[quote name='Evil Star']Can someone PM me a US LIVE code as it takes me awhile to set up my 360, the codes that are posted here are redeemed before I input them on LIVE([/QUOTE]
Does anybody have a 1-month code they'd be generous enough to PM me? I basically got screwed out of the "3 months for $9.99" promo, explained here -> http://www.cheapassgamer.com/forums/showthread.php?p=7522651#post7522651 I'd really appreciate it, dying to get back on Monday Night Combat and Harmony of Despair.
im not guna lie ima newb but im desperate to play online as i have bought my bro's xbox but am slightly unemployed and would apprieciate a code to let me play even for only an hour?? just desperate to see what the deal is with it all . please? lol (actually this is begging, but remember i am a nice guy )
[quote name='cc23830']im not guna lie ima newb but im desperate to play online as i have bought my bro's xbox but am slightly unemployed and would apprieciate a code to let me play even for only an hour?? just desperate to see what the deal is with it all . please? lol (actually this is begging, but remember i am a nice guy )[/QUOTE]
Dude, just keep following this thread and maybe you'll get lucky, it's gotta happen some time or other, but people pm'ing you a code doesn't happen very often, you just gotta keep checking up on this...
ok cheers.lol least i told the truth bout only being here for one reason,but the forum are great!!! i ended up buyin a 48hour trial off ebay lastnight so i had a few goes and i reckon mw2 on line rules.lol
[quote name='Gamer SDP']cheapyd really needs to make it a 30+ wait before new users can access certain forums (and blogs), such as this one.
also I think it's stupid to have people posting begging for codes. if someone has a code to post, they should just post it or mention that they have one and will be giving it via PM or something.[/QUOTE]
Agree'd Gamer. I appreciate those that do share their codes however. I just wish those that used them, had a little common courtesy to say they used the codes.
[quote name='Superfluential']Agree'd Gamer. I appreciate those that do share their codes however. I just wish those that used them, had a little common courtesy to say they used the codes.[/QUOTE]
I'm going to try to talk to him tonight regarding such issues and see what we can do.
[quote name='sp00ge']I'm going to try to talk to him tonight regarding such issues and see what we can do.[/QUOTE]
That would actually be a really smart move, yet a reduction in users signing up and viewing ads, I guess--a small economical drop, but an increase in happiness with true CAGs.
Hey guys, I just got CoD:MW2 only to find out my membership ran out and it'll be 2/3 days til I can renew it. Anyone have a 48 hour code?
Thanks in advance