The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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I fear that this could be an indication of games that are next in line to be bundled. I recalled Sanctum 2 and NS2 went for 80% and 90% off, then it showed up in a humble bundle the very next day after Steam Autumn sale.

I preordered the soundtrack edition of Brütal Legend, now all of you can laugh at me. :wall:
/agree Though if one really wants them and is going to play them soon (really? truly really?) then they're a nice deal.

Laughing with you, with you... at you. ;)

It is $7 at Nuuvem right now but I hope that I can use my Amazon EC to bring it down to $5 in Jan.
Great point. Looks like good EC material.

Are you my lost twin? I felt like we share a common brand preference for hardware stuff. I have been using ATH-AD700 for quite some time, it is one of the better headphones for that price range.

Please don't tell me you are using this headphone holder as well. :lol:


I feel that in terms of sound quality, those gaming headset cannot match the audio ones. Then again sound is very subjective so what is good for my ears may not be good for yours.

For anyone who has deep pockets and wants the best gaming headset, might as well go for Beyerdynamic MMX 300.

Great minds think alike. :)
...I'm really particular about my stuff. I like what I like, in a very explainable matter that I'm sure comes across as borderline obsessive at times. (e.g. steel framed bicycles (preferably lugged) with friction shifters... I've had 7 steel frames fail on me, gracefully. And don't get me started on indexed shifters, a solution looking for a problem, like automatic transmissions. ...part of the "retrogrouch" in my title).

ASUS stuff I've bought has been so obviously well engineered and has stood the test of time.

Audio Technica... I just like. Good engineering. Good sound. Fair/good prices.

No I don't have that holder. My headphones, when not in use are on the table or on their spot on the shelf.

But I do have a well used pair of ATH-ANC7 for my active cancellation needs. Nice for airtravel and some other machine-noise environments, but totally paid off when I had to work on a plane for a couple weeks.

Nice, but I always considered attaching a mic to my preferred headphones. One thing that works well in a pinch is some cheap wrap-around (behind the head, band) headset, rest it on your neck, and swivel the mic boom up.

Nod, the steelseries suggestions bother me, but I'm don't want to dump on someone else's happiness. Quite a few people won't really recognize the differences on their own without it being pointed out to them. (And I'm not just talking about normal progressive hearing loss.) In my experience the best source material to highlight fundamental differences is a recording of a woman naturally speaking a related language that the listener does not know. German works really well.

Agree. Trying is key. But that requires someone who is willing to put forth that level of effort.
For headphones Id also throw out the krk-kns series.  I have a pair of 8400's, , and they go for ~130 but can be had for 100 if you find a good sale.  I also like my akg-k240's, but thats only if your looking for an open-back pair of headphones

The kns's came recommended off of kvr (audio production forums), a ton of guys over there use em cause they have a nice price point vs. sound quality, and a good flat response that you need for audio production. That being said the m50's are also a fair bet as well

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I just can't get enough of MysterD complaining about missing price mistakes.
As I posted in the GG thread. Can anyone confirm the GG Sniper Elite Complete was availble to yankees? I've only found evidence of it in Poland and Estonia. (GG has regional pricing.) Also, why have I only seen mention of it after the fact?
Someone decided borderlands 2 goty is too "good" at 75% off, so they changed it back to 50%. :rofl:\
They posted on Facebook that the GOTY was 75% off today, so hard to imagine it was a glitch.
I am not impressed. Then again, it's published by 2K. 2K and Bethesda love to offer poor discounts on anything containing DLC unless the game is many years old.

Must've sold too well. Can't have a Steam sale with good prices [on non-bundle fodder], it'd ruin everything.
It's starting to seem like it.

It's an ok game, I bought the last bundle for Clutch.. probably would've skipped it knowing how it plays now.
Thanks. I still want it, but i think I'll wait for it to be in a bundle I score something else with...

I think... still tempted... I even buy (bundled) racers with bad reviews just to see for myself.
Hmmm, then maybe the 50% discount is the glitch.

Sure hope MysterD is around to get in on this price glitch.
Borderlands 2 has WAY too much DLC for me to give a damn about it currently.

It needs to be MUCH cheaper & compiled together.


I don't need BL2 base game.

I want/need the damn DLC's.

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Borderlands 2 has WAY too much DLC for me to give a damn about it currently.
It needs to be MUCH cheaper & compiled together.

I don't need BL2 base game.
I want/need the damn DLC's.
I feel this is in the same class of complaining that SR3 or Sleeping Dogs has too much DLC...
you don't need it, some are obviously cosmetic. Some add various amounts of content, for those who like it.
I gave up on Awesomenauts dlcs because they are way too many of them, and BL2 is even worst. All that amount of dlcs is really getting out of hand.
maybe they do complete dlc pack or completee packi i was bout to but a friend told me there chance so i didnt

I feel this is in the same class of complaining that SR3 or Sleeping Dogs has too much DLC...
you don't need it, some are obviously cosmetic. Some add various amounts of content, for those who like it.
Of course he doesn't need it, and deep down he probably doesn't actually want it, but he can't be bothered to update his hoykey for ALL DLC so he winds up trapping himself in a cage with the key in his pocket.

For Posterity: Community Voting Results

Got Disappointment?

22% - Fez @ 75%
38% - Brothers - A Tale of Two Sons @ 70%
40% - Chivalry @ 75%
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Kind of surprised Fez didn't win that one. Was that the one Humble Bundle the Steam audience picked up?

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I'd rather think the voting was rigged instead of thinking people voted for a game that was just on a daily deal for two days.

Or Dungeon Defenders or Magicka or Train Simulator
Magicka get brought up from time to time, I think it's gotten old and stale to rally against it too much.

Railworks gets brought up on occassion.

Dungeon Defenders has only been mentioned a couple times I think...

But no one *ever* complains about Dawn of War DLC...

Are you implying that it's only too much DLC when they don't own it?
No, when there's too much DLC, there's too much DLC; whether people own it all or not. However, when you already own it all, it's less likely to come to mind (unless you bought it all individually) during relevant discussions than games that you want (but don't have) the DLC for.

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Worst community vote yet, all indie games, all pre-bundled.

The Ys flash deal is good, for anyone that hasn't bought it yet.
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