 2x at the Grammys Sunday before last and won a Grammy which has caused a lot of people (particularly Miranda Lambert) to speak up about how he seems to be essentially getting away with it.

Why do I know all that?
Chris Brown catches way more shit over hitting Rihanna then he should. Tommy Lee went to jail over it and didn't eat anything close to the amount of shit that Chris Brown has. Same thing goes for Charlie Sheen.

He has brought a lot on himself but some of it has to do with him being black.
[quote name='neocisco']I'd say those other guys didn't get nearly enough then.[/QUOTE]

So how do you feel about Stone Cold? I guess every time he shows up we should all make sure to mention how he beat Debra.

Same goes with Savage and a whole long list of people.
[quote name='ShinSolidus']You sure that's not a pun? Perhaps you forgot how to count? ....Stupid ass people...:headache:[/QUOTE]

We still love you Shin.
[quote name='CaseyRyback']So how do you feel about Stone Cold? I guess every time he shows up we should all make sure to mention how he beat Debra.

Same goes with Savage and a whole long list of people.[/QUOTE]

I feel the same about any guy who is so pathetic that he resorts to hitting a woman. Just because I like wrestling doesn't mean I automatically give them a pass. That would just be stupid and highly hypocritical.
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