The New and Improved Brothers of Destruction Wrestling Thread

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Anyone else think that NYC will boo both Cena and The Rock out of the building? I'm expecting Die Rocky Die and Rocky sucks chants to pickup throughout their match.
[quote name='silentevil']No chat for SS?[/QUOTE]

Not unless someone else makes it. fuck Survivor Series this year. Giants/Eagles game is on. Go Giants!
[quote name='pitfallharry219']Did Cole just say Sheamus was bullied in Ireland because he was pale and had red hair?[/QUOTE]
I thought the same as you. Aren't Irish people known for having red hair and light skin?

On a side note why no mention of Undertaker debuting at SS in '91?

Joined the chat it's an empty room?
[quote name='vlv723']hectic crowd for this WHC match. Anyone know what they're chanting besides "Boring"?[/QUOTE]

D'Lo Brown
Daniel Bryan

That's the few I caught. How did the match end? I missed the ending.
[quote name='mitch079']Sin Cara's torn patella tendon will take him out 6-9 months.[/QUOTE]

Wow. Poor guy. That looked absolutely horrific live. I guess they unmasked fake Sin Cara too early. All that build up, going to waste.
Scumbag Cena

[spoilers]Absolutely pathetic the entire match, no sells the Rock Bottom at the end...stay classy.[/spoilers]
Scumbag Cena

Absolutely pathetic the entire match, no sells the Rock Bottom at the end...stay classy.
This wasn't the best PPV of all-time, and the traditional SS match got really fucked up after Sin Cara's injury, but damn was it a lot of fun. Show-Henry was largely bad but had a few really great spots, the women's match had a spectacular finish, Ziggler-Morrison was quite good overall but also pretty forgettable, while the WWE Title match greatly exceeded my expectations. Going into it, I didn't care much about it, but man did Punk come off like a megastar thanks to the crowd and the return of THE FINK! God that was tremendous, and Punk came off as a big a deal in this as he has since they went and fucked everything up with him in August. Loved the finishing sequence too - using the vise as a surprise move was fantastic.

Rock's promo was great and his entrance was amazing... and then he went and just brought it. He was doing shit that he hasn't done in eons, including some tremendous Steamboat arm drags and the la magistral cradle. He even busted out stuff I don't remember him doing, like a fast drop into the nip up off an arm wringer and a Perfect-plex done better than most of the guys who've done the move, including his partner. The bridge on it was great. This was a legend's comeback match that made you feel good because it's clear Rock came back at the perfect time physically. He's leaner than ever, faster despite having that torn achilles tendon years ago, and can clearly still do everything that made him stand out as the Rock and all the stuff he stopped doing because he didn't need to keep doing it. Miz looked like a total goofball tonight hopping up and doing for no particular reason, and appearing to do jumping jacks to set up the corner clothesline. I marked out for Rock's shitty sharpshooter - although I was confused by the Paydirt spot to end it since I thought Rock hit the Rock Bottom on him at the last second. That's the biggest problem with that move, it looks like the guy doing it is having a Rock Bottom done to him if it isn't done perfectly, and that happened here. Rock winning leading to the camera panning to his mother, and then to Rock thanking his grandfather on the top rope was something else. The Rock Bottom to Cena was really cool...until Cole starting rattling off exposition for the story. That was annoying, but the match as a whole was a blast.

Screens -

The Rock,the crowd and Cm punks title win (finally taking the belt off the failed experiment known as ADR) turned a otherwise terrible ppv into a average one.

It still amazes me that The Rock can come back 7 years away from the business after being wronged by Vince and be the best on the mic,best at crowd interaction, best promos, be in the best shape, and in 1 match looks better than half the roster has all year long:applause:.
It doesn't amaze me at all - wrestling, WWE especially, overproduces at this point. They don't let guys (save a few) ad lib during their promos, yet most of the promos are cut in front of a live crowd.

The simple version of the story (to spare me the time and you the rant) is that the way WWE is produced now, the "Austin 3:16" promo that really set in motion the beginning of the Attitude Era as well as Austin's popularity (if you want to distill it down to one moment, that is) would have either (1) never happened in today's WWE, or (2) put Austin in the shithouse for going off script.

That line was ad-libbed, because they trusted wrestlers to be wrestlers then. To put together a decent match, to cut a decent promo, and to work a decent angle without too much restriction and control. Today every facet of the match is micromanaged by agents, producers, and corporate. So when you see that someone from a bygone era is far better than anyone from today, by a significant margin - well, it's all about the culture the company cultivates.

Think of how much Austin did on his own to get over in 1996. Zack Ryder will almost assuredly never be Stone Cold, but think about it this way - how long has he been trying to get himeself over with the crowd, how fucking HOT was the MSG crowd for him last night, and yet still how little Zack Ryder does WWE give us?

New shirt Monday on The Vader one (Darth, not Van) is eh, but I like the Gregory Iron shirt. Wouldn't buy it, but I like it.
[quote name='advanced']Wow. Poor guy. That looked absolutely horrific live. I guess they unmasked fake Sin Cara too early. All that build up, going to waste.[/QUOTE]

awkward yes, horrific no. At least he had the presence of mind to grab the ropes a bit to slow down his fall. The sad thing is, steroid use probably had a lot to do with this as the body isn't supposed to build muscle that quickly because the skeletal structure (plus ligaments/tendons) doesn't have enough time to adapt to the new muscle. It didn't look anywhere near as bad as Kurtis Foster breaking his femur.

That probably tickled.
-- Regarding John Morrison's contract status with WWE, his original deal has expired. He agreed to an extension through the end of November. His last announced appearance takes place at next Monday's Raw SuperShow in Columbia, South Carolina.

Dave Meltzer indicated during Sunday's edition of Wrestling Observer Radio that Morrison's feelings towards WWE are somber. "His heart is broken," said Meltzer.

Not sure what to make of that. They're already doing the whole "we think you might leave so we'll push you but as soon as you sign that new contract you are going to lose for 6 months straight" routine.
[quote name='silentevil']I thought the same as you. Aren't Irish people known for having red hair and light skin?[/QUOTE]
No, that's just the stereotype America has of Irish people. Ginger kids in Ireland get made fun of, just as much as in America. Most Irish men have jet black hair.

I'm originally from Ireland, but moved to America when I became an adult.
Good move.

I'm just happy to hear that ginger kids get made fun of everywhere. Kind of gives you hope for the world y'know?
Even journalists are shitting on how WWE blundered the Summer of Punk angle:,0,3115508.column

The day after Lockport native CM Punk won the WWE Championship at the Allstate Arena in mid-July, there were photos on TMZ of Punk celebrating with the title on the streets of Chicago. Not long after that, Punk was appearing on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” and getting interviewed by ESPN’s Bill Simmons.

Unfortunately, there won’t be anywhere close to the same reaction after Punk’s WWE Championship win on Sunday at Madison Square Garden. The buzz surrounding Punk is still strong these days, but nowhere close to where it was -- or where it could’ve been.

Punk had the wrestling world eating out of his tape-covered hands when he appeared to go off script June 27 during an episode of “Monday Night Raw." He revealed that his contract in real life was expiring and vowed to leave the company and take the WWE Championship with him. And like many of us have wanted to do when quitting a job, he told off his boss (Vince McMahon) and a few co-workers (John Cena, Triple H) in the process.

It was exactly the sort of honesty fans wanted to hear during a time when WWE ratings were down and storylines were, at times, stale. It was the kind of story that, as Punk himself pointed out, put WWE back in the mainstream for something other than a wrestler's death. As a result, the interview requests for Punk started pouring in, from GQ to Kimmel to ESPN's Jim Rome. Of course, I also sent an email to Punk, who I've emailed with here and there, but never heard back.

After Punk won the title at the Allstate Arena and ran through the crowd into the parking lot, where a car was waiting for him, know-it-all internet fans were stumped for the first time since I could remember. Few knew what would happen next with Punk or the title.

They got their answer when Punk returned with a new contract less than two weeks later -- barely enough time for WWE fans to feel his absence. Even contestants on "The Bachelorette" who quit the show due to work or family reasons know they need to miss at least 4-5 episodes to make their return mean something. It's just common sense.

WWE's writers only made matters worse by overshadowing Punk's return with storylines revolving around McMahon and his real life son-in-law, Triple H. Punk's spotlight? Gone. Punk's momentum? Gone. Punk's WWE Championship? That too was gone after he lost in mid-August to Alberto Del Rio (He's like The Situation and Scott Disick combined, right down to the gelled hair).

Sure, Punk now has the belt back after Sunday's win, and he did a few interviews last week in New York, including an appearance on "The Opie & Anthony Show" and Sports Illustrated's "Hot Clicks" podcast, but it could be too late. WWE's best storyline in years has already been botched, and many of the casual fans who came back because of Punk have gone back to watching football on Monday's.

As for me, WWE did what no ex-girlfriend could ever get me to do: They got me to stop watching wrestling. I haven't seen "Raw" in nearly two months. That's the longest I've gone without watching since high school. Will I come back? At some point. Maybe even tonight because of Punk's win. But unless things change drastically, I'm going to watch WWE programming from now on the same way I watch every Cubs season: Hope for the best. Prepare for the worst.

Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Sin Cara was facing a suspension he was supposed to start serving after the fake Cara feud ended.
The whole reason the fake Cara was brought in was to fill in for Sin Cara while he was suspended. I don't believe there was another pending suspension.
[quote name='silentevil']Correct me if I'm wrong but I thought Sin Cara was facing a suspension he was supposed to start serving after the fake Cara feud ended.[/QUOTE]

If I'm not mistaken:

Sin Cara was suspended and was written off television as "injured" during MiTB (by Sheamus).

It was during this time that the new Sin Cara arrived and they started feuding once the original Sin Cara's suspension was over.

Now that he really IS injured they should write him off television as having a drug problem, just to bring it full-circle. (Kidding, of course.)

I'm thinking that they will have the imposter Sin Cara attack him to "further" said injury and don the Sin Cara outfit once again just to keep the character alive and to have a reason to sell the new ten plus items of merch that just arrived at shopzone.
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