The - PERSONA 3 / PERSONA 3 FES - Thread! (FES OUT NOW! $30!)

The AI was good, especially once you expose the enemies weekness they tend to exploit it alot. Still there were several occasions I wish I could've controled them. But for the most part they did the right moves and it made battles go quicker since it cut down on menu selections.
[quote name='zewone']I can't think of more than one time I had a problem with the teammate AI.[/QUOTE]

I had plenty...especially on bosses or when I went to a floor that was too high of a level for me and I fought one of the flashing "special enemies".

Sometimes they would use a spell the enemy was null to right after I did a scan and saw they were null. Or other times they would do the same buff a few times in a row on the same person. Or perhaps sit and heal somebody while the enemy had 10 health left (wiped a few times like that which really pissed me off....just frekin hit the boss, dont try to heal and let him have another turn).

There were times when the AI was brilliant...healing, throwing buffs, and doing spells right when I needed them.

For the most part I'd say I had about 80-85% good experience with the AI and maybe 10-15% of the time they acted like morons.

Wonderful game though....I'd replay it before FES if I had time.
[quote name='Halo05']Hopefully the older one, it's not a full-fledged budget release. What do the $30 PSP to PS2 ports come in?[/quote]

The budget cases. Of my recent purchases, both KoF XI and Silent Hill: Origins came in budget cases.
What's the difference between budget and non-budget cases? All my PS2 game cases have always been the same size from day one w/the exception of the steel tin case for Final Fantasy XII. I hope to god it's not like a thin-pack case.
[quote name='aerozero']My biggest grip with the AI is that they would always heal me instead of using discharm. -_-[/quote]

Yeah, I had problems with the AI using it's dis-whatever moves. It was really just the frustration at having to play the same hour section a couple of times (it was a couple of months ago so I don't remember exactly where in the game this was) that makes me criticize teammate AI. While it was nice that the combat was streamlined to make battles go by more quickly, I like being able to micromanage in RPG's.

Still, a fantastic game overall.
Do you guys think I waited too long to order this from Amazon? I don't want to miss out so if I have to reserve it at Ebstop I will.
[quote name='ZerotypeX']why would you say that? It's still available for pre order on Amazon[/quote]
Well some of the comments on Amazon said amazon is kind of lame with getting pre-orders out. I also figured this might be a limited print like many atlus games are. But I guess they'd pull pre-orders if they weren't going to have enough, huh?
It'sMagneto;4159317 said:
Well some of the comments on Amazon said amazon is kind of lame with getting pre-orders out. I also figured this might be a limited print like many atlus games are. But I guess they'd pull pre-orders if they weren't going to have enough, huh?

You could pre-order it on Amazon, and also put down a deposit locally for it. That way if it ships from amazon, just go get your deposit back. If amazon runs out, you'll have a local store to get it from.
[quote name='daroga']Does Persona 3 utilize rumble at all?

Just curious as my Silver DS3 from PA ought to be here soon.[/quote]

from what i remember yeah.

during the bath house scene it rumbled when the girls were getting too close, didnt it?
difficulty was the easiest of the SMT games i've played, meaning, the boss was actually beatable without hours of grinding.
i really cant wait for this, the weird thing is B&M gamestops dont seem to even know this is coming out, the one nearest me hasnt even heard of it, and FES isnt on the new-release sheet the manager showed me.
in any case, is anyone else excited to hear the new music too? dorky right :p, but PS3 had some of the best in-game music i've heard in a long time
I haven't played Persona 3, so forgive me if this sounds naive, but what the heck does FES stand for anyway?

Anyway, I find myself both excited and worried about this game. Truth be told, everything I've seen about Persona 3 sounds lame, but I've heard nothing but great things about it. I couldn't get into other SMT games due to their immense level of difficulty, level grinding, and random battles (all things I hear Persona 3 fixes), but they all had their merits. Nocturne has amazing style, atmosphere, and music, and DDS has a fantastic story and script, but P3 just looks kinda bad to me. The story sounds like a poor man's Harry Potter, the art style would be okay as a movie, but since the cutscenes aren't in-game graphics they look jarring and out of place, and from what I've heard, the voice-acting is horrible (is there an option to use the japanese vocals with english subtitles?). The randomly generated dungeons sound really restrictive and uncreative as well. Yet everyone (including some critics I really respect) have gone nuts over this, so I can't help but wonder what I'm missing. I mean summoning demons by shooting oneself in the head is kinda cool, but what else has this game got that's at all interesting or original?
First, I'd like to say that I'm not a huge fan or turn based RPGs, the only game that I've ever been able to finish was Eternal Sonata, probably because it had some more action elements in it. But it is really hard to ignore all the positive praise this game has been getting so I decided to try it out.

So I just started it and it is really enjoyable. I like the art and animation along with the story. Another cool thing is the social aspect of it, making friends, keeping up contacts I guess. Just curious how much playtime does this game provide? I think I've seen people mention they have been playing for 100+ hours. I'm more interested in how long it takes to get through the whole story.

Anyhow, cool game, worth checking out even if RPGs aren't your thing especcially for $30.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I haven't played Persona 3, so forgive me if this sounds naive, but what the heck does FES stand for anyway?

Anyway, I find myself both excited and worried about this game. Truth be told, everything I've seen about Persona 3 sounds lame, but I've heard nothing but great things about it. I couldn't get into other SMT games due to their immense level of difficulty, level grinding, and random battles (all things I hear Persona 3 fixes), but they all had their merits. Nocturne has amazing style, atmosphere, and music, and DDS has a fantastic story and script, but P3 just looks kinda bad to me. The story sounds like a poor man's Harry Potter, the art style would be okay as a movie, but since the cutscenes aren't in-game graphics they look jarring and out of place, and from what I've heard, the voice-acting is horrible (is there an option to use the japanese vocals with english subtitles?). The randomly generated dungeons sound really restrictive and uncreative as well. Yet everyone (including some critics I really respect) have gone nuts over this, so I can't help but wonder what I'm missing. I mean summoning demons by shooting oneself in the head is kinda cool, but what else has this game got that's at all interesting or original?[/quote]

You seriously need to get better sources.

For starters the Voice acting in this game is some of the best in video game history. If you look at the list of voice actors they used their is MAJOR talent involved.

The game has a deep plot with lots of twists anda a darker theme as well as alot of mental pondering. Not to mention you actually LIKE the charachters especially if you do the social links. I honestly couldnt stop laughing at a few of them like the mmorpg social link.

Combined with the Persona Fusion system, fast paced battle, etc it makes it really enjoyable.

I mean sure it doesn't have a plot where everyone just happens to have amnesia or your main charachter is delusional and thinks he's a Soldier and your main villain has a mother fetish but hey its a nice change of pace :)

Also don't know what games you were playing but the only really hard SMT game was Nocturne. Devil Summoner and DDS1&2 were easy.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I haven't played Persona 3, so forgive me if this sounds naive, but what the heck does FES stand for anyway?

Anyway, I find myself both excited and worried about this game. Truth be told, everything I've seen about Persona 3 sounds lame, but I've heard nothing but great things about it. I couldn't get into other SMT games due to their immense level of difficulty, level grinding, and random battles (all things I hear Persona 3 fixes), but they all had their merits. Nocturne has amazing style, atmosphere, and music, and DDS has a fantastic story and script, but P3 just looks kinda bad to me. The story sounds like a poor man's Harry Potter, the art style would be okay as a movie, but since the cutscenes aren't in-game graphics they look jarring and out of place, and from what I've heard, the voice-acting is horrible (is there an option to use the japanese vocals with english subtitles?). The randomly generated dungeons sound really restrictive and uncreative as well. Yet everyone (including some critics I really respect) have gone nuts over this, so I can't help but wonder what I'm missing. I mean summoning demons by shooting oneself in the head is kinda cool, but what else has this game got that's at all interesting or original?[/quote]

Let me try to give you the rundown:

1. It's much more accessible than previous SMT games.

2. The dungeons are random and simple, but are pretty fun to traverse. Your team can auto-explore and find loot or you can go together, ambushing enemies as you travel. The whole system of sneaking up on enemies and whacking them with a sword or other weapon is pretty fun (especially with rare golden monsters).

3. The story is good, it's not really similar to Harry Potter as it is to say, Buffy. The voice acting is awesome in my opinion (and I hate most voice acting in games outside of Metal Gear or Disgaea). You cannot switch to Japanese voice acting.

Hope this helps... I find the game to be much more fun than DDS and definitely easier to enjoy than SMT Nocturne.
Everytime I read about this game, I get a little more hyped. It doesn't help at all that Persona 4 trailers are out.. here's hoping that P4 will be localized and released before year end as well
[quote name='aerozero']How the hell is Persona 3 similar to Harry Potter? lawlz[/quote]

School is a big part of both and both have strong female characters that horny boys dream about.
I guess I'll just have to play it as I'm still not feeling the magic reading about it. Turn-based dungeon grinding and silent protagonists are two of my biggest gripes with RPGs and I know P3 has both. And I've seen several video reviews and the voices still sound bad to me. Maybe once I play it I'll have a change of heart. I will say that I like the music a lot and some of the cinemas looked really cool, even if I don't like the way 2D animation merges with gameplay.

I was wondering though, do any of you think it's worth it to buy the orignal P3 used for $30? My local EB has a complete copy for sale at $40 and there's a 25% off sale right now, so it would be $30. I know I could get FES new for that much, but do you think this will have more value as a collector's item?
There's a chance that the original could go up in value, but if you're buying just to play FES is of course the better value.
[quote name='aerozero']How the hell is Persona 3 similar to Harry Potter? lawlz[/quote]

School is a big part of both and both have strong female characters that horny boys dream about.
I guess I'll just have to play it as I'm still not feeling the magic reading about it. Turn-based dungeon grinding and silent protagonists are two of my biggest gripes with RPGs and I know P3 has both. And I've seen several video reviews and the voices still sound bad to me. Maybe once I play it I'll have a change of heart. I will say that I like the music a lot and some of the cinemas looked really cool, even if I don't like the way 2D animation merges with gameplay.

I was wondering though, do any of you think it's worth it to buy the orignal P3 used for $30? My local EB has a complete copy for sale at $40 and there's a 25% off sale right now, so it would be $30. I know I could get FES new for that much, but do you think this will have more value as a collector's item?
There's a chance that the original could go up in value, but if you're buying just to play FES is of course the better value.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I guess I'll just have to play it as I'm still not feeling the magic reading about it. Turn-based dungeon grinding and silent protagonists are two of my biggest gripes with RPGs and I know P3 has both. And I've seen several video reviews and the voices still sound bad to me. Maybe once I play it I'll have a change of heart. I will say that I like the music a lot and some of the cinemas looked really cool, even if I don't like the way 2D animation merges with gameplay.

I was wondering though, do any of you think it's worth it to buy the orignal P3 used for $30? My local EB has a complete copy for sale at $40 and there's a 25% off sale right now, so it would be $30. I know I could get FES new for that much, but do you think this will have more value as a collector's item?[/quote]

You sound like you really don't want to play it...

Do you have any friends who have it? Maybe you should get Gamefly since you would be able to try it first.

If the videos, battle system and voice acting all bother you then you should probably just move on and choose another game.

Although I remember you did a complete 360 with MGS 3 so I'm not sure if you just have really bipolar tastes.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I guess I'll just have to play it as I'm still not feeling the magic reading about it. Turn-based dungeon grinding and silent protagonists are two of my biggest gripes with RPGs and I know P3 has both. And I've seen several video reviews and the voices still sound bad to me. Maybe once I play it I'll have a change of heart. I will say that I like the music a lot and some of the cinemas looked really cool, even if I don't like the way 2D animation merges with gameplay.

I was wondering though, do any of you think it's worth it to buy the orignal P3 used for $30? My local EB has a complete copy for sale at $40 and there's a 25% off sale right now, so it would be $30. I know I could get FES new for that much, but do you think this will have more value as a collector's item?[/quote]

You sound like you really don't want to play it...

Do you have any friends who have it? Maybe you should get Gamefly since you would be able to try it first.

If the videos, battle system and voice acting all bother you then you should probably just move on and choose another game.

Although I remember you did a complete 360 with MGS 3 so I'm not sure if you just have really bipolar tastes.
So since Persona 3 fes has the original game what should we do with the original....

I guess I have the artbook which is nice.

What's everyone else doing with there's? I can't find Gamestop's trade in value but something tells me it's really low.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']I guess I'll just have to play it as I'm still not feeling the magic reading about it. Turn-based dungeon grinding and silent protagonists are two of my biggest gripes with RPGs and I know P3 has both. And I've seen several video reviews and the voices still sound bad to me. Maybe once I play it I'll have a change of heart. I will say that I like the music a lot and some of the cinemas looked really cool, even if I don't like the way 2D animation merges with gameplay.

I was wondering though, do any of you think it's worth it to buy the orignal P3 used for $30? My local EB has a complete copy for sale at $40 and there's a 25% off sale right now, so it would be $30. I know I could get FES new for that much, but do you think this will have more value as a collector's item?[/quote]

If your not a fan of JRPG's, then P3 probably wont change your mind.

But if you are a fan, everything I've read and heard points to P3 being a very good one.
[quote name='willardhaven']You sound like you really don't want to play it...

Do you have any friends who have it? Maybe you should get Gamefly since you would be able to try it first.

If the videos, battle system and voice acting all bother you then you should probably just move on and choose another game.

Although I remember you did a complete 360 with MGS 3 so I'm not sure if you just have really bipolar tastes.[/QUOTE]

Haha, I'm surprised you remember my change of heart regarding MGS3. That new camera really made a huge difference.

But it's not that I don't want to play Persona 3. It's that I really want to play it, but am rather skeptical I won't like it beyond the 10 hour mark (one of these days I'm going to make it through Digital Devil Saga. The story is so fantastic, the combat is good too, but that game moves along at a snail's pace). But it's what Rob Fahey said in his review at Eurogamer that really has me intrigued.; That the game is a bit wrong. How it's wonderfully immoral and perverse in a way that I wouldn't have gathered from a basic plot synopsis or gameplay videos. So despite my reservations about silent protagonists, random dungeons, and the somewhat generic anime aesthetic, I'd still like to play it a lot in the chance that I do get wrapped up in the narrative and characters. It sounds like an interesting game nontheless.

Oh, and is this game hard to find new? Because I did see a new copy the other day (with soundtrack, slipcover and all) for $50. I was planning on waiting for FES, but do people think this will continue to go up in value and that I should buy it?
Mr Durand Pierre:
Sears probably has a copy if you have one by you. that's where I got mine new. Everywhere else was sold out.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']It's that I really want to play it, but am rather skeptical I won't like it beyond the 10 hour mark (one of these days I'm going to make it through Digital Devil Saga. The story is so fantastic, the combat is good too, but that game moves along at a snail's pace). But it's what Rob Fahey said in his review at Eurogamer that really has me intrigued.; That the game is a bit wrong. How it's wonderfully immoral and perverse in a way that I wouldn't have gathered from a basic plot synopsis or gameplay videos.[/quote]

Persona 3 was much slower than DDS, IMO. You'll have bursts of story about every 30 days (gameplay time) with a little bit here and there to keep you interested. It can also get very repetitive (school, s-link, dungeon, study, sleep, repeat).

I don't know if perverse is the right word, but everything about P3 is more mature than other games. I would say the same thing for other SMT games. If Narnia is LOTR-Junior, then the same applies for the jump from Final Fantasy to the SMT games.
Excerpt from Rob Fahey's Eurogamer review:

"The stronger the Social Link, the stronger the Persona you can create of that type. So, yes, what we've just described is a system where you go through a bright, happy school environment making friends and relationships - purely so that you can then feed on the strength of those relationships when you need to summon up demons from your own subconscious.

This is the other key link between Persona 3's two distinct games, and the element which lifts it from greatness to magnificence. Persona 3 is a little bit wrong. It knows it's wrong, and it revels in it. Summoning those Personas we mentioned? That's accomplished by taking out a gun and shooting yourself in the head. Oh, it's dressed up - it's not a gun, it's an "Evoker" - but ultimately the animation, each time you invoke a Persona, is of a young teenager placing a gun to their skull and blowing their own brains out. Some of the earlier (beautifully animated and stylised) cut-scenes show extended, harrowing scenes of kids summoning up the courage to do just that.

It doesn't stop there. Vivid, nightmarish dreamscapes where those without Persona abilities are frozen in coffins that litter the streets are ten a penny. Humans caught by the Shadows gradually start to litter the town, essentially brain-dead and drooling on street corners. Teenage sex, drugs and drinking are all on the menu, often overtly.

This is a game that builds up a castle of lovable cuteness, supported by a bouncy and eminently catchy Japanese pop and hip-hop soundtrack, and then takes delight in tearing the whole edifice down with bloodied claws. It's a wonderful marriage of light and dark - one which bounces from one theme to the other until your head spins - and you love every minute."

I don't agree with Rob all the time, but he always has something interesting to say, and this was the article that really made me seriously consider purchasing Persona 3.
April is going too slowly. I'm dying to play this and at this point, my sealed copy of P3 is just teasing the hell out of me. If FES wasn't less than a month away, I'd probably break down and play P3.
[quote name='Mr Durand Pierre']
I don't agree with Rob all the time, but he always has something interesting to say, and this was the article that really made me seriously consider purchasing Persona 3.[/quote]

You seem to really be agonizing over this game. It's basically a streamlined version of SMT Nocturne with a different story/setting.

If you like SMT games but want something more accessible, play it... otherwise don't, it's pretty simple.
Anyone following Persona: Trinity Soul anime? It's a bit slow, but if you loved Persona 3 you should definitely check it out...

Aside from musical references and character designs there actually IS some connection between the anime and the game. The anime takes place 10 years after the ending of Persona 3... also
some of the characters from Persona 3 make an appearance later in the series... (Akihiko shows up in Episode 14).
i stopped watching after about 3 episodes because it was too slow. maybe i'll pick it up again if it actually has some connection to the game.
I know I am retarded for picking up P3 when it comes out in a matter of days, but I got a good price on a complete set. Now I will have both. Off to go play!
i dunno why i'm getting hyped for P3 FES.

i didn't even finish P3 i got so tired of climbing that stupid tower. -_-;
oh well. it'll be good to restart. plus i don't have to build up all that courage/charisma crap.

if only i could find me some real pheromone coffee...
bread's done