The Official Unofficial CAG Wrestlemania 26 wrestling thread

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I'm sorry, but I hated 80% of Wrestlemania 26. ShowMiz & Morrison/R-Truth was way too short. Jack Swagger winning MITB...really?? He hasn't been pushed worth a shit and can't even get the fucking briefcase off the hook!

The MITB match did not need 10 people. It was so sloppy compared to past MITB's. I now see why Kofi wasn't meant to win the match after two botched spots, although his stilt walking was gold. Same to Evan Bourne, he did ok, but really didn't shine like he could have and had some sloppy moments. No huge Shelton Benjamin spot like always, too many people and he got lost in the shuffle. I'm just glad Drew McIntyre didn't win, he's overrated. I really had no idea who was going to win, but I was thinking Kofi or Drew. Jack was up there so long, that it looked like he really wasn't supposed to win it. There were many people in the match that are no where NEAR high enough in the card to even have a fraction of a chance to win it.

That's not even the worst part! Bret vs. Vince was a fucking joke. All this buildup and it wasn't even worth two shits. Why did we need the whole Hart family? Bret is awesome and everything but this was pathetic on both him and Vince.

To follow up with that lousy 20 minute snoozer, we get treated to the random Divas have to do something at WM match. Boy, did it suck! They have built Beth Pheonix, Mickie James, Michelle McCool and Maryse so well, just to have this bullshit for 15 minutes. Way to put Vickie on TV more than actual wrestlers (female and male). Rubbish.

After that, I really stopped paying any real attention and just laughed it up with my friends and made fun of the dumb kid that was there. I even got him with The Rock's "It doesn't matter what your name is!" 3 times.

HBK and UT was good, but not better than last year. UT Tombstoned him so sick, I jumped out of my seat. Awesome finish.

CM Punk vs. Rey was the actual wrestling match of the night. However, it was too short and the wrong person won. Way to kill off a 3 week insta-fued instead of making it continue with Rey being in the S.E.S. Its WM, gotta make the kiddies happy.

Batista vs. Cena was better than I ever imagined. Still not super amazing, but the story was good. I just can't stand Cena with the title, he's a lot better chasing it. Super Cena wins in the end with the weak STF submission. Best thing were Batista getting cheers, he's O-Face and "Batista Loves Fishsticks" sign.

I've never seen a more dead crowd after Bret/Vince & Divas. This is WRESTLEMANIA and people were sitting on their hands until a high spot was going on.

Hopefully we will see Daniel Bryan at WM next year. Lets hope, now.

Wrestlemania is in Atlanta next year, I've never lived so close to a Wrestlemania location, but after watching this year's, I may just hold on to my hard earned money.
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NYC and Sao Paulo are the only cities Twitter has TTs for that DON'T have the HBK/UT match as a trending topic in some form. fucking NYC Smarks. :)


It's hiaitus time, I think.

I haven't watched a full episode of wrestling on TV since the last WM. 10-15 mins here and there are all I can take; I'll download from time to time and flip through. I've gotten a large majority of all my wrestling info from this very board. Sad, innit?

WWE has changed direction and it's not one I care for. 10 matches, 240 minutes to do them, and only one broke the 20-minute mark. Some of your top talent got less than 10 minutes; your tag team title match went less than 5. But hey, at least the tag belts were defended this year, right? :rolleyes:

TNA, I can't watch. I've tried, hard.

I have lost interest in ROH TV, but then again, so have the torrent cappers. :) Even the old-school stuff I have downloaded seems to have lost it's lustre for me. I'm D/L-ing what I think will be my last thing from my personal fave private tracker, and I think I'll just let the account die due to inactivity.

If you want an invite, PM me an email address. I have 5; once they're gone they're gone.

I won't say I won't be back, but I can't say when I will. But if you can enjoy it, please, continue to. It's got to get better, it can't get much worse right now. :)
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Taker/Michaels wasn't as good as last year, but goddamn that ending was awesome. Probably my favorite match ending of all time. Taker hesitates for once to show a little compassion, Michaels bitch slaps him, Taker fucking FLIPS OUT and busts out the jumping tombstone for the first time in forever to kill him dead.

Is there an inside joke as far as the fishsticks thing? Or was it just random? I hope it's the latter, that would make it even more awesome.
Do you like fishsticks? Do you like putting fishsticks in your mouth? What are you, some kind of gay fish?

At the Slammies they had Batista dress like Kanye and do the MTV Award show bit. Batista had been kind of rocking the Kanye look since, so a Kanye joke is now a Batista joke.
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In case you guys missed it, that terrible movie that came out recently starring Batista and RVD is available to stream on Netflix
The RAW following the biggest WWE event of the year is co-hosted by Rob Corddry and Clark Duke from Hot Tub Time Machine! (Which will be Scorch's number two film of all time, after The Hangover.)


What a joke.
[quote name='Scorch']In case you guys missed it, that terrible movie that came out recently starring Batista and RVD is available to stream on Netflix[/QUOTE]

Don't try to drag us into your misery.
UT/HBK was straight up awesome. I agree not as good as last year's match...but it lived up to expectations....finisher after finisher, sick table spot, moves being countered left and right...finally a match i really enjoyed.

I thought this years was ok at best. they could have done away with half of the matches and IMHO, they should have kept building MVP vs Miz for the US title instead of this crap fest of a Tag Match. Edge and Jericho was good..and it looks like this match up will head to Summerslam obviously. all the other matches were just ok or terrible. They should just stop devoting time to useless Diva matches. It made no sense to have it Mania. Please no more of Vickie doing Frog Splashes. Thats going to haunt my mind for years. I wish I could just get Taker/HBk on dvd. Thats all i would need in a wrestlemania 26 dvd.
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[quote name='neocisco']Don't try to drag us into your misery.[/QUOTE]

It isn't that bad and Scorch its called, Wrong Side of Town. Me and a few others have seen it. I enjoyed knowing that there wasn't going to be great acting in it.

So Mania had its ups and downs just like most WWE PPV's. Who is Swagger going to challenge? He hasn't done much on Raw but I'm thinking they use his contract to take the US Belt off of Miz which be sad but its the only belt I see them giving him or he loses it in a match to someone else.
[quote name='JJSP']It sounds like WWE botched much of the PPV. Confirm/deny?[/QUOTE]

The weakest part of WrestleMania 26 was, unfortunately, Bret-Vince. I actually found the women's six-person tag match more entertaining than Bret-Vince--and the fact that I feel that way is very unfortunate.

The rest of the PPV was entertaining and enjoyable. In terms of wrestling, the top matches were Jericho-Edge and Michaels-'Taker.

In terms of botches, it's a tie between Kofi "Male Lita" Kingston and Vickie "Grimace" Guerrero. Since Vickie isn't a pro wrestler, Kofi takes home the Botchy award of the night. Though, Jack Swagger's thirty-second Money In The Bank briefcase grab is a runner-up.
I thought the best part of the night for Kofi was when he used the two pieces of the broken ladder as stilts. I was ready to mark out like crazy if he won doing that.
I'd been thinking it for weeks, but finally just accepted it last night... honestly, I kind of wish Bret had never come back. That entire storyline was just a clusterfuck, and that match DESTROYED what had been a pretty hot crowd. Even the announcers looked embarrassed afterwards.

Speaking of, the announcing was... not good. Then, Michael Cole did the bulk of it, so that's no surprise. If there was ever a night that underlined just how good JR was, it was last night. Hearing Michael Cole scream 'IS THE CAREER OVER?!?!' EVERY SINGLE TIME TAKER COVERED MICHAELS was just too fucking much for me. Even Matt Striker, though he had moments of absolute glory, seemed way toned down tonight. That was 90% the Michael Cole show, and it was awful.

As I had described it last night, the phrase for this Mania was 'missed potential'. That card should've been a better Mania than it was, easily, but combinations of short matches, awful matches, and people winning that SHOULDN'T have, it lost something. The already discussed Bret/Vince was BEYOND terrible, and there is no logical reason for HHH and Rey to have walked out of that show as winners. Both of those feuds NEEDED a heel win to keep the storyline going, which is a damn shame. I also don't subscribe to the 'Sheamus still looks strong in defeat' bullshit. He doesn't. The man lost clean to HHH in the middle of the ring after a fluke title run where he didn't even bother to get a rematch. Sheamus is effectively dead in the water here, but that may just be me. Saddest part is, that was one of the stronger matches on the card.

Oh, and Swagger? Really? Talk about a shock moment. The man gets brought over from ECW, is left to rot on Raw for months, and is then handed MitB? Bizarre. Unless, of course, he's the first guy that's going to LOSE on his cash-in. (Sidenote: that MitB PPV... same title contract stip as the WM match?) It also made him look weak by saying he'd cash in that night if he won, and he didn't. Look, if I had a MitB contract and Jericho was taken out like that, I'd be thinking that cashing it in then might be a good idea. I'd be more okay with it if there hadn't been that really obvious cash-in opportunity.

I rant early in the morning, sorry bout that.
[quote name='007']As I had described it last night, the phrase for this Mania was 'missed potential'. That card should've been a better Mania than it was, easily, but combinations of short matches, awful matches, and people winning that SHOULDN'T have, it lost something.[/quote]

A lot of the reviews seem in the middle of the road here, agreeing that the event failed to live up to the card's potential, but that some matches were enjoyable or even great.

I kinda want to see Vince/Bret since y'all have just shit all over it. It can't be *that* bad, can it?

Unless, of course, he's the first guy that's going to LOSE on his cash-in.

that was my immediate reaction, but I wasn't sure if 1-2 people hadn't managed to turn their MITB victories into actual title runs. if the answer is nobody, then Swagger will be the first for sure.
I've always thought Swagger would make a great champ...and dude had a lot of promise....until he was literally written off TV!!!


So it was shocking that they didn't give it to Kofi or even Vince's new fuck buddy Drew. Shoot, I even thought they might give it to Matt Hardy just because of his brother being gone!

But to see Swagger with makes me hope he doesn't lose

And I'd rather have paid for the Royal Rumble then this honestly if I *did* pay. Too many squashes. Batista/Cena was a snoozefest. Bret Hart's match sounded great in theory but was too much of a clusterfuck in reality (should have just quickly helped out and then stood on the ramp...because I'm sure the typical wrestling fan didn't know his family disliked each other or whatever the payoff excuse was)

And how in the hell do you botch a pin????? I'm just wondering VICKY

And here's a tinypic version of that Batista Gif for those who post on message boards that hate "the shack"
[quote name='mykevermin']

I kinda want to see Vince/Bret since y'all have just shit all over it. It can't be *that* bad, can it?

that was my immediate reaction, but I wasn't sure if 1-2 people hadn't managed to turn their MITB victories into actual title runs. if the answer is nobody, then Swagger will be the first for sure.[/QUOTE]

Bret/Vince was twice as long as it needed to be, and didn't need any of the other Harts involved other than maybe the Hart Dynasty. Nobody knows who the fuck Bruce Hart is and Bret shooting down Vince's plan immediately just confused the crowd. They should have just had Vince being beaten down, start waving his arm to call in the Hart Dynasty from the back, they turn on him and give him the Hart Attack in the ring, Sharpshooter, the end.

Kennedy is the only one to not do anything with the MITB case because of injury IIRC, but whoever took it from him (Edge?) used it to win the belt anyway.
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[quote name='mykevermin']
I kinda want to see Vince/Bret since y'all have just shit all over it. It can't be *that* bad, can it?[/QUOTE]

I'll put it like this myke:

This is the match that doesn't end
yes it goes on and on my friend
some people started "wrestling" not knowing what to do
but they'll continue wrestling forever just because
repeat x10000
It was a perfect storm of everything going to shit - they had Bret enter first, then immediately revealed a terrible "swerve" that killed an already weak crowd, then followed it up immediately with ANOTHER swerve that was poorly revealed. The match itself was more than twice as long as it should have been, and the crowd sat on their hands the entire time barring the first sharpshooter tease and the ending.

Bring out the Hart Dynasty, have them turn on Vince right away without Bret having to fucking spell it out for everyone, do the Hart Attack spot on the floor as they did, then have Bret waste him for 3 minutes full speed ahead rather than the methodical (ie slow), Sharpshooter, done.
Remember this... that 'match' was so bad that I wish Bret Hart had never come back. The only explanation that I have is that they booked and THEN were told just how limited Bret would be. The most physical wrestling he did was a standing forward elbow drop. If you want to see Bret Hart hit Vince with a chair for 10 minutes, this is your match. I wish I was making that up. I actively wished a Hart match would end knowing full well that a Divas match was next. *That* bad.

For those that saw it, another question: was I the only one that actually started to feel BAD for Vince? I get the revenge angle and all, but repeatedly hitting a 60+ year old with a chair while he writhes on the ground and makes no attempt to fight back isn't quite the uplifting moment I think they envisioned. Finally getting retribution is one thing, but it needs to come after a struggle. That came off like Bret beating up a total invalid.

It also begs the question of, if that's all Bret wanted to do, why couldn't he just have done the last 4 times he was around instead of that ridiculous broken leg angle?

I'm going to say this... to me, the Bret/Vince match was 'Fingerpoke of Doom' level bad. I don't think I've been so disappointed and seen an angle PLANNED to go so wrong by two people that really should've known better since Nash/Hogan. A complete misfire on every conceivable level. The Invasion was better planned than this.

That sounds like hyperbole, but I defy anyone to give me a reasonable explanation for that entire segment last night. If Bret was that limited, this simply shouldn't have occured. Period. How anyone thought that was a good idea is utterly beyond me.
[quote name='diddy310']Bret/Vince was twice as long as it needed to be, and didn't need any of the other Harts involved other than maybe the Hart Dynasty. Nobody knows who the fuck Bruce Hart is and Bret shooting down Vince's plan immediately just confused the crowd. They should have just had Vince being beaten down, start waving his arm to call in the Hart Dynasty from the back, they turn on him and give him the Hart Attack in the ring, Sharpshooter, the end.[/QUOTE]

Problem with that is that Bret can't take any bumps because they can potentially kill him....which all goes back to the angle being a horrible idea/nobody cares about Bret Hart/why is this at Wrestlemania?

In fact, this Wrestlemania seemed to be full of sloppy/rushed wrestling and rehashed/unnecessary sentimental moments. Why is Vickie doing the point to Eddie/frog splash/taunt when she is a heel and Cole is making fun of her? Why rehash one of the best moments from the Flair/HBK match for Undertaker/HBK when Undertaker is suppose to be reaper of souls and a career-ender? Don't get me wrong, the jumping Tombstone bit was pretty awesome but the build up was blah.
[quote name='007']Remember this... that 'match' was so bad that I wish Bret Hart had never come back.[/QUOTE]

Given the unanimity of y'all's reactions, I'm sure I'll fall right in line with you - but now I really want to see just how bad it was.

I rewatched Lesnar/Goldberg from WMXX on DVD last night, trying to see if WWE edited the crowd chants. It doesn't seem like they did a lot of editing - all the "big chants" remained, as well as the wrestlers' reactions.
[quote name='TheRock88']HBK backstage after WM went off the air.[/QUOTE]

Wow. The end of that is surreal with HBK talking with Bret. Both retired now, both old, but still in very different situations.

Bret Hart was more or less retired thanks specifically to a botch in the ring but more broadly, he was retired by WCW having no fucking clue how to use him. I missed the Vince/Bret match but by all accounts, it was similarly disappointing.

Shawn Michaels retired with his health, family, legacy, and presumably spirit intact. In thirteen years, I don't think we'll see Michaels show up for some grudge rematch against the Undertaker.
[quote name='007']For those that saw it, another question: was I the only one that actually started to feel BAD for Vince? [/QUOTE]
YES. That was the other thing that really bugged me. This was driven home the most during the extended chairshot sequence - it was basically a "safer" version of Rock whacking Foley over and over. Just completely ass-backwards. Bret slowly delivering like 10 HARD chairshots to a guy screaming in pain over and over did nothing to get the crowd behind him.

Really wish we could hear the audio from the Bret - Shawn backstage meeting.

I didn't find 'Taker's actions that out of character. He's a face, he should be capable of some minor compassion for someone he sees on the same level as him. Now, if he had hesitated and then Michaels won, it would probably have seemed a little odd. But considering that he wound up just flipping the fuck out and killing him after getting slapped, it seemed fine to me.
[quote name='Sporadic']Problem with that is that Bret can't take any bumps because they can potentially kill him....which all goes back to the angle being a horrible idea/nobody cares about Bret Hart/why is this at Wrestlemania?

Wasn't saying anything about Bret bumping. The match could've gone with the Crowbar/Chair etc, and Vince attempting to call in the Hart Dynasty to help him, but having them attack him instead - instead of all the pre-match posturing and swerve explanations.
On Taker showing compassion I was expecting Shawn to attempt a rollup or something after slapping him and getting Taker to charge, then getting Tombstoned again after it failed. It worked for me as is though.
The Hart Family turning on McMahon... How was that supposed to be shocking? What a joke.

Personally, I thought the build-up sucked, but I thought the pay-off sucked even worse.
i don't think hbk needs wrestling as much as flair did. there's this sense that shawn has something waiting for him outside of the ring that flair just didn't.

which is why it wasn't so surprising to see flair come back.

that said its truly the end of an era.

hbk will be missed.

the ending of match was similar to the hbk/flair match which i thought was a really nice touch. the difference being that everybody but flair knowing flair was finished and shawn knowing he was finished and still slapping taker in the face regardless because he wanted to remain defiant until the very end.
3 straight Wrestlemania's saved by HBK. This years show was really weak imo. Too bad Shawn is done now, I haven't watched since last years WM, but once I knew Shawn was done with tonights show I tuned in. Sad to see him go.
8/10 for WrestleMania 26. The majority of the matches were good to very good. The main problem was how short each match was compared to how it should have been. Tag Team titles and Rey/Punk should have had another 10 minutes each. MiTB and Edge/Jericho could have used another 5 minutes.

Should WWE expand the time limit for WM or just cut back on the match total? The problem is that they have this huge talented roster and they try to cram everybody in. It's going to be funny in a couple of years when Edge, HHH, Taker and Batista are gone.
[quote name='diddy310']If you add up Rey's last two Mania matches it probably ends up being somewhere in the 8-10 minute range[/QUOTE]
6:51. He beat JBL in 21 seconds last year. :roll:
[quote name='wildcpac']Should WWE expand the time limit for WM or just cut back on the match total? The problem is that they have this huge talented roster and they try to cram everybody in. It's going to be funny in a couple of years when Edge, HHH, Taker and Batista are gone.[/QUOTE]

It's not that the number of matches interfere with the time available for matches. Someone on popup insider did the match math (jesus!) and found b/w 28-31:00 of wrestling time for every 60:00 of PPV. Which means the show is approximately 50% wrestling and 50% filler.

If you move 60/40, you suddenly have an extra 24 minutes of wrestling to spread around on the show - much more than needed to give Punk/Mysterio and tag team titles 5-10 minutes each.
just watched the bret hart match. not as bad as people are making it out to be if you take into account the hatred bret hart should have had for vince. ten years ago this would have been the perfect match. now - bret look tired and old - which is specifically took away from it.

cena/batista = best match of the show.
I tried to watch WM without viewing spoilers the week or so leading up to it and I did a pretty good job of that, just trying to enjoy the show as a "casual fan" which normally seems to work better.

I thought the show as a whole was "alright". Trying to cram some guys in kind of hurt the show more than anything, but it was still very much watchable. More than I can say about 50% of the other PPVs they put on. It seems that Wrestlemania is one of the shows where they actually try to make some of the matches "unpredictable".

I was hoping Jericho/Edge was to close the show, but I should have known better than that. At least one of the title matches has to have a "happy ending" and of course Hulk err.. Cena ends up being the "happy moment". Watching Cena get powerbombed and the crowd cheering like crazy for it made me crack a smile. Now I was never a Cena hater, but him winning every big (and little) match is getting out of hand.

Bret/Vince was destined to be shite. Expecting anything other than that and you might as well go watch TNA, really.
I wanna type something about this Bret Hart match...

1) It was TOO CONFUSING. That's the whole gist of it.

Of course, what's done is done....but I'm a casual fan. I didn't know his family didn't like each other. So that storyline part about them crossing Bret that was trying to be told was news to me. And then of course the double cross came when Vince basically paid 'em to beat him (Vince) up. Painfully obvious!

I think it would have been much better if Bret came out first like he did and in the ring was waiting on Vince. Vince then comes out, skipping the dialog, with his family. WHOA! He might say as he's walking down that he paid 'em off (to explain why) and laugh....and then his family attacks him when he's trying to get in the ring.

They beat him to a pulp and then Bret does a couple of chair shots (not 10+) and the sharpshooter and Vince taps out and Hart gets a mic and says something like "We didn't want to hurt you...we wanted to KILL you" and they all pose for the camera and we move on!

What happened instead was this long drawn out story with drawn out beatdowns and the chair shots which bore me.

Worst than the divas match with the botched pin!
[quote name='wildcpac']just heard that cc is no longer with tna. Is a new thread going to be started for tonight?[/quote]

[quote name='cdubb1605']cc?[/QUOTE]

Consequences Creed. Hasn't been on TV in awhile and his profile was taken off of
[quote name='wildcpac']Consequences Creed. Hasn't been on TV in awhile and his profile was taken off of[/QUOTE]

yeah, just read that, when ya said CC all i could think was "christian cage" and then that you were about 16 months late on that
Consequences Creed leaving TNA makes about as much impact as Jimmy Yang leaving WWE. I doubt anyone would really notice.
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