The Official Warhawk CAG Clan - Join in!

Can people get invites if the game refuses to enlist them? With the ranking system down, I've been playing in about 40 games and not a single one of them resulted in me finally getting ranked.
Yeah I haven't been getting ranked but it makes it eaiser cause I am getting better and not being forced out of the early rooms.
[quote name='NamPaehc']We can only send invites AFTER you have logged onto Warhawk once. Think most of the central people who have logged on already have theirs so if you just got the game, you're ivites will come after you've been playing a bit (and I know when I can send them to you).[/quote]

If that's the case then I'm SOL. I've been playing for a couple of days now and still no stat update of any kind for me. Been on mainly ranked (zones) games.
Right now, I handed off the CAG East clan position to Kendal (TwoTonTunic). I told him to see if he can invite the rest to the clan. If it doesn't work, we might have to divide CAG clans again.
Hey Mana, can you PM a list of the uninvited Eastcoaster CAGs that need an invite? Also, if anyone hasn't been invited to the Eastcoasters CAG Clan, PM me as well as posting in here. That will make sure I know you need an invite. Thanks.
Yeah, I sent you a PM of the people. There are a few more which I didn't list, but they don't exist in Warhawk yet.

So, it looks like the maximum people we can have in a clan is 31. I might leave so someone else can maybe join. Well, do you think we should try to re-divide up the clans, or just create a new clan for those who didn't get invited, like CAG4 or something. Having 4 clans would be good IMO, for matches (winner plays winner, loser plays loser). I dunno, I'll leave this up to clan leaders to decide what to do.
I havent been invited yet Kendal.

Could one of the reasons be because the stats arent working, therefore saying I have never played Warhawk?
[quote name='Razzuel']I havent been invited yet Kendal.

Could one of the reasons be because the stats arent working, therefore saying I have never played Warhawk?[/QUOTE]Before Kendal was the leader, I tried inviting you, but I kept getting a send error. Not just with you, but with others. Come to find out, there seems to be a glitch not allowing more than 30 members in a clan (not including the leader). One reason I made Kendal the leader was so you guys could be invited (I thought I could only send 30 myself, and would have to let another send 30), but that didn't work. We might just have to create another CAG Clan, but I'm waiting for Nam and Shini to reply to say whether they reached their limit yet.

Don't worry, we are still thinking about you. ;)
Heh, I haven't powered up my PS3 in a couple days except to DL the content from PSN yesterday.

I got your message Mana (Thanks for the attatchment ;) ), but I have yet to reach my max invites or any problems with inviting people to the clan.
[quote name='Inf^Shini']Heh, I haven't powered up my PS3 in a couple days except to DL the content from PSN yesterday.

I got your message Mana (Thanks for the attatchment ;) ), but I have yet to reach my max invites or any problems with inviting people to the clan.[/QUOTE]Well, continue to invite everyone who continue posting in this thread, and if you can invite more than 30 people, something is really weird then. If you and Nam haven't reached 30 yet, you two may have to invite some of the people from the East who don't have a clan yet, like (these are the PSN names):

Zoodux (might be lower case z, if that doesn't work, I forget)

A few others listed in the East, still don't have Warhawk.
[quote name='Wombat']I would like in please, thanks. name is wombat5277[/quote]

You have warhawk? :applause:
psn: SnowSquirrel
tz: atlantic
headset: yes

Just arrived at work today. Does anyone know if I play at lunch today (on the ps3 at work), will I have to wait 24 hours to play it on my ps3 at home? Or is that just the download version?

[quote name='snowsquirrel']psn: SnowSquirrel
tz: atlantic
headset: yes

Just arrived at work today. Does anyone know if I play at lunch today (on the ps3 at work), will I have to wait 24 hours to play it on my ps3 at home? Or is that just the download version?

~S[/QUOTE]I think just the download version.

Btw, you may not be invited to a clan for a while, because the EST clan may be maxed out for now (due to not being able to send 30 invites), so we might have to create another).
Okay, I recommend we start a fourth clan, for those in the east who didn't get invited and other time zones maybe (due to already sending clan invites).

The following people would be:
Zoodux (might be lower case z, if that doesn't work, I forget)
PlayYing (If that person has Warhawk yet)
Myope (If that person has Warhawk yet)
ohheysean (If that person has Warhawk yet)

If anyone of you wants to start the clan "CAG4" or something like that, that would be a good idea. If not, I may eventually do it. Basically, that clan can be used for those who didn't get an invite.
We're still short in the central if the others are full... I can add them so the clan can get bigger... Then they can just leave to a new clan or back to their region's once the issue is fixed and we can get to 64.
[quote name='Wombat']I would like in please, thanks. name is wombat5277[/quote]
I thought you said on the CAGcast you weren't going to buy Warhawk right now? Anyway its great that you did because Warhawk is kick ass.

Oh and that would be fine if we got put into our own seperate clan.
[quote name='orko60']Anybody know when CheapyD plays? I see that he's in my clan (CagWest), but haven't seen him online yet.[/quote]
I played a little bit with him and Wombat yesterday evening. I think he's just too busy with other games to play it regularly, but hopefully that changes with Wombat on board.
Oooook, I will officially have some time tomorrow morning to fix/tidy up the clan groups on here as well as send out invites that need sending ;)

I'm all for a fourth clan since it would enable a clan v. clan match, that would be kick ass :D

So, two eastern clans, one central/mountain, and one pacific/mountain clan looks good.

I see East Vs. West, with both clans in east duking it out as well as west, then the winners play a West v. East game.
Ok, I thought about it a bit more and came up with this idea. I edited the first post to reflect this as well.

--Proposed Idea:whistle2:-

East - 2 Clans

West - 2 Clans

Both clans in East play each other, both clans in west play each other.

We stick to 8-player slots for each side and split up the tournament into eight games. Four games in the West split into 8-man groups with the first matches pitting players against each other inside their own clan, then the winners playing against the winners of the other West clan.

Same for the East side clans, then the winners of the West and East matches play in the "Championship" with a West v. East match. How does that sound?
I like that idea too, but the only thing that worries me now is one clan maybe having too many members over the other (in the east), but it should mostly be fine. I'd get the 2nd east clan started, but I'm having internet issues right now (so I haven't played all that much). I may switch to the newer East clan though, to even things up.
sounds ok, as long as the stats for the clans aren't as messed up as for the profiles. I'm on my third restart with stats so far, very frustrating.
[quote name='ighosty']sounds ok, as long as the stats for the clans aren't as messed up as for the profiles. I'm on my third restart with stats so far, very frustrating.[/QUOTE]We haven't really done anything clan related, but it won't mess up your stats.
i didn't mean mess up my stats, i just hope the clan stats are more reliable then the other stats. Meaning that i hope when i log on it actually shows that i'm in the clan.
[quote name='ighosty']i didn't mean mess up my stats, i just hope the clan stats are more reliable then the other stats. Meaning that i hope when i log on it actually shows that i'm in the clan.[/quote]

i don't think that should be a problem.

If there are too many members in a certain spot and not everyone gets fair play, we can always increase the team sizes and shuffle around players who are willing to join another group.

The biggest issue I see is setting up a time that everyone can get together to play a match. We can take it a match a day, or two in one day (A doubleheader!)

Shoot, we can even have preliminary/warm-up games just to get acquainted with each other and working as a team. It'll all be in good fun ^^b
Still no invite... Are all the Pacific teams filled? I have received invites form other clans o let me know if you all just don't need another.

[quote name='Shoki']Still no invite... Are all the Pacific teams filled? I have received invites form other clans o let me know if you all just don't need another.


Check my recent post in the page before, I'll be getting to invites tomorrow morning.

So, who's up for a CAG clan tournament?
IFFFFFFFF I was sick and tired of the problems Incognito is having with this game and I wanted to trade/sell it (I have the retail version) do I have to go into the game and leave the clan or does the clan leader do it.

Please don't take me out yet I'm going to sleep on this and also see if any of you on here can convince me to keep this game when there's so many problems.
[quote name='MSUHitman']IFFFFFFFF I was sick and tired of the problems Incognito is having with this game and I wanted to trade/sell it (I have the retail version) do I have to go into the game and leave the clan or does the clan leader do it.

Please don't take me out yet I'm going to sleep on this and also see if any of you on here can convince me to keep this game when there's so many problems.[/QUOTE]

I been playing Warhawk for almost 2 weeks now, 3 hours each day and I haven't experience any lag issues, and freezes. Beside the server maintenance and a few network timeout (fix by unplugging the router and plugging it back on), Warhawk has been perfect for me since day one. Have you try reinstalling the game again? I read a thread somewhere at PSU, its said that it work for them.
can you ad me as well
I have retail version w/ headset (though I can't figure out why it doesn't work when I press in L3)

CAG: JoshD
Warhawk: LoreNYC

btw anyone know why stats aren't saving? Mine seem to be reset every time I log back on
[quote name='JoshD']can you ad me as well
I have retail version w/ headset (though I can't figure out why it doesn't work when I press in L3)

CAG: JoshD
Warhawk: LoreNYC

btw anyone know why stats aren't saving? Mine seem to be reset every time I log back on[/QUOTE]Are you from the East (meaning EST as a Timezone)? We need to know so we can send the right clan invite.
You want a Cag Clan Tourney but yet we havent even got all the clans organized... come one now one thing at a time.
It was interesting, I ran into LoreNYC online. ;)

Anyway, the 2nd east clan (I haven't thought of its name yet, thinking of something like CAG2, CAG4, eCAG). I might leave the clan I'm apart of to at least get this started.

Zoodux (might be lower case z, if that doesn't work, I forget)
PlayYing (If that person has Warhawk yet)
Myope (If that person has Warhawk yet)
ohheysean (If that person has Warhawk yet)
Okay, I just started the clan called "Eastern CAG Members" and the people invited were:

Zoodux (might be lower case z, if that doesn't work, I forget)

If anyone from the other east clan wants to switch over (to even things up a little. I think around 4 would be good, making the clans 24 vs. 15 or something), let me know in this thread, PM, or PSN.

Eventually in the not so distant future, I'll be handing the clan over to iGhosty
[quote name='InuFaye']You want a Cag Clan Tourney but yet we havent even got all the clans organized... come one now one thing at a time.[/quote]

It was a proposition, to get people to start thinking ahead and attract some more members who might be lurking about and reading the posts.

Besides, there are still a lot of pending invites, that might encourage them to finally start hopping online more.
bread's done