The New New Urban Dead Cheap Ass Survivor Thread

[quote name='Mike23']There's a new spot further north. If interested, come on IRC. It's a good spot to move further that way if necessary.[/quote]

Mike, my alt is one click above your current location in a ruined hospital. If you have any FAKs, I would appreciate a heal. You'll know who it is as I currently have 1 HP and am infected.
Hmm. Hardly a glorious night.

Aside from the problem with the picture, even just saying "the new suburb" or naming a building is not the best idea.

Now, then. Option should be nearby...
In my travels I was rushing through a "lone-zombie" street, who should that lone zed be?

Why DarthBudge, that's who! Gotcha' for the out of the blue, drive by revive!
This was posted by Option a couple of days ago:
[quote name='option.iv'] I am not vying for leadership, I'll even go into exile if it comes to that. I just can't agree with Crotch's strategy and leadership, so I cannot sit idle at the moment. It has gotten many of us killed in the past, not to mention forced us to waste our AP for several occasions which yielded nothing beneficial. Basically, leadership needs to be transferred from Crotch to the entire group, evenly. This is for the better of CAS.[/quote]
I ignored this post. To quote Homer Simpson (who was likely quoting someone else or simply repeating a common phrase that I have never heard elsewhere), I did not want to "dignify [it] with an answer". I fear that this may have been in error, and that my silence may have been incorrectly interpreted as the result of my being incapable of answering.

The second reason I did not respond to this post is simple: Option does not believe what he just said. At least, I hope he does not. I've always considered Option to be reasonably smart, with a good grasp of the game. Nobody who knows what they're talking about would have made the post quoted above. People who know me in real life tell me that I absolutely hate being wrong. So if am wrong in this - and I don't think I am - I will probably be pissed. But as far as I'm concerned, it was a cynical attempt to drive a wedge through the CAS with no regard for practicality - or reason. So, a little bit at a time...

[quote name='option.iv']
I am not vying for leadership, I'll even go into exile if it comes to that. I just can't agree with Crotch's strategy and leadership, so I cannot sit idle at the moment.[/quote]See, so far, it more-or-less makes sense. I haven't done shit perfectly. Probably my biggest flaw so far is that I haven't done a good job of communicating to the members of the CAS who our allies are, what our allies are doing, what we are doing with them, and what's going on "in the grand scheme" - that is, I talk too much about trees and not enough about forests. This is definitely something that I want to change, but ironically, this little bit of trouble is actually impeding change, not facilitating it.

As a side note on this, I encourage anyone and everyone to join other Urban Dead-related forums. Talk with other groups. Get the CAS name out there. Brag about your latest bounty collection.
[quote name='option.iv']It has gotten many of us killed in the past...[/quote]Zambah haz a har-har? As far as reasons to be upset go, that's a pretty pussy one. First off: people die in this game. A-motherfucking-lot. In the moment, it is certainly annoying, and can be a fairly major setback in some situations. But... it happens. It happens all the time. So quitcherbitchin'.

Second, I'm assuming that you are referring especially to the troubles with the "Darthbudge Subgroup" - the great irony (Option's post is chock full of irony) here is that that was an experiment in power sharing and decentralization. So if those are your goals, you're probably best off not bringing that shit up.

[quote name='option.iv']... not to mention forced us to waste our AP for several occasions which yielded nothing beneficial.[/quote]This needs to be clarified before I can give a proper response. Maybe he's referring to our habit of moving from suburb to suburb frequently - hardly a waste of AP, if you follow the game news (as I'm sure Option does). Invariably, suburbs are overwhelmed shortly after we leave.

Perhaps he is speaking of the times we do not leave, and get our asses kicked. Yet, those times when I have decided to stand and fight (most recently, in a mall a few weeks back) against a full zombie horde, I have done so specifically because a large number of CAS wanted to. Remember that stuff about decentralization and power sharing?

Perhaps he is speaking of the frequent scouting missions. If he is, then he is being selfish. Spending a day's AP searching a suburb for, say, Gore Corps hiding out is anything but a waste - it allows others to focus their AP more efficiently. If this is what Option is complaining about, then he is trying to put himself above the group.

[quote name='option.iv']Basically, leadership needs to be transferred from Crotch to the entire group, evenly. This is for the better of CAS.[/quote]As I pointed out above, his points are a combination of impracticality, selfishness, and self-contradiction. The only conclusion is that either:

Option is fucking out there.

- OR -

Option is playing at populism to try and get support.

I'll give him the benefit of the doubt and say that it's the latter. I could say more, but I've dedicated more words to this than it deserves.
As I've stated before the only characters to kill me have been zombies and as far as I know that's what they do.
Crotch, you're not pulling the strings of hordes of zeds are you? Didn't think so, so I conclude that you haven't killed me.

That's the cool part about being in a group like CAS. When you die, someone stabs you with a needle and you get back up.
As far as know, dying in some form or another is a part of nearly all videogames since their inception. (This is cheap ass GAMER right?)

I'm really not worried about all this drama, it'll blow over...or not. It's not a big deal either way.
option.iv has a viewpoint that he was hoping others would share, not enough did.
His way to cope is the UD form of a temper-tantrum. ("Pay attention to me or else!")

"Not vying for leadership" by bullying people to follow you by shooting them if they don't?
"Going into exile" from a group by following that group from place to place?
Obvious examples of attention seeking, ask any professional elementary school educator.

That is all I have to say on the matter, goodnight.
Who really cares about the leadership anyway? seriously, it's a game. If you don't like the way Crotch is leading or what is trying to be accomplished as a group then go do your own thing.
Being a member of the group does not necessarily mean you have to follow blindly.

There are plenty of other groups out there, I'm sure whoever is not happy with CAS can go find one that suits their fancy.

If Option wants to pk me, well then go ahead I'll be revived eventually. No big deal, though how does it feel to be the CAS groupie Option? Working out for you?
[quote name='chuckie88']
I'm really not worried about all this drama, it'll blow over...[/quote]Without a doubt, the best strategy I've heard.
I just noticed that option.iv's UD profile now lists him as a member of the Philosophe Knights.
Maybe he found some who agreed with him, or followed advice such as ravenbear's.

Either way, most of this business is behind him and us. Hopefully, anyway.
That, or we just made enemies with another PKing clan!
Do people not realize that over-barricading kills survivors?!

Seriously, there's no reason why every building in a 10x10 grid should be EHB. There just isn't. I searched for a building to enter (to start a free running path) to the point of exhaustion. I literally entered a building as I passed out from AP loss. That's just ridiculous.

Do zombies employ over-barricaders as a strategy? If not they should because the survivors are doing a mighty fine job killing off their own...
Yes, it is common for death cultists to overbarricade entry points.

Also, after having looked at both their boards and their Wiki, I can find no connection between the Philosophe Knights and Option other than Option's imagination. It's Bad Form, man, to call yourself part of a group when you really aren't.

EDIT: I could have just looked at his character description - no Philosophe Knight would leave it set to "non-descript".
Maybe you should screen shot his profile and tell them? Surely they wouldn't appreciate him doing that. Maybe we can get them pissed off at him.:D
Ya know it's kinda interesting that when CAS left the previous location, so did the zombies. I'm still at our old HQ and it's a ghost town.
[quote name='Maklershed']Ya know it's kinda interesting that when CAS left the previous location, so did the zombies. I'm still at our old HQ and it's a ghost town.[/quote]Motherfuckers split in two last night. God dammit.
[quote name='chuckie88']Of course it is! You know I'm after your job!:lol:[/quote]

Hope your campaign for leadership goes better than Options.
Does your include a follow me or die tactic as well?
Speaking of Option - why must you turn my office into a house of lies? I just got this from the Philosophe Knights:
No, he is indeed an impostor. I wish you good luck in murdering him. --VI 03:17, 21 April 2008 (BST)
[quote name='ravenbear']Hope your campaign for leadership goes better than Options.
Does your include a follow me or die tactic as well?[/quote]
I'm a stone-cold-killa', watch out!;)

[quote name='The Crotch']Speaking of Option - why must you turn my office into a house of lies? I just got this from the Philosophe Knights:[/quote]
Well there's a surprise huh?
So, is there a change of plans, Crotch?

I'm in the process of moving to the new location, but I'm stopping every now and again to restore a building and barricade it up to VSB+2.

Sort of like an oasis in a sea of ruin.
I'm sitting in the SW corner of the new area staring at the doors of a church. A revive would be nice when you guys get here. =)
Sometimes I wonder how big the UD user base really is and how much of it is just a bunch of alts.

Case in point, are these two profiles alts by Sean?

I'm not saying they are, but if not then the coincidences are simply astounding to say the least.
The characters were created a day apart, have the same "real name", and the same skill set base.
I'm not really going anywhere with this, just pondering.

halfbent: If you still need a revive, PM me your location. I'll fire one back making sure you're standing if I can do it.
Are there any radios up and broadcasting in our new location? I still have my radio set to the old frequency, wondering what is should change it to.
[quote name='chuckie88']Sometimes I wonder how big the UD user base really is and how much of it is just a bunch of alts.

Case in point, are these two profiles alts by Sean?

I'm not saying they are, but if not then the coincidences are simply astounding to say the least.
The characters were created a day apart, have the same "real name", and the same skill set base.
I'm not really going anywhere with this, just pondering.

halfbent: If you still need a revive, PM me your location. I'll fire one back making sure you're standing if I can do it.[/quote]

I'm sure a majority of the playerbase is alts. There are only 34,500 active players out of over a million accounts that have been registered since the game was started.
Wow, I'm retarded.

I was walking along and encountered a lone zombie. So I thought to myself "fuck it, I'll revive him for the XP. He'll either be happy or go seek death somewhere". Funny story, I didn't pay attention to my AP and I am now asleep in the middle of the street. I guess I'll see you guys in the afterlife.

EDIT: Somehow I made into a building with the 2AP I got last hour. Whew.
Good, good. General orders - spread out and get as much "stuff" running as possible. Holding it is secondary - the more buildings are up, the more distracted the zeds are, and the more places humans can hide. It is up to you guys to team up with other CAS to help you in your daily activities. Because of the AP involved, multiple people are often needed to clear, repair, and 'cade significant numbers of buildings. If you run into any building with an exorbitant number of zeds in it, just go on to an easier target.

[quote name='The Crotch']
Also, MONTREMOTHERfuckINGAL![/quote]

So would now be a bad time to tell you how big a fan I am of the greatest team in all of Hockey? Red Wings baby!:D
I am a fan of the comeback though and surely respect this one.

Anyone in the new zone needing help completing a task or something let me know, I'll help out a bit later.
Sean et al: I too have an alt wtih a similar name as well, wonder if I've ever made another player wonder like I did with yours.
Double post so you guys don't wast ap:

tbroo, Arthur, Ivan, and Jake: I killed and dumped the lone zeds inside the buildings south and west of you, both are 'caded at reasnable levels.
It was nice as I only used 5 pistol rounds doing so, relied on the trusty ol' axe and a little knife action for the rest of the damage dealing.
I was hoping to find a genny to refuel in a nearby reasource building but didn't see any, if you find or are carrying one, PM me the locale and I'll fill it tomorrow.
Powered resource buildings will make this reconstruction easier, especially with these parachuting zeds like the one I found tonight.

Goodnight and go Red Wings! (That was for you Crotch).
My alt caught up and killed the pk who got me a week ago. Was oddly satisfying to pk instead of zeds.

With my CAS character found halfbent standing around, left you in the land of the living once again.
Killing PKers is indeed great fun. I think I understand why it is that they do what they do now.


Geo, I want you to start spamming the Columbine Kids forum or something.
I got this message in my building this morning:

  • blazingkatsu said "they're hitting us hard... we should get some first aid kits over at the hospital a couple blocks north...or take refuge there until they're done attacking us..." (6 hours and 42 minutes ago)
[quote name='chuckie88']Double post so you guys don't wast ap:

tbroo, Arthur, Ivan, and Jake: I killed and dumped the lone zeds inside the buildings south and west of you, both are 'caded at reasnable levels.
It was nice as I only used 5 pistol rounds doing so, relied on the trusty ol' axe and a little knife action for the rest of the damage dealing.
I was hoping to find a genny to refuel in a nearby reasource building but didn't see any, if you find or are carrying one, PM me the locale and I'll fill it tomorrow.
Powered resource buildings will make this reconstruction easier, especially with these parachuting zeds like the one I found tonight.

Goodnight and go Red Wings! (That was for you Crotch).[/quote]

NT to the SE was ruined this morning but no Zeds were inside, just outside. Repaired and caded it to VSB++.
[quote name='ArthurDigbySellers']NT to the SE was ruined this morning but no Zeds were inside, just outside. Repaired and caded it to VSB++.[/quote]
It must have been attacked as it was only loosely caded when i got there. Got it up to heavily caded.
Go Wings, but as much as I hate to say it (not really I bet on it.) They won the President's, they'll be out next round! This coming from a pretty die-hard Detroit sports fan too. =P
this sucks, just got revived and realized that I don't have enough hp to walk to a hospital and find a FAK before I would die again......SHIT
Funny you posted that, I just healed your infection and brought you up to 29hp.
Also went to NT that everyone's talking about to find a lone zed inside, ransacked but not ruined.

Of course he had to be a 60hp, flack jacket prick that dodged 2/3 of my attacks! S.O.B.
Still, I killed and dumped him and also repaired the bldg and brought it up to QSB. Obviously, this is a target.

Oh, and it is great to see some other Wings fans!:)
[quote name='chuckie88']Funny you posted that, I just healed your infection and brought you up to 29hp.
Also went to NT that everyone's talking about to find a lone zed inside, ransacked but not ruined.

Of course he had to be a 60hp, flack jacket prick that dodged 2/3 of my attacks! S.O.B.
Still, I killed and dumped him and also repaired the bldg and brought it up to QSB. Obviously, this is a target.

Oh, and it is great to see some other Wings fans!:)[/QUOTE]

[quote name='chuckie88']Funny you posted that, I just healed your infection and brought you up to 29hp.
Also went to NT that everyone's talking about to find a lone zed inside, ransacked but not ruined.

Of course he had to be a 60hp, flack jacket prick that dodged 2/3 of my attacks! S.O.B.
Still, I killed and dumped him and also repaired the bldg and brought it up to QSB. Obviously, this is a target.

Oh, and it is great to see some other Wings fans!:)[/quote]
How do you manage to do so much? My typical day consists of searching for first aid kits and healing 3-4 people... Your day is like 200AP worth of stuff!
bread's done