The Orange Box - Out Now

[quote name='hollowfreak']I must have missed all of those parts because not once was I startled by BioShock (beginning to end), unlike Half-Life 2 where now and again a headcrab will come shreiking out of the darkness towards you and BioShock's lets make everything shiny took away from any atmosphere the blood "stained" walls could have given it. Half-Life 2 is a much more solid "world" and the Ant Lion Guards will kill you given the chance and there's no vita-chamber to make you feel immortal. But even so neither of these games are creepy or scary, not like Silent Hill or Doom 3. I believe most gamers say they want survival horror games but in fact they're (we're) looking for psychoLOGICAL horror games. Games that make us fear more than just dying ...[/quote]

I believe the walls were only shiny because they were trying to show water rom leaks running down them.
[quote name='Danil ACE']I believe the walls were only shiny because they were trying to show water rom leaks running down them.[/QUOTE]
Don't mind him, he's just trolling.
For whoever asked in the comments, from what I understood the console versions of HL2: Episode 2 will contain all things Half-Life 2, including CS: Source, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. Will amend that info if anything changes.

..there's no way the orange box will contain CS: Source as well. I'm having a hard time beliving that HL2, HL2: E1, HL2: E2, Portal and TF2 will carry the 59.99 tag. That's a lot of content for $60. Throwing in CS: Source would be the best move ever, and this would the absolute easiest $60 i've ever spent.
[quote name='Scorch']..there's no way the orange box will contain CS: Source as well. I'm having a hard time beliving that HL2, HL2: E1, HL2: E2, Portal and TF2 will carry the 59.99 tag. That's a lot of content for $60. Throwing in CS: Source would be the best move ever, and this would the absolute easiest $60 i've ever spent.[/QUOTE]

Never once did Valve mention CS:S as being included.

"...comes packed with bonuses in addition to the genre-expanding original Half-Life 2 game. Half-Life 2: Episode One and Episode Two add-on levels are also on the disc, as are the stunningly complex puzzle game Portal and the online phenomenon Team Fortress 2."

Sorry, no CS:S or DOD:S either.
[quote name='valor19']Never once did Valve mention CS:S as being included.[/quote]

I know that, but did you not read the new Gamespot article that was posted? Linkin posted it in the topic post.

For whoever asked in the comments, from what I understood the console versions of HL2: Episode 2 will contain all things Half-Life 2, including CS: Source, Team Fortress 2, and Portal. Will amend that info if anything changes.

Oh, crap. Old snippet. Saw it and got excited. Oh well. I'm sure it'll be released as a standalone game. I'll play it on PC until that day..
Well, they did say that once they got the Source engine up and running on the 360 that it was easy as pie to port the games from the pc. Since the hard work is already done, I don't see why CS:S or DOD:S couldn't be released, possibly even as downloadable content. Or put the two together on a disc and release them as a budget package. Either way, I'd buy CS:S on the 360 in a heartbeat.
[quote name='rocksolidaudio']no CS Source for consoles. fact.[/quote]

Thanks, that was really helpful and insightful. You've built quite a case there. Many thanks.
[quote name='Kaijufan']Well parts of Half Life 2 are kind of creepy (the Ravenholm level), but most of it is nothing like the Bioshock demo.[/quote]

Ravenholm was easily the best area of that entire game and it definitely did scare the fuck out of me. The sound of those zombies screaming as they lumber towards you while on fire is just fucking blood curdling.

Other than that however the game isn't too spooky. It's got a lot more "Oh shit! That was fucking cool!" moments than "Oh shit! I'm going to piss myself!" moments (although sometimes if something is REALLY cool it does also make me piss myself).
[quote name='ThatDamnDave']Thanks, that was really helpful and insightful. You've built quite a case there. Many thanks.[/quote]

The man knows what he is talking about, hes an intern for Im pretty sure he would know about it.

No CS:S for Consoles. Believe.
i'm pretty excited for the orange box, but i feel like it's a better investment if i buy it for the PC so i'd always have free online play. anyone else feel the same? not to mention free mods...
[quote name='Danil ACE']I believe the walls were only shiny because they were trying to show water rom leaks running down them.[/QUOTE]
Ok maybe I wasn't clear it's not just the walls ... it's the blood itself. It looks like wax. Just about everything in the game is shiny, the blood, the enemies, the wood, the bricks on the outside of the lighthouse that are nowhere near the water, etc. ... and yes the water is shiny too. Speaking of reflections there's only a few places where water actually reflects the environment, most of the puddles are just environment/reflection maps which look hideous compared to the former. And then there's the pop-up which happens all too often in next-gen Unreal-based games. It's all these little glitches and inconsistencies that take you out of the game and when you're not thoroughly engrossed in the game, how can expect to feel fear? atlus is a pussy ...

I just hope that Half-Life 2 (360) doesn't use reflection maps for the floor like they did on the Xbox, other than that and the frame rate issues that was a rock solid game.

[quote name='Damian']Don't mind him, he's just trolling.[/QUOTE]
... crys the fanboy that can't tell the discussion from the trolling he purports. :p
Those achievements have to be the best ones yet for any game out. I get more enjoyment out of unlocking them then I do the points behind them.
The little "blip" noise and a pop up makes me feel like I did something challenging. I could care less how many points I get from it.
I only wish they had more tf2 achievments. I hope a bunch of those secret ones are tf2.
The only thing I have to say I totally disagree with is finding out that enemy medics can heal you. This is the worst idea I have ever heard and will cause untold amounts of cheating and stat padding. I sincerely hope they allow it to be turned on and off in the options for tf2 matches.
Can't wait to get both pc and 360 versions!
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']The only thing I have to say I totally disagree with is finding out that enemy medics can heal you. This is the worst idea I have ever heard and will cause untold amounts of cheating and stat padding. I sincerely hope they allow it to be turned on and off in the options for tf2 matches.
Can't wait to get both pc and 360 versions![/QUOTE]

the hell with cheating and padding ... if you've ever played Gears online you might know where I'm going with this, just think about bleeding out. You try to get up only to have you ass handed back to you ... to yet again bleed out ... you either wait to be put out of your misery or it's rinse and repeat. Now just think about involuntarily being pulled back into the game only to be toyed with. repeatedly. :bouncy:
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']The only thing I have to say I totally disagree with is finding out that enemy medics can heal you.[/quote]

What?! That is wack. In the PC version, you could infect the other team if you were a medic.
[quote name='InuFaye']The man knows what he is talking about, hes an intern for Im pretty sure he would know about it.

No CS:S for Consoles. Believe.[/quote]

This has been proven in the first's further proof:
The achievements look awesome.

26. Flushed - Kill an enemy with a toilet...

Love it.

Also about the medic thing I don’t see why people find this to be a big deal. I used to pretty much play medic exclusively when I played TF and it was a pretty common thing for spies to call for a medic and then try and knife you. But since TF2 wont’ have infections I’m not really surprised about the “trick healing.” It would totally add insult to injury to boost up a spie's health only to have him knife you.
[quote name='fraggedbylaggers']they probably had a cap at 99 achievments...[/QUOTE]
This is likely true. I actually enjoy achievements, but I wish more games did them like this with just a bunch spread around. I don't really care about the points so much as I care about the fun of unlocking them for doing certain things in game.
Oh man I can't wait for this. Now I have to decide, the superior Xbox Live and always good framerates on high quality or a mod community and better graphics but I would probably have to upgrade my comp. Hmmm this one is gonna be tough.
[quote name='Kevlar281']
Also about the medic thing I don’t see why people find this to be a big deal. I used to pretty much play medic exclusively when I played TF and it was a pretty common thing for spies to call for a medic and then try and knife you. But since TF2 wont’ have infections I’m not really surprised about the “trick healing.” It would totally add insult to injury to boost up a spie's health only to have him knife you.

While I agree with you in theory, when has anything on a multiplayer game ever been used fairly?
It was bad enough for people to sabotage games by building turrets in spawn doors and all the other exploits they would use to spoil it for their own side. I see this ability being abused more then anything.
Getting your freinds to join the opposite team and running around with an enemy medic healing them, while killing people just doesnt sound fun to me.

That is why I dont understand why they changed medic at all. It was perfect to begin with and running around poisoning people was half the fun. - Although not fun if they happened to get poisoned in respawn.

I hope I am wrong and Valve tweak it enough to not allow that sort of misbehaviour to happen. If there is any way to abuse it though, I'm sure it will be done. I just hope that if it becomes too rampant, they will turn it into an optional choice for games.

As an aside, They released a new class trailer today. The soldier was weak, but Engie redeems them! Best class next to medic in the game!
man after watching both of the class introduction movies i think valve should do an animated show or movie. it really got me pumped for the orange box, i'm just so confused as to which platform to get it.
[quote name='ighosty']Its so awesome that there given all the games for 60, I don't know how you can't buy this.[/QUOTE]

Well the pc version is 45 and you get into the tf2 beta tommorrow.
[quote name='BULL_Ship']Well the pc version is 45 and you get into the tf2 beta tommorrow.[/QUOTE]

But the game drop 10/09, that's two to three weeks tops. Why spend so much extra just to get a small head start?
So beyond psyched for this. I'm not much of a computer gamer so I missed out on the PC release of HL2 back when it was new. The Xbox version blew me away even with it's occasional hiccups. Now I'll be able to replay the original HL2 with tons more stuff. It's 54.99 if you preorder through GS which I did. If someone winds up with a better deal I'll just get my preorder money back.

...I sound giddy, I should stop.
[quote name='-Never4ever-']But the game drops 08/09, that's two to three weeks tops. Why spend so much extra just to get a small head start?[/quote]But your actually spending less money.

Anyway I'm still in dilemma on what system to get this on PC or 360. I have HL2 on my PC but its not running native. But my 360 is connected to my HDTV.

What it really comes down to is custom maps/ modding or HD and 5.1 sound.
Achievements look good they will keep you busy for awhile! I didn't realize this was coming out in like 3 weeks will be picking this up at launch for sure lots of bang for your buck!
[quote name='F8X']But your actually spending less money.

Anyway I'm still in dilemma on what system to get this on PC or 360. I have HL2 on my PC but its not running native. But my 360 is connected to my HDTV.

What it really comes down to is custom maps/ modding or HD and 5.1 sound.[/QUOTE]

Reread the posts and thought the $45 was just for TF2, my mistake :p

In either case, I'm still leaning towards the 360 edition, if only because my laptop just can't handle it. Even on the lowest settings.
[quote name='$hady']Achievements look good they will keep you busy for awhile! I didn't realize this was coming out in like 3 weeks will be picking this up at launch for sure lots of bang for your buck![/quote]

This and halo 3 (hopefully it will be better this time) will hold me over until CoD4 comes out.
[quote name='Noodle Pirate!']While I agree with you in theory, when has anything on a multiplayer game ever been used fairly?
It was bad enough for people to sabotage games by building turrets in spawn doors and all the other exploits they would use to spoil it for their own side. I see this ability being abused more then anything.
Getting your freinds to join the opposite team and running around with an enemy medic healing them, while killing people just doesnt sound fun to me.

That is why I dont understand why they changed medic at all. It was perfect to begin with and running around poisoning people was half the fun. - Although not fun if they happened to get poisoned in respawn.

I hope I am wrong and Valve tweak it enough to not allow that sort of misbehaviour to happen. If there is any way to abuse it though, I'm sure it will be done. I just hope that if it becomes too rampant, they will turn it into an optional choice for games.[/quote]
Very valid points.
just checked out the system requirements for the the game and my PC should be able to handle it fine. although i still like the piece of mind i get from 360 games. i think the whole mod community just pushes me over to getting it for the pc. that and i tend to let me live service run out from time to time when i don't have time to play it. at least this way i can jump in and play anytime. it's also cheaper too for the pc.
[quote name='triforcer']just checked out the system requirements for the the game and my PC should be able to handle it fine. although i still like the piece of mind i get from 360 games. i think the whole mod community just pushes me over to getting it for the pc. that and i tend to let me live service run out from time to time when i don't have time to play it. at least this way i can jump in and play anytime. it's also cheaper too for the pc.[/QUOTE]

If you had to read the system requirements( and believed them) you will be sorely disappointed. The mod community is also disappointing if you play on a server with user created maps a good 95% are ass.

I'm not saying the pc version isn't superior (because it is) your just picking it for the wrong reasons.

Good reasons (all of these assume you got a decent gaming pc)

1. better graphics
2. larger games (64 player cap)
3. less diluted user base (even if the game is a million seller on consoles it will be divided between hl2 and team fortress. The pc users are already board of hl2)
i think the mod community is a bigger reason than you give credit for. i mean black mesa looks awesome as well as a handful of other mods. and about the requirements, how much more advance is it over the orignal half-life 2?
So...I don't have a 360 yet(I'm waiting for the 65nm)but I do have a PS3. Should I get the 360 version and wait, or play the PS3 version now without achievements and spotty online play?
bread's done