The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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It's a little disappointing, but considering MW2 is the only CoD I played through the story of, and even that became a massive fucking chore? I don't know, these are multiplayer games, pure and simple. The story always feels tacked on in warfare FPSs.

In fact, the way Respawn is handling the "story" sounds about right to me:

“There’s a mode in the game that’s called campaign multiplayer where you play as both sides. You are shown the story of each one.

“You are going to have characters that are going to be with you for the entire narrative. Each map has a different mission which tells a different part of the story. There are introductions and outros that show you escape and characters that are going to give you context and narrative throughout the entire thing as well.”

And this doesn't have much to do with the story bit above, but one of the dudes said this:

"We make these single-player missions that take up all the focus of the studio, that take a huge team six months to make, and players run through it in 8 minutes," he said. "And how many people finish the single-player game? It's a small percentage. It's like, everyone plays through the first level, but 5 percent of people finish the game. Really, you split the team. They're two different games. They're balanced differently, they're scoped differently. But people spend hundreds of hours in the multiplayer experience versus 'as little time as possible rushing to the end' [in single-player]. So why do all the resources go there? To us it made sense to put it here. Now everybody sees all those resources, and multiplayer is better. For us it made sense."

For games like this, it's hard not to agree. These aren't story based games like Bioshock, Halo, etc.
I can't speak for the rest of the planet - but I always do the SP and MP components for CoD series & BF series.

So.... {Shoulder shrug}

Usually, I do the 5-10 hour SP campaign; then spend probably a good 10 hours w/ MP - then I've had enough and want to move on, since that often seems to be enough for me.

Titanfall is Respawn's game - and if they want to make an "always online" multiplayer experience, so be it. They just won't be getting my money anytime soon.

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You can max out stealth and pistol skills and basically "easy-mode" the action parts of the game (I did :fridge: ); however, it's still a great game, well worth a few maple leaves or whatever passes for currency north of the border.
I also found hand-to-hand combat and I think it was assault-rifles also overpowering - and that's without sinking jack-crap into those skills. Spam those attacks, forget it - you can go to town.

But, yeah - as unbalanced as Alpha Protocol is, the choices are what make the game as great as it is. This is a game certainly worth replaying. Depending even when you take what missions on or exactly what decisions you make, the way the game can totally turn out in-game and even w/ your final results can be quite a bit differently.


And, OMG - the boss battle on harder difficulties with...

...Brayko can be quite brutal.

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Anyone playing Avadon 2 the Corruption
Avadon 2 is UtopianMachine's new crack right now, she's played an absurd amount of it and seems to be really digging it like she did the original. That said going off what she said, it's very similar to the first (and likely the rest of Spiderweb's games) so if you have those which you should from a bundle, you should probably spend some time with them first to see if you like the sort of game they make.

Finally getting around to Batman AC.  Read about it having issues with DX11 (being poorly coded or w/e) and just to use DX9.  Of course, a lot of that was old -- anyone know if they eventually got around to fixing/optimizing the DX11 version?

Avadon 2 is UtopianMachine's new crack right now, she's played an absurd amount of it and seems to be really digging it like she did the original. That said going off what she said, it's very similar to the first (and likely the rest of Spiderweb's games) so if you have those which you should from a bundle, you should probably spend some time with them first to see if you like the sort of game they make.
Avadon 2 is UtopianMachine's new crack right now, she's played an absurd amount of it and seems to be really digging it like she did the original. That said going off what she said, it's very similar to the first (and likely the rest of Spiderweb's games) so if you have those which you should from a bundle, you should probably spend some time with them first to see if you like the sort of game they make.
So 2 is more of the same then. I already know I like Spiderweb games although I haven't spent much time with Avadon. I'll have to decide if I want to skip 1 and go straight to 2 or skip 2 and just get my fill with 1. Thanks for the input!

But, yeah - as unbalanced as Alpha Protocol is, the choices are what make the game as great as it is. This is a game certainly worth replaying. Depending even when you take what missions on or exactly what decisions you make, the way the game can totally turn out in-game and even w/ your final results can be quite a bit differently.
I was sad to hear there would not be a sequel. For all its problems at least it was different in a good and interesting way.

It's fundle bodder.
y u no wait for Humble KoA Bundle?

Universe Litterbox 8DQ5F-2QWBW-96G?K
Someone cleaned the litterbox. I don't know. I just wanted to say that.

Finally getting around to Batman AC. Read about it having issues with DX11 (being poorly coded or w/e) and just to use DX9. Of course, a lot of that was old -- anyone know if they eventually got around to fixing/optimizing the DX11 version?
I don't think they really did, they improved it. I think playable in DX11 now... I played it early on in DX9. IIRC, the DX11 differences were pretty minimal.

Tesselation for wall textures in Ivy's lair, and a slight difference in HBAO(?) vs SSAO iirc. PhysX improves the experience more than the DX11 stuff.

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While we have monthly mouse discussions, I don't remember any recent keyboard chatter.  My current keyboard just crapped out on me.  Dug out the box and was going to drag it back to Best Buy but apparently I purchased it in 2010 and my product replacement plan has long since expired.

I have become extremely fond of the optional left hand WASD layout of the Merc Stealth.  Unfortunately this keyboard is no longer in production so someday in the future I will be required to re-learn traditional fingering.   :oldman:

What say you, Steam "Deals" Thread?  Any recommendations on replacements?  My major requirements are some form of anti-ghosting (the Logitech Internet Navigator I pulled off the basement keyboard pile cannot handle simultaneous keypresses), and no excessive clackering. 

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Damn it forgot to grab Takedown: Red Sabre earlier today. For some reason I thought it would be available through the night since it said it ended the 17th, but forgot that only lasts till 1300 on the 17th. Poop, here's hoping for it being in a bundle soon.
Damn it forgot to grab Takedown: Red Sabre earlier today. For some reason I thought it would be available through the night since it said it ended the 17th, but forgot that only lasts till 1300 on the 17th. Poop, here's hoping for it being in a bundle soon.
You seriously regret not buying Takedown?
Not really bad but I did intend on getting it with my Gabenbux while on sale. I'm more upset at myself for forgetting more than anything. Granted I probably wouldn't get around to playing it until 2019.
Not really bad but I did intend on getting it with my Gabenbux while on sale. I'm more upset at myself for forgetting more than anything. Granted I probably wouldn't get around to playing it until 2019.
I think you're better off not playing it.. it's one of the worst games on Steam.
I think you're better off not playing it.. it's one of the worst games on Steam.
It's a highly realistic kill-or-be-killed swat-team-sim. Don't dis it because you suck at it. It's a big-boy game, not some loligagging, grenade-eating, heathpack munching shooter.

Not sure if I was supposed to yellow comic sans that or not.


<awesome Titanfall review>
Just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I'm not really a COD or even FPS kind of guy, but I enjoyed reading it. FPSes give me a headache but I still have nostalgia for my old Quake days so it's always fun to read about people enjoying the genre and pulling off stuff that I can't do now (and actually could never do anyway because I sucked when I did play). Now, to part with $3.75 Steam wallet for Alpha Protocol or not? I want it, but it's been this price before and I've been waiting for so long...

Grabbed Savant Ascent, which I'd intended to buy during the Winter Sale (when does it start?) but forgotten.  Actually, I grabbed it last night since the new weeklies were evidently already in effect.

Just wanted to say thanks for posting this. I'm not really a COD or even FPS kind of guy, but I enjoyed reading it. FPSes give me a headache but I still have nostalgia for my old Quake days so it's always fun to read about people enjoying the genre and pulling off stuff that I can't do now (and actually could never do anyway because I sucked when I did play). Now, to part with $3.75 Steam wallet for Alpha Protocol or not? I want it, but it's been this price before and I've been waiting for so long...
no go buy me urban trials game heh jk u should if ito nur wishl ist

I bought Card City Nights.

I have no shame.

I like it.

I bought a new game without reviews and should be shunned.
Okay played about 1.2 hours of Card City Nights, decently fun card game. Reminds me a lot of a card game I played called Nature of the Beast. What you do is there is a 3x3 board, you place a card down each turn, and each card may/may not have arrows pointed in places. Each card has a symbol (normal, attack, defend, revive) and getting 3 or more of a symbol in a row causes the thing to go off (attack can attack an enemy card and kill them making the spot on their board worthless until it's removed or revived, or go for the opponents HP), defend gives you hp, and revive brings back a dead card on your board (not from your graveyard). A normal symbol acts as any of the symbols. For each of the symbols they add to there usefulness (If you have 3 cards with attack symbols and they all match they can do up to 3 damage). Cards have special abilities which add to the game. You win either by making someone use all their cards (can have 40 card decks max) or by them having their HP down to 0 (Once someone can't draw they take 1 damage every time they need to draw). You buy/win boosters and cards and it's generally a fun card game, I would recommend at the first weeks price.

Also the steam cards you may get might pay for about 40-50 cents off the purchase which isn't bad!

Recommended esp to those who like playing board games, ccgs or card games that act like board games like Nature of the Beast. It's easy to learn and good fun. I'm not sure of how long the game is but you need to get legendary cards and once you get them all (believe there are 8) you fight the final guy.
Have you guys unlocked any of these achievements yet? Debating on whether if it's worth buying the game just to attain GMG credits lol.

10 Damage Combo in Card City Nights
9 Card Combo in Card City Nights
5 Turn Win! in Card City Nights
6 Card Combo in Card City Nights
Complete Game in Card City Nights
8 Turn Win! in Card City Nights
5 Damage Combo in Card City Nights

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Anyone playing Avadon 2 the Corruption or Silent Storm Gold? Both are on sale for $2.50/75% off right now and I am considering a purchase so they will show up in bundles soon.
I just bought silent storm. Maybe will play it tomorrow. I just love TBS and tactic games, can't stop playing them (should return to eador too)
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I'm really tempted to grab Strider. I can get it for $12 from a trader, and I have three leftover TF2 keys from some trades from a while back... which would bring it down to $6 or so.

Tempted... stupid preorder exclusive bonuses. :(

Edit: Eh, grabbed it. I feel ashamed.

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While we have monthly mouse discussions, I don't remember any recent keyboard chatter. My current keyboard just crapped out on me. Dug out the box and was going to drag it back to Best Buy but apparently I purchased it in 2010 and my product replacement plan has long since expired.

I have become extremely fond of the optional left hand WASD layout of the Merc Stealth. Unfortunately this keyboard is no longer in production so someday in the future I will be required to re-learn traditional fingering. :oldman:

What say you, Steam "Deals" Thread? Any recommendations on replacements? My major requirements are some form of anti-ghosting (the Logitech Internet Navigator I pulled off the basement keyboard pile cannot handle simultaneous keypresses), and no excessive clackering.
Honestly? If its the keyboard you truly love... I suggest stocking up for Armageddon. Less than 50 for a keyboard you love is an awesome deal in my mind. Buy 2 of them and think of it as buying a normal keyboard. And then buy 2 more for a backup of your new normal keyboard.

Well, as it turns out, I did end up doing Four in February.  Two games I had started earlier than this month, but I did finish them this month.

Dishonored (awesome secret santa gift from Tsel)

Organ Trail: Director's Cut

Crazy Machines

Hitman: Blood Money

Good games, all.  I think I'll next be hitting Dragon Age Origins, so I likely won't be finishing anything else in February.

Good games, all. I think I'll next be hitting Dragon Age Origins, so I likely won't be finishing anything else in February.
Depending on your playtime and how much time you have to game you might not finish anything in March too... DAO is long! (but in a good way!)

Congrats btw! :D

Two games I had started earlier than this month, but I did finish them this month.

I think I'll next be hitting Dragon Age Origins, so I likely won't be finishing anything else in February.
I don't know why it took me this long to buy/play it, but I can now see what all the fuss is about. I'm officially a Bioware fanboi. I'll probably get into Awakening and the other campaigns this weekend. Mages are awesome (though I'm mage biased). I do kinda wish I upped the difficulty though. I think I could probably handle Nightmare for the most part, save for a few tough instances.
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