The Official "We wish JaytheGamefan well in his future endeavors" Wrestling Thread

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[quote name='mykevermin']Cheap Ass Gamer has come to terms on the release of obnoxious poster Jaythegamefan as of March 24th, 2011. CAG wishes Jaythegamefan the best in all future endeavors.[/QUOTE]

More Velvet Sky derriere shots to follow.
[quote name='Trakan']I don't think is the strongest and most likely match for the streak to end we could possibly have. If anything that was last year. There's no way he's going to lose the streak to HHH when Shawn's career was on the line. What purpose does Taker losing the streak to HHH have anyway? HHH will be out sooner rather than later too. If HHH could take him out in his "prime" years ago then he isn't going to do it now.[/QUOTE]

I should clarify. When I say this is the most likely match for UT to end the streak I specifically mean going forward. If you look back, I see last year's match as overall most likely as well. Going forward, I see UT ending the streak to HHH as the most likely with no other possible match up for next year being more likely. (Short of Hogan, Rock, or Stone Cold coming back which seem unlikely)
Finlay got released:

World Wrestling Entertainment released Dave Finlay yesterday. He had been solely working as a producer since retiring from in-ring competition last year.

WWE Champion The Miz was booked to interrupt the national anthem during a live event in Champaign, Illinois on Friday. A number of representatives for the National Guard were in attendance (a huge partner and sponsor for WWE) and they were not pleased with the anthem being used to garner heel heat.

Once key WWE officials were informed of the ordeal, a decision was made to terminate his contract, since he was the event's top producer.

His release from the organization comes as a shock to numerous employees. Finlay is well liked and many people are hoping that it is a situation where he could be brought back in the future.

Finlay had been with the company from 2001 and was considered the top producer in the organization. Many credit him with orchestrating the women's division over the past decade.

And the reason for the change in the 8 man match at Rasslemania:

WWE's creative team plugged Santino Marella and Vladimir Kozlov into the Eight Man Tag Team Match with The Corre at Wrestlemania XXVII after it was decided that Christian would be in Edge's corner when "The Rated-R Superstar" defends the World Heavyweight Championship against Alberto Del Rio. Christian and Kofi Kingston were originally pegged for the match.

It also said that Marella had "earned a spot on the card" based on his tenure with WWE. Management reportedly feels he "hits a home run" with whatever he is told to do on television and since he hadn't yet worked a WrestleMania match (WrestleMania XXV nonwithstanding), he was to be rewarded.

In regards to Kingston not being currently slotted for a match at the event, there has been talk in the last day of him facing Drew McIntyre.
So...yeah, fuck the guy who puts on better matches. Let's go with the funny guy.
[quote name='007']I have to admit, I find some slight humor in the fact that jaythegamefan is being summarily lynched in the 'New Clique' thread. Is there a secret faction of people behind the scenes booking this thread? Did I just blow your mind? Uncover a conspiracy? Running a joke into the ground? This sentence shouldn't have a question mark after it, but it does? I'll stop talking now? Question mark?[/quote]

Well, at least I'm not the X-Pac of the group.

Shame about Finlay. It's gotta be odd working in WWE, where Michael Cole can make a horrendously offensive and very public maneuver to no punishment whatsoever, while Finlay indirectly gets the axe for something few people saw.
[quote name='mykevermin']Well, at least I'm not the X-Pac of the group.

Shame about Finlay. It's gotta be odd working in WWE, where Michael Cole can make a horrendously offensive and very public maneuver to no punishment whatsoever, while Finlay indirectly gets the axe for something few people saw.[/QUOTE]

Gay people != Military, at least I suspect in Vince's eyes. Apologising on Twitter is good enough for them.

Plus I guess GLAAD aren't WWE sponsors.
Anyone up for some All Stars online play if anyone has picked it up? I'm thinking about getting it this evening. Though I may wait for the Kmart deal in a few weeks.
Yeah, that's what I'm going Matt..wait for the K-Mart I'm guessing we'll see it for 40 at some point in the next month anyway.
Finlay was the fall guy, and I guarantee he'll be back. This is Danielson all over again... make a gesture to keep sponsors happy, and bring them back once it's died down.

Cole is still working for the same reason Riley is, he's too important right now. Had Cole done this a year ago, he'd be gone, or at least off TV for an extended time. My guess is that he'll get 'beat so badly' at Mania that he'll be off TV for a while anyway.

Oh, and while I think it's a bit of an overreaction, using the anthem for heel heat is sort of stupid move. It was bound to trip them up eventually, especially because I can't imagine it was the first they did it.
Finlay dun goofed.

All Stars is pretty fun now that I'm not limited to Warrior and Mysterio. Reversals by the computer are still a-plenty, but I'm able to reverse more than in the demo.

I love the build up videos in the fantasy warfare matches. So far, Mysterio and Eddie's is the best, but that's because they've faced each other so many times and they can just pull old footage. Mysterio's "You and me, Eddie, one last time!" line made me kinda sad. Eddie was great.
I was just reading the end of the previous thread and the comments about the WrestleMania card and I might be in the minority, but I actually like the build for WrestleMania this year. Outside of Triple vs. Taker, I've kind of been surprised how things have slowly built since the Royal Rumble. It felt like in previous years things were more slapped together. Obviously, the Corre thing isn't the greatest, but they've been feuding with Big Show and Kane for at least a little while for an undercard match. The Snookie shit is a mess, but that's just the usual celeb crap so that doesn't really bother me.
I don't buy that Finlay's goof is worse or different than the others. Cole really threatened the "family friendly"/TV-PG thing with his "$$$$$$" comment. From the perspective of program sponsors who want to cater to children, that's really threatening stuff. As threatening as something that happened at a house show.

The difference, and the lesson we learn all too often in professional wrestling - only the expendable are punished. See Jeff Hardy, John Cena, and Michael Cole's treatment in recent weeks. WWE had to publicly apologize for Cena and Cole, WWE did everything behind the scenes for Finaly - meanwhile, Finlay gets fired and Cena/Cole get nothing.

In the case of Jeff Hardy, he had to show up to his third PPV main event in half a year blown out of his fucking mind to get sent on an extended vacation with the company showing every intention of bringing him back.

Punishment is meted out based not on what you've done, but who you are in the company.

I'm not saying that Cena or Cole should be fired or sent on a va-cay or anything - but rather that it has to be really intimidating to work in a company not being a part of the protected class, where someone *else's* goof (suppose Miz didn't clear it w/ Finlay beforehand?) gets you fired with no forewarning.

Walking on eggshells and all that.
Picked up Allstars for 360 this morning. Aside from the icon for the Reversal Button being marked "RB" there was not too much confusion. In x-box land RB is right bumper, but the grapple reverse button by default is actually left bumper. I kept trying to block strikes with RB instead of performing reversals with LB.

Have only tried CM Punk and Big show on the current side of the roster. Macho Man is my favorite so far of the legends, and Sgt. Slaughter was a blast to play as too. I would be down to play some games tonight once I get off of work.
Cena Tells Story About Being Mistreated At Airport Today

The following is a new tweet from the official Twitter page of WWE Superstar John Cena:

"CeNation. Interesting morning. I was grossly mistreated by SouthWest Airlines this morning, I guess to the point of descrimination.... I was told by multiple employees that I was not fat enough to retrieve my scheduled reservation. ( yes u heard that right) For a company ... Who's corporate statement is "we will get u thru the RED TAPE", this morning was absolutely embarrassing.In other news THQ #allstars out2day"

Am I correct in assuming that John booked two seats together (just for himself) on his flight out of O'Hare and was subsequently hassled?
Just another case of discrimination against Cena's color, size, where he grew up, etc.
Well, it certainly wasn't for his luggage, since he hasn't changed since Summerslam.
Southwest is my favorite airline by a long shot. This solidifies that for me.

Good luck claiming two seats in O'Hare even if you paid for them. Anyone who's been through there understands that clearly enough. fuck, man, it's O'Hare. Good luck getting the one seat you booked months ago. If the plane leaves within three hours of its scheduled time, you're a blessed person.

Pretty pretty princess has to sit with the plebeians, the poor baby. Buy your own fuckin' plane.
[quote name='mykevermin']Pretty pretty princess has to sit with the plebeians, the poor baby.[/QUOTE]
Hey, that's the WWE UNIVERSE to you!
[quote name='007']Well, it certainly wasn't for his luggage, since he hasn't changed since Summerslam.[/QUOTE]

Maybe the TSA got suspicious when they found he had packed nothing but jorts and purple T-shirts.
Man, I know it's fuckin' money in the bank (not the wrestling way, the other way) to him, but do you think Cena ever looks at the fuckin' jean shorts and purple shit on his hotel room floor for a really long time - like 45 seconds to a minute or more - and just hangs his head and sighs before he puts it on and walks out for the day?

How can any self-respecting person wear that outfit day in and day out. Jean shorts (not to mention the color schemes he goes with) just scream "I have no dignity."
Even Billy Gunn had different-colored trunks to wear to the ring. You'd think they would let Cena cycle through shirts every week or so.
Remember in Beyond the Mat there was a Rock impersonator they followed around? I really want to meet a John Cena impersonator if such a thing exists.


Twitter suspended TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter’s account today.

Her account was suspended due to a violation of the website’s terms of service. Approximately a month ago, a background image featuring a photoshopped “Verified Account” logo was uploaded to the page. However, only Twitter may indicate that an account is verified.

Their terms of service reads: “Misuse of Twitter Badges: You may not use a Verified Account badge or Promoted Products badge unless it is provided by Twitter. Accounts using these badges as part of profile pictures, background images, or in a way that falsely implies affiliation with Twitter will be suspended.”

$50 sez this has her far more irate and hell bent on cutting some fucking heads off than Jeff Hardy showing up too drunk to fuck wrestle.
[quote name='mykevermin']Man, I know it's fuckin' money in the bank (not the wrestling way, the other way)

"I have no dignity."[/QUOTE]
There's your answer.:lol:
[quote name='davo1224']Don't people remember Kidman wearing jorts for almost his entire WCW run until WWE called them bush league in an ironic twist?[/QUOTE]

Maybe it was just me but I thought that Kidman as a lackey of Raven's was an awesome character and it really needed the shitty jorts to work.
Flock-era ripped up shorts and t-shirt Kidman was happy smiley Jorts and wifebeater face that wore thin after a while.
OK, for those who have Miz going over Cena (and I'm not opposed to such), how do you lay the card out? the "B-Show" title won't go on last, and isn't everyone in agreement that ADR should go over? WM is the "Send the fans home happy" PPV of the year -- so here's how I see it going, IF you put Miz over:

Edge/Del Rio
Divas bullshit

If Cena goes over, I still think it goes in the same order despite any protests I may have about the top title not going on last -- but the last 2 matches COULD get switched.

A few news bits:

[quote name='']Twitter suspended TNA Wrestling President Dixie Carter's account today.

Her account was suspended due to a violation of the website's terms of service. Approximately a month ago, a wallpaper image reading "Verified Account" was uploaded to the page. However, only Twitter may indicate that an account is verified.

Their terms of service reads: "Misuse of Twitter Badges: You may not use a Verified Account badge or Promoted Products badge unless it is provided by Twitter. Accounts using these badges as part of profile pictures, background images, or in a way that falsely implies affiliation with Twitter will be suspended."

According to reader Kemco, numerous users reported the violating account to Twitter, which led to its suspension.

Carter launched the account in late 2009, coinciding with the arrival of Hulk Hogan, and was frequently plugged on TNA iMPACT! up until a few months ago. Some people have speculated that her "I am" tweet last week was in response to users calling her out for misrepresenting the account as verified.

It should be noted that most expect the problem to be fixed shortly.[/quote]

[quote name='']Rapper/producer Snoop Dogg will be appearing at WrestleMania 27 in Atlanta, WWE announced Tuesday.

WWE did not disclose Snoop's role at WrestleMania and simply noted he will be in attendance.

At WrestleMania 24 in Orlando, Snoop "hosted" the BunnyMania Lumberjack match. Snoop also guest-hosted an episode of Raw in October 2009.

Snoop Dogg joins the WrestleMania celebrity list that includes "The Rock" Dwayne Johnson hosting WrestleMania, Snooki in a six-person tag match on the PPV, Drew Carey in the 2011 Hall of Fame, and Keri Hilson singing "America the Beautiful" to open WrestleMania.[/quote]
The Miz can go over in the last match, it's the post match Rock/Cena confrontation that's going to send people home happy.

A lot of WCW content on this week due to the tenth anniversary of WCW being sold to WWF.

Video of Chavo sums it up - WCW held everyone down, only pushed the same big stars, blah de blah. Says Chavo fucking Guerero. The part that really chaps my ass is they have the audacity to let Kerwin fucking White talk about the "bad gimmicks" he was saddled with in WCW. A decade later they can't get enough of burying WCW as a promotion, and ignore that the same shit goes on in WWE today.
[quote name='diddy310']The Miz can go over in the last match, it's the post match Rock/Cena confrontation that's going to send people home happy.[/QUOTE]

I always wonder how long that Invasion angle could have gone on if they had properly booked it, waited for the contracts to finish up to get the right guys, etc, etc. It still drives me crazy they fucked up what could have been the biggest angle in the history of wrestling.
Who was it in one of the original Tough Enough seasons that hurt their knee during training and tried to go on, and they cut him but offered to bring him back once he was 100%?
[quote name='Survivalism']Who was it in one of the original Tough Enough seasons that hurt their knee during training and tried to go on, and they cut him but offered to bring him back once he was 100%?[/QUOTE]

Matt Morgan
[quote name='davo1224']Ugh I can't tell if the articles are herpderp'ed on purpose or if the writer has never seen any WCW at all.[/QUOTE]

both, of course. It's like dealing with a creepy old divorced couple, where one can *never* give up an opportunity to take a dig at the other one. even if it was their funeral, they'd sneak in one mention of how everyone thought "she was a bitch."
What? PGW? The Gay Avenger?!


TMZ is reporting that the Pro Gay Wrestling Federation (PGW) is upset over WWE announcer Michael Cole's use of a gay slur on his Twitter. PGW Champion The Gay Avenger said the use of the word was "intolerant and insensitive" and encourages a "hostile bullying environment." He is also unhappy that Cole was not punished and only has to attend the GLAAD sensitivity training.
[quote name='metaphysicalstyles']What? PGW? The Gay Avenger?!


TMZ is reporting that the Pro Gay Wrestling Federation (PGW) is upset over WWE announcer Michael Cole's use of a gay slur on his Twitter. PGW Champion The Gay Avenger said the use of the word was "intolerant and insensitive" and encourages a "hostile bullying environment." He is also unhappy that Cole was not punished and only has to attend the GLAAD sensitivity training.

Don't give JaytheGamefan more federations to post screenshots from.....
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