The Steam Deals Thread v10

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1137 (100%)
New Thread:

This thread has been replaced by TSDT v11 :wave:

Daily Deal:
Please check the Steam homepage.

Weeklong Deals:
Steam usually has week-long deals that change on Mondays at 6PM UTC. They mostly feature indie games, and may not run every week.

Sale summary lists:

⤷ indicates DLC, — specifies part of a pack, + shows alternative versions, ⚠ highlights things worth knowing, ♫ is obvious, and ... denotes a multi-pack.

Holiday Sale 2013 | 19/12/13 through 3/1/14:
Days 1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, 13-14.

Spring/Autumn Sale 2013 | 27/11/13 through 3/12/13:
All days.

Steam deals on other stores: (Related threads on CAG.)

Indie* bundle threads: (*Not always indie, nor always a bundle.)

Free stuff:
There are quite a few free games (mostly Free to Play) and mods available via the Steam platform, a comprehensive list of which can be found in this thread on the SPUF.
(NOTE: free games are not permanently attached to your Steam account like actual purchases would be. You'll need to manually download a game again from the website if you uninstall it.)

Past Steam Deals Threads:

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[/customspoiler] seems like something Motoki would enjoy. I wonder where he is?

Long Live The Queen
He played, beat, and recommended it a few days ago. You've gotta get back in the loop man ;)

For the record though he's basically left us for Reddit siting "drama" as the cause. First Ashes, now Motoki; y u guyz do dis 2 me :cry:

He played, beat, and recommended it a few days ago. You've gotta get back in the loop man ;)

For the record though he's basically left us for Reddit siting "drama" as the cause. First Ashes, now Motoki; y u guyz do dis 2 me :cry:
he got scaredd of me must be he saw i was too interesting and peopple doenst like him no more ash prolly the mods faultaand spodeerman must be

Damn, 9 pages already. I don't remember a red "This Topic Has Been Locked" banner when any of the previous Steam threads were closed, truth be told when I saw that I immediately thought that the mods had finally decided to close the thread because they were tired of constantly dealing the the Steam Thread regulars being reported. I figured they just got tired of banning/silencing a few of us at a time and decided to just to kill the channel. Radio silent. After I had a good cry, I dared to hope that it was just a new thread being started. I'd like to say hello again  to you all, before I awake from this requiem only to find that I really did cry myself to sleep and the the CAG Steam Thread truly did die. R.I.P. CAG Steam Thread. R.I.P. {sniffle}.....I love you all.

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he got scaredd of me must be he saw i was too interesting and peopple doenst like him no more ash prolly the mods faultaand spodeerman must be
I like Motoki, and am really sad he doesn't post here much at all anymore. Same for Ashes, UtopianMachine, and anyone else I've unfortunately forgotten.

R.I.P. CAG Steam Thread. R.I.P. {sniffle}.....I love you all.
Before the thread went down we had a bit of a moment :grouphug:

I like Motoki, and am really sad he doesn't post here much at all anymore. Same for Ashes, UtopianMachine, and anyone else I've unfortunately forgotten.

Before the thread went down we had a bit of a moment :grouphug:
I feel like the people who stop posting are the ones who had invested too much of their time to the few PC topics on what is nothing more than a message board. Motoki and Idiot invested a lot emotionally and realized they're powerless as regular members to control the entire forum and opinions within it. I have no idea why Ashes isn't posting much anymore, but I don't read the Amazon thread. She and RollingSkull just seem to dislike the off-topic stuff, which happens a lot more often than it used to (thanks, Mind Link). FWIW, I hope they're out there socializing IRL; pretty sure they were all on here at least 8 hours a day.

As for UM, she still lurks around. She'll be more active during the holiday sales, you can be sure of that.

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I feel like the people who stop posting are the ones who had invested too much of their time to the few PC topics on what is nothing more than a message board. Motoki and Idiot invested a lot emotionally and realized they're powerless as regular members to control the entire forum and opinions within it. I have no idea why Ashes isn't posting much anymore, but I don't read the Amazon thread.

Why'd ya have to tell it like it is???

You're way off about hasheesh though. She was a picture poster.

Also, cats and dogs are sensitive.

And also too, the internet is outside now so it's not necessary to drop everything to post. Streets is watchin'

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walkonshadows said:
Damn, 9 pages already. I don't remember a red "This Topic Has Been Locked" banner when any of the previous Steam threads were closed, truth be told when I saw that I immediately thought that the mods had finally decided to close the thread because they were tired of constantly dealing the the Steam Thread regulars being reported. I figured they just got tired of banning/silencing a few of us at a time and decided to just to kill the channel. Radio silent. After I had a good cry, I dared to hope that it was just a new thread being started. I'd like to say hello again to you all, before I awake from this requiem only to find that I really did cry myself to sleep and the the CAG Steam Thread truly did die. R.I.P. CAG Steam Thread. R.I.P. {sniffle}.....I love you all.
damn, you have to go and post this after I run out of Likes. ;)
Well said.

Blade said:
I feel like the people who stop posting are the ones who had invested too much of their time to the few PC topics on what is nothing more than a message board. Motoki and Idiot invested a lot emotionally and realized they're powerless as regular members to control the entire forum and opinions within it. I have no idea why Ashes isn't posting much anymore, but I don't read the Amazon thread. She and RollingSkull just seem to dislike the off-topic stuff, which happens a lot more often than it used to (thanks, Mind Link). FWIW, I hope they're out there socializing IRL; pretty sure they were all on here at least 8 hours a day.

As for UM, she still lurks around. She'll be more active during the holiday sales, you can be sure of that.
I drove away ashes with my burger pics :(
What's sad is that this thread and gaming in general needs more female gamers. Truth be told, every single time a woman has weighed her opinion about a subject concerning gaming, I have found it to be intelligent and deeper in understanding than male counterparts arguments/thoughts (partly why I believe CheapLikeAFox is really a girl). The one exception being when BridgetFisher posted drunk like 3-4 times. But I find that interaction to be sorely missing.....and this thread needs more Gingers regardless. #ashestoashes

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I think the lack of soda vs pop debating drove them away. LONG LIVE THE SODA WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now where is my craft beer?

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You were just asking for that

What's sad is that this thread and gaming in general needs more female gamers. Truth be told, every single time a woman has weighed her opinion about a subject concerning gaming, I have found it to be intelligent and deeper in understanding than male counterparts arguments/thoughts (partly why I believe CheapLikeAFox is really a girl). The one exception being when BridgetFisher posted drunk like 3-4 times. But I find that interaction to be sorely missing.....and this thread needs more Gingers regardless. #ashestoashes

You know, I think you're probably right, but if there are two things the "gaming community" hates, it's females and intelligent discourse - so we may never know.

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damn, you have to go and post this after I run out of Likes. ;)
Well said.

I drove away ashes with my burger pics :(
no it mutant ninja squrrels

I think the lack of soda vs pop debating drove them away. LONG LIVE THE SODA WARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now where is my craft beer?
oh really now

mmm dem burgers look mighty juicy and tasty.

ur wierdo snakey

mind link u wild boy

CAG is more than just a message board.

It's also a way of life.
for u it is way life it where i get mind link sunasun making laugh

I dont get u bro, is your way of talking to people posting up that guys avatar pics and gifs? ur sooo weird
nope ur wierder



Edit: Sorry, that was a bit harsh. Didn't mean to offend anybody.
are u sure u offend sunasun jr how could u could u

[/customspoiler] seems like something Motoki would enjoy. I wonder where he is?

Long Live The Queen
Motoki said:
TL;DR - Don't judge a book by it's cover. Yes it looks girly and cute as hell but it's actually quite serious with a lot strategy involved and most importantly it's interesting and fun. Don't expect it to be in a bundle or on a super cheap sale any time soon.

Let's get one thing out of the way. This is a strategy game. Not a take 6 hours and a lot of youtube videos to learn Paradox strategy game, but definitely a strategy game first and foremost nonetheless.

[It looks like a Visual Novel superficially and there are some stats and advancement like an RPG. It does have elements of both but primarily what you will be doing is strategizing and trying to stay alive. Because a lot of people want Elodie dead and there's lots and lots of ways to die. And you will die in this game but that's okay because you learn from it and go back and get a chance to redo things different and that's actually part of the fun of it. What if I zigged instead of zagged? What if I learned that skill instead of the other? etc.

The idea is that everyone is scheming against you and you have to plan and plot and try to protect yourself while also trying to predict future events in various ways. The game has a short tutorial in the beginning but the mechanics are actually pretty simple once you get them down, which doesn't take long. Elodie's mood is affected by events that go on around her which affects bonuses and penalties to learning skills which in turn affects how events go down.

When events happen to change the story you'll get a notification whether you pass/failed a skill check which helps you figure out what skills might be useful to learn. You can turn these notifications off and of course events are unpredictable, except when they're not. There's ways for trying to predict the future if you so choose to spend time on that.

If you can get the hell over the fact that the game is visually girly and super cutesy, it's actually quite serious. For what it is, I think that it's done quite well and that Hanako managed to make something unique that gives a strategy game experience without a bunch of dry menus and statistics but does it on a much more personal level.

Lastly since I know the bulk of my Steam friends are cheapasses (I mean that in the most endearing way possible) I want to point out that this game is unlikely to end up in a bundle as Hanako's other game Magical Diary has been on Steam for a year and a half but never has been bundled. It also pretty rarely goes on sale with generally the big semi-annual sales being the main time it goes on sale. I wouldn't expect much discount on the winter sale so if you are waiting for it to go 50%+ off it may not happen until July 2014. I do, however, feel the game is reasonably priced for what it is, the uniqueness of and the amount of time and replayability it gives.

If you are interested in this game and actually will bump it to the top of your backlog then I say just go for it and I personally recommend it. It's refreshingly different for a Steam game.
He only played it for 3.6 hours. Yikes. I don't buy $9 games that're so short.
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so.... any steambros getting a ps4?
Maybe in like 5 years when the price goes down and I can compare which system has the better exclusives (if this past generation carries any further indications, it'll be ps4). I'm just now preparing to buy a PS3...hoping for some good bundle deals when the PS4 drops. I know this will catch flak, but the only system I'm buying for sure is Wii U.

So I'm a huge Fable fan and I see the deal is still live. Does the original game have Steam achievements? I haven't played hardly any PC games for the past few years since console gaming has been better for a while, but I'd be happy to go back to Fable for some achievements, even if they are on a system I don't much care about. I couldn't find anything on the product page about them. Is there a equivalent for steam that I can check achievement lists on?

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Maybe in like 5 years when the price goes down and I can compare which system has the better exclusives (if this past generation carries any further indications, it'll be ps4). I'm just now preparing to buy a PS3...hoping for some good bundle deals when the PS4 drops. I know this will catch flak, but the only system I'm buying for sure is Wii U.
naw im actually with you

i'm holding off on ps4/xbone but ill get a wiiu when smash bros comes out

I can tell you fo shure that Fox is not a girl (unless his wife hijacks his CAG account occasionally).
I know he uses a male name when we send mail back and forth, but he/she is crafty enough to use an alias in order to make her/his alternate persona more believable. Very crafty...crafty like a, like a.....something. Oh, is this off topic again..ugh,umm....SteamOS, GFWL, deals, and finally......because you know it has to be said.... When does the Steam Winter Sale start?

So I'm a huge Fable fan and I see the deal is still live. Does the original game have Steam achievements? I haven't played hardly any PC games for the past few years since console gaming has been better for a while, but I'd be happy to go back to Fable for some achievements, even if they are on a system I don't much care about. I couldn't find anything on the product page about them. Is there a equivalent for steam that I can check achievement lists on?
If it's not on the product page, it doesn't have them (I think). It wouldn't surprise me, other older games that have cheevos on xbox/ps don't have them on PC. For example, Oblivion doesn't.

I can tell you fo shure that Fox is not a girl (unless his wife hijacks his CAG account occasionally).
Get a little something extra with your last gala gift link?
No need to feel left out - just put a little tip on top and you can get it too.
Dick pics delivered with IG bundles upon request.

New idea:

Instead of voting games into Steam via Greenlight, all games get added to Steam and we vote them out via Redlight.

18 likes and counting CAGs. The standard has been set, let's see who can top it.

no, it doesn't have achievements. seems weird that you buying a 10 yr old game is contingent on dem steam cheevos anyway ?
Why would it be weird? I very rarely play games that don't have achievements/trophies and given that I have already played the game through (and still own it of course) the only reason to buy a copy on another platform would be because it has achievements. Why shell out cash for a game you can already play if there is absolutely no incentive to pay for it again?

Since it's GFWL wouldn't it have GFWL achievements? Again, haven't really played GFWL games either.

EDIT: Looked on and found that Fable III does indeed have achievements but no sign of Fable. Probably worth a few dollar to rip through it again for another fun and easy 100%. I'm in the minority that thinks III (except for the god awful ending) was better than II. I don't know why people argue about it anyway since Fable is so much better than either of its sequels.

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Why would it be weird? I very rarely play games that don't have achievements/trophies and given that I have already played the game through (and still own it of course) the only reason to buy a copy on another platform would be because it has achievements. Why shell out cash for a game you can already play if there is absolutely no incentive to pay for it again?

Since it's GFWL wouldn't it have GFWL achievements? Again, haven't really played GFWL games either.
so all it takes for you to crack your wallet again is some skinner box satisfaction text? damn. i like to play games on their own merit so that whole concept is weird to me. you could be right about GFWL achievements but i wouldn't bother. the port is garbage and doesn't support controllers. you already have the better version.

So I'm a huge Fable fan and I see the deal is still live. Does the original game have Steam achievements? I haven't played hardly any PC games for the past few years since console gaming has been better for a while, but I'd be happy to go back to Fable for some achievements, even if they are on a system I don't much care about. I couldn't find anything on the product page about them. Is there a equivalent for steam that I can check achievement lists on?

no, it doesn't have achievements. seems weird that you buying a 10 yr old game is contingent on dem steam cheevos anyway ? is the Steam achievement whore mecca.

seamoss said:
No need to feel left out - just put a little tip on top and you can get it too.
what if you have a big tip?

walkonshadows said:
I know he uses a male name when we send mail back and forth, but he/she is crafty enough to use an alias in order to make her/his alternate persona more believable. Very crafty...crafty like a, like a.....something. Oh, is this off topic again..ugh,umm....SteamOS, GFWL, deals, and finally......because you know it has to be said.... When does the Steam Winter Sale start?
December 19th according to this

vince_carter said:
is this better than pinball fx? i added some douche from this website on steam and his scores in that game are godly. it ruined the whole experience
I'm sorry but you could remove me ;)
so all it takes for you to crack your wallet again is some skinner box satisfaction text? damn. i like to play games on their own merit so that whole concept is weird to me. you could be right about GFWL achievements but i wouldn't bother. the port is garbage and doesn't support controllers. you already have the better version.
I enjoy the incentive to try going out of my normal play style. I'm not an achievement whore by any means, but I do enjoy collecting them. When I'm playing a game I really enjoy I like to go out of my way to 100% it. I like to look at completions as a badge of honor that shows just how much I enjoyed playing the game. Why else would I have put myself through the torture that was some of the achievements in the Borderlands DLC? I play games I'm interested in actually playing, I don't have time to play garbage just to boost Gamerscore (look at my paltry 36k in the past 8 years of Xbox 360-if I was playing just for achievements I probably would have played Avatar by now). In the case of rebuying games I've already played and beaten in the past, it only makes sense that there is some kind of incentive to play it again on another platform, no? If not why flush your money down the drain if you already own it and can play it at any time? I don't see how this concept can be so foreign to some people. Do achievements matter? No. But that doesn't mean they aren't fun to collect all the same.

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I enjoy the incentive to try going out of my normal play style. I'm not an achievement whore by any means, but I do enjoy collecting them. When I'm playing a game I really enjoy I like to go out of my way to 100% it. Why else would I have put myself through the torture that was some of the achievements in Borderlands? I play games I'm interested in actually playing, I don't have time to play garbage just to boost Gamerscore. In the case of rebuying games I've already played and beaten in the past, it only makes sense that there is some kind of incentive to play it again on another platform, no? If not why flush your money down the drain if you already own it and can play it at any time? I don't see how this concept can be so foreign to some people. Do achievements matter? No. But that doesn't mean they aren't fun to collect all the same.

i hear you . i can definitely tell you 1st hand that the xbox version is better. mouse and kb suck for this game. unless you feel like screwing around with xpadder.

I enjoy the incentive to try going out of my normal play style. I'm not an achievement whore by any means, but I do enjoy collecting them. When I'm playing a game I really enjoy I like to go out of my way to 100% it. I like to look at completions as a badge of honor that shows just how much I enjoyed playing the game. Why else would I have put myself through the torture that was some of the achievements in the Borderlands DLC? I play games I'm interested in actually playing, I don't have time to play garbage just to boost Gamerscore. In the case of rebuying games I've already played and beaten in the past, it only makes sense that there is some kind of incentive to play it again on another platform, no? If not why flush your money down the drain if you already own it and can play it at any time? I don't see how this concept can be so foreign to some people. Do achievements matter? No. But that doesn't mean they aren't fun to collect all the same.
I don't really pay attention to achievements on my pc games, but I'm all about them on Xbox, to an extent. I think it's that pavlonian response that gets me. But they do offer a good incentive for replay on games I've already beaten, or allow me to prolong the amount of time I spend in a game I enjoy. Before I got more into PC gaming, achievements were actually a good way of keeping gaming cost down. I got a lot more mileage out of games just trying to get the majority of the achievements.

naw im actually with you

i'm holding off on ps4/xbone but ill get a wiiu when smash bros comes out
This is where I am, too, except I went ahead and bought the Zelda edition Wii U when it came out, also primarily in preparation for Smash Bros. I expect I'll get a PS4 in two years or more, after NISA has released a game or two in the Makai Kingdom / Disgaea universe as PS4 exclusives.

This is where I am, too, except I went ahead and bought the Zelda edition Wii U when it came out, also primarily in preparation for Smash Bros. I expect I'll get a PS4 in two years or more, after NISA has released a game or two in the Makai Kingdom / Disgaea universe as PS4 exclusives.
I was debating getting the zelda wii u, but I want the physical copy of the game. Think I'm gonna pick up the new Mario bundle.

so all it takes for you to crack your wallet again is some skinner box satisfaction text? damn. i like to play games on their own merit so that whole concept is weird to me. you could be right about GFWL achievements but i wouldn't bother. the port is garbage and doesn't support controllers. you already have the better version.
The only thing more satisfying than playing games on their own merit is smugly berating people who derive different enjoyments from games than you do.

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