The "Recommend me games." thread. Let's get this to one star, people! We can do it!

Is TC: New Blood better than Second Opinion because I was thinking about getting one because I really enjoyed trauma center on the ds.
[quote name='hero101']Should I buy Mario Kart Wii for like $30 + tax from gamestop since I have a $20 giftcard?[/quote]

Considering the Wii 2 will be out before it drops below $44.99 at Gamestop, I would say yes.
I'm looking to playing Paper Mario. My question is, is there a big difference between the GC paper mario and the wii paper mario? Should I get the GC game first, or is the Wii paper mario that much better I should just start off with that one.
[quote name='LeafPanda']So I should get New Blood?[/QUOTE]

a must if you can play it co op. it is like 10x better
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[quote name='LeafPanda']Well, The GC Mario is an RPG while the Wii one is a platformer I believe.[/quote]

I'm pretty sure the paper mario series are all rpg's regardless of platform. could be wrong though..
super mario basically took out the rpg battle you have in other games. But it still has rpg element like hp, level up, items, etc
[quote name='homeland']I'm looking to playing Paper Mario. My question is, is there a big difference between the GC paper mario and the wii paper mario? Should I get the GC game first, or is the Wii paper mario that much better I should just start off with that one.[/quote]
The Wii one is extremely simplistic and boring, with barely any RPG elements. I haven't played any of the others because of my experience with the Wii version, but I hear they are a little deeper.

I was really wowed by the Wii version at first and then realized that the game's one trick wasn't really all that fun and that the "challenges" were the same basic thing with no real puzzle-solving to do. It does look pretty.
[quote name='mephitical']The Wii one is extremely simplistic and boring, with barely any RPG elements. I haven't played any of the others because of my experience with the Wii version, but I hear they are a little deeper.

I was really wowed by the Wii version at first and then realized that the game's one trick wasn't really all that fun and that the "challenges" were the same basic thing with no real puzzle-solving to do. It does look pretty.[/QUOTE]

The Wii version is A LOT different than the first 2. The Wii version really isn't an RPG as it's more of a platformer. The first 2 are turn based RPGs. I really enjoy all 3, but the second one is awesome.
Thanks for the responses, adding the GC version to want list on Goozex!

Btw Liboo, I know that when you get married you kind of let yourself go weight wise but, you've brought it to a whole new level. Seriously in need of a intervention.
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Just got Ghost Squad over the holiday weekend, and holy crap is it fun. And I love the so-bad-it's-good dialogue. I still haven't beaten the last level though--I have the first two levelled up several times, but I just can't take down that boat. Only on the last try did I realize you can blow down the shields with your machine gun in addition to the grenades, so I think I can do it next time.

I'll have to try The Crotch's two-handed gunning next.
I recently have been playing the Wii with family and friends lately and was going to pick up some "party" games. Was wondering which you all think are the best out as of now.
I have played Mario Party 8 and it is enjoyable but I want to know which others might be fun as well.
The game has to have a great multiplayer, but an enjoyable single player as well wouldn't be too bad.

[quote name='shurgie']I recently have been playing the Wii with family and friends lately and was going to pick up some "party" games. Was wondering which you all think are the best out as of now.
I have played Mario Party 8 and it is enjoyable but I want to know which others might be fun as well.
The game has to have a great multiplayer, but an enjoyable single player as well wouldn't be too bad.


Party games my friends and I enjoy:

Wario Ware: Smooth Moves (yes this is single-player but it is fun to pass the remote around and have each person look like a fool doing a round while the other people yell at them what they should do.)
Mario Kart
Smash Bros.
Rayman: RR

Also, if you have the gear for it (gamecube controllers, GBA) get PacMan VS. for the gamecube - awesome party game because anybody can pick it up and play.
Also, does anyone have a recommendation for a golf game on the Wii? I'm liking Wii Sports Golf, but there's only 9 holes and I've had it with those. The games I know of are:

Tiger Woods 07
Tiger Woods 08 (any real improvements/reasons to buy over the cheap 07?)
Super Swing
Super Swing 2 (again, any reasons to buy over SS1, which is cheaper?)
We Love Golf!

I do like the idea of real courses in the Tiger Woods games (TPC Sawgrass Stadium Course!). Are there any differences between these games in terms of control?
Paper Mario (N64) and Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door (NGC) are both absolutely fantastic. I have read that the Wii one isn't in the same league (or perhaps even the same sport), but can't vouch for it myself. The first two games have great humor, great graphics and great gameplay. I didn't think I was going to like playing PM:TTYD with my kids, but I ended up loving it. It's part of the reason I then picked up an N64 - so we could play the original. They probably aren't very difficult in the grand scheme of things, but they have their challenges and the journey is just plain fun. My kids will be getting a Wii at xmas, probably, and my 7 year old wants Super Paper Mario with it, but with what I've read about it I'm trying to push him toward something else instead. Hopefully they'll make a real Wii Paper Mario at some point.
@ tsm

It depends, you could wait for the new Tiger Woods coming up if you are wanting something a bit more realistic and refined. Each edition comes with significant improvements both in graphics/presentation and controls and considering EA actually takes the platform seriously (unlike Ubisoft), it is a sure-fire bet Woods 09 will be worth the money, especially if the last one you played was the launch title.

We Love Golf is also really good, it is from Camelot and they have made the original (and in my opinion, the best) Hot Shots Golf and the Mario Golf series. Physics wise it is fairly realistic and the course design is clever. To keep things simple, if you liked the above, you'll like this one. If not, stick to Tiger Woods.

It is a matter of taste/preference in the end between the two.
Anyone have an opinion of Boogie for the wii, I got it for $20. Is it worth that or should I return it? I know it did not get the best reviews. I also got nights for 14.99.
I am surprised Boom blox was not on the list yet, that is a really good game.
Boogie? I'd return it and just enjoy Nights. Or NightS. Or NiGHts. Or whatever the fuck that is. I'm not exactly Boogie's target demographic, though, so I'd get a second opinion.

As for Boom Blox? Well, the thread creator was gone for about a month, and has been too much of a lazy son of a bitch to update it since his return.
I can't believe Alvin and the Chipmunks is even mentioned in the original post. You should be ashamed. That's one of the worst games of all time, if not the worst. It has no business in this thread whatsoever. Sure, some games are for young kids, but there are still good kids games and bad kids games.

For example "Go, Diego, Go: Safari Rescue" has a 77% at IGN, and is an example of a GOOD kids game.
Eh. I vaguely recall someone requesting I put something about it in there.

Gotta do an overhaul of that original post some time soon, anyway.
[quote name='The Crotch']Metroidmetroidmetroidmetroidmetroidmetroidmetroidmetroid.



Unless you've played the newer gba metroids. Yea, I went there. ;)
The newer Castlevanias hurt Castlevania IV a lot more than the newer Metroids hurt Super Metroid.

Besides, I still prefer the controls in Super Metroid to Zero Mission and Fusion. More buttons to use and all that.
You could be right, well you probably are (I don't keep up w/ Castlevania games...not my cup of tea lol).

Hey hero, stick with the crotch on this one.
The Crotch just updated a bunch of stuff, but still ain't done - just got tired of writing.

The Crotch will get Blast Works eventually, but doesn't think it's worth it while he's still on dial-up.

Wolfkin needs to skip bullshit Warrior Within. fuck that game.

If you enjoy the NES Castlevanias, you'll love SC IV. It has all the classic bosses, the soundtrack is godly, has a fully-controllable whip, and the game even has cool Mode 7 effects! If you've never played the game, you will die a lot since it is a challenging platformer. I would say it has less replay value than SM but it's one of those play-in-one-sitting games. There's also a considerably harder mode once you beat the game. BTW, the game runs on passwords and there is no save system.

SM is an awesome game, too. The game is huge (lots of locations), boss fights are epic, and the powerups get better and better. However, progressing through the game may be frustrating at times if you cannot figure out what to do. You may even be stuck for days or weeks trying to figure out a problem. Just make sure not to use a game guide unless you are completely stump.

All in all, it comes down to gameplay preference. Both are great, eerie games and you can't go wrong with either. I would suggest you get both! Although my opinion is bias, I personally prefer SC IV b/c I grew up w/ that game, know almost every secret, and it's the best Castlevania I've ever played.

And if you've never played any of the Metroidvanias, you should definitely try one. Just don't play Harmony of Dissonance on GBA b/c it's not that great when compared to the others.
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Thought I read somewhere the Crotch was supposed to have some new fangled faster than normal internet connection by now.
[quote name='Wolfkin']*fixed*
Thought I read somewhere the Crotch was supposed to have some new fangled faster than normal internet connection by now.[/quote]Nope. Now, he is gonna get off of dial-up in, like... 5 days.
[quote name='The Crotch']What's wrong with HoD?[/QUOTE]

It's my least favorite of the Metroidvanias.

I just think there are better ones to play if you wanted a taste of the Metroidvanias.
Need help!

Looking for good RPGs in the VC Wii...

I have picked up Paper Mario and SMRPG... I was thinking about Ys but don't know.

I don't mind Zelda style rpg either. But already have those on GBA so am not going to rebuy.

I have SC IV and not interested in Metroid... but don't mind games like that either if they are good.

so, please... help!

We really don't have many RPGs on the VC.
We got like Breathe of Fire 2? Or is it Breathe of Fire 4? :lol:

There's also River City Ransom.. :cool:
[quote name='lilboo']We really don't have many RPGs on the VC.
We got like Breathe of Fire 2? Or is it Breathe of Fire 4? :lol:

There's also River City Ransom.. :cool:[/quote]

I have RCR for the GBA, much better version, but I also played the hell out of it in the NES days...

I have BoF 1&2 for GBA also, so I wonder if the one in the VC is BoF4 then???

I should really do some more searching...

But I agree there really isn't alot of RPG on the VC.
And I'm the one who runs the VC thread and I don't even know! :lol:
I do remember it came out January of 2007..I'm pretty sure at least.
Don't know shit about the VC over here 'cause I just got off dial-up. Should get my Wii connected later today and get to downloading. Having said that, I do know that...[quote name='xycury']
I have BoF 1&2 for GBA also, so I wonder if the one in the VC is BoF4 then???
[/quote]BoF 4 - widely regarded as the best of the BoF games - is not on the VC, as it was a PS1 game.
[quote name='The Crotch']Don't know shit about the VC over here 'cause I just got off dial-up. Should get my Wii connected later today and get to downloading. Having said that, I do know that...BoF 4 - widely regarded as the best of the BoF games - is not on the VC, as it was a PS1 game.[/quote]

yeah BoF2 VC = BoF2 GBA which I already have.... rather have it on the portable anyways!

found this out... nice filter

going to see how well it pans out ... plenty of points to spend ... 3200 I think after SMRPG
We got De Blob from gamefly. We tried it yesterday. It seems fun, my son did one level so far. I'll update later with more opinions when he tries it again.
bread's done