The Steam Deal Thread V6. We're all pumped for CAG 3.0!

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92 (100%)
Welcome to the Steam Deal Thread V6! You can find link to past threads at the bottom of this post. Read post #2 of this thread for Steam FAQs and more.

With the V6 Thread, we're trying a slight formatting change. We used to list every possible Steam deal in the OP, but they change too frequently for anyone to keep up with (even in the Wiki format). So now, we'll leave regular minor sales out of the OP. This post will keep track of major sales (Winter sale, etc.), Steam deals available through other sellers (like Amazon), Preorder deals, and Group Buys.

I would still greatly appreciate help from you folks at home in keeping this smaller-scale OP up-to-date. This is a Wiki post so anyone can contribute. Wiki instructions:
Thanks for your help! If you notice a sale has ended, feel free to delete its line from the sale list. Of course, if you see something does need to be added, then kindly add it to the list.

Make sure your changes match the thread's format! For example, every game that's on sale is part of an unordered list. When adding a game to the list, copy an existing line and update the link, title, and prices. That way, the format stays correct. Do not list percentages off! We list the original price and the sale price here. If you have any suggestions for major changes to the post/thread, PM me (EastX) about them.

Steam Sales - Updated 1/22

CAG Threads Featuring Steam Games on Sale Elsewhere - Updated 1/9

Preorder Deals - Updated 1/10
Group Buy Deals - Updated 1/9/13

Free Stuff - List needs updating with F2P games!
There are several free games and mods on Steam. These are a few choice ones; you can find a full list here. Note that free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.

Steam around CAG

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Past Special Sales

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Steam Retail Key List

What is a CD key and where can I find it?

Steam's explanation and list of Steam-activatable keys

The CD Key is a serial number with a combination of 13, 18, or 25 letters and numbers - it can be found on a sticker inside your game's case or printed on the game's quick reference card. The CD Key acts as your proof of purchase for the game - Steam Support may ask for it if you need to establish your ownership of an account. It is recommended that you keep your CD Key in a safe place to ensure the security of your account.

Other Keys that can be redeemed on Steam (CAG tested & verified)

  • The Ball (bought @D2D, tested by voken)
  • Supreme Commander Forged Alliance (gives both FA and original, bought @amazon, tested by vism)

Indie Bundles thread on Steam forums (link)

Past CAG Steam Deal Threads
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[quote name='sixheavens']Dawn of War II is one of my favorite games ever. It's very tactical, it's almost really more like Diablo or something than a real RTS because you only have a few units and its really about managing their abilities, equipment, etc.

Dawn of War I is good too, it's just more of a traditional RTS.

Have fun with those. Great games.[/QUOTE]

I'm still waffling on it. Good deal, but I don't know if I'll ever get to it. Also, I still have the code for DoW I from the THQ bundle which I haven't activated yet.
[quote name='TheLongshot']I'm still waffling on it. Good deal, but I don't know if I'll ever get to it. Also, I still have the code for DoW I from the THQ bundle which I haven't activated yet.[/QUOTE]

If you are on the fence because it's RTS, as I said, know that DoW II is like a tactical action RPG. It's pretty unique. Also you get the game plus the two expansions.

I thought II was much better than I.
[quote name='sixheavens']If you are on the fence because it's RTS, as I said, know that DoW II is like a tactical action RPG. It's pretty unique. Also you get the game plus the two expansions.

I thought II was much better than I.[/QUOTE]

Storywise, is it ok to play 2 before 1?
I really don't think these community votes are actually voted on at all .. I think Valve just throws some numbers out there at the end to justify the one they wanted to put on sale anyway. Either way .. voted for BL2 for the off chance it would actually include DLC this time. Everything else is already lower elsewhere.
[quote name='sixheavens']Yeah I doubt it because it's been selling so well.

It actually just went a little more on sale but it was only like $2 less.
If you are just in it for Day Z you might want to wait. I bought it but I'm in it for ARMA rather than Day Z.[/QUOTE]

I just went ahead and bought it. My friends were pressuring me to.
[quote name='Flowette']If there's one thing I'm hoping for it's that Defender's Quest is NOT included in a bundle anytime soon. I've just bought it and it's fantastic. I'm not in any way a Tower Defense nut but this is really well done.

Watch it get added to HIB7 now :lol:[/QUOTE]

I haven't actually bitten on a full purchase for it yet, but I tried it and I really liked it so far. Normally I hate tower defense too but I really like the whole story thing he is doing with it.

There's a playable web based demo or you can download the demo by (legal) torrent from the developer's website if anyone else wants to check it out.

[quote name='KirbyLovesTacos']Alan Wake American Nightmare and Super Meat Boy, both for a little over $5?

It had to be done.[/QUOTE]

Better yet, net time get two of each, get one free on buy 4 get one free deal, sell the extras or give them to friends. Don't forget IAMANELDERGEEK for another 5% and if you are a hardcore cheapass you can also buy blue coins first using the IMANELDERGEEK for another 5% off then pay in blue coins.

[quote name='warreni']For those with Sacred 2 experience, here's my dilemma: I have an unplayed physical copy of the Sacred 2 CE sitting behind me. I know most of the CE stuff is apparently only useable in multiplayer (which doesn't interest me). So I guess this is a "is it worth it?"/does Ice and Blood really add a lot to the base game kind of question. I have a feeling it will be a while before we see this at 75%.[/QUOTE]

I bought it a little while back for $5 for the whole (non-Steam) package at GG. I'm kind of in the same boat because I want it on Steam but I can wait for 75%. The expansion does add a lot. I don't think the game is going anywhere not that Deep Silver has the rights to it and they are really pushing that franchise going forward.

[quote name='jackw428']Do any of you think that Arma II: Combined Operations will get any lower in price? Should I just wait for thew Day Z stand alone instead?[/QUOTE]

It's unlikely to go lower. Bohemia is rather stingy with their sales (that god damned Fish Fillets still won't ever go to 75% off) and DayZ is keeping the interest up in Arma II although that seems to be waning too.

[quote name='Mooby']Good news, Alan Wake on sale for the fifth time in a month.[/QUOTE]

Whew! I was really concerned about that.

I am also rather worried that Magicka and Serious Sam won't go on sale anytime soon.
Well Skyrim and HL2 being on Flash Sales explains why they were showing up on discount earlier this morning... someone just flipped a switch earlier than intended. No hidden flash sale after all.

All the same - I'm happy to pick up Dawnguard at 50% off.
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Nice, Universe Sandbox as a Flash... a day after it was a vote deal!

They were doing this the last few sales ever since they started the vote and flash deals and that's my biggest complaint. You'd think it would allow for more games to be on steeper sales but the reality is there are only about 100 or so titles that will get featured sales and they will simply be rotated through as dailies, flashes, and votes. While other games will just sit there with tepid discounts/get ignored. Really a shame. Amazon has absolutely destroyed Valve this season. Same with Gamer's Gate, albeit through unintentional error!
You know, I really don't give a shit about Steam's potential 50% off of Hitman, Borderlands 2 or Dishonored because they've all been cheaper elsewhere already.

Oh and if somebody really wants to pay $30 for Dishonored I will be happy to sell it to them for that price in a couple of weeks. ;)
[quote name='TripJack']the age of good steam sales is over my friends[/QUOTE]

You could always go back to playing Fruit Ninja with Bruticis!
[quote name='Motoki']You know, I really don't give a shit about Steam's potential 50% off of Hitman, Borderlands 2 or Dishonored because they've all been cheaper elsewhere already.

Oh and if somebody really wants to pay $30 for Dishonored I will be happy to sell it to them for that price in a couple of weeks. ;)[/QUOTE]

And... they were already dailies and this is only day five...
So, no interest in any of the voting options. (Just got Dishonored as a gift from my friend who works for Zenimax yesterday) Any suggestions on how to vote here?
Voted for Borderlands 2 for the next flash deal, mad a myself for missing it on gamefly for $24 so ill take $30

I want Dishonored too but I have it on PS3
[quote name='SpartenOmega117']Do you guys recommend getting the complete pack of street fighter or just the regular?[/QUOTE]
The DLC is just cosmetic, 2/3 costumes per character with 10 palettes each. Doesn't affect gameplay at all but I thought it was nice to have.
[quote name='Mooby']I mean... surely anyone who wanted those got them in the 60 or so hour period they were up for as dailies? Maybe not![/QUOTE]

Procrastination my friend. At least on my part.

Though honestly a with my backlog I shouldn't be buying anything. Who am I kidding though? It's never sopped me before
Grabbing Skyrim dlc, could be cheaper but I suspect it's the best it will see this sale.

Also anyone have any feedback on half minute hero?
[quote name='kinney_bmx']Voted for Borderlands 2 for the next flash deal, mad a myself for missing it on gamefly for $24 so ill take $30

I want Dishonored too but I have it on PS3[/QUOTE]

Voted Hitman cuz I have BL2 and Dishonored already. Not planning on purchasing Hitman at all though.
[quote name='TheLongshot']So, no interest in any of the voting options. (Just got Dishonored as a gift from my friend who works for Zenimax yesterday) Any suggestions on how to vote here?[/QUOTE]

No one should tell you how to vote. It's your right as an individual to have your independent say. Don't be a sheep!

(Vote for Borderlands 2)

Honestly, I don't even give a fuck . :bouncy:
[quote name='garrett007']Should I get the half life pack, or just half life 1 & 2? I have none of the games in the pack[/QUOTE]
Get the pack.
I want Dishonoured, but hearing it's length... I am waiting for a much cheaper price (sub $20).

I remember when games like Batman would hit 2 months after release @ $25 on steam.

This makes me sad.
[quote name='TheKbob']Is Hearthfire / Dawnguard really worth it? The reviews all seemed quite tepid.[/QUOTE]

I think that depends on what sort of Skyrim player you are.

If you like playing vampires then go for Dawnguard.

If you like Sims-y aspects of the game like your house, companions, kids bla bla then go for Hearthfire.

If you are meh on both of those then wait for 75% off, unless there is some mod that you just love to death that needs one of them.

[quote name='TheKbob']I want Dishonoured, but hearing it's length... I am waiting for a much cheaper price (sub $20).

I remember when games like Batman would hit 2 months after release @ $25 on steam.

This makes me sad.[/QUOTE]

Wait 2-3 weeks. The market will be flooded with cheap Dishonored keys. Hell, I'll be one of those selling them.
[quote name='TheKbob']I want Dishonoured, but hearing it's length... I am waiting for a much cheaper price (sub $20).

I remember when games like Batman would hit 2 months after release @ $25 on steam.

This makes me sad.[/QUOTE]

This is just a guess, but tons of people got that mispriced Bethesda pack on Gamersgate. You'll probably see people selling Dishonored Keys for fairly cheap ($15-20) when we all start receiving our backordered keys.
[quote name='Motoki']I think that depends on what sort of Skyrim player you are.

If you like playing vampires then go for Dawnguard.

If you like Sims-y aspects of the game like your house, companions, kids bla bla then go for Hearthfire.

If you are meh on both of those then wait for 75% off, unless there is some mod that you just love to death that needs one of them.[/QUOTE]

I know nothing of Dawnguard. I played most of my Skyrim on the PS3 when it launched. I started new on the PC this morning...should I tackle Dawnguard soon...or wait until I'm higher up in lvls (40-50ish)?
[quote name='Terlan']
Also anyone have any feedback on half minute hero?[/QUOTE]

I'll let you know in 30 seconds...

Nah, just kidding. Got nuthin'...
[quote name='yangwenli']Storywise, is it ok to play 2 before 1?[/QUOTE]

Yeah. The plot doesn't have a ton going on, its mostly the setting and what's there is taken further in II and in the expansion Chaos Rising. It'd definitely be fine.

Might want to check a wiki for the plot but it's not super story dependent. The set up is basically thing are going to hell in this sector and you are a chapter of the Space Marines trying to hold things down against multiple enemy forces against mysterious larger threats. After your victory in the first game things have only gotten worse.
[quote name='SpartenOmega117']Do you guys recommend getting the complete pack of street fighter or just the regular?[/QUOTE]

[quote name='TheKbob']I want Dishonoured, but hearing it's length... I am waiting for a much cheaper price (sub $20).

I remember when games like Batman would hit 2 months after release @ $25 on steam.

This makes me sad.[/QUOTE]

Dishonored's length is so dependent on how you play. If you are very direct you can finish some missions really quick but if you're the stealthy type who likes to explore it's much longer.
[quote name='starscream1101']I know nothing of Dawnguard. I played most of my Skyrim on the PS3 when it launched. I started new on the PC this morning...should I tackle Dawnguard soon...or wait until I'm higher up in lvls (40-50ish)?[/QUOTE]

IIRC you don't even get the notice about it until level 10. Then a guard will come up and say 'I hear the Dawnguard started back up' etc. I think it should be fine to start around that point or if you are already a higher level than that.

Skyrim isn't really much of a game where you have to worry about areas being too high level for you. That hasn't been a thing in the ES series since Morrowind, though truthfully I kind of miss that aspect.
[quote name='TheKbob']Is Hearthfire / Dawnguard really worth it? The reviews all seemed quite tepid.[/QUOTE]
I would think if you are going to play Skyrim for many hours, you should get the DLC. I played 10 hours over the last couple days and I definitely was longing for the new perks, spells, and weapons. Can't wait to fire it up with the expansion after I get back from the Holiday stuff with family.
[quote name='Motoki']IIRC you don't even get the notice about it until level 10. Then a guard will come up and say 'I hear the Dawnguard started back up' etc. I think it should be fine to start around that point or if you are already a higher level than that.

Skyrim isn't really much of a game where you have to worry about areas being too high level for you. That hasn't been a thing in the ES series since Morrowind, though truthfully I kind of miss that aspect.[/QUOTE]

Have you tried mods?

I haven't yet, just getting a PC with Skyrim now, but I've heard they have level scaling mods to give you that aspect back.

I played with one on Oblivion and it had that old school difficulty, which was fun.
[quote name='jazyje']How do I get to Steam's HIDDEN flash sale>?[/QUOTE]

It's only hidden if you don't know how to use the search function.

(You can also try here.)
[quote name='sixheavens']Dawn of War II is one of my favorite games ever. It's very tactical, it's almost really more like Diablo or something than a real RTS because you only have a few units and its really about managing their abilities, equipment, etc.

Dawn of War I is good too, it's just more of a traditional RTS.

Have fun with those. Great games.[/QUOTE]

Thanks for the word. The Warhammer stuff has always looked pretty darn interesting and the lore sounds cool... Not expecting huge amounts if story-driven goodness as I understand most of that comes through the board game books and novels, but excited none the less.

At $10, if it can occupy my mind for a couple of hours (even if laughing at how terrible I am), I'm satisfied.

Edit... Someone else asked if II can be played before I. My understanding is that you can play them in whatever order but that you may better appreciate the gradual improvements in the franchise brought about by the shit ton of expansions if played in order of release
Was hoping for the Skyrim DLC to be 75%, but I bought Dawnguard for a friend for Christmas, but I'm going to wait for it to go cheaper to buy it for myself. Hopefully the Fallout series is %75 off today, but with how this sale is going it's probably going to be %66.
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