[quote name='tuffguycore']Alright, so I've done a lot of buying these past two weeks, and I just went through my basement for what I also had. And my god, did I forget some of the shit that I've had laying around. I'll post pictures and explain what some of it is. I'm still new and don't really have the best ways to take pictures down yet.
The first pic I grabbed at a flea market. I know most of you probably don't give a damn about sports, but Steve Young is my 2nd favorite player and next to it was a Collector's Edition of Star Wars Jedi Knight 2(which has the first one AND the light up lightsaber keychain inside still) for ~30, which I was fine with paying since I don't expect to see a whole lot of those anymore.
The second pic, I found a promotion bobble head of Spider Man from the first movie as well as my Bioshock Big Daddy statue, along with a bunch of sega/N64 games I forgot I had(including Kings Bounty CIB, Kid Chameleon CIB, Paper Mario, Zelda MM, and Hybrid Heaven, which I always personally enjoyed). On the shelf is most of my PS3 games, and I got the WKCII from Newegg this week.
Pic 3 has most of my pickups from Newegg, which was Record of Argrest War 1 & 0, along with El Shaddai (I'm kicking myself because I saw it for 10 at Best Buy yesterday, but such is life), and Batman AA for 10 at Target.
Pic 4 is the UC3 CE that I got from a great CAG on here since mine was out. Behind it is the Bioshock 2 CE that I've had and forgot about.
Pic 5 is a bunch of PS1 and DC games I forgot that I even had, including FF VII-IX, Shenmue 1 and 2(the Euro import) Lunar 2 complete, and a few of my personal favorites. I also don't really mind the GH covers, so I'm not going to spend a ton of time or money trying to get non-GH covers(I know blasphemy as a gamer/collector, but I'm not hard to please I guess). I also found another crop of games that I put on a CD spindle, but none of them are too impressive or worth showing/talking about. I also have the SR3 CE, FFXIII-2 CE and FFXVI CE. Off the the side is the Calvin and Hobbes full hardcover collection with the FO CEs.
Pic 6 is the Walking Dead books, I got book 5 & 6 from GoHastings for the 40% off sale, but they canceled my book 4, so I ordered that off Amazon with my Swagbucks GCs.
Pic 7 is a couple of DS games I got at Best Buy. My local one had a 50% off certain games sale, so I got both for >15, and the books were for the GF(yeah she likes Lovecraft, I think I'm good from here on out...)
Pic 8 is a bunch of games that I got from GS just before the merger which has Xenogears, Tactics Ogre, Marvel Super Heroes Vs Street Fighter, Koudelka, Vanguard Bandits and a couple others. Most have the game and the book (Sadly not Xenogears), just no cases.
And finally, pic 9, is more from that 50% off, I got the DA2 for my Dad(he really likes the first one, just can't play it with the controller, so I think it'll be easier for him) which I have to ship him, and Resistance so I could try it with the PS33D Tv I got a couple of weeks ago. The Crysis 2 is the LE with everything on it for 10 bucks, and under is the guide from Dragon Warrior IX for 10 which I was happy enough to pay.
I know not all of it was game related and it was a shitton to go through, but I still have some boxes to go through. Now I also have to decide if I want to make a trade list for any of this stuff or if I want to just hold on to all of it for now...[/QUOTE]
Nice pickups!